
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, everyone,

    I wondered if any of us felt the earthquake; it was a 4.1, centered southwest of Colmbia S.C. I remember the "earthquake bolts" on all the historic homes in downtown Charleston when we lived there---they had a massive one back in 1886. One of the roads I crossed regularly was named "Faultline Road", you can bet I held my breath every time!!!

    I've had real good luck with produce lately---always "iffy" here during winter months............had some wonderful strawberries last week, black plums, and blood oranges.

    Sometimes I hate it when I'm right: Got a very short and curt email from DD about 2hrs. ago saying she has been "wait-listed" for the vet school. I knew there was something major bad going on with her. It also said she doesn't want to talk about it. Final count was over 1400 applied, 260 interviewed, 120 outright accepted. I know she's brokenhearted. I thought just getting an interview was quite a coup.

    Kayzoola..........Proud to say I've had none of that pie!!! Never even heard of sweet potato pie before I moved south.

    Katla.........Tai chi is like a slow dance; very specific moves, we learned each then kind of put them together one after another--that's the best I can describe it. I get frustrated with my 2 left feet and the fact that sometimes I can't keep right and left straight but I do like it. I've only had one instructor so I don't know how she compares to anyone else.

    Heather............Saw news stories about your terrible flooding; it said even the Royals (the men, anyway) were helping with efforts.

    janemartin...........So sorry you are still fighting that cold; feel better soon!

    Take care, all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda Lou, I didn’t like drinking water when I started here, but I treat it like the prescription for a deadly disease and drink what is necessary each day…..I experimented with cold, room temperature, iced, and warm water to find what worked best for me. On the subject of food, I plan my food for the day, log it ahead of time on my food diary and then spend no time in the kitchen wondering what I’m going to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Stephanie, this thread is perfect for you….so many of us have wrestled with the same challenges you have…..please keep coming back.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, when Jake had his first stents and diagnosis of his heart problems, I used to look at him when he was asleep to make sure he was breathing….it took awhile until I was able to go away and not worry about him.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I think the best thing you can do is experiment with the order you do your exercises…you’ll find a combination that works for you.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 24,000 steps today ----100 second plank---60 squats
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Have a great night,
    Hoping to catch up with posts tomorrow. Went to see LEGO movie today with a friend. I want to go again with my son. There were many subtle jokes I might have missed the first time. To bed singing in choir tomorrow. Glad to be feeling well again.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Well here you are!!! Lost you for a little while. :bigsmile:

    "X" marks the spot. :drinker:

    Best wishes to you ladies. :wink:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kay: I heard about the earthquake but didn’t have a mental map of its location. I wondered whether it would affect someone here. I hope you didn’t have property damage.:flowerforyou:

    Mamajane: Welcome. You seem to be having success with your diet. This is a good place for encouragement.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I admire your fitness routine. I’m still not back to the gym and am spending my energy on yoga, walking, and riding my bike.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: We have something in common besides working on getting healthy. I can’t always tell my right from my left either. :noway: It is really frustrating when I’m trying to dance. In fact, it is a total disaster and I usually find a way to avoid dancing.:grumble:

    Lin in Central Iowa: I’m glad you found us again!:flowerforyou:

    It is pouring outside and there are forecasts that flooding is possible in our state. The river is noticeably higher than it was a few days ago, but not dangerously high at this point. The wind is gusting, too. It is a good time to be inside and cozy.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Wishing everyone a good day today. :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    The sun is shining today! When I remember the state DDILwas in when she arrived on Friday, having driven through the teeth of the storm down the motorway and through wheel arch high floods to get to us, with two small children in the car, it seems like a horrible nightmare. For some the nightmare continues as river levels and groundwater levels are still rising even though the sun is shining.

    Kay - horrible experience with the earthquake!:flowerforyou: I was in one in Peru, but they are used to them there, and I was awake one night in London and felt the bed give an almost imperceptible shudder. I knew immediately it was an earthquake! It was a long way north, but we felt it.

    Yannie jannie - fingers crossed that your daughter does eventually get in to vet school. A waiting list place sounds hopeful. :flowerforyou: The only good thing about these floods is that people have been pulling together and meeting their neighbours.

    Joyce - I was amazed to hear that your state still allows smoking indoors. It is such a relief to be able to go out and not come back stinking of smoke. I remember the old days when it took days to air your coat and when someone came through the door after a night out you could smell them from the living room!

