

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    yanniejannie my husband does not have anything on utube. I don't even know how to get anything there. I may have to ask my son in law. I know he has some instructional things on utube. He is a techie and helps people set up all the tech stuff up in churches.

    so far so good with my husband this evening. I was surprised at him. He was all bummed out last night that he missed out on his 8 oz steak special he gets on Wednesday nights. So we went there tonight to get the 6 oz instead. But there was a waiting line so we went next door to cracker Barrell and he got his pork chop. I had already put in my diary they grilled chicken salad from Texas Roadhouse so I got my usual lunch portion of meatloaf, that's my one serving of red meat for the week.

    Watching the Olympics. This guy from Sweden is 163 pounds and wears 4x clothes. So as he is doing his ski jumping his drawers are around his ankles and he falls. Luckily he does wear suspenders so not everything in around his ankles but I'm sure he had a snow burn on his bare back. He puts a raw egg in his pocket for good luck. I guess he had a mess in his britches after that fall.:laugh:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gailbarrett
    Gailbarrett Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All,...I am Gail from warm Kingston Jamaica!....I used My Fitness Pal on & off for a year but I just started taking in serious in January 2014. I enjoyed reading you post they are really encouraging and I can see where you all help each other I am hoping for the same in my weight loss.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bumping for now.

    Please stay safe in the snow!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele, you're in the south now....git you some 'duck' tape and fix your boot! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm in the 'it will melt' crowd these days. We shoveled so much snow over the years in the NY metro.

    The Y was closed Tuesday, Wednesday and today. Hopefully they manage to open on the weekend. Love going there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons because hardly anyone is there.

    We survived the snow and ice just fine. The drive to/from work was uneventful, with refreezing tonight for anything that didn't completely dry. Tomorrow is supposed to be ~ 50 degrees, so whatever remains will soon be gone. My DB lives in Baltimore and said they had shoveled 9" today, with 4" more expected. My DSis in southern IL said they are due for more snow tomorrow. We're all ready for sunshine, flowers and springtime.

    The spring training games tickets have now arrived and we're eagerly anticipating the trip in March.

    Saturday we are celebrating Valentine's Day with another couple. Several years back 3 of the 4 of us were unemployed and couldn't afford to do anything much, so we declared a 'budget-Romeo' celebration where we had to fix a dinner and dessert using only things we already had in our pantries / freezers. It was great fun and we've continued getting together for dinner, albeit not so stringent budget-wise. It is our turn to be the guests and bring dessert. Haven't figured that out yet, but it will likely be simple.

    I ended up working until 8:30p or so tonight, and decided to have oatmeal for dinner. DH had canned corn beef hash and some hot wings. To each their own...that had no appeal to me at all.

    Well, I need to wind down for bed. Sweet dreams and Happy Valentine's Day!

    And a shout-out to Gail from Kingston Jamaica -- welcome!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • kjtown43
    A truly beautiful day here in Everett (about 25 miles north of Seattle). My hubby & I took a nice 45 minute long walk . . . felt really good to get out and moving!

    After our walk, we went into Seattle for lunch (Thai) and a movie (Dallas Buyers Club).

    I just started MFP on Sunday and today was my first time eating in a restaurant. I did my best to get all the calories right but it was a little challenging.

    Many of you in this group have had great success!

    Can you share your best advice?
    What do you eat to get your day started?
    Any snacks or things you keep on hand that you couldn't do without?

    I'm currently home (looking for a job), so I have time to put food together and I like to cook. I have almost 60 pounds to lose . . . sounds overwhelming, but I'm trying to think about it for the long run.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! I'm 57, married with two sons, one out of the house (26) and one (19) still living at home.
    Kathy T. Everett, WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Welcome Kathy from Everette and Gail from Jamaica.:flowerforyou: What very different places. That's what makes this thread interesting. :flowerforyou:

    Quick pop in before everything gets going. DDIL arrives in 3 hours. I'm having a bit of trouble reconciling entertaining toddlers snd babies and then switching to a sophisticated dinner party in the evening.
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I'm sure everyone will prefer a relaxed and happy hostess to an uptight one !

    Valentines Day started off wonderfully as when I opened my card DH had put inside a poem he had written for me!:love::love: :heart:
    He also bought me a box of drawing pencils as I had mentioned that I would like to do some art. Perfect.
    Last night he could see I was struggling with the food preparation so he zested and squeezed 5 limes for me. That's love!

