We broke up :-(



  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I usually go to zumba, or kickboxing and pretend its his face I'm punching/kicking.
    Plus the music is really loud so I also scream obscenities at him.. it feels great :)

    I'm not even having a breakup.. I am just wasting time with a *kitten* I know I should dump.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Exercise is the best and 100% natural anti-depressant there is. Get out there!

    I agree with this. I was really depressed about this time last year, and put on meds, but nothing felt better than the runner's high I would get when I would jog. When you get done you'll feel like a champ. And don't let not feeling motivated stop you from giving it a try, break that negative cycle!
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    Give yourself 3 days to grieve, then pick yourself back up. Give yourself 3 days to make yourself sick, get it out of your system, then keep going. But only those 3 days. You have to tell yourself that you can watch all the Nicolas Sparks movies you want, eat all the chocolate ice cream you can, but then after those days, say "I'm done grieving, I'm going to live my life normally again."
  • farfalla2015
    Great ideas here guys!! I love it!
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:
    LOL..I have to agree,married,divorced,currently married and some days I want to kill him!..seriously,,its not the end of the world,,its a new beginning for you!! take it and run with it!
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry to hear about the breakup. And the cravings. I did a lot of comfort eating and became a bit of a hermit after my divorce. Wish I hadn't. But I did.
    Once the greiving is over with, look at it as an opportunity to end up with someone better suited to you who will make you happy. And in the meantime, be kind to yourself and do the things you enjoy doing. Get your laughs in. Surround yourself with people whose company you enjoy. Spoil yourself with some quality alone time (bubble baths and good books/movies/music/hobbies). Get out and walk, don't give up on being active. And if you must fall on top of a chocolate treat, develop a taste for good quality dark chocolate :wink: . I find I can get my fix in a square or two rather than a whole bar. Have it with strawberries or a few toasted almonds. It won't break your caloric plan, but it might take the edge off the craving.
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Big hugs to you!!

    Eat chocolate for like a day or two! Get it out the way and then go to the gym and release all your anger out. Believe me you will feel better doing it :)

    It took me a year to get over my ex (and a trip to the other side of the world) but now looking back I release how much better off I am! If only I'd listened to everyone when they told me haha (never do!) you will get there too :) xxxx:heart::flowerforyou:
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:
    LOL..I have to agree,married,divorced,currently married and some days I want to kill him!..seriously,,its not the end of the world,,its a new beginning for you!! take it and run with it!

    ^^Yup. We married folk are all jealous. Lol!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Exercise lots it helps with feelings of depression.

    This is your answer. Do something that will make you feel great! Truth is you will probably be hurting for a while and that's okay. Just don't ruin your body because of it, okay? Some people end up gaining all their weight from depression. Good luck! :)
  • farfalla2015
    I just want to thank everyone for their awesome advice.

    This weekend will be hard but I will exercise, clean my house, read, watch TV and sleep! I wish it were nice out.
  • fredscamille
    like someone said if it will make you feel better...don't feel guilty eating a little chocolate and then just get back on track the next day. the last thing you need now is to feel any worse. but you might also try this trick if you need a little chocolate indulgence, buy chocolate syrup and just squeeze a tablespoon over some fresh fruit like strawberry or watermelon. a lot less calories and fat but it will give you that same pick me up that chocolate does...at least it's working for me :smile:
  • MissSarahkins
    I'm sorry :(

    Put that chocolate down (emotional eating will only make you feel worse...I know...easier said than done). Work out, girl! Seriously. It will make you feel so much better. Get out there...lift those weights and do that cardio :) There's nothing more satisfying than that sense of freedom after a tumultuous relationship. You are now a single lady woooo.... so get out there and do your thing!!! Do whatever it is you want that you couldn't do while you were together.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Getting in shape, looking the best you've ever looked, and having fun tends to be the best revenge in a breakup.

    Agree! Don't eat junk food, just because you're sad. Workout to some amazing music and you'll feel better!!!
  • CoreyGDS
    get some little healthy items in the fridge, Homemade Protein bars (lemon yuk), Turkey muffins etc.... BodyBuilding.com has some treats, like this ice cream...Jerrys and ??? but its all healthy stuff. A lot recipes, meal plans workouts and all free..

    I have this pre bed time meal -- Non Fat Greek Yogurt, Almond Butter, Protein Powder. This mixed has consistency of icing, has a sweeter taste but not to bad. I actually place this in the freezer and its gives me my ice cream.


    but don't need them, better shape you get in, just think of all them yumminess to look forward to!!

    Just remember this is just a bump in the road and any road to success theres always a number of speed bumps.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Trying hugging a stick of broccoli....
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    No comfort eating allowed, BE STRONG.
    When you go through a break up, focus your attentions on yourself, make yourself the best version of yourself so your ex is like DAMMMMMM!:smokin:
  • farfalla2015
    Trying hugging a stick of broccoli....

  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi I can really understand what you're going through. My fiance and I recently broke up and like the other posters said it's a great time to find yourself. I've been doing things I've been wanting to do for a long time and working out alot. Plus I am saving money. I wish you the best and it does get better in time.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    Sorry about you breakup. Maybe get angry and go punch some bags? Kickboxing? Don't eat and gain wait over it. Eat because you love the food and want too.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    So sorry...