Skinny people who think they know better...



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I think it's good to observe how skinny people live, what they eat, etc.

    What if you don't want to be skinny? To me skinny = weak.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    did we find out what the supposed wrong advice is?

    too lazy to read the rest
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I think it's good to observe how skinny people live, what they eat, etc.

    What if you don't want to be skinny? To me skinny = weak.

    Maybe we should follow fit people then. Getting in position


    I apologize to Sara in advance if she finds me in her hibiscus.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I think it's good to observe how skinny people live, what they eat, etc.

    What if you don't want to be skinny? To me skinny = weak.

    Maybe we should follow fit people then. Getting in position


    I apologize to Sara in advance if she finds me in her hibiscus.
    who is Sara?
    and are her hibiscus well maintained?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Meh.... after they hear how much I have lost I normally win that argument lol.........
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I think it's good to observe how skinny people live, what they eat, etc.

    What if you don't want to be skinny? To me skinny = weak.

    Maybe we should follow fit people then. Getting in position


    I apologize to Sara in advance if she finds me in her hibiscus.
    who is Sara?
    and are her hibiscus well maintained?

    I was secretly channeling MFP Sara. It's a very well trimmed hibiscus. ..If this isn't her hibiscus. ..where am I? !
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to myself "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    Not all skinny people work for it, like what you said happened to you. Fit people, work for it. My sister was anorexic/skinny her whole life. She never exercised or watched what she ate once, was always shoving candy and junk food down her face, then when she started taking medication for her hyperthyroidism. BAM she ignored the doctor telling her to start eating healthy, she became fat and lazy and sits there eating VLCD shakes wondering why they aren't making her look like a model. Same thing happened with my brother only his age cough up with him. Now he always says, he can't eat ice cream without his butt inflating. As well as a friend of mine who is still skinny at 35 and eats hungry jacks all day everyday and can't even go for a walk, go up a flight of stairs or lift a few KG weights without complaining its too hard. I guess we are all different.

    Skinny doesn't = healthy. Which is how i looked at this. I think when looking at someone who is fit and healthy i'd take there advice over someone who is skinny just as i would take advice from someone who has lost a lot of weight and has maintained for years. Then again i don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit like an athlete again. =D

    ....I didn't realize anorexic was a look. I was under the assumption it was an eating disorder. Also, I think basing someone purely on looks for fitness level can be deceiving. I hate when people call me skinny just as much as I hated being called fat.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I've never had a weight problem either. But I would if I didn't exercise or eat healthy. One look at my family and you would see that I don't have the best genetics. Hence why I stay on top of my weight. I got heavy in high school and that made me make a change in my lifestyle. I guess I don't know anything about maintaining a healthy weight either.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to myself "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    Not all skinny people work for it, like what you said happened to you. Fit people, work for it. My sister was anorexic/skinny her whole life. She never exercised or watched what she ate once, was always shoving candy and junk food down her face, then when she started taking medication for her hyperthyroidism. BAM she ignored the doctor telling her to start eating healthy, she became fat and lazy and sits there eating VLCD shakes wondering why they aren't making her look like a model. Same thing happened with my brother only his age cough up with him. Now he always says, he can't eat ice cream without his butt inflating. As well as a friend of mine who is still skinny at 35 and eats hungry jacks all day everyday and can't even go for a walk, go up a flight of stairs or lift a few KG weights without complaining its too hard. I guess we are all different.

    Skinny doesn't = healthy. Which is how i looked at this. I think when looking at someone who is fit and healthy i'd take there advice over someone who is skinny just as i would take advice from someone who has lost a lot of weight and has maintained for years. Then again i don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit like an athlete again. =D

    If she stuffed her face she wasn't anorexic, which is a mental disorder. If she wasn't throwing it up later, she wasn't bulimic either. People really need to choose more appropriate adjectives and stop being so careless with their vocabulary.
  • Mrsko79
    Mrsko79 Posts: 8 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Just asking....

