What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    Reading through these posts, people can be so cruel .. i remember it hurt me when i was a child people calling my mother names as she was a big girl so ive always been aware of bullies and defending victim of it. ive only put on weight the past few years id say ive been lucky as the only time a guy dared to call me a fat greedy sl@g was when i was 9 months pregnant in mcdonalds i was getting a happy meal for my toddler and complaining the fries and toy were missing... this man in his 40's sitting with his wife and 3 kids shouted over.. there was just no need, i would have hit him if kids were not present instead i just said 'i can loose weight but no plastic surgery would ever fix your face or attitude' .

    Laugh it off people and walk away, your a better person than them ;)
  • notwithoutsalt
    notwithoutsalt Posts: 25 Member
    When are you due.......wasn't pregnant...
    Same thing happened to me.
    But the worst comment is a family member's response when I say I need to lose weight: "you dont need to lose weight, girls from the south (no idea what that means, what south??) have large hips and arent meant to be skinny." she explained later the hips helps "women from the south" carry babies...
    great, so I am a bunny meant to be fat - thanks!
  • CharbyOttawa
    CharbyOttawa Posts: 49 Member
    When my husband told me that he was no longer interested in having sex with me, because I was too fat and unattractive for him. His constant negativity and lack of encouragement led me to turn even more to food for comfort.

    He is now my was-band. His constant belittling of me combined with his alcoholism made me finally boot him out. I am now happily married to a wonderful man. Together, he and I have lost a total of 130lbs. He knows that fat-shaming and criticism do not work.

    I am now in the best shape of my life, and only 10lbs heavier than when I was in high school. I am within 15 lbs of my goal weight, and I will attain that this year.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    When I was 20 my boyfriend's mother said to me, in front of him, "[your boyfriend] told me he thinks your thighs are getting fat."

    He swore he'd never said anything of the sort and I believe him, she was just a nasty witch who has a bad habit of deliberately insulting every girlfriend he'd ever had. I had gained a whole 5lb since I'd last seen her and was already a little self-conscious about it without her *****y comments.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    A childhood friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years took me by surprise when he just kept going on and on about how much I must eat. Was not the re-union party I had hoped for, lol..... We still talk and now he is freezing cold 24/7 because he smokes very heavily and drinks a lot. Starting to have health issues. ..... I have lost most of my weight and don't have any health issues any more.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    My now father-in-law told me he and his wife were really surprised when her son "brought home such a fat girl. There's nothing really wrong with you, he's always just dated hot fit girls, you know, 'cause that's how he is and all..,"

    Then it was super funny when he told his mom we were getting married. She looked mortified and said "you don't have to marry her!" I guess she was imagining little pudgy grand kids or something.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I have gotten rude comments all of my life. When I was a kid, a boy on my bus started calling me Twinkie. To this day, I have never even eaten a twinkie. That was the last time I ever let someone see me cry, though. The next time a boy picked on me, I punched him in the face.

    Even as an adult, I've been cat called (except about being fat, not good looking). I have been denied entry to a concert venue for being "fat and sloppy." I used to get wrecked by this stuff. I would literally lock myself in my house for months at a time following an embarrassing encounter like this. I had no idea that it wasn't *me* who should be ashamed, but the people who dared to say such horrible things to a complete stranger.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I was born in the USSR and moved to the states when I was 7.
    I was never really fat until about 2-3 years ago but all through my late childhood and adolescence my mother would constantly tell me I was fat and that I wouldn't be able to find a husband.
    When I went back to Belarus to visit friends and family everyone would ask me how I got so fat (mind you this was when I was like a size 8).
    Now that I actually am fat, my mother has stopped telling me how fat I am and I'd love to see the response to my current weight from my friends in Belarus.
    I guess it's a cultural thing, or just an Eastern European thing. I've never seen a fat chick in Belarus, unless they were much older.
    Can't say that the comments hurt me or anything. I've never given two sh*ts what people think. I found it really funny though that my mom stopped commenting, and that a size 8 is considered super fat.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    10 year old me "I want to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader!"

    Dad: "They don't let fat-*kitten* become cheerleaders."