    If you are alone or with a husband who is not romantic, do something lovely for yourself. Deedee, I hope you got to your pedicure - such a great idea.:flowerforyou:

    Love to all and wish me luck today.
    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    "Pat in Ohio 9 hours of sleep, lucky you!!!! I have increased my sleep by an hour, which means I`m getting about 6 hours now, 9 hours sounds divine !!! "

    LOL,for many years I was lucky to sleep 4-5 hrs a night & usually ended up in the Lazy Boy.The hysterectomy surgery really did a number on me.They tried hormones in hospital,lowering dosage 3 times,then said I couldn't take hormones.Went home with bad,bad migraines ( a 1 st ),hot flashes that ruined 2 mattresses ,serious sleep problems etc,most of which lasted 10 yrs. The problems slowly faded,but took a new Dr to help my sleep. Put me on lowest dose anti - depressant & I started with half a pill.
    Worked for me & when we moved.......new Drs etc,they approved my 1/2 dosage. To this day,every 10 days or so,still have a light sleep ,but can't complain.Remember the other way around all too well!

    Kathy in Wash, Welcome.Cereal,eggs or oatmeal is brfast,tho not a big brfast eater.Snacks can be leftovers,yogurt etc. Whatever works on your calorie allowance.

    Gail in Jamaica,welcome.Are you counting calories?

    Joyce,happy for you both. No place like home after hospital stay!

    YannieJannie.....very interesting question. As to why does stress cause us to eat more.Will be watching responses.Personally,I eat less when stressed.

    Kayzoola,my rule with 1st computer was no food/drink near it.The rule was for myself :grumble: cause I can be a klutz!!

    Pat in Sunny Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I got 8 hrs sleep on and off.windy and cold, had another couple of inches early this morning, and we are getting another small storm for all day tomorrow, so guess we wont be going over to see my FIL maybe Sunday, and we usually go out to dinner on Saterday nights we shall see how the weather goes.
    I am getting dressed and will go out and shovel and snow blow ,come in and take a shower and go to work.im hoping to at least get 25 hr's in this week, dont know if they will cancel tomorrow or not.
    Got a beautiful card for Valentines from the DH, a mushy card which is nice, he didnt open his yet but will this afternoon when he gets home from work.
    I hope all of you have a wonderful Valentines day and for those who dont have DH,or SO,know that your family loves you and we Love you...:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
    Tomorrow will be the 14 anniversary of my Mom's passing, she was only 65 and I miss her dearly,but know one day I will see her again. I just hope and pray she is keeping an eye on all of her children,grandchildren and great grandchild down here:wink:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Thankful today is Friday, can't wait tohave tomorrow off. We have my DSIL's suprise party tomorrow night and I have some cooking to do, but it will be so nice to be at home in comfy clothing, moving around and not sitting a desk.
    I really wish I could do my cycling but I tried yesterday to peddle the bike and it killed the knee. My range of motion is getting better but I can't walk as much yet and can't ride. I believe I will swim tomorrow. Last night I did 10 minutes on the recumbent bike and 10 on the elliptical. Couldn't go to fast but feel I got something in.
    My doctor wants me to get an MRI and I have not done it yet, I promised I'd call today.

    Grandmallie, I know what you mean about the snow. I only have a drive way and a small sidewalk and it wears me out.

    Pat, I’m from Ohio and my name is Patty. Where about’s in Ohio, I live outside of Cincinnati?

    Michele, We are going to see Endless Love. Only one of the twins is going, the other is going skating. Alex, the one going with me, has to wear inserts in her shoes because she is flat foot, she runs really fast, plays soccer and is very active, but skating kills her feet.

    I guess I better get my coffee, and get started on my day, everyone have a blessed and safe week-end.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Good morning - I'm new to this thread. I'm looking forward to a very quiet day at work today. This weekend I believe I'll start to pick up things in the basement. We have so much snow, and now they're predicting mid 40's next week. To me that means a lot of melting snow with nowhere to go except for my basement. Hopefully not, but I like to be prepared for the worst

    Karen from the beautiful snowy Chicago suburbs
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning friends! And happy valentines day, too. I couldn't sleep and laid awake for an hour or so before getting out of bed. Hubby wasn't sleeping either, but now I hear him snoring so at least he's getting a little sleep. I had a headache so took Tylenol. I hope it doesn't mix badly with all my meds.

    When I woke up I felt really skinny (my tummy area felt a little bit sunken or something) so first thing I did was go weigh myself and sure enough I was down a little. 205.4!!!! It probably sounds huge to some people, but I'm thrilled with it. I had been stuck at 206 for a long time. At least a week. But I kept reminding myself that every day I'm not 302 pounds is a very good day.

