Lose 5 pounds a month November 2010 CHALLENGE



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, my challenge is still to stay at 119 pounds (or as close as possible) for all of November...... I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! .............Ohps!!! not a very good week at all :cry:

    10/31/10.......119.5 pounds
    11/5/10 ........121....pounds

    Good Luck to you all .
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    I've had a hectic couple of weeks, but I made my 5 lbs with a few days to spare. 11/26 152.2 lbs for a total of 5.8 lbs:)
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey hope everyone had a good thanksgiving i didn't weigh today because my battery is dead lol hope everyone enjoyed dinner
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I had a very nice time with my family on Thanksgiving. I let myself eat what I wanted and I was happy with what I picked. I was good with portions but took a little of everything I wanted. I even told the family that I wanted to walk after dinner from now on each year. The guys didn't go for it but I walked with my sister-in-law and my mom and it was really nice. Took the kiddos to a movie today, that was fun. Hope everyone is having a nice Friday.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Busy couple of days (like everyone else I'm sure)...went shopping all day....and trying to straighten the house up and catch up on chores from the last couple days....Hope all is well with everyone....hope to get back to my routine soon....need to push the wter now....Enjoy the weekend all....:flowerforyou:
  • ClaryPR

    SW: AT 04/11= 204 POUNDS

    CW: AT 27/11= 193 POUNDS
  • jesse14472
    Had a wonderful time with the family over the holiday weekend. Thanksgiving day was pretty good and I didn't feel like I was stuffed to the gills and was full enough to skip dessert. However, the food choices are so limited when we stay with my parents. There really isn't much available in what I would consider the healthy range. The last time I bought some healthier food options and brought them in her house, she seemed a bit hurt. So I feel a little guilty about trying it again and do the best I can. Needless to say, I now feel bloated and disgusting and am downing water like a fish to flush it out. My salt intake today alone is staggering. I can't wait to be back on track. I know I gained, but half of it has to be sodium-related. I am so proud of everyone who was able to keep with it and exercise through out the holiday. You are my inspiration for next month!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    11/01- 170.4
    11/08- 169.8
    11/15- 174.2
    11/22- 168.2

    Down by 2.2 for the month, the 5 is not looking probable but we'll see :wink:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    ClaryPR....wow, what an accomplishment....great weight loss.

    Michele....the important thing like you said you had fun getting together with your family and that is what we are TRULY THANKFUL for....your healthy diet and exercise will be here for you....a couple days being a little off isn't the end for you...we know you'll be kickin right back at it..and skipping dessert....kuddos to you!!:drinker: ..now go drink more water, HA!!

    To everyone else, now that we have one holiday down....I have decided to do a little challange for myself....I am always in a hurry, first thing in the morning to get on and log in to MFP...but I am challangeing myself...before I am allowed to log in...I must do 10 min. of stair climbing (2 min, then 25 jumping jacks and repeat the cycle 5 times..) that is how much I love logging in to you guys...anyway...I also drank 3 glasses of water during/after...so that's great too...got my heart a pumping and my legs wabbly :sad: and I wore my HRM burned a whopping 238 cal.....so anyone interested may join me....

    Have a GREAT cyber Monday everyone!!!:bigsmile:
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning -- Happy Monday! It is great to be back home and into a somewhat-'normal' schedule. Had a great, albeit over-indulgent weekend with family - but now it's back to the real world!! :smile: Scale was up a bit this morning, but I attribute a lot of that to water weight! Sodium was WAY overboard in the last few days -- my fingers and toes are so puffy! Time for lots and lots of water, and we'll see what the scale says in the morning. I am not at all hopeful for 5 lbs this month, but considering food choices in the last few days, I will be happy to maintain.