    I wasn't really that fat, I was the type of chubby some little girls go through right before starting puberty.

    Years later, I talked to him about it. He had been drinking and he didn't remember it and when I told him how much it hurt, he cried(second time I had ever seen him cry.)
  • trappedreams
    trappedreams Posts: 17 Member
    One of the worst was when I was in a pub,
    When we were going to leave, walking past a group of three guys and one said "you have really big tits" - okay i usually get that kind of thing, i just ignored it.
    Then I heard "and a really big fat *kitten*"!
    I was so angry I went back in there and got up in 1 of the guys face and punched him 2 times!! (i am not a violent person!)
    I got escorted out by staff and continued to shout at him at how wrong it is to say something like that to someone!
    intense but that's what you get if someone is rude to me or a friend.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    I had my husband and 3 kids with me (at the time I now have 4 kids) and we were walking around looking at Christmas lights. We went through one of those huge walk through houses and the owner was sitting there so I went to talk to him to tell him what a great job he did. He was old, like 70's. He asked when I was due. I told him I wasnt pregnant just fat. he says "Are you sure? I just thought you were because my daughter over there is due any minute and your as big as she is so I just assumed" OMG! Just say sorry don't tell me I am as big as his 9 month pregnant daughter! My husband laughed so hard and I laughed too but it still hurt :/
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
  • My husband and I were at a family function being held at my mother and father in-law's house. They usually keep their kitchen table pushed against the wall because it's pretty tight in their kitchen, but to seat everyone at the table, they had to pull it out from the wall and place seating around it.

    So, we get our food from the counter and my husband goes to sit on the side of the table that is pulled out from the wall, I go to follow so I can sit beside him and my mother-in-law screeches from across the room "KATHY! LET THE SKINNY PEOPLE SIT BACK THERE! YOU WON'T FIT!". Now, I'm not even that big, pudgy maybe, but I was really surprised to be called out in front of everyone, especially by someone I'd hardly consider the epitome of health (but apparently she thought she was "skinny" enough to sit back there). So, naturally, I had a few choice words for her (As did my husband, he always has my back!). This happened 2 or 3 years ago, still stings...
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    " you look like a lil girl i dont wanna f you":sad:

    Thats when i went from 170# to115#
    I decided to gain to be f able! :drinker:
  • JulieAntler
    JulieAntler Posts: 28 Member
    I get tired of people calling me an amazon. STFU people.
  • In high school, I got picked on a lot for being overweight. I had things thrown at me and pictures drawn of me as a big fat monster. One time, my classmates diecided to play a joke and picked on one guy and said he had a crush on me. They were pairing us as a couple throughout the class as a joke. He got so offended that he was paired with a fat girl that he blurted out "HELL NO, SHE'S FAT AS HELL" and then he proceeded to go around the class and ask male classmates "Isn't she fat as hell?" "She's obese man, right?" "Ugly and fat, hell no will anyone date her". The classmates he asked all nodded in agreement. I was mortified, embarrassed, hurt, and even though it's been few years since that incident, I still think back at it. It's just a memory that I can never get out of my mind. I think the worst part is, the teacher did nothing but watch me cry.
  • I get tired of people calling me an amazon. STFU people.

    Lol you must be tall. Nothing wrong with a Glamazon! Work it! Lol
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    In a conversation with my MOM, about me loosing 35 lbs., she said, "I don't know where." Later she said she didn't mean it that way. She meant that she didn't think I needed to loose weight to begin with.
  • In a conversation with my MOM, about me loosing 35 lbs., she said, "I don't know where." Later she said she didn't mean it that way. She meant that she didn't think I needed to loose weight to begin with.

    I get told that a lot too. "Where in your toe?" Lol... But i want to lose about 30 more and firm up. Great job on your progress!!
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    In a conversation with my MOM, about me loosing 35 lbs., she said, "I don't know where." Later she said she didn't mean it that way. She meant that she didn't think I needed to loose weight to begin with.

    I get told that a lot too. "Where in your toe?" Lol... But i want to lose about 30 more and firm up. Great job on your progress!!
    You look stunning!