What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I never got any comments when I was bigger but now its "maybe you should stop you are getting too skinny" or my husband who means well pointing out things like "hey you better hit the gym harder, your butt is getting jiggly" im like thanks now I am self conscious about my butt wtf
  • liftsforchocolate
    You workout? *shocked look

    (after 6 months of dieting and working out 2 hours everyday)
  • SarahMS79
    SarahMS79 Posts: 45 Member
    Everything and anything...probably most recently was I'd look stunning if I could lose some weight... Also a young child once asked me if there was a baby in my belly... AND My mother telling me I was a fat digusting waste of space... :frown:
  • mreilly013
    mreilly013 Posts: 36 Member
    So I carry all/majority of my extra weight in my hips, and always have. So even back in high school people would tell me ive got baby carrying hips, not something a 15 year old girl likes to hear about a changing body. And even when I was probably 110 pounds and 5'4", id hear "oh you should wear spanx with that" Thanks..for my uneven weight distribution.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    I must have been told a thousand plus times between the ages of 14-20 that I would always be a scrawny boy, never be comparable to the average "buff" guy, never look athletic let alone muscular, never be physically appealing. My lack of masculine traits or physical prowess must have been brought up a dozen times every day for 10 years.

    So I joined a gym :bigsmile:
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    So I carry all/majority of my extra weight in my hips, and always have. So even back in high school people would tell me ive got baby carrying hips, not something a 15 year old girl likes to hear about a changing body. And even when I was probably 110 pounds and 5'4", id hear "oh you should wear spanx with that" Thanks..for my uneven weight distribution.

    Girl, I love your hips! Some women would kill to have more curve, or a waist like yours. It is sad that people have brought you down for such a lovely trait.
  • rockinchick221976
    rockinchick221976 Posts: 346 Member
    @Trojan....If they could only see you now! Dear lawd! :bigsmile: Boy did you prove them wrong :wink:
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    I got a lot of similar comments my whole life, but I think what hurt the most was that no one ever complimented me. Even if I was dressed up for a choir concert or a school dance or something, no one ever told me I looked nice.

    Maybe it's shallow, but sometimes you just want someone to call you pretty.
  • I got a lot of similar comments my whole life, but I think what hurt the most was that no one ever complimented me. Even if I was dressed up for a choir concert or a school dance or something, no one ever told me I looked nice.

    Maybe it's shallow, but sometimes you just want someone to call you pretty.

    I can SOOO relate to this !!!
  • zebrazebra1971
    zebrazebra1971 Posts: 2 Member
    You dress well for your size, in the end I just have to take it as the compliment it was intended to be!
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    @Trojan....If they could only see you now! Dear lawd! :bigsmile: Boy did you prove them wrong :wink:

    :) hehe thank you! It's my motivation each and every day
  • AsparagusFinch
    AsparagusFinch Posts: 167 Member
    Honestly, there many have been a few comments here and there, but they pale in comparison to what I've said to myself mentally. At the end of the day, haters' gonna hate - but the real issue is when you say hurtful things to yourself. If someone says something horrible to you about your weight, they don't deserve to be a part of your life and you can, and should, give them the boot. You're too good for their negativity :)
  • missyahall2
    missyahall2 Posts: 99 Member
    Being an African-American female, and an African-American male replied to my "going to the gym" comment with, "Why are you trying to be skinny? What are you trying to be white?" Obnoxiously ignorant. That was like 4 years ago and I'm still like WTF :grumble:

    I haaaaaaate that our people can think being fit is "a white thing." I had little support from my AA friends on my journey and would just work really hard on hiding it or bringing it up.

    Same here. I'm currently 162 pounds. My goal is 150. every time I tell someone this, they tell me "I'm going too far" and "don't get white and anorexic on us". Excuse me, I didn't know being 5'7 and 150 pounds would be considered anorexic. And it's good to know that eating disorders are race oriented. Oh wait, none of that is true. Excuse me while I continue NOT knowing you because you are stupid.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    my ex bf once said to me about this new girl he was with " well at least she can fit nicely in the back seat of my car"

    I cried for like a day

    a month ago he saw me & told me I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life - and he meant it 100% I was all " Yea I know right" :bigsmile:

    ummm one time I was standing in line with my gorgeous younger sister & my gorg mom for New York Fries and these two thin chicks in uggs in front of us turned looked at me and made a gross face at me then started laughing to themselves saying "something is not like the other , she should not be eating here eww"

    my sister heard them and told them to stfu & they gave her a bad look too like "ugh who does she think she is standing up for a ugly pig" I went and sat at a table trying not to cry...my mom brought me a vegetarian supreme fries thing and i ate that **** like no tomorrow

    lesson: people who wear uggs are almost always terrible, my sister is better than everyone else.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I never really got one about my weight.

    I once had a dude ask why my stomach sticks out funny on one side. He didn't realize I had a colostomy bag. Hahaha.
  • YearsWorthOfFAT
    "Just stop eating."

    Ffs worst is i was trying to get over my eating disorder.
  • annastasia_82
    annastasia_82 Posts: 940 Member
    My step dad would make the back up beeper noise anytime I walked into a room and would then yell "wide load coming through, everyone clear out and make room" and would put a wide load sign on my bedroom door. I was 14 - 19yrs old, 5' tall and around 130-135lbs. High school was beyond horrible. I was constantly told that the only way I could be so fat is if all I did was sit on the couch and eat potato chips (I was even told this by a few teachers). I went to school full time and worked almost full time hours to help pay the household bills, I didn't have time to sit around. I have always been fairly muscular and have a somewhat stocky build, because of that kids would tell me it was a good thing I had big boobs and a girly face otherwise I would look like a boy. Of course there was always all the normal fat jokes. The rude comments in the lunch line. If I sat down to eat lunch some of the "perfect" girls would walk over and make a big scene about telling me how I really didn't need to eat and that I had enough blubber to live on for the next x amount of years. I stopped eating in the lunch room and still hide my eating to this day.
  • hudnharsmom
    hudnharsmom Posts: 252 Member
    Had a professer tell me I could b a model if I would slim down and tone up
  • mcat4669
    mcat4669 Posts: 87 Member
    From my grandma...she's the sweetest grandma in the world but she's always told me "when you thin out you'll be a beauty..." Like I can't and won't be beautiful unless I'm thin
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    My step dad would make the back up beeper noise anytime I walked into a room and would then yell "wide load coming through, everyone clear out and make room" and would put a wide load sign on my bedroom door. I was 14 - 19yrs old, 5' tall and around 130-135lbs. High school was beyond horrible. I was constantly told that the only way I could be so fat is if all I did was sit on the couch and eat potato chips (I was even told this by a few teachers). I went to school full time and worked almost full time hours to help pay the household bills, I didn't have time to sit around. I have always been fairly muscular and have a somewhat stocky build, because of that kids would tell me it was a good thing I had big boobs and a girly face otherwise I would look like a boy. Of course there was always all the normal fat jokes. The rude comments in the lunch line. If I sat down to eat lunch some of the "perfect" girls would walk over and make a big scene about telling me how I really didn't need to eat and that I had enough blubber to live on for the next x amount of years. I stopped eating in the lunch room and still hide my eating to this day.

    I just want to hug you. WTF?? is wrong with some people? Those "perfect" girls were miserable and decided to make you their target of all their unhappiness. It isn't you.