    Have a wonderful start to your week!
  • lisafrancis629
    Whew! Glad this weekend is over! Had a great time at Myrtle Beach and with all my family but that was a hard 4 days. Got 3 days of exercise in but went over on my calories 3 days. Scales were up 1.6 this morning but I know some of that is sodium and I didn't drink nearly enough water over the weekend. :cry:

    But it's all good. Went to th grocery store when I got home last night and my fridge is stocked with healthy food for the week. Back at it 100% today.

    Not going to make my 5 lb goal this month but I'll be happy with 3 lbs so we'll see what the scale says Wednesday morning.

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Weekend update...

    Friday night, we went to the Spirits Festival, where I tried many liquor concoctions. Yum! We went out to eat afterwards, and even though I was giving myself the night off from being sugar-free (obviously) - I still ordered a beef and mushroom dish and ate only a bit of the rice. It's *almost* becoming auto-pilot.

    Saturday, after the kids swimming lessons, we went out for lunch, and I ate fish'n'chips (can I blame the sugar hangover?). The choices are very limited at this particular restaurant, but I guess I should have spoken up to go somewhere else. The cool thing for the kids was that a clown came in to eat lunch in full costume, and made balloons for us while he was waiting for his food (dog, butterfly, apple and cat). Later that night, after the Santa Claus parade, we went through the drive-through at Wendy's and I made better choices, and had salad and chili.

    Sunday, I hosted a birthday party for my 5 year old, and had 11 kids from the ages of 2-5 at the house for 2 hours. I was too busy to eat a proper lunch, and then ended up eating 2 small pieces of cake (more sugar, oops!). We all had fun, that's the main thing, right? And silly me, when I was cleaning up, I ate the 5 or 6 banana slices left on the fruit tray, not realizing what I was doing. Later on, I felt really crappy, and was blaming the sugar at first, THEN remembered!! "OMG, I ate banana!!" The last few times I've eaten a banana, I ended up with such massive cramps that I thought I had the stomach flu. So, still recovering from that. Yuck.

    Karin - thanks for the support! There's another bag of chips in the cupboard that I was planning to put out for the birthday party, but we had more than enough food, so it's still in there... Let's hope that 3 is the limit of the damage for that bag too! :tongue:

    Buttsmom, congrats on reaching this month's goal!! (Love all the hats in your profile pic, by the way! :laugh: )

    Bru - hope you enjoyed your weekend away! :heart:

    Barty - Be sure to get back on track to stay close to your goal. I figure you've got to give yourself 5 pounds of wiggle room, but when you get close to being +5 over goal, then you've got to start paying attention again. Good luck! :happy:

    55, I haven't weighed in for several weeks now... I use the scale at the gym, so what does that tell you? :embarassed: I asked for a scale for my birthday or Christmas, as I'd like to be able to weigh myself at home. Let us know how your weigh-in goes after you get your new batteries!

    Jenn, sounds like you approached Thanksgiving with the right attitude. Great job! :bigsmile:

    Tina, did you buy anything for yourself while shopping? Or were you Christmas shopping? Great to hear that you are willing to work to come visit us! You must really *love* MFP!! :love:

    ClaryPR - Wow! congrats on your Nov weight loss! :drinker:

    Michele, my sister started the trend of bringing some of her own food to mom's or going grocery shopping with her after she got there, so she's paved the way for me. We share our stuff with her, which mom enjoys. Maybe you can start by offering to make lunch for everyone when you're visiting, or a side dish to go with dinner? Approach it so that it doesn't insult or hurt her, maybe just something like, "you know what mom? I'm really craving [broccoli] today - do you mind if I make some to go with dinner tonight?" or "My friend made me this really great recipe for [chicken tortilla soup] that I'd love for you to try! why don't I make some for us for lunch?". When mom is visiting me, I make the healthy stuff I like, salads, soups, etc, and I offer her an extra side, if I think she won't be satisfied, like a roll or an english muffin. Try it, soon you might start making a difference in her eating habits! :happy:

    Just Peachy - any loss is a good loss in my books! Great work! :flowerforyou:

