
  • I loved the new episode. At first, I wanted someone to slap Carl (especially with his "You remember Shane don't you?" comment!) but like a few other people have said, he's a teenager. And it really wouldn't make much sense if he didn't act like that at some point. Let's also think about all he's been through.

    I didn't think it was a "boring" episode, like some are saying. No it wasn't as insane and heartbreaking as the last episode, but I'm not sure I could've handled another one like the mid season finale, right from the get-go. It's not always about the action. Calm before the storm.

    Loved the Michonne back story. Hopefully they'll continue that for a few other characters we don't know too much about (Daryl, Glenn -all we know is that he delivered pizzas-, etc..)

    I think it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the group does. If you think about it, it's not the 'typical' pairings (aside from Rick, Carl and now Michonne) Daryl & Beth. Maggie and Glenn were split up. Tyreese with the two little girls. Can't wait to see who ends up running into Carol. I also am with the people who are saying that Judith isn't dead, I think someone grabbed her at the last minute. However, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Lori - let's put that one to rest :yawn:

    I did feel a little scared at the end when Michonne walked up on the porch and went to knock on the door. It seemed too "happy" and I was really afraid that something was gonna happen to her (i.e. Axel gets a bullet to the head while telling Carol a joke) Super relieved that didn't happen. Can't wait for Sunday!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I like how this episode gave some insight to Michonne in her previous life. I'm glad she found Rick and Carl too. It was nice to have a sort of Walking Dead Happy ending. I'm curious to see if and how the group will reunite. Prediction Carol is going to run into Darryl or some others from the group. I also think that psycho little girl killed those sick people and Carol is covering for her Its going to come out this season.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Carl... I can see both sides... Rick needs to let him grow up a bit faster in the new world, but Carl also needs to stop being a punk.

  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member


    This is from Scott Gimple himself! : “Next week's episode has a really cool structure that affords us to not really have a central focus. There are a lot of answers next week — at least a few major ones. You get other big answers next week and different pairings we haven't seen yet we well as stories that fold into each other. The deck gets shuffled. I love the amount of story in next week's episode. I love structure and variety of story in next week's episode. There really are a lot of answers in next week's episode; not all of them but there's a few big ones!”
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    This is from Scott Gimple himself! : “Next week's episode has a really cool structure that affords us to not really have a central focus. There are a lot of answers next week — at least a few major ones. You get other big answers next week and different pairings we haven't seen yet we well as stories that fold into each other. The deck gets shuffled. I love the amount of story in next week's episode. I love structure and variety of story in next week's episode. There really are a lot of answers in next week's episode; not all of them but there's a few big ones!”

    Ohhh! Interesting...I can't wait!
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I don't want to post the other picture I have from another forum I am on, but is it possible that we will be introduced to two new characters or what this coming episode? Ahhhh I can't wait!!!!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I think someone took Judith.

    Definitely! the car seat was unbuckled not broken. zombies can't unbuckle.

    Yes, I think the little girls took Judith.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think someone took Judith.

    I really hope so. But am not holding my breath. Those stupid girls left here there in the carrier if I remember correctly. And it was blooooooody when Carl and Rick came across it....

    True, but it WAS unbuckled and not ripped up...the seat could have been bloody because someone with blood on their hands picked her up. I know it looked like the girls left here there but I don't think they really did....
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I am still so sad that Hershel died!

    Love the theory about Carol and Judith...I hope that happens!

    Mixed feelings about the episode, I generally find Carl quite irritating but I enjoyed his character journey last night. I really don't think it was Michonne at the door at the end though...!

    Not really a fan of when they split up the characters though and each episode focuses on a different group but excited to see what happens in the rest of the series.

    Does anyone play the Walking Dead Telltale game?!

    Why wouldn't it have been Michonne at the door? WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CONSIDER IT SOMEONE ELSE? LOL. Now I've got major anxiety and a huge feeling we won't find out til 2 episodes from now.

    Haha I'm sorry! It's just the way they built it up so much that I just thought it was too predictable to be her?! Maybe it's Carol at the door?! I wish we could find out sooner!!

    I thought it might not be Michonne either. It was a weird way to end it. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Carol back!!!!

    But when she looked through the window she saw them sitting on the couch.

    Before she went there she went into the last house Carl was at where he left the note "it got my shoe, didin't get me".

    I think she's there with his shoe. :wink:
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I think someone took Judith.

    I really hope so. But am not holding my breath. Those stupid girls left here there in the carrier if I remember correctly. And it was blooooooody when Carl and Rick came across it....

    True, but it WAS unbuckled and not ripped up...the seat could have been bloody because someone with blood on their hands picked her up. I know it looked like the girls left here there but I don't think they really did....