    Mamajane - I love it that the church is doing exercise classes!:flowerforyou: That really could be a way forward to reach people who are difficult to help. We certainly need a radical change of direction!

    Michele - I have upped my weights since I read on another thread that you should change up when you can do 8 - 10 reps. I can do 6 bicep curls with 20 lb weights. I have to do them sitting down or my knee protests!:laugh: I also do ten overhead tricep lifts, don't know the real name, and the tricep things where you have one leg on a step, I use the bed, I can do 16 each side. I love the way my arms look now. I have been embarassed by my arms all my life, but now, apart from the saggy skin, they look good. I also do side raises, 12 sustained ones with 4.5 lb weights. The skin on my lymphodema arm is very saggy as that arm was 17 % swollen, so it's not surprising!:laugh: I would love to do more dance type exercises, but my knee won't let me.:cry:

    Vicki - I wish I was nearby to help out!:flowerforyou: You have had such a lot on your plate recently and I really admire the way you have coped and the changes you have made to your health and strength! My only advice is to get as much help as you can, accept any offers graciously and just prepare one or two dishes youself with a delicious low cal option.
    The 60th birthday Open House sounds like a great idea. Is it a common custom round your way? I know it is the custom in Scandinavia as I had a lot to do with Finland at one stage of my life and they do that over there. Do you have Scandinavian connections?

    Well, I am so enjoying getting back into my routine and having time to myself. Like others on here I love alone time, or time just to rest and relax. I have no entertaining planned soon, apart from lunch on Tuesday, so can just take it easy. For Tuesday I am doing cold, poached salmon and skinny raspberry sorbet - all healthy stuff for my yoga friend. Then DH goes off for 24 hours to see an aged aunt. He is going with his sister, so it should be a nice bonding time for the two of them.:love:

    Coffee arrived!
    Love to all, Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Heather:smile: I just saw on the news about all the flooding, seems like you guys have had a time with wind and rain this winter! Be careful!!! Glad you`re getting some "me" time, a little rest and relaxation and you`ll be ready to entertain again soon:bigsmile: ! I absolutely loved poached salmon cold, I usually have cold blanched asparagus with it, with a lemon dill sauce....yummy!!!

    No more time this morning...I`m going to go boss the boys today:love: , after the sun warms up and melts some of the black ice that formed overnight:grumble: . I only thought I was sore yesterday from shoveling all that snow...it really hit me this morning:sad: , especially in my back, geez, I can barely walk today:grumble: , hopefully after a nice warm shower the aches will ease some!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Dee Dee welcome to my world, seems ive been doing that for weeks now:grumble:
    The DH is out doing all of it now,I have dont the brunt of it, he is cold and tired but I fortified him with french toast ,tea and sausage before he went out, he still is crabby, made an apple coffee cake for him ,have done laundry, changed and made the beds and think I will battle with the closet today. gonna stay out of his way till be calms down..
    we both are SOOOO ready for Florida, except we arent going anywhere yet..
    well I am sooo done with the countertop oven we have,it is just the 2 of us and we have had it 10 yrs or so, the oven racks slide out and i just lost the damn coffee cake all over the floor.
    I am going to hunt down a new one, broke down and had a good cry..the dogs are enjoying the crumbs though:smile:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Well, I got my snow day Friday. Now for some creative planning to move my students faster. We are going to run out of year before we run out of content!!

    Today we will go snowshoeing and I also hope to cross country ski at home since we actually have plenty of snow that would be perfect for it. DH is still concerned that his ankle will not be up to the skiing, but will snowshoe.

    Welcome to all of the new people! I also lost a lot and then regained a little of it. I am again losing it and have learned my lesson. It doesn't matter what life throws at you, you need to make your health top priority. The difference between this time and all of the many times in the past that I have done this is the support from this site. All of the women here are awesome and very motivating.No judgement- just get back in there!!

    Vicki- Glad to hear your dad is doing so well.

    Sandy- FANTASTIC!! What a milestone! So proud of all you have accomplished by sticking to your healthier lifestyle.

    Yanniejannie and Katla- I too have two left feet! I ordered three new DVDs - one is an instructional video that teaches you dance
    steps and uses them in a good workout. I am determined to learn how to dance. I will most likely end my
    life still trying to convince this body that it CAN dance!! At least it provides me with loads of laughter. I
    can't even describe what it does for my DDs! They end up on the floor in tears when we attempt dance
    videos together. They of course are both "naturals".