    Shorthand - glad you enjoyed your time with your family. Now, like you said, back to the real world! :wink:

    And finally, a daycare update...
    :frown: Recap: I'm the one who sparked the big discussion on daycare drop-offs because I was stressing about how to deal with my 2 year old who cried every day when I dropped her off. Even though her crying stopped within 2 minutes, it would really stress me out, and deflate my mood for hours, setting me up for stress-eating, etc.
    :smile: Update: We are now officially on Day 2 with no crying at drop-off!! It's crazy how happy this makes me. :bigsmile: Last week, I dropped her off first, which meant my older daughter was still with us, and that her daycare providers were still in the other classroom (they combine the kids early in the morning, then split off to their own classes). Day by day, she was getting better and better, as I would explain that I had to go bring Anna to school, and since her teachers weren't in her class, I said "they must be playing hide and seek - let's go find them"! By Friday, she went in to the other classroom and was waiting by the door for a minute, just taking it in, but not crying when I left. Then today, we were running late, so I had to drop off the older one first, and her teachers were already in her class, so I wasn't sure how she would react, but I gave her a hug, then told her to go play and she was standing looking over at the other kids when I left, again without crying. And more importantly, without the daycare staff having to physically restrain her from chasing me when I left. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    lurking about reading posts, but not much to add...
    Drinking water is today's plan for me.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just caught up with all the posts from the past week. I had a house full of company and very little free time so I did not have time to post any comments. This is the first Thanksgiving week in many years that I did not gain weight. I am still hovering in the 180-183 range which is where I started this month but with the stress and food of last week I am m thankful that I have not gained.

    Here is the link for next month's challenge.


    I am changing it a bit for this month. You can be in to lose weight or just maintain through the stress-filled holidays. Your choice but I hope everyone stays with us no matter what your goal for next month.

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    DMG- Woo hoo! I'm so glad you found something that worked!!

    Also, just to brag a little... My BMI finally hit 'healthy' range today!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well I had to change my ticker again today....up 3 lbs from the Thanksgiving weekend. :grumble: I didn't work out at all, except helping CJ moving yesterday. (Not really a workout but okay calorie burn - I wore my HRM). My parents were at my house from Wed - Sat so I really didn't have any time for myself at all. Plus TOM showed up as well, so I know that has helped me gain a bit too. I need to get my water in....I don't seem to drink as much when I'm at home. :drinker:

    I'm hoping I can change my ticker again tomorrow & at least I'll hopefully show SOME loss for November. :cry:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Final weigh in for the month 182.2 so officially a loss of .8. Not great but onto the next.

    I hope to maintain for December and then to et back to weight loss in January though I would be extremely lose some in December.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    11/01- 170.4
    11/08- 169.8
    11/15- 174.2
    11/22- 173.6
    11/30- 168.2

    Ended the month down 2.2 lbs.

    Here's to December!! :drinker:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    All my efforts this month went down the toilet... I'm right back to where I started. I know it's still water weight from this past weekend, but I still decided to change my ticker since this water weight has been bouncing back and forth since last Wednesday... Hopefully I'll flush it out and be back under 200 this weekend.

    Nov 1st 201.6
    Nov 5th 199.8
    Nov 12th 199.2
    Nov 19th 197.6
    Nov 26th 197.6
    Nov 30th 201.6

    Come on December!!! :drinker:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    :sad: Well November ended up a total bust :sad: :sad: :sad:

    11/1 - 178
    11/30 - 179 :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I know it is water weight because I was down to 176 a week ago but still depressing.... :sad: :cry: :sad: :cry:


    Bring it on December. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I don't plan on making the 5lb but I am OK with that being such a big holiday month. I won't be denying myself but playing the game of moderation. If I maintain in December, I consider that a WIN.

    My plan for the month: Get my water every day, walk at lunch time 3xs per week, get additional cardio workouts in at least 3xs per week, and go for moderation.