    Kathy from Everette, welcome! I had a health scare which got me motivated to lose weight, and now am on a very low salt diet. Somehow it's easier to eat less when it doesn't taste so good! :angry: But seriously, just logging every day has been the biggest help for me. And this group of ladies helps keep me motivated. Another thing that helps me stay on track is the modelmydiet.com web site. I don't know if you've seen it, but you set it up for your height and current weight, hair color and style, skin tones, etc, and it draws a picture of "you". Then you tell it your goal weight and it draws a second picture of what you will look like at your goal, side by side. I often set it to show my highest weight and my current weight instead. It's really helpful for me to see it on the screen, because I have a very distorted body image and my brain can't quite see what I look like in the mirror, but I can see the differences in the model on the screen. That girl on the screen has lost quite a bit, and I can see it. If I feel like I want to pig out I can look at that picture and it gives me strength to resist. Most days I'm focused on the tiny baby steps, but that site lets me see the big picture. I also have a very supportive husband and good friends who are cheering me on.

    I eat the same breakfast every day. Shredded mini-wheats (maple flavor) and skim milk. I mix benefiber in my milk to help with regularity. I think constipation has been a big problem for me which added to the weight gain, so I fight it every day now. And I keep a little bag of raisins in my purse for a quick snack. I've also discovered a new love of sweet potatoes sautéed in mrs dash garlic and herb. I eat a lot of boneless skinless chicken breast and very little red meat now. And I avoid ANYTHING deep fried. I eat lots of treats, like 100 calorie ice cream bars. Usually a treat every day.

    Gail, welcome! I hope you will tell us all about your life in Jamaica. How wonderful to be someplace that is NOT covered with ice and snow!

    Have a great day everyone!

    From Kansas, the armpit of America
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Karen, welcome to you too. You must have posted while I was typing. Good luck with the melting snow! We are supposed to see 60 here tomorrow, so we will have lots of mud, but I'm going to love the higher temps!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy Valentines Day:heart: !!!!

    Alison :smile: Retiring in FL sounds wonderful! I`m sure you burnt your breakfast off snow blowing!!! Sign language sounds like a good idea, I have a couple of friends that sign, it amazes me how fast they are! Did you get your closet organized:huh: ?

    Sylvia :smile: I know the feeling of being exhausted after my grandgirls go home:yawn: , they have such high energy! I hope you`ll have a lovely time with the grands being there tonight, shower them with hugs and kisses and tell them it`s a Valentines tradition:smooched: . I think making mac/cheese for them sounds like a great idea!!! Good luck on the test results for hubby!! Resist Russell Stover:angry: , he just wants to see you gain, say NO!!!! I love waking up and feeling "skinny"!!! Congrats on the scale going down, happy dance, happy dance:bigsmile: !!!

    Margaret :smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!! I love watching the dog show, I missed it this year:cry: ! I`m like you, they all are magnificent:love: and choosing a winner has to be hard!! I like looking at the positive things in life! I spent way too many years after hubby died being in a “dark hole”…never want to go back there:noway: !!!

    Cynthia :smile: I too, have splashed coffee on the screen reading some post:laugh: !!! I have a few rings I`m wearing on a different finger too:bigsmile: !

    Laura in CO :smile: Hope you enjoyed your massage:love: , that just sounds wonderful! Sorry to hear about your boss losing the property! Good for you getting back to logging!!

    Heather :smile: 45 meatballs….wow! How long did it take you to make them? How sweet of hubby to write you a poem:heart: !!! Don`t think the pedicure is going to happen today:frown: , I`ve got to find a way out of my driveway first:laugh: !

    Katla :smile: Get that ring sized girlfriend!!!! You don`t want to lose it:noway: !!! Hope you had a fun time at the RV show!

    Rita :smile: Nice to see you popping in!!! I`m the same way when I work from home, busy, busy, busy:grumble: !!! Hope you get a well deserved break soon!!

    Sue in SD :smile: Congrats on the steps!!! I`m still working on my taxes:grumble: !

    Carol in NC :smile: We got about another 3 inches of snow yesterday, it was really coming down, looked like a blizzard outside:tongue: ! Wow, I hope the new meds at least help your son a little! When my daughter was younger probably 9 or 10, she went through a phase where she would throw up after eating, Drs. couldn`t find anything wrong. I thought it was stress related although at 9 or 10 they shouldn`t have any stress!!! It lasted about a year and went away on its own. Good luck to you!!! I love tomato soup and grilled cheese:love: , that`s one of my comfort foods!!! Nothing wrong with being lazy on a snowy day!!! What a great NSV, I never thought about smaller clothing taking up less room in the washer!