    Do you think shes never had a weight problem because she watches her diet and works out? I used to be a skinny gal until I wasnt, lol. Ate what I wanted and stayed thin. When I turned 28 things changed. Anyway, my point is, when I realized I had crossed over to the dark side I started to work out. I saw all the skinny girls really working out hardcore. I thought to myself "why are they here, they are skinny". I came to realize they were skinny because they were working for it and always had.

    Not all skinny people work for it, like what you said happened to you. Fit people, work for it. My sister was anorexic/skinny her whole life. She never exercised or watched what she ate once, was always shoving candy and junk food down her face, then when she started taking medication for her hyperthyroidism. BAM she ignored the doctor telling her to start eating healthy, she became fat and lazy and sits there eating VLCD shakes wondering why they aren't making her look like a model. Same thing happened with my brother only his age cough up with him. Now he always says, he can't eat ice cream without his butt inflating. As well as a friend of mine who is still skinny at 35 and eats hungry jacks all day everyday and can't even go for a walk, go up a flight of stairs or lift a few KG weights without complaining its too hard. I guess we are all different.

    Skinny doesn't = healthy. Which is how i looked at this. I think when looking at someone who is fit and healthy i'd take there advice over someone who is skinny just as i would take advice from someone who has lost a lot of weight and has maintained for years. Then again i don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit like an athlete again. =D

    Skinny and aneroxic are not the same thing.

    Sigh. Imma file the above under "crap I can't believe needs said to other adults" BTW.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Oh the horror. An entire donut with milk? ...Do you know everything she eats? I only posy tasty stuff, if I post my food on FB. I guess people are assuming I'm some unhealthy skinny person who enjoys flaming hot cheetos, ice cream, and cookies. Is that all she eats? I'm assuming she eats other things. ..
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I don't know squat about a healthy lifestyle
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Oh the horror. An entire donut with milk? ...Do you know everything she eats? I only posy tasty stuff, if I post my food on FB. I guess people are assuming I'm some unhealthy skinny person who enjoys flaming hot cheetos, ice cream, and cookies. Is that all she eats? I'm assuming she eats other things. ..

    If we're going off Facebook/instagram people must think I eat nothing but cookies and pie. ...not that such an assumption would be totally baseless.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    The skinny people I know eat horribly. Just this morning. Strawberry milk and doughnuts one posted. Just because someone is skinny doesnt make them healthy. THATS what I cant stand lol. I know a few who eat awful everyday. Well just bc youre skinny doesnt mean your arteries and heart are in great shape!

    Oh the horror. An entire donut with milk? ...Do you know everything she eats? I only posy tasty stuff, if I post my food on FB. I guess people are assuming I'm some unhealthy skinny person who enjoys flaming hot cheetos, ice cream, and cookies. Is that all she eats? I'm assuming she eats other things. ..

    If we're going off Facebook/instagram people must think I eat nothing but cookies and pie. ...not that such an assumption would be totally baseless.

    I bet your heart and arteries are in great shape though. :wink:

    Because magic.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Don't you just love know it all's, especially the skinny ones.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Don't you just love know it all's, especially the skinny ones.

    It's the skinny ones you have to watch out for. Slipping into cracks in the floor and spyings on everyone. Can't trust em.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    I have a manager that seriously thinks you have to eat 6 meals a day or you'll gain weight. What even is that? A diet for hobbits? How do people eat 6 meals a day and still have time for jobs or school?
    My manager's mom was a real health nut in the 80s and some of the cutting edge science of the day has really left a lasting impression on her. Like eating more than one egg in a day will kill you, and the best way to lose weight is a 900 calorie diet indefinitely.
    Some "skinny people who think they know better" are skinny because they make a calorie deficit from some of the most roundabout ways. Some posters think that the results justify the methods; a skinny person MUST be smarter/healthier/better than an overweight person because reasons. I think skinny people are allowed to be unhealthy or uneducated like the rest of us.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    Scoot over, I'll bring the beer . . .