Find your Weight Loss Twins



  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 27 (for a couple more weeks).
    SW: 290
    CW: 161.5
    GW: 150
    love working out...mostly hiit, boot camp and lifting (with an occasional zumba class just for fun). These last 15 lbs have been murder.
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 27 (for a couple more weeks).
    SW: 290
    CW: 161.5
    GW: 150
    love working out...mostly hiit, boot camp and lifting (with an occasional zumba class just for fun). These last 15 lbs have been murder.
    p.s. SAHM to two girls (3 & 2)
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh my gosh it would be awesome to find my weight loss twin!

    32 F
    CW: 165
    GW: 145-150

    I'm a terrible runner but am working up to being a good one, I am starting to weight lift with free weights and love it! I've always had a problem with overeating and I have an unhealthy love for cheddar and sour cream Ruffles and Rolos. It's taken me 2 years to lose and keep off 15 pounds the "right" way and I'm looking forward to losing the next 15-20! I also am not married and don't have kids (yet). I log daily and like to be super supportive. I wonder if you're out there, twin!
  • mrsmcauley
    23 y/o female
    CW: 207
    GW: 140

    Mommy of a four legged fur baby! ;)
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    I am 30 yrs old, 265 lbs 5-6, i try to exercise 60 minutes a day, i do zumba, volleyball and other actives, My first goal is to get out of 200s but i am taking baby steps
  • daphnec1994
    daphnec1994 Posts: 71 Member
    Im a 19 year old female in university. Height: 5 foot 2 inches CW: 153 and GW is somewhere around 130's. I workout about 5 days a week and i focus primarily on weight lifting.

    Feel free to add me :D
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    I would like to find my weight loss twin as well.

    Age 42

    Height: 5'8
    CW: 258
    GW: 145

    Using Wii Fit and other programs on my Wii and losing steadily. Would be great to have a twin to motivate and push each other. WE CAN DO IT!
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    30 years old. Female. 5'4"-5'5". Right now I'm around 137. Trying to get below 130. Then tone. Walking is my hobby.

    I am vegetarian and I cook all my own food. I also like to grow my own veggies. If you want vegetarian recipes or gardening help, just PM me.
  • 3U3Mommy
    Found a few relations, but no twin!
    32 yr old stay at home mom with 3 kids under 3 (and hoping to try for one more this fall)
    We just joined a gym and I've been doing water aerobics 2-3 times a week, as well as cardio, yoga, and toning videos at home. My kids love doing baby bench presses and chasing through the house. My husband works 4-5 nights a week for 12-13 hrs so my time is limited.
    SW 267
    CW 259
    GW 200-215 depending on how I feel and look
  • chattyashley
    chattyashley Posts: 7 Member
    I LOVE this post!! I'm so excited to find people similar to me!! I've found a few "fraternal" twins, but not quite "identical" yet!

    31 years old
    Starting weight March 2013: 215 lbs
    Current weight Feb 2014: 175 lbs
    Goal weight: somewhere in the 150s

    I hit the gym 5-6 times a week; I do weight training/cardio/Zumba/BootCamp/whatever!! Low carbs, high protein, 5 or 6 small meals a day, trying to eat clean and cut out the junk but it's tough! Peanut Butter M&Ms are my downfall in life.
    ADD ME!! Always looking for new friends!
  • chadlemanEureka
    How do you edit a post?
  • LaCane77
    LaCane77 Posts: 16 Member

    Age: 25


    Exercise: Starting Strength & Basketball
  • thiathia
    thiathia Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! You are my twin. I am 5'9" currently weigh 155lbs. looking to go back to 135. I am also 29 years old. I have always been very fit but I have gained 20 lbs in the last 3 years and I must lose them now.
  • erinnbecky
    Hey! (: Here are my stats:
    Age: 18
    SW: 163
    CW: 158.5
    GW: 140 !
  • thiathia
    thiathia Posts: 13 Member
    I just turned 29. I am currently about 162lbs, and I am looking to get to 135 as well. I'm not overly concerned about the number, but there was a time that I was very fit, and about 135 and a size 2/4. I'd like to get back to that, but ultiamtely, I want to lose this fat around my stomach, and love handles, and have my arms more toned. I am doing crossfit, and am endeavoring to cut out alcohol during the week, and eat better 6 days/week. Trying my heardest at a clean eating diet.
  • fishsquishy
    fishsquishy Posts: 35 Member
    Looking for a twin.
    Female 48 years old
    SW 205
    CW 195
    GW 135

    I love soccer, rollerblading, team sports. Mom of 2, married. Also like horseback riding with my kids but feel too out of shape to do it safely. Planning to do some racquetball, eliptical, zumba, step aerobics, kick boxing, and lots of walking. May start couch to 5k after I build up a little more muscle and endurance. My weakness is doing regular weights but that's my next hurdle to overcome. I hate that I am bottom heavy and typically if I work on the lower body, the upper body naturally slims down. I work from home and am very sedentary during the day which I need to change. Thinking of getting a fitbit to track activity and looking forward to sticking with this to my goal. Let me know if you are a fit, age isn't as important as finding someone short and needing to lose 50+ pounds.
  • bonestm
    bonestm Posts: 29 Member
    36 year old dad and Husband. Currently 293 down from 320 when I started my 2014 new years resolution (I know YAWN). Setting small goals of 275 by April to start, but eventually want to get to 190 ~ 200. I workout 5 times a week with heavy yard work on Sat or Sun for additional exercise. I am a data collecting freak, so I wear a Withings Pulse, Weigh myself every day with my Withings scale, take my blood pressure with ... Yes a withings Blood Pressure cuff, and I wear a garmin FR60 watch, HR strap and foot pod during my exercise sessions. I keep my intake under 1900 cal a day and try to keep that intake composed of 50Carb/30Fat/20Protein.

    Looking for a TWIN or just someone to harass me if I start slacking off. Motivation, advice or criticism is welcome too. Anything helps.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    34 yo Female, with ACTUAL twin babies - 14mth fraternal girls.
    SW: 230lb
    CW: 222lb
    GW: 175 lb then reassess. I have a big frame - size 11 (Au) shoe

    Just trying to ditch the weight, and this is primarily by eating right. Exercise fits where it can (no gym membership here!), and is currently just brisk walking although I would like to get back to running again if I can.
  • Classiclove24
    Classiclove24 Posts: 3 Member

    23 years old
    134 lbs

    Starting Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on Sunday 2/16/14!
    Also Running 3-4 times a week 3-6 miles each run
  • rianne04
    Haven't quite found my twin yet!

    21yo female
    SW: 148
    CW: 110
    GW: 110

    I am on my last year (and also last semester) of university. I am currently on my goal weight but wanting to tone up as I kinda look 'skinny fat' atm. Trying to do strength training a couple of days a week but kind of struggling as with uni schedule. If my twin is out there, let me know and we'll do this together! :smile: