
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: happy Valentine's day. And I am 1 lb lighter. Woohoo.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member

    a vintage valentine - Happy Valentine's Day! :smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Katla~ Clipper at least here in the Northeast means fast moving storm.like a clipper ship....
    well I am not looking forward to more.. I am sore as all get out.. but will deal with it..
    last year I dont think I would have ever had the stamina to do all this shoveling and snowblowing...
    gonna get the puppies out for a quick tinkle and then off to work..
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day all you Lovely Ladies:heart:

    Have a wonderful day.

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,869 Member
    Happy :heart: to all you lovely ladies. Well I am so far behind, just wanted to check in. This weekend I will try and get caught up with all the reading. I have spent the last several days at the hospital with mom and dad. Dad had his surgery and they were able to stent all three, So at this time he has no blockages. So then they wanted him to see a lung doctor. So they came in did some test and told us that because of the heart not working right his lungs filled up. So they drained one yesterday and the other one this morning and now he can breath so much better. Then late yesterday the doctor came in and told us this was not expected buy his heart is back to normal rhythen. God does such good work!!!:flowerforyou: So today my mom and sister are taking him back to Imperial to rehab to get stronger. So I believe we have turned the corner and he is really going to get better. I came home last evening as have to work today and the weekend.
    Prayers to all and hugs. I will catch up and be back later.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :heart: :heart: Happy Valentine Day:heart:
    Hope everyone is staying safe with all this crazy weather,and will be able to enjoy the day
    Dh gave me a lovely spring plant for valentines so pretty and does add a bit of colour too much white lately.....
    Have been doing better with logging and more steps being added lately, I was down .05 but will only add it in when its a full lb and gone for good, nice to see a down side for a change

    Thoughts and prayers for those in need.... Congradulations to the great losses and NSV

    Have a safe and happy weekend

    Juanita in sudbury
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just hanging around the house today with DH so thought I jump on again.

    Susan........Ag Father??????? YEP, had me stumped; stared at it for about 5 min. before I gave up and moved on to your next post!!!

    Katla.........The Weather Channel is online and very easy to navigate. I saw that Weather Nation service last month in another part of our state.........absolutely HATED it!!!!! AWFUL, TERRIBLE!!!! WAY beyond unacceptable once you've had a good dedicated channel for weather. I would be leaving for another service if it came to DISH. Hope the MRI went smoothly and all is stable for your DH.

    Vicki..........Wonderful news!

    Michele.............I had been on maintenance (????) after reaching goal last July; I think one of the reasons I backslid was they gave me ONLY 50 more calories; I think that is pretty depressing...............so, I'm now at an even lower number trying to get it off again. I'm honestly not sure at this point that there is any such thing as" Maintenance"..........just an ongoing, never ending battle...........

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki, your post about your Dad just really got to me. I am so glad he now has his blockages open with stents. It reminded me so much of my own Dad. You have had a busy, roller coaster week with them. I have also been on that emotional roller coaster ride on a cardiac unit. It is so tough to be sitting there waiting and the man you love is there with his hands in some one else. Wow, blockages, fluid on the lungs and irregular rhythm. So glad he is past all that. Hopefully he can maintain a diet to keep his heart and lungs in good condition.

    Several of you newer ladies here have been asking for ieas of how we started out. Well this site did it for me. You have the ability to track what you are eating and then watch those numbers that are supposed to stay in green go to red and you have to sit there and work with how to change what you have to do to make a positive change. You can put in your own recipes of foods you love to eat and see what you are REALLY eating. Then this group. When one is down, the other million :laugh: ladies in here will pick you up. When I first started I had very lofty goals. My long term goal was 75 pounds and my short term goals were 25 pounds. Boy, I sure found out that wasn't going to work. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth to see a one pound loss other times you surprise yourself by seeing 2 or 3. But waiting for that short term goal of 25 was just unsurmountable. So I changed to 10 pound goals and I was much happier. We all love to see progress and not seeing that just causes failure. I also had to learn not to always judge progress by the scale only. My scale can be the most stubborn thing to move yet I am changing clothes sizes. I wish I had pushed aside my shame and taken my measurements and pictures at the very beginning. I waited until I was feeling good about myself. Treat yourself to little non dietary things like a pretty scarf, pedicure, a new color of nail polish. My husband is not a man that even notices if I am wearing anything at all. So have some one in your life who can really raise you up, a shopping buddy who encourages you to look past that fat lady state of mind and see the wonderful woman you are. It took me a long, long time to even consider looking at something other than the baggy shirts, , elastic band pants. My daughter refused to let me buy those things for myself. Use the internet wisely! We continue to eat out a lot and I use the restaurants web sites to determine before I eat. In fact I log every thing I am going to eat in the morning. Then it is set in black and white. Yes, it can be changed but I don't like to. Keep good things to eat around the house. Keep some eggs hard boiled for a good protein snack, find a nice treat. Some menttion the ice cream snacks. Weight Watchers and Skinny Cow make some wonderful ones. Just remember that although they are usually 100 calories, they also pack a lot of carbohydrates. I love my fruits!!!! I love my plain yogurt with pineapple and granola in it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentine’s Day :heart:
    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    Yanniejannie congrats on being on maintenance. I agree with keeping weight off never ends. I like what someone said on another forum. It is easier to lose that two pound that crept on than twenty. So I have a two pound rule for myself. When it looks like I have gained two pounds from bad habits I try to get myself back on track. I have maintained this way for 16 months.

    Juanita being on the right track!!!!!!!

    VickiGI NE glad to hear dad is doing better.

    Texasgal your valentine brought me back to my childhood.:flowerforyou: :heart:


    Sandy ON congrats on the loose coat!!!!!!

    Katla congrats on the new sizing of you rings. It marks a major accomplishment.!!!!!!!!!! Hope MRI of DH goes well.

    Cjchip as I learned in the workshop I took this week it is time to tell yourself to reset. You caught yourself and now you will get back on track. We are here for you.

    Joyce glad to hear your DH is home.

    Kathy T I always have some nuts and water along for a snack. A few satisfy me and keep me from the vending machine. Logging really helps me. It makes me think about what I am eating and portion control. I try to watch my sleeping because I tend to make poorer choices when I am tired. I try to get some form of exercise everyday unless I am sick.

    Heather what a darling DH.

    Pat in OH for me it depends on the stress. Over the top stress I eat less. The subtle day to day stresses is what gets me because I get tired and then I am more vulnerable to overeating.

    Alison I am sorry you lost your mother so young. My niece’s lost their mother my sister at 59. I know her death caused me to look at my own health habits. She always said she would start taking care of herself tomorrow. Her tomorrow never came. I take care of myself today, so hopefully I will have a tomorrow.

    I feel for our sisters out east. We also have a lot of snow but it came without the ice and in smaller chunks. We are finally getting out of the deep freeze. Near 30 today. Yeah!!! I feel better today. I am being careful what I eat.

    "Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint."
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    It's snowing here in Cincinnati, Ohio UGH!! It has been a long winter.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Valentines day!:heart::heart: :heart:
    Hubby made me a beautiful handmade card.Took me to a mexican place for lunch.
    This cold has me feeling lousy.Daughter has a respitory infection and feeling better-thanks for the well wishes.
    Hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thank you for all the warm welcomes and helpful suggestions! I can see by everyone's tickers that there is a lot of success here! I hope I can be one of those a year from now! :flowerforyou:

    Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! I've been on a journey to learn how to love and care for myself. It certainly isn't easy but it sure is worth it. Accepting my body exactly as it is as well as accepting that I deserved to be well cared for are both important parts of my journey.

    Food boredom is a big problem for me; I eat for variety, texture, and flavor. I have the luxury of enough time to cook right now, so I'm taking advantage of that.

    When I eat breakfast, I generally do better throughout the day. I often eat eggs & breakfast meat but was shocked to see how many calories in that breakfast! My whole days allotment! I bought egg beaters and turkey bacon and made scrambled eggs with sautéed mushrooms, spinach (I keep spinach in the freezer in chunks, so easy to thaw a bit here & there), string cheese, and turkey bacon, although it ended up being my lunch because it was so late! Just knowing that I was looking forward to something yummy & filling made it easier for me to wait. I also have 4 oz. of Naked Boosted Blue Machine every morning with my pills, vitamins, & gummy calciums. And, several cups of coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 tides me over as well. :drinker:

    I'm doing my best to follow everyone's advice to LOG EVERY BITE, SIP & NIBBLE! :tongue: I found that I can add all my vitamins which is very fun to see and helps me remember to take them!

    We are eating in tonight and having a special dessert . . . . about 400 calories a serving, so i'm saving most of my calories for dinner. We are having salmon, green beans, & caesar salad and a decadent Trader Joe's fudge lava cake for dessert. I use a digital scale to weigh everything, so I pile on the greens for my salads and then sparingly add the dressing. I realize now how much dressing I had been having on my salads before starting to track calories! No wonder I've been steadily gaining weight when I THOUGHT I was eating so sensibly!!

    I had planned on making burnt cream but saw the lava cakes at the store . . . two individual servings in one box versus making burnt creams where I would likely eat ALL the extra servings myself . . . .so better to buy the cakes!

    What I love so far about this program is that I get to decide exactly what to spend my calories on! I am looking for ways to bulk up on low calorie and trade high calorie for lower calorie options (i.e. the turkey bacon). Just have to decide what is worth trading out and what is not! I love my flavored coffee mates but find the 1/2 & 1/2 a better option. Still thinking about the turkey bacon but it does provide the salty meat flavor that I'm used to with my eggs. If I add extra veggies to my eggs and add a little string cheese, I get a bigger serving and lots of flavor.

    I plan to take some time to read over as many posts here as I can in order to get to know all of you better! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 (after a mastectomy & reconstruction, no chemo or radiation), I'm currently cancer free. The online support was my saving grace; I made many great friends and we all supported each other, so I know this is a great place to be!!!!

    Kathy T. / Everett

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Jane: homemade cards are the BEST!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Grandmallie: you crack me up. :laugh: Don’t wear yourself out too much doing the snow!
    Pat from Ohio: too bad about your meds, but you may get there as your health improves. :flowerforyou:
    Joyce: so glad you’re home! I would think it would take some time to be a little less scared. Good you’re together. :heart:
    Carol: nice NSV!
    Yanniejannie: sorry you’re not feeling right. I know the feeling. Hard to stay off the junk then. :flowerforyou:
    Kathy: nice to be able to get out for a walk.
    Heather: my guy does the same thing, seeing what I need help with and volunteering. I try to do the same for him. :heart:
    Patty: hope you can get the MRI soon and find out what’s going on.
    Sylvia: every little bit helps and it’s great when you see the scale moving again. Thanks for the Model My Diet tip; I may try it out.
    Katla: maintenance is a while away for me; must be a real switch after focusing on losing. Hope the MRI brings good news.
    Renny: congrats on your pound.
    Vicki: good news on your dad.

    I've been really busy this week. I am consistent with my logging, even on the days I crash and burn. For me, it helps to see numbers: exactly how much of this or that have I eaten, how are my macros, how much room do I have, how much did I "earn" with exercise. It's not fun to log on the bad days, but it has to be done.

    Monday there's a dinner with colleagues at work, and Tuesday my guy and I have a special day (kind of an anniversary), so we're going out to dinner then as well. Those are challenges, but it's also nice to do something like that once in a while.

    I do notice that after 3-4 months of being on MFP I tend to end the day a bit above my goal. I'm still losing, but wonder whether this is a kind of boredom setting in. Any thoughts?

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    evening ladies
    well I posted on Facebook this morning, who needs the freakin gym when your shoveling and snow blowing daily:laugh:
    good lord when will this ever end..
    2 of the girls at work got beautiful flowers today, and the other 2 got them on weds,
    I will not complain,A- because they are way way overpriced for today, and B- because he sent me flowers to work for our anniversary in September..
    He gave me a beautiful card, and we will have a nice dinner out tomorrow afternoon..
    Glad I can make some of you laugh.. it is a goal of mine to be cheery,even when I dont feel that way:huh:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Renny: Congratulations on the lost pound, an excellent Valentine from you to yourself.:heart:

    Alison: Thanks for the explanation of a Clipper. Enjoy your dinner out tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki GI NE: You are lucky that your dad is doing so well. Happy Valentine’s Day!:heart:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Congratulations on your success. Personally, I always count a fraction of a pound. Those fractions add up! (Or subtract away.:wink: )

    Yanniejannie: We just signed a two year contract with Direct TV so we are stuck.:angry:

    Kathy T/Everett: We had salmon, broccoli, and new potatoes yesterday for dinner. It was a wonderful meal. I’m thinking about tonight’s dinner but haven’t had an inspiration yet. I’ve got three hours to figure it out and cook it. :tongue:

    DH came through the MRI in good shape. Last time he was in considerable pain when he finished so this was a wonderful improvement. He’ll find out the results from his doctor next week. Afterward he took me shopping at Kohl’s for vests and I found three vests I liked enough to buy PLUS a shell and a new pair of pants, all at least 50% off. Then we went out to a favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch. :bigsmile: Unfortunately I don’t have a gift for him and no idea in mind.:sad:

    I will need a swimsuit for this season because my old ones have “outgrown” me. I was thinking of ordering one online, but I don’t know what will fit, so I thought I’d try a couple on to figure out my size. The swimwear I saw today was unbelievably UGLY. I wouldn’t insult my own body with any of it. :noway: I sure hope more attractive things become available later this spring. I like tank suits but am considering a tankini because it seems to me that it would be easier when I need to visit the “ladies” room. Those of you who are swimmers can probably give me some needed advice. Truthful moment: I play in the water more than I actually swim, and I am not planning to let anyone see my midsection without some sort of fabric covering it. My skin is still “a bit” bigger than what is inside it.:ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm taking a quick break from watching the Olympics . I've caught up reading the posts.

    :flowerforyou: kathy from Everett, I'm enjoying the same beautiful weather that you have.....we are so blessed to be living where we do. I have gradually changed my habits since starting MFP......now I start my day with exercise......I have gradually trained myself to go to bed earlier so I can get up early and walk first thing in the morning. I analyze my food to see where I can cut back on empty calories and strive for nutritionally dense foods. I gave up recreational eating and now meet my friends for a walk rather than for a meal. My breakfast every morning is a chocolate Isagenix shake with walnuts and flax seed. It helps me to eat a lot of the same things all the time so I'm not spending a lot of my time thinking about food. I look for every opportunity to be active. I've gotten some great ideas from women on this thread about books to read that have helped me learn more about healthy eating and exercise and how to stay focused on my plan. Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    :flowerforyou: cjchip, today is the beginning of the miraculous part of your life.....take it one day at a time and make losing that weight more important than anything else.

    :heart: :heart: This year Jake did the perfect thing for Valentine's Day.....he wrote a cute little poem and laid it on my computer first thing in the morning and didn't buy me anything because he knows that I am passionate about not spending money. On Wednesday night we went to the movies for our romantic date and saw "Monuments Men"----a great movie.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I taught the line dance class today and featured primarily dances with a romantic theme. It was a great class.


    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of a Rebounder DVD. Tomorrow I'll probably do a few of the challenges from another site.

    Ordered KCM 30 Minutes to Fitness Cardio quick Fix DVD and the 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD yesterday. The 10 Minute Solution one was on sale at collage video and in order to get free shipping I HAD to order the KCM one (life's tough, huh?). Now that Amazon upped their free shipping, sometimes collage video will be cheaper.

    We usually leave to go to FL for the Daytona 500. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to wait until the last minute, Vince does. He hasn't told me yet when we're leaving. I like to do things like have meals ready to just defrost when we get home, make baked potatoes and we can have them and then freeze the rest until we're back.

    Today I go to get the oil in my car changed. The place is right next the Aldi so I'll stop there and get things to take with us (cereal, nuts, etc), then go to WalMart to get my calcium suppliment and milk for Vince.

    Sandy - have fun this weekend. Good for you noticing how your coat is hanging off you.

    Gail, karen, kathy - welcome to a great group of very supportive women

    Gail - thanks for the suggestion about the Duck Tape for my boots. Maybe gorilla tape would be better? That's funny, taping your boots. Now of course it's going to get warmer. We're leaving for FL -- that's why, you know....lol What a neat Valentine tradition you have!

    Sylvia - congrats on the loss. How is the Mrs. Dash on the sodium? I always thought it was on the high side, but I could be wrong. She also might very well make a "no salt added" version and I'm just not aware of it. When I had a hemmerhoidectomy a few years ago (removal of hemmerhoids), they recommended that I take some mineral oil to help "move things out softly" and this way not injur myself. Someone told me that celery is high in sodium...never knew that. Wow about your ring, that's just wonderful

    yanniejannie - I do hope your daughter is OK

    cjchip - happy birthday! Be diligent about logging your food and be sure what you eat is nutritious. It's possible to reach your calorie limit by eating just junk, but that won't help you one bit.

    katla - I'm always on the lookout to view people's diaries of the snacks they have, the meals they have. Will check it out

    Renny - happy valentines day to you, too. And 1 lb down makes it that much sweeter

    Vicki - thank the Lord, He certainly does wonderous works

    yanniejannie - keeping the weight off never ends, you are so right. And it goes on so so quickly

    New ladies - one of the things that I absolutely love about this site is when you log youir food, sometimes I get such a big surprise. Things that I would have thought low in calories, really aren't. It's such an eyeopener how certain foods really use up your calorie allotment, and you begin to know better which foods you can and should be eating more of. Another thing is that you gert lots of good ideas of what to order in restaurants, you learn from everyone else.

    Alison - I must have missed this. How old were you when you lost your mother? I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Kathy - you know, I never thought of keeping spinach in chunks. What a great idea! I can defrost one package and then refreeze it in ice cube trays, then just use a cube when I need it in an egg or something. Thanks. Enjoy that fudge lava cake, I know that I would. Enjoy it doubly for me. Congrats on being cancer free!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Our Mrs. Dash says "salt free" right on the front label. I thought that was the point of Mrs. Dash. This is our first experience with it and we both like it.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    HI! :heart: Happy Valentine's Day! :heart:

    My hubby, Red, gave me a fire extinguisher for a gift today, :huh: with a homemade card (on a sticky note LOL) that said, "Because you're so HOT" :laugh:

    I'm so sorry I haven't had time to keep up with all of you wonderful ladies, but I continue to wish you well. :flowerforyou:

    I'm one pound lighter, too, Renny, yay! Congrats!! :drinker: It happens when we get serious, that's all I know. :bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    :smile: jb in soon-to-be rainy Portland