Anyone taking Phentermine 37.5?

I started MFP again....but this time with some much needed help to keep my mind off food and being so hungry. My Doctor suggested Phentermine 37.5 and I started last Thursday - Feb 6th. I just intend to take it for 3-6 mo and use it as a tool to help me reduce portions and eat properly and record my food intake. I have 123 lbs to lose and can't wait to one day be off my high blood pressure and thyrod meds.
Would love to have some friends that are also taking the Phentermine. So far I feel fine - the dry mouth...I drink lots of water and am ok.....and I make sure to eat within a half hour of taking it in the morning so I do not feel "funky".

Cherie' from Walla Walla, WA


  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I currently am not using it, but have in the past. It was a great help to me at the time. It cut my cravings, gave me energy, and I dropped weight like crazy.

    However, be cautious. Not only did my heart start palpatating with prolonged use, it started to become less effective. When I stopped using it, my appetite returned to normal and I unfortunately gained all of my weight back.
  • paschtat85
    Good to know - I know that I need to log my food forever and keep me in track. Once I can lose some weight - I want to exercise - without terrible pain and turning beet red...Hee/Hee.....I am going to be very careful NOT to let those old habits come back....

  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member

    I am currently taking it and it is helping me fight the compulsive eating that has plagued me for years. I took it about 10 years ago and lost about 60 lbs. It will eventually become less effective, but I say, whatever helps go fr it. I would love to be your buddy if you would like. I am a 60 year old lady, newly retired and determined to lose 70 lbs. and be healthy enough to do the things in retirement that are on my bucket list.

    I had dry mouth at first but it is much better now. I have lost about 17 lbs. since January 1. I am hoping to be below 200 by the end of March. What are your goals?
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I think it's totally counter productive to use a pill (dangerous amphetamines at that) to begin your journey to health. You need to show yourself you CAN do this and without any magic pills. You need to learn how to do this THE RIGHT WAY, or you will very likely fail. I'm sorry if that is harsh, but it is truly how I feel.
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I also had a little difficulty exercising. Since it makes your heart race already, when I exercised I really thought my heart was going to come out of my chest and slap me in the face. My suggestion is if you are just taking it once a day (Which I PRAY you are) wait at least 4 hours before exercising. That always seemed to help me. Make sure you follow up with your dr. monthly to make sure your bp and pulse are in "normal" range.

    The most important thing to remember is that this is not a permanant solution. Use it to build healthy habbits and stay focused! It can do great things. Feel free to help me if you want. Good Luck!
  • 125KC
    125KC Posts: 71 Member
    I think it's totally counter productive to use a pill (dangerous amphetamines at that) to begin your journey to health. You need to show yourself you CAN do this and without any magic pills. You need to learn how to do this THE RIGHT WAY, or you will very likely fail. I'm sorry if that is harsh, but it is truly how I feel.

    ^^ This!!!
  • paschtat85
    Hi Betty!
    That's good to hear - same exact for I was a binge eater....and this is helping lose that feeling - I will wean myself off of it after about 50 lbs and keep logging and add exercise to replace the Phentermine.
    I have 123 lbs to lose.....and mini goals with rewards every 25 pedicure, food rewards.
    I sent you a friend request - would love to have you on my journey!
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Not to make you panic but I took it and I ended up in hospital with a panic attack =-(
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I did once about six years ago. I lost 15-20 pounds. I also turned into a raving lunatic psycho, and my heart rate was insane. As soon as I stopped taking it, I gained it all back, and then some.
  • courtkizer
    courtkizer Posts: 15 Member
    Have you considered the keto diet? Once I added fats into my no-carb/high protein diet I stopped being hungry. In fact I'm eating 1640 calories a day, and I'm feeling more full than when I pigged out an ate 4000 calories a day.

    If your interested in it has some great discussion on it.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
  • paschtat85
    It's are not harsh - I wanted your opinion and am glad you are honest. I know many feel the same way - and I truly thought I would never in a million years turn to a "pill" to Dr and I thought this was better for me as a kick start then surgery. And I am going to use it that way - just a kick start and only for a bit....
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    I I just intend to take it for 3-6 mo and use it as a tool to help me reduce portions and eat properly and record my food intake. I have 123 lbs to lose and can't wait to one day be off my high blood pressure and thyrod meds.

    Welcome back. I found that I can reduce portions, eat healthy and log my food just by doing it. What happens when you don't have the pills anymore? Overeating is mostly brain controlled. I wager that not many overweight people eat because they are truly hungry. I know I didn't.

    The most important work I have done in the last 18 months, was to make good habits around eating and exercise. They are my foundation. It doesn't matter where, when or why - I know now that I can choose wisely, eat treats and my favorite foods in moderation and stay within my calories for the day . There is NO pill that can teach you that. Best of luck to you!
  • RCottonRPh
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.
  • judymoving

    So you understand, there are a lot of Phen haters on this site. Beware you will get a lot of negative talk about the pill.

    I also replied to a previous message two months ago wanting to know if anyone else was taking it. I have found some people who are respectful and understand the benefits. There are benefits! I have been on it since Dec 4 2013. My weight is not "dropping like crazy" as some have stated it did for them. I am not loosing my mind nor my heart either. I have family members who tried it but did not like how it made them feel, and did not continue. It took some adjustment to get used to the effects. It suppresses appetite well. I have also found that I do not crave salt anymore nor add extra to my meals, my dinners are healthier choices and I am able to walk away from larger portions, which I used to finish.

    At my recent re-check with my doctor, my blood pressure has dropped already and I am now considered pre-hypertension. These are good things. It has gotten me off the couch, and enjoying my life again. I am swimming 2x per week, and I do more around the house when I get home. I am looking forward to warmer weather (live in Wisconsin) so that I can start walking and doing more outdoors.

    One of contributors to the previous message board on the topic assimilated this to a psych drug, which in many ways it is. It is helping us find the right way to do things to form the habit for the future. There are success stories and not everyone gains back the weight. PS: Many people gain back weight after a fast weight loss.. and it has nothing to do with a pill they took.

    Use it the right way, the way your doctor recommended, and you should find success too. Feel free to friend me.

    Judy from Wisconsin.. the cold, beer, and cheese State!
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.

    I had a heart attack at 39 at 284 lbs. in weight. After losing 40 lbs., I injured my achilles tendon, quit exercising and slipped into a depression, leading to more and more compulsive eating.

    Did a liquid diet.. Lost it and gained it back.

    Got a 3-month prescription for phentermine, took it for a month and did not feel less hungry. Felt the jitters, a lot, in my throat and elevated heart rate. Having heart issues, this was not good for me, so I never refilled it.

    Have been changing my style of living on a daily basis. Logging food so that there is a record and a history. Logging exercise.

    I have more than 100 lbs. left to lose. I have lost 20 or so in three months without any aids. I know this is slower than in the past, but it fills more permanent.

    If the phentermine helps you, that is great. If it has noticeable side effects, particularly heart palpitations, racing pulse, etc., you will need to talk about this with your doctor. You already admit to lots of health problems because of your weight. I, too, have many of those, so I have to pay special attention to possible side effects.

    One thing that has helped with my appetite is drinking water and watching carbohydrates. I try to limit my carbs to those from fruit and vegetables as opposed to highly refined carbs like breads and pastas and refined grains. It seems when I eat those refined carbs that they do less to address my hunger issues than when I eat healthy fats and proteins.

    Find what works and implement it.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    It suppresses appetite well. I have also found that I do not crave salt anymore nor add extra to my meals, my dinners are healthier choices and I am able to walk away from larger portions, which I used to finish.

    At my recent re-check with my doctor, my blood pressure has dropped already and I am now considered pre-hypertension. These are good things. It has gotten me off the couch, and enjoying my life again. I am swimming 2x per week, and I do more around the house when I get home. I am looking forward to warmer weather (live in Wisconsin) so that I can start walking and doing more outdoors.

    Great post. It is important to make the changes in style of life.
  • vitasoni80
    vitasoni80 Posts: 25 Member
    After much debate and research I decided to start phentermine. I started on 2/10. On the 1st day, I took a whole pill and felt like I could climb Mt Everest which really wasn't that bad because it motivated me to run 4 miles. (The first time in months). Since then I started taking a half pill in the AM and the other half at midday. I feel much better these last couple days! More energy, a little thirsty (which is a good thing for me cause it is encouraging me to drink more water) and my appetite has decreased. I expected it to completely take my appetite away like some people have reported but it just has been helping me stay more satisfied on smaller portions which is really what I needed.
    I believe phentermine can be a good thing if prescribed and used properly. You have to use it as tool to help change your lifestyle and with proper monitoring by a Dr.
    I think alot of the bad press comes from people who went to weight loss clinics are prescribed phentermine likes it candy then told that they need to be on a 500-700 calorie diet. Well duh of course you gain the weight back when you stop taking it....We didn't get PHAT by not eating! lol
    Anyway, after my rant I just wanted to encourage you and tell you not to let others discourage you!!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.
    Just wanna point out that ticker below my post. See that? It's 153 lbs. No pills, no crashes, no stupid expectations. Count calories, be honest with yourself, and do it.. every... single... day.

    Not naysaying because it won't make someone lose weight. Naysaying because there aren't any magic pills... especially some that have cause some serious health side effects.
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    My sister-in-law and I both take it...I still counted and logged calories, and exercised but I was stuck..and also have had issues with compulsive eating in the past. I am under the care of a MD that recommends 1200-1500 kcal /day, exercise, lots of water etc- and he monitors labs, b/p, hr etc. I havent had any "complications" from it so far-but havent been taking it long. Will see how it goes. Best of luck to you:)