    I also thought the two girls had pulled the baby out of the car seat before the zombies got there. It would be much easier for them to carry a baby than to try and carry a baby plus a heavy car seat.
  • NeoOwnz
    NeoOwnz Posts: 30 Member
    I wonder if The Walking Dead with have a zombie baby like the Dawn of the Dead remake
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    watched it ..

    Carl was acting like an immature teenager, but it seems that by the end he realizes he canot do it own his own...

    It will be interesting to see how it goes now that mashone is back...

    Can't wait to catch up on the rest of the group ....
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Part of what has kept me engaged with the show, despite being SO. OVER. The governor plotline for SO LONG was the well-written and directed character development of ALL the characters.
    -Carol went from being a dominated, abused wife to a badass who is SO proactive about eliminating potential threats that she murdered people.
    -Carl is growing into a scary individual. It makes me think a LOT about the post-apocalyptic youth, at some point the majority of the living children will have lived LONGER in a zombie reality than the previous one, and their psychological development may be drastically different than what we accept as normal. I think Carl is showing that very clearly, combined with causing me SUCH frustration at his immaturity and foolhardiness. In my world, when I wanted freedom and rebelled, my acting out didn't have the potential to turn me into a zombie, and potentially kill my own father through my absence. His stakes are just so much higher. I dislike him a lot of the time, and think he may be more Shane than Rick, but he's INTERESTING for sure.
    -Rick has gone from a natural leader and protector of the innocent to a grieving, broken man. I think his original ideals and morals remain, and I LOVE that he's made some mistakes both ethically and in his management of the group. I think his ethics and behaviors and determination of his role in his relationships is constantly in flux, and that makes him very genuine, to me.

    The badasses Michonne and Daryl feel simpler to me. They've found ways of coping in the new world, they make snap decisions, and they do so in a way that preserves their health for the most part. I LOVE them, but watching their stories is almost a mental break from the intensity of the other characters.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    FINALLY!! I can participate... now I gotta catch up on the thread.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    I liked the parts of the show that covered Michonne. I've always wondered what her story was and the whole dream scene with her in the kitchen was great IMO.

    Carl was obnoxious but how good an actor is that kid who is playing him and getting the obnoxious teenager thing down right? And Carl has enough of a memory of the past to realize he's not going to get a normal teenage experience.

    The speculation on Judith's survival did not occur to me and it frankly relieves me a little because that scene where they find the bloody baby carrier hurts too much and makes me want to cry.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I liked the parts of the show that covered Michonne. I've always wondered what her story was and the whole dream scene with her in the kitchen was great IMO.

    Carl was obnoxious but how good an actor is that kid who is playing him and getting the obnoxious teenager thing down right? And Carl has enough of a memory of the past to realize he's not going to get a normal teenage experience.

    The speculation on Judith's survival did not occur to me and it frankly relieves me a little because that scene where they find the bloody baby carrier hurts too much and makes me want to cry.

    As a mother myself, I didn't like that scene with the baby carrier. However, as soon as they introduced the baby in season 2 I figured that there was NO WAY a baby would survive in the ZA. For the fact that when I watched season 2, my son was like 8 months old and crawling and to try to restrain a child or raise a child in the ZA would be more of a nightmare than when there isn't zombies. Think of it in the way that if you're on the move and the baby is crying, zombies would be alerted. I don't expect the baby to survive. Would be great if Judith is still alive but I doubt it for that reason only.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    I :heart: Carol.
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member

    Love this!!
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I got the insight on Judith. I am being serious. You can PM if you want the link!

    This episode is going to awesome!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I liked the parts of the show that covered Michonne. I've always wondered what her story was and the whole dream scene with her in the kitchen was great IMO.

    Carl was obnoxious but how good an actor is that kid who is playing him and getting the obnoxious teenager thing down right? And Carl has enough of a memory of the past to realize he's not going to get a normal teenage experience.

    The speculation on Judith's survival did not occur to me and it frankly relieves me a little because that scene where they find the bloody baby carrier hurts too much and makes me want to cry.

    As a mother myself, I didn't like that scene with the baby carrier. However, as soon as they introduced the baby in season 2 I figured that there was NO WAY a baby would survive in the ZA. For the fact that when I watched season 2, my son was like 8 months old and crawling and to try to restrain a child or raise a child in the ZA would be more of a nightmare than when there isn't zombies. Think of it in the way that if you're on the move and the baby is crying, zombies would be alerted. I don't expect the baby to survive. Would be great if Judith is still alive but I doubt it for that reason only.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the zombies got Judith, and I'm not necessarily sure that it would be a bad thing as far as the plot line. I know Judith's fate in the graphic novels and while they've already deviated from that ending, there's only so much you can do with a baby in the story. They are nice plot devices for the characters in terms of pregnancy and birth drama, but then the baby invariably disappears into the background. We only see Judith now occasionally as it is, and usually it is some character other than Rick caring for her anyway. I'm sure Beth would appreciate some more character development beyond free babysitting service.