    Michelle- Thanks for the reminder of the site for videos. I really like being able to see clips before purchasing them. I ordered
    three new ones. Can't wait until they get here.

    Heather- I hope the weather there improves. Prayers for all that are dealing with the flooding. Our small town had flood damage
    last July. A friend and her family are still out of their home and don't have answers yet as to if the government is going to
    condemn their house or allow them to rebuild it.

    DeeDee- I hope the soreness goes away quickly!! Have fun bossing the boys.

    Barbie- I don't love plain water either but also accept its importance and drink up! I do crave it after exercisr though.

    jb- I love the Valentine's gift and card!!

    Katie- I felt the same way I broke my foot (over two years ago). Although I saw an old lady staring me back in the mirror, I didn't feel old before the break. I had so many more fears than before...fear of falling on ice, on the stairs, etc. It took me quite a while to overcome all of that and regain confidence in my body. Unfortunately, I still see the old lady in the mirror!!

    Joyce- I am glad your DH is doing so well. It all must have been very scary for your both.

    janemartin- Hope your cold goes away soon! Take care of yourself!!

    jane in Colorade- Enjoy your trip to Mexico!! I understand your reluctance to leave your parents. My sister and I are the only ones
    of a large family that live near my parents. he has gotten an out of state job offer and is reluctant to leave. She
    can't continue to put her life on hold, though. I am encouraging her to do what is best for her. I will stay here
    even after retirement to be sure my parents are cared for, but will travel when the opportunity arises. I do have a
    stepbrother who is wonderful to them and will surely step in when needed.

    Sylvia- Your place at the lake sounds perfect for relaxation! My home is that to me, but lacks the lake. We live on a dead end
    road out in the country with a beautiful view. Oh wait, according to the tax assessment we have lake-front view. The lake
    is 20 miles from us!! We can see a "ribbon" of blue that is the lake- on a clear day.

    Meg- How are you doing? Missing your posts.

    Amanda- Hope all is well with you.

    Linda C--Am thinking of you. Hope all is well for you also.

    Need to get off the computer. I am finding that I can spend most of a day either on the computer or on my Nook. Need to get off the couch and move!!

    Have a great day all!!

    Deb A from CNY where it is sunny and cold. Perfect for snowshoeing!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! We are going to have a beautiful spring day here. Temps in the low 60's and sunny skies. Nice to thaw out before the next round of winter hits.

    I'm in a pickle. I go to Joplin every other week, on a Tuesday or Thursday evening to paint with two friends. But yesterday I got the bright idea to sign the grandkids up for swimming lessons which are Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 6:45. I never even thought about painting night! I told them about it and they are excited, so I can't back out of that. I told my son that I would take them. Not only that, but I woke up at 3am thinking how on earth am I going to manage the grandson when I have to take the girls into the locker room. There is no way I'm taking that little stinker into the ladies room. He's at that stage where he's really curious about naked girls, and I truly HATE when other people bring boys into the locker room. I woke up hubby and told him that I was worried about it - hoping he would volunteer to help, but he didn't. Swim class starts in two days, so I'd better think of something quick. If it's warm enough I could take them all home wet, but I doubt this warm weather will last very long.

    My clay club meeting was a bust yesterday. Hardly anybody showed up. Oh well. Next month it's in joplin, so more people will probably show up. They don't want to drive the 25 miles to get to my place. I always have to drive there instead.

    Time to make breakfast. Have a great day, if your weather allows.

  • TheRosyOne
    TheRosyOne Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning, Ladies. I am new to this board but I like the way you all encourage each other so I think I've found a new home. :) A lot of the other pages I checked out were full of people picking each other apart. What's up with that?

    I have been sort of half heartedly trying to loose weight but I am a total stress eater and lately I haven't even been trying to fight that. We have a lot going on at home and sometimes my husband derails me by bringing home unhealthy treats for me and then I feel bad refusing them. I did request for him to not get me candy for Valentine's Day and he bought me a small statue instead so that's a step in the right direction.

    I'm determined to get back on track to taking better care of myself. I was a total vegetarian before we got married 15 years ago but he won't eat any vegetables so I've gotten way off track. Not his fault, mine, because I got out of the habit of cooking two different meals.

    Well, I'm glad I found you ladies here. I think you will be a great group to get to know.

