Serious about completing C25K Who's in?



  • Tomahawk3Niner
    Did Week 3 day 2 yesterday. Awesome stuff, really enjoying it.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I was a non-runner until I started C25K (out of sheer boredom because I was tired of Zumba) back in 2012. Since then I've done countless 5ks and my first half marathon last year. It's a great program!
  • tincrystal
    tincrystal Posts: 7 Member
    Just completed Week 1, day 3 and feel great. Always wanted to try running but always been too shy to get out there but this week I just though 'sod it! Who is really going to care?' Want to squeeze another one or two in before starting week 2 just to get my breathing nailed as I find I hold my breath at times which really doesn't help! Really hope I reach the end of the programme even if it takes me a year to do it...
    I started W1D1 today! I'm looking forward to building up stamina so I can do my other workouts without getting winded so easily.
  • LissaT82
    LissaT82 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! I'm doing W1D1 tonight, I am so so excited!
  • plowdy5
    plowdy5 Posts: 17 Member
    Week 3, Day 3 for me tomorrow morning and I can't wait! What? Yes... I said I can't wait! Never in my life have I wanted to run so badly. Guess it is a good addiction to have. :drinker:
  • PaulBroomhead
    PaulBroomhead Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first post here so it will hopefully be an inspiring one.

    This morning I completed my Wk 5 Day 2 run (2 runs of 8 minutes with a 5 minute walk in the middle) and have a day off before going for a 20 minute, non-stop run on Wk 5 Day 3!

    When I started C25K I had very little cardio fitness, have suffered with asthma from being a kid and thought running was a pointless pursuit. However, the C25K has convinced me otherwise. Yes, it was very hard in that first week but as others have said here, the buzz from running is quite addictive and the program really does improve your conditioning immensely in a short space of time.

    When I looked into the C25K program it was Wk 5 Day 3 that looked like it'd be the killer run that broke me, but I'm now fairly confident I'll get through the 20 minute milestone without dying or puking :happy: In fact, my splits show I'm bang on pace to complete 5K in 30 minutes so the next 4 weeks are about building endurance and not speed, that'll come once I've completed the program.

    If you decide to give the C25K a go, or are struggling with the motivation to stick with it, here's what I've found works for me.

    1. Don't worry about what people will think of you or how you look. At the end of it you'll look and feel so much better about yourself so just get out and do it!

    2. Get some running shoes that fit. If they are inexpensive it doesn't matter, as long as they fit and don't give you blisters. If they are tight or loose in certain areas then Google "running shoe lacing" and try some different methods to get the right fit.

    3. Listen to your body so you don't hurt yourself resulting in you not being able to run for several days. If you need to slow down or repeat days then do it, you'll get there in the end.

    4. Get one of the many C25K apps for your smartphone (if you have one), they really help. If not, get a cheap digital watch with a timer on it.

    5. Run while listening to your favourite music (130 BPM + is what works for me). It really helps the time go by and helps you establish running rhythms.

    6. Don't let the weather stop you. If it's snowing, find somewhere you can run without slipping on ice. If it's raining, throw on a jacket and get out there.

    Now I've made my first post I'll keep updating you on my progress.

    If a 48 year old asthmatic can do it, and enjoy it, then I'm sure anyone can do the C25K.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    great work everyone! I'm in the middle of week 4 and would love to have some more friends working through the program - anyone can feel free to add me:)
  • mgallop1
    Hey everyone!

    I just ran Week 5, Day 2 about 2 hours ago so I'm riding that endorphin high haha!

    I'd love some friends doing this - but just reading these posts has been really encouraging, particularly with regards to speed. I happened to catch sight of myself in a window today during one of the jog sections and how slow I was made me feel pretty lame, which was closely followed by getting overtaken by three different runners -_- But reading your posts about speed coming later has cheered me up massively! At least I'm doing it and I'm determined not to quit (:

    One problem I'm having at the moment is that I get SO hungry on the days that I do it, and end up wanting to eat everything in sight! Does this happen to anyone else?
  • PaulBroomhead
    PaulBroomhead Posts: 2 Member
    As promised, I'm back to report on the results of Wk 5 Day 3, the first "big run" in the C25K, and I'm pleased to say I got through it without any problems at all :happy: .

    Given that when I started C25K I could never imagine running for 20 minutes straight then today is testament to just how well this program works in improving your cardio fitness.

    I might be a bit sweaty, but I'm well pumped and the biggest bonus of all, the mental block about running for a full session, is well and truly banished. I think I might be addicted to this running thing :noway:

    I've also just checked my splits on the Runtastic app I'm using, and I'm currently averaging 9.9 - 10 KMH so I should be able to do the full 5K in 30 minutes or under come Wk 9.
  • ripzone13
    ripzone13 Posts: 83 Member
    I"m starting day 1 of week 4 today, but would love to be part of a group of people starting this program and hopefully becoming runners! I'm super nervous about today because it will be the first day I run more than walk- YIKES!!
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm on W4D2 and it's getting tough now... Last time I gave up in week 3 so I'm already ahead of myself but man... Soon will be 8 minute runs and that's hard... Getting nervous about it.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello all - very inspiring to read this. I am about 10k overweight and have lost 6kgs so far by exercise, fasting and giving up alcohol.... But now for running - which has been something I've been a bit scared of because whenever I've tried previously I've just hated it.

    This time I am really following the c25k mantra - give your body rest days, don't worry about your speed, don't give up and don't be too hard on yourself!

    I am on week 4, and finished day 1 this afternoon.
    I do it on the treadmill, which I know is easier than outside, but it think I would just stop if I were running outside!!

    All day I kept thinking - oh no, I have 2x 4 minute blocks -- I can't do that. And yeah, the second 4 minutes and the last 3 minutes were pretty bad (and I think my shins are going to be sore tomorrow!!) but I did it....

    And reading your reactions has convinced me not to go back but to just stay on it.... (Though week 5 looks a killer!)

    is it possible to make us a support group? I found you all so inspiring ....
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    PS I have heard that one of the downsides to both running and swimming is that it does make people very hungry .... And I was sure hanging out for dinner tonight
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    PS I have heard that one of the downsides to both running and swimming is that it does make people very hungry ....