Healthy Snacks??? WTF!!!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    talenti gelato ….oh wait that would be classified as "bad" by this OP ….suck to be you man, as you are missing out..

    On a serious note, there are no "bad" snacks. If you can eat a couple Oreos, maintain your deficit, and ht your macros then you will still lose weight and can eat what you want.

    It also sounds like you have restricted yourself to the point of madness…but hey, whatever works for you OP...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What exactly is "bad" about Oreos and ice cream sandwiches? Cite your sources, please.

    I know it's hard to convey tone on the internet, but I have to admit, I read your post in a judgemental tone.

    Maybe he just doesn't want to eat them?
    Perhaps they're a trigger food and will cause over indulgence and he still hasn't learnt portion control/resistance with those foods yet? I know I'm still learning that I can't have ice-cream in the house, because I will eat it all in one night! So for now, I don't buy ice-cream for at home. : )

    whhhhaaaaat?? OP is the one labeling certain foods as bad and someone asks for evidence as to why they are bad and the response is that, that person is being judgmental??? Oh the irony …OP labels certain foods bad, but that is perfectly legitimate; someone questions said labeling and then is labeled as being judgmental…really?
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    talenti gelato ….oh wait that would be classified as "bad" by this OP ….suck to be you man, as you are missing out..

    what is your favorite flavor?? I am having a hard time deciding which one to try next! :glasses:
  • oldholden
    oldholden Posts: 11 Member
    Get your self one of these - if you are not in Australia I am certain you would find similar where you live.

    It makes soft serve "ice cream" with only frozen fruit - nothing else !!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    talenti gelato ….oh wait that would be classified as "bad" by this OP ….suck to be you man, as you are missing out..

    what is your favorite flavor?? I am having a hard time deciding which one to try next! :glasses:

    raspberry chocolate chip is the BOMB…

    i also like the belgium chocolate….
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    You take that back about Oreos, now!!!

    Take it back!!!!

    Poor Oreos never did nothing bad 'gainst no one no how . . .
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    When I want something sweet, I usually go for a few pieces of dark chocolate (25-50 calories each and very satisfying), or a 1/2 cup portion of ice cream. Just made a marvelous apple crisp from a Cooking Light cookbook that's about 200 calories for a portion--a small portion, mind you, but enough to let you know you've had something sweet and delicious. I'm new at this and I imagine I'll find other good indulgences as I go on.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    And why does everyone feel the need to defend Oreos from the charge of being "bad" food? They're highly processed, full of artificial ingredients, and lacking in nutrition--pretty much the definition of junk food. A few Oreos aren't going to kill you, but you can hardly argue they're a healthy choice. (And they don't even have much flavor!)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Quest protein bars seem to be my treat. They taste like cardboard mixed with cough syrup but that's what I like.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    And why does everyone feel the need to defend Oreos from the charge of being "bad" food? They're highly processed, full of artificial ingredients, and lacking in nutrition--pretty much the definition of junk food. A few Oreos aren't going to kill you, but you can hardly argue they're a healthy choice. (And they don't even have much flavor!)

    they are not good or bad they are just food, period.
  • SummerIsis
    SummerIsis Posts: 141 Member
    my go-to 200-calorie snacks are:

    Greek Yogurt with Frozen Blueberries or Frozen Cherries
    Greek Yogurt with peanuts and raisins
    Greek Yogurt Dip with Apples/Celery/Carrots/Pretzels for dipping (add cinnamon and honey or spices such as garlic, onion, dill)
    Peanuts and Raisins
    Chocolate Chia Pudding
    Olives and Macadamia Nuts
    Apple/Celery/Carrots with Peanut Butter

    or just fresh fruit. I love eating a handful of blueberries and/or strawberries.
  • SummerIsis
    SummerIsis Posts: 141 Member
    And why does everyone feel the need to defend Oreos from the charge of being "bad" food? They're highly processed, full of artificial ingredients, and lacking in nutrition--pretty much the definition of junk food. A few Oreos aren't going to kill you, but you can hardly argue they're a healthy choice. (And they don't even have much flavor!)

    agreed. not all "foods" are created equal. many don't even meet the definition of food
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    And why does everyone feel the need to defend Oreos from the charge of being "bad" food? They're highly processed, full of artificial ingredients, and lacking in nutrition--pretty much the definition of junk food. A few Oreos aren't going to kill you, but you can hardly argue they're a healthy choice. (And they don't even have much flavor!)