    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    Rose in Arizona
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    We all deserve a good cry now & then. Gets a lot of the uglies out,makes us feel better,a cry is a good thing! :laugh:
    Hope your DH realizes how much help you offer!!! Some ppl can't/ won't shovel snow....I am one of them,so my DH has to do it alone.He actually likes any outside work,so I just keep coffee warm for when he comes in. :love:

    Hoping to get back to water aerobics this wk.Don't think I put enough effort into using exercise DVDs.You all have a great Sunday. Pat in Ohio

    Dee Dee welcome to my world, seems ive been doing that for weeks now:grumble:
    The DH is out doing all of it now,I have dont the brunt of it, he is cold and tired but I fortified him with french toast ,tea and sausage before he went out, he still is crabby, made an apple coffee cake for him ,have done laundry, changed and made the beds and think I will battle with the closet today. gonna stay out of his way till be calms down..
    we both are SOOOO ready for Florida, except we arent going anywhere yet..
    well I am sooo done with the countertop oven we have,it is just the 2 of us and we have had it 10 yrs or so, the oven racks slide out and i just lost the damn coffee cake all over the floor.
    I am going to hunt down a new one, broke down and had a good cry..the dogs are enjoying the crumbs though:smile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Sunny, but cold for here; doubt if we will get out of the 30's. According to my weatherunderground (wunderground) page, there was another earthquake last evening, this time in E. N.C. south of the Outer Banks, a 2.9 this time. The nearest town was Bayboro. Wonder if it was connected to the S.C. one and if there will be more rumbles. Anybody feel that one?

    Katla........This would be a good weather page for you; it gives all kinds of info for your area when you put your location in. A 10 day forcast and everything from recent earthquakes in the area to depth of snow cover, tides, moon phases, normal highs and lows for the day etc.

    Can y'all tell I'm a just a teensy tiny bit of a weather geek?????

    Michele..........Wishing you a safe trip and lots of warm weather and fun. Who do you root for?

    Heather...........So glad the sun is finally out for you!!!! Your weights are impressive; right now I have a sore something or other in my right shoulder; no idea what I've done.

    Dee Dee............Hope you had fun bossing the boys!!!

    Gloria............Not sure what is going on with you but here's a (((((HUG)))) as I'm sure you need one.

    Sylvia.........Family Changing Room
    if they don't have one they really need to set one up!!!! Check it out; they should have one.

    Deb.........Snowshoeing---now that's something I would try---sounds fun!!!

    BTW............Of the 120 outright accepted to vet school, only 50 are from our state
    they make more money with the out-of-state tuition.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there, happy Sunday morning.

    I have to tell you about what prompted the fire extinguisher gift. :smile: Two weeks ago Red and I were busy in the yard, weeding and pruning, and moving wheelbarrow loads of manure into our flower beds. It was a nice sunny afternoon. We had been outside for an hour or so when I needed to go in for something...well, I opened the back door into the kitchen and found the whole house filling with smoke, an egg carton on the kitchen table was smoldering away. :noway: How in the heck......???

    I yelled for Red, we tossed the egg carton out, and I quickly ran around opening all of the windows and doors, and turned on all of the fans. When we went back to clean up the table, now scarred with several big black burn marks, :ohwell: we figured out what had happened.

    It's uncanny! :huh: Remember the old "light a fire with a magnifying glass" trick? Check this out: The sun had been shining directly in the window, hitting a magnifying glass that was sitting upright in a pencil cup on the kitchen table, which ignited the cardboard egg carton sitting there. OMG. Who would ever think that would happen??? :noway: :embarassed: :frown: :sad:

    We sure learned our lesson and of course we're very relieved it didn't happen one afternoon while we were both at work, dogs inside the house. Just the thought of it makes me ill! :sick: The magnifying glass is now safely stored in a drawer, and I'll tell ya, every time the sun shines in that kitchen window, I look to see there's no glass or paper within a mile of the table. :tongue: I hate to have to keep the blinds drawn on the windows, but now I'm afraid to leave them up. Red's going to redo all of the smoke alarms, too. They were taken down when we painted.

