Who caught the new episode tonight an what are your thoughts?


  • whynot5
    whynot5 Posts: 266
    Hope a biter gets Carl.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I like this show.. and I'm sorry to say I will be avoiding your thread until I've seen the episode.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    The only thing worse then teenagers is post apocalyptic teenagers, someone please punch Carl in the face.
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    Even though I'm a big fan of the show, have to say to say I found tonight's episode somewhat underwhelming. Understand they have to deal with the party's scattering, and are focusing on some character development/backstory, but it just didn't grab me. Worse, I get the feeling that the next XX number of episodes will be this "hopping" from sub-group to sub-group on alternate weeks. Not "bad", just not exactly what I was envisioning.....
  • debbiesweety
    I never want to hear Rock say "CAAARRRLL" ever again!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i kind of agree with Carl. i also lost respect for rick when he became farmer ted in the apocalypse. the best moment that showed how far off reservation he got was when he held off telling daryl the truth about carol so he could admire his soybeans and chew on a stalk of wheat or whatever that was.

    rick has pretty much been on my nerves since season 2 anyway, so yeah i really dont begrudge carl about losing respect/faith in his dad.

    i'm also not looking forward to the group skipping. i just hope they all get reunited no later than episode 3
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    i kind of agree with Carl. i also lost respect for rick when he became farmer ted in the apocalypse. the best moment that showed how far off reservation he got was when he held off telling daryl the truth about carol so he could admire his soybeans and chew on a stalk of wheat or whatever that was.

    rick has pretty much been on my nerves since season 2 anyway, so yeah i really dont begrudge carl about losing respect/faith in his dad.

    i'm also not looking forward to the group skipping. i just hope they all get reunited no later than episode 3

    No blame for Carl losing faith in Rick, just hate having to deal with teenage I know everything and can do it myself stupidity too much on a daily basis as it is. He was making stupid choices (probably as a coping mechanism because he thought his dad was going to die) and nearly got himself killed multiple times because of it.

    Sorry, I just work with this age group too much, their long term thinking things through skills suck, and it doesn't matter how many adult like responsibilities they have, they still don't think like an adult. And don't get me started on the fact that boys that age don't understand how muscle mass and density work.....
  • whynot5
    whynot5 Posts: 266
    I like the lessons in leadership the show gives as well.... I've always sympathized with Rick. He had to make a ton of tough decisions for a long time... and lost his wife in the process... Can't blame the guy for wanting some time off as a decision maker and trying to get back to a normal life.

    Carl... I can see both sides... Rick needs to let him grow up a bit faster in the new world, but Carl also needs to stop being a punk.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i kind of agree with Carl. i also lost respect for rick when he became farmer ted in the apocalypse. the best moment that showed how far off reservation he got was when he held off telling daryl the truth about carol so he could admire his soybeans and chew on a stalk of wheat or whatever that was.

    rick has pretty much been on my nerves since season 2 anyway, so yeah i really dont begrudge carl about losing respect/faith in his dad.

    i'm also not looking forward to the group skipping. i just hope they all get reunited no later than episode 3

    No blame for Carl losing faith in Rick, just hate having to deal with teenage I know everything and can do it myself stupidity too much on a daily basis as it is. He was making stupid choices (probably as a coping mechanism because he thought his dad was going to die) and nearly got himself killed multiple times because of it.

    Sorry, I just work with this age group too much, their long term thinking things through skills suck, and it doesn't matter how many adult like responsibilities they have, they still don't think like an adult. And don't get me started on the fact that boys that age don't understand how muscle mass and density work.....

    this is true. during that scene in the house with the show i thought about that walker in the woods he was playing around with in season 2.

    but then again, kids are supposed to make stupid choices and test the line. that's why they have parents BUT i think TWD is doing a good job of asking the question of what does raising a child during a crisis mean? unfortunately i think carl still hasnt had effective and consistent parenting since season 1 and pretty much nothing from rick. in season 2 rick left the parenting up to lori and lori left the parenting to anyone else (can you keep an eye on carl? carl stay in the house) while she bounced back and forth between rick and shane.

    as far as kids go, i definitely dont think carl is the most screwed up we've seen . i think that's going to be that little girl who was naming walkers and was probably the same one feeding them rats
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I didn't see Carl as being a punk. If Rick had shown strong leadership, I think Carl would have respected him. I agreed with a lot of what Carl said to Rick while Rick was passed out. Rick was a lousy leader. I thought so many episodes ago. He could have done much more to protect the prison. How about having patrols at the prison or procedures or fortifying the place better..that's just for starters. I don't fault Carl for losing respect for Rick. Rick brought it on himself. As far as Carl knows everyone he liked is now dead including his baby sister, Judith. Carl's rage was understandable.

    I loved the little tidbit we got on Michonne's backstory. I knew she had been a mother in the past. Michonne must have awesome tracking skills to have found Rick and Carl so soon.
  • boxpunk
    boxpunk Posts: 52 Member
    haven't seen it yet, but I recorded it! watching it later :D
  • whynot5
    whynot5 Posts: 266
    Still perplexes me that people think Rick wasn't a good leader.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Still perplexes me that people think Rick wasn't a good leader.

    Same here. He knew he needed to take a step back and so a governing council was set up. They had escape routes planned, supplies on the bus, and weapons stashed in key areas along the perimeter. His expertise in law enforcement was key in how some of these things were managed. Just because he took a step back doesn't mean he was not contributing nor was he lacking in leadership skills.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Still perplexes me that people think Rick wasn't a good leader.

    I've long thought that about Rick going back several seasons. He flip flops - he saves that kid Randall when he didn't have to then decides to kill him then changes his mind. He makes morally questionable decisions. Decides in another season to turn over Michonne to certain torture and a gruesome death at the hands of the Governor who you know wasn't going to honor the deal and that was obvious to everyone but him. He's also not quite right in the head for a long time. He on "stuff"...ignores his son. Sends Sasha and her brother away from the prison even though they seemed like they would have integrated well into the group (as they now have). Says he's not the leader and gives up being an autocrat, but decides to kick out Carol unilaterally without consulting the council that runs the prison group. I think people like Carol, Carl, Shane even have toughened up and realized what life is like in this post-apocalyptic world, but Rick acts like they're still back in the world before the apocalypse.
  • ashleysarvi
    Daryl :flowerforyou: ...that is all I have to say
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    It' all good as long as nothing happens to Daryl. :wink:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm guessing Michonne is at the door holding Carl's shoe.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    The UK gets it tonight....cant wait!!!!

  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I thought Rick was dead.

    It was tough to see Herschel's zombie head.

    Mischone is a true badass.

    Carl is...well he's still Carl

    Can't wait to see next week's episode.

  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I like the lessons in leadership the show gives as well.... I've always sympathized with Rick. He had to make a ton of tough decisions for a long time... and lost his wife in the process... Can't blame the guy for wanting some time off as a decision maker and trying to get back to a normal life.

    Carl... I can see both sides... Rick needs to let him grow up a bit faster in the new world, but Carl also needs to stop being a punk.