    No one said they are a healthy choice, but they are not "bad." They are just food. I imagine people are speaking up because they are tired of clean-eating proponents demonizing all foods that they don't eat, as it invariably devolves into finger-pointing about who's healthier. Because of course anyone who isn't eating clean is eating "bad" food all day long and there is no middle ground (for reference, see every clean eating thread on MFP). If someone doesn't want to eat Oreos, fine, but there is no reason to refer to food that others may choose to eat as crap or junk.
  • mychanges83
    mychanges83 Posts: 12 Member
    I like Pop chips and rice crackers
  • snootmaster
    snootmaster Posts: 69 Member
    One of MFP's told me about this . They have an i-phone app if that is at all useful to you. Anyway, you can scan the bar code of prospective snacks and it will give you a "grade" for how healthy or not healthy the snack is for you. I do not always 100% agree with them but it is a start.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Best thing to do? Get a bag or organic popping corn and a jar of coconut oil. Make your own popcorn at home and it tastes like theater popcorn!
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    Airpop Popcorn Maker! I enjoyed this for snacks when I craved others...
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I don't understand the concept of "cheat" meal or snack. I eat all kinds of deliciousness and just make it fit into my calories. The majority of my food is nutrient rich, but I set aside a small portion each day for something that meets my emotional needs: chocolate covered pretzels, angel food cake, cinnamon almonds, water crackers and Nutella. Those are all on that list.

    I don't think this is cheating. It's part of my lifestyle plan.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    What about chia pudding? You chia seeds with any milk, cream, or substitute like coconut milk/cream, almond. You can make chai flavor by adding cardamom, cinnamon, and vanilla. I sometimes make chocolate for my son. I do t add sugar to mine, but I add a bit to his. You can find recipes online.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Chocolite protein bars.

    Those are my go-to snacks.....about 100 cal, 10g protein, 10g fiber, sugar free, gluten fav's are cookies and cream and triple chocolate fudge.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    My favorite recently has been a serving of Wheat Thins with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (Ranch Wheat Thins and Creamy Swiss cheese wedge - yummmy).

    Or try a protein bar. Stay away from the granola bars, but the protein bars generally have about 200 cals and 8-10 gms of protein.

    And by the way - the 100-cal packs of Oreos don't have any cream in them, just the chocolate wafers. WTF?! How can you call them Oreos?!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    Quest bars, Fiber one protein bar or Skinny Cow Ice Cream and Nature Valley Protein Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate bar are great!
  • HealthyMakeover
    HealthyMakeover Posts: 142 Member
    You could try Fiber One 90 calorie cakes/brownies/bars.
    They taste good, come in many different flavors, and are low calorie.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    What exactly is "bad" about Oreos and ice cream sandwiches? Cite your sources, please.

    trying to stay under 200 calories. 3 oreos are about 150. 6 oreos are 'bout tree fiddy.......

    Then stop at 3.
  • Quest bars, Fiber one protein bar or Skinny Cow Ice Cream and Nature Valley Protein Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate bar are great!

    Bought a case of the Nature Valley Protein Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate bar at Costco. Less than fiddy cents (.50) a bar. They also had some low cal ice cream sammiches....
  • You could try Fiber One 90 calorie cakes/brownies/bars.
    They taste good, come in many different flavors, and are low calorie.

    Got a box of the brownie bars.
  • What exactly is "bad" about Oreos and ice cream sandwiches? Cite your sources, please.

    trying to stay under 200 calories. 3 oreos are about 150. 6 oreos are 'bout tree fiddy.......

    Then stop at 3.

  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    For a healthy snack that will feel like a cheat:

    Slice up an apple

    Spread PB thinly on top

    Sprinkle with what you like. Some ideas: chopped walnuts or almonds, dark chocolate chips, shredded coconut.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    What exactly is "bad" about Oreos and ice cream sandwiches? Cite your sources, please.


    If I want a sweet snack then I might have something along the lines of 2 Oreos (small bwl of ice cream, handful of potato chips) . I can surely arrange my calories and macros to allow for a small treat once a week. Maybe the problem lies not in the Oreos but in consuming more than a reasonable amount.

    Yes. I dont see myself eating three Oreos. Playing with fire..................

    BWHAHAHAHA, what is this nonsense about eating 3 oreos? That is like suggesting I drink one glass of wine, its not going to happen. Its the whole sleeve or nothing, just like its the whole bottle, then more 4 beers.........
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Honestly, if you're at the point that you don't even ask for a cheat day or meal, have whatever you want to have as cheat snack. I don't think you could do much harm. I can hardly think at any snack that could be considered "cheat" and "healthy" all at once.

    Doesn't have to be healthy. I just want something tasty, sweet, and filling under 200 calories.

    one serving of Turkey Hill light i slike 110 calories.

    If the oreo's are 'better' than the so called 'healthy' snacks- just eat them.

    seriously- it's a cheat 'snack' which means it doesn't fit into your budget- or plan- so why worry about the 200.

    Just eat the damn oreos. LOL