    Jill :smile: Ack….18 inches of snow:noway: ! Bring on spring:flowerforyou: !!! Stay warm!!!

    Brenda :smile: More snow:noway: …..oh I see you prefer the cold to the heat! I`m just the opposite, bring on the hot weather…I`m ready!!! What did you do to change your ticker? You should be able to go either into “settings” or maybe it`s under “profile” where you have your ticker show up under the post.

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope you and your daughter are feeling better today!

    Pat :smile: I love getting new bras:love: , I hate having to try them on though:grumble: ! We`re supposed to get temps in the 60`s too!!! I`m excited about it! I eat less when stressed too! Glad they found something to help you sleep!!!

    Kayzoola :smile: I love when I have lots of energy (doesn`t happen often though:laugh: )!!! Oh dear the computer has bit the dust:cry: !

    Joyce :smile: Glad hubby is home now:heart::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    Michele :smile: You`re going to FL at the wrong time, it`s supposed to be in the 60`s while you`re gone:tongue: !!!! I`ve got to shovel my porches off today:angry: , the snow blew and now I have a snow hill, it would take forever for it to melt on it`s own! I`m going to see if I can get someone to plow my driveway, it would take days of shoveling it`s so long:frown: !

    Sandy :smile: What a fantastic NSV!!!! I love putting on something and it just hangs off of me, I do a little happy dance:bigsmile: !!! Then I wonder what in the world do I have that really fits me:embarassed: ! Happy Birthday to DS`s GF:flowerforyou: !!! Yum, that restaurant sounds fabulous!!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Oh dear sounds like the restaurant, or at least the waiter wasn`t doing a very good job:angry: ! Have you called your DD? Don`t let stress get to you, resist it:flowerforyou: !!! I`m the total opposite, when I`m stressed I don`t eat at all!

    Gail from Jamaica :smile: Welcome to the best thread on MFP!!! Hope you`ll pop in often and chat with us! I have been to your beautiful Jamaica twice; I loved every minute of it:love: !!!

    Gail in ATL :smile: I was watching the news on your area yesterday, looked like everything was clear and beautiful! What a great celebration with your friends:love: !

    Kathy T :smile: My best advice is to stick with this, log every bite you eat and move more than you were before! I don`t eat breakfast:noway: , don`t like it, never have, so my first meal is lunch and sometimes I have breakfast things then:laugh: ! Snacks can be fresh cut up veggies with hummus, apple with peanut butter, almonds, sometimes I have a cookie or two, depending on how many calories I have left! After dinner I have hot tea to tell my taste buds they are done for the night:bigsmile: ! Look at losing weight in small increments so you don`t overwhelm yourself! Welcome to this fabulous thread of fabulous ladies!!

    Patty :smile: Be careful with your knee:flowerforyou: !! Have a wonderful time with the surprise party!

    Karen :smile: Welcome!!! Hope you`ll pop in often and chat with us!!! Smart getting things up in the basement!

    Well ladies I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day:heart: , filled with love, happiness and joy!!! Remember to drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food (even log those sweet treats!!!)

    DeeDee digging out of the snow in NC (at least the sun is shining bright this morning!:glasses: )
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sunny day; high will be near 50. Still silence, phone and email, with DD; I have tried to contact both ways; when things go wrong, she withdraws.........and that's the last thing a mom wants because we sooooooo want to comfort and help. If I have to, I will call college and have someone confirm she is OK just being silent---if they will do that.

    Pat.....Sometimes stress makes me want to eat terribly and other times (like when I had a cardiac issue diagnosed) I will almost completely stop; lost 5lbs. in one week that time ...........

    Gail...........YAY to making it safely through all that ice and snow; your area has really have been hammered this winter.

    KathyT.......I have a mug of hot cocoa every day; usually keeps me from wanting other treats. As far as breakfast goes
    sometimes I count nothing but the milk I use throughout the day in my hot tea, or usual breakfast foods---cereal, eggs, oatmeal, or even leftovers.

    Heather.........Enjoy your day of entertaining and guests!!! Count me among the fans of your cooking stories. What a sweetheart of a DH to help out like that!

    Patty in Cincy..........My DD had huge foot and leg problems as a young runner (casts twice, 3 long stints of p.t.) until they started making her custom orthotics..........now she does half marathons.

    Dee Dee ............Also enjoying the sunshine!!!

    granmallie..........sounds like your snow will be around till June.

    Hello, newbies.
  • cjchip
    Okay Ladies.. HELP! I was so proud of myself - this time last year I was on a mission! I found MFP and started dropping weight.. and by summer I had lost 20 lbs!!! yay me!
    But then it happened.. I got married, winter happened and I have gained 10 lbs...I feel horrible. miserable. 10 lbs on a 5 foot frame is A LOT. I got on the scale this morning and cried. Not like sobbing or anything.. just the lip quiver and the tear well-up...
    watched as the lone tear hit that dreaded scale as I stared down in disbelief. Where the HECK did that come from??

    Monday is my birthday - 52 and my skinny jeans are stretched at the seams...

    SO.. please some motivational words - encouragement - a good beating. ANYTHING...
    I blame my husband. actuallly - I can only blame myself - but hey it was worth a shot. right?
    help? :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    I say we go visit Gail in Jamaica :laugh:
    oh lordy it is over 30 so this snow is like cement,I shoveled the deck and the loop, did both driveway's and patio,had to stop every few minutes and clean out the damn chute,heavy wet yucky stuff.
    DeeDee- no never did get to the closet,but made dinner for the DH , trying to figure out what to make him for dinner,because I wont be here until after 5.
    well have to take a shower and get ready for work at noon...:heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Snowy day in Eastern Ontario. Will take the 4 wheel truck to radiation today for sure. Only 5 more to go Ag
    Father today

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Wow - Don't know where "Ag father today" cam from. Was supposed to say "after today"

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Alison: The weather term “clipper” is new to me. What does it mean?:huh:

    Michele: I’m on maintenance. It is another challenge to figure out, but I’m doing okay. MFP gave me way too many calories to begin with so I changed some settings. Right now the goal is 1280. I’m all over the place, but rarely net 1280. I’m usually lower. I’m holding. I find this is a new skill set and feel like I’m learning. Regarding Weather Channel. I LOVED it. But Direct TV has substituted Weather Nation, and I feel like I’m watching 1950s forecasting. The on-air “talent” is just reading the news. No insight, crappy graphics…So I get my weather news from NOAA online and don’t know how things are going elsewhere in the country any more.:angry: I love NOAA, but don't have tome to search everywhere to see how tings are. I also miss the live reports.:ohwell:

    Sandy: 83 pounds lost if a major achievement. I’m glad you’re finally seeing your success. Yay!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: There was nothing we both liked at the RV show. I liked a couple of Minnie Winnie floor plans but DH has his heart set on diesel. There were three diesel rigs there. Two were too small and one was too big. The too big one was powered by a Freightliner Diesel engine. Talk about huge!:smokin:

    Gailbarrett from Kingston Jamaica: Welcome! You can find us again by looking at “My Topics.” Naturally we’re all going to be jealous of your weather most of the time. You may have many visitors.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Gail metro ATL: I could feel my hands swelling just from reading abut your DH’s dinner. Enjoy your get together with friends.:flowerforyou:

    KathyT, Everett WA: Welcome! Best advice: Count every calorie. Take it slow and use portion control. That means you’ll have to weigh and/or measure every serving. Drink lots of water. This needs to be a lifestyle change and you’ll learn as you go along.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your DH is a sweetie. Happy Valentines’ Day!:heart:

    Pat in OH: I used to be a stress eater but calorie counting put an end to that. I think chewing is the culprit because it releases some sort of endorphins that make a person feel more relaxed. The mental image of cows chewing their cud helped motivate me to quit chewing mine. Early on I substituted things like celery for higher calorie things like potato chips.:flowerforyou:

    Karen from suburban Chicago: Getting the basement ready for flooding seems like a good idea. Long ago a friend of ours had a company seal his basement so it would quit being wet. Unfortunately he lived in an area where the water table was extremely high and his whole house floated out of the ground. :noway: I think a sump pump would be a better strategy.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on the weight loss!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee and Margaret: I missed the dog show, but caught the Agility Competition. They let mixed breed dogs into that one along with the purebreds. I really enjoyed watching. :heart: My wedding ring is now safely in my jewelry box until I can take it in to the jeweler and have it resized downward. I have another ring there that also needs to be made smaller.:bigsmile:

    DH has an appointment for an MRI today so I need to get ready soon. This is part of his MS management. I think the doctor wants to see whether the disease is progressing or stable. DH also has some lower back issues that need to be monitored and it is unclear, at least to me, whether they are MS related. I’ll be taking my knitting project with me. I started it to have something to do in the snow and I’ve reached the halfway point. I’m making a baby blanket for the next little one. I’ve made some for my DGD and others as gifts for friends of my kids and grandchildren of my friends.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, when my ring had gotten too big and I had to rescue it from a ladies room trash can, I bought a $20 costume jewelry ring in a smaller size to hold my wedding ring in place. They both spin around on my finger but they don't fall off. I'd be lost without my ring.