    What a life. :bigsmile:

    Anyhoo, just thought you'd enjoy the story. Have a great day everyone!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: The northern hemisphere seems to be getting quite a weather workout this year. I’m sorry to hear about the additional flooding in your area. There was a news story about an elderly Englishman who died when his enormous cruise ship was hit by a rogue wave. It is amazing there weren’t more deaths. It looks like we’re in for some high water during the next few days. Right this minute it is quiet here. River levels here are up but not threatening at this time. We were able to buy this house because of a flood 18 years ago. All of our irreplaceable photos have always been stored upstairs. RE smoking in restaurants, bars and pubs: Our state was slow to enact smoking bans in public places but they’re in place now. Thank goodness. :bigsmile: After an evening at a tavern we would come into the house through the garage and drop all our clothing off in the washing machine, which we would immediately start to wash the smoke out. Then we’d go straight upstairs and into the shower to wash ourselves. We don’t have to do that anymore.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Do you have a recipe for lemon dill sauce that you can share? It sounds wonderful. We had salmon salad yesterday and I would have loved a dill sauce or dressing. Make sure the boys get their marching orders for the week and enjoy your time with them. Your sore muscles will ease faster with light exercise and stretching. Mine do, which is one of the reasons I’m so in love with yoga. It even worked to ease my sore muscles after I ran the power washer for hours to clean the boat last spring.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m sorry your coffee cake fell on the floor. Sending hugs your way. :flowerforyou:

    We’re having a dry spot in our morning and DH wants to go out to the storage unit and take some measurements on his fishing boat. Fine by me. I agreed to circulate a petition to get an issue onto the ballot for the voters, and will be spending some time trying to persuade my neighbors to sign it after we get back from measuring the boat. If I’m lucky I’ll also be able to take the dog for a walk.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Hello again. I am still developing the habit to come in and catch up with all you lovely ladies on the forum.

    Bump for now.....

    Mary C in TN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi Mary C - come back often and chat to us!:flowerforyou:

    Alison - commiserations on the coffee cake!:cry:

    Jb - what a story about the magnifying glass. Amazing!:noway:

    I'm still enjoying my "day off". Had a lovely nap this afternoon. Last night I fell asleep twice on the sofa during two programmes I really wanted to watch about early Christian history. Woke up to find DH fast asleep with his laptop about to be a floortop! ! ! ! I had to really shout to get him to wake up! That's what grandchildren can do to you.:laugh:

    Today there is an article in the family section of The Guardian newspaper about the friend of my best friend - the one who killed herself together with her husband in a suicide pact when he was terminally ill. Very well written by their son, but I sense a bit of anger behind his philosophical approach. My friend is still angry and has had a lot of problems dealing with it. It has given her a quite bad skin rash on her face. I will be seeing her soon when we "girls"assemble in Scotland.

    Love again. Besutiful day today. DH went walking, I went sleeping!

    Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, Deb! I'm glad to know I'm not crazy for feeling the way I do.

    It's in the 50s here today, so I'm going to do my pre- fall walk. It's time to get back to semi-normal.

    Now I'm off to be sure the magnifying glass is in a drawer, not in the pencil cup in front of the window.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bill Nie the Science guy would love the magnifying story! Any science teacher in school would. And I agree on the family dressing room Sylvia. Our Y has several family dressing rooms. That way a dad can take his little girl swimming, a Mom can take her brood of kids. I wish I had used it when I took my 2 grand daughters several years agao. The little one had to have hands on help in dressing, I was still still heavy enough I don't like dressing out in the open. I could have used the dressing room, the door is locked, there is a bathroom stall/door and big room.

    Well the big bad Devil got me again today. I have been successfull in being able to tell my husband no that I will not skip church just to be able to go meet our daughter for lunch, but I haven't been able to beat the Devil because it seems like he knows to send me this headache on Saturday nights or early Sunday morning. Well it actually started last night. I was still on this chocolate craving. It wasn't as cold last night so as soon as my husband leftt o go singing I went down the street to walgreens in search of my cadbury mini egg small packet of chocolate. They didn't have any out yet! Still had the Valentines stuff out and I wasn't going to buy myself on of those big hearts of chocolates. But I know they always have this big bin in the front of the store close to the check out, of course where else. It's the theatre size candy, 3 for $3. Normally that's a good deal but not when you shouldn't be eating it. So since it's a bargain, I love my bargains, I buy 3 boxes of Milk Duds. THREE! So i go home, caustiously pour out 4 pieces and eat them. Well they just kept on coming out, then the second box and the third box. Yes, I ate 3 theatre size boxes of Milk Duds. It made me feel like such a failure. In another group I am in we are given challenges. One of them one time is to list what you feel are your own blocks preventing you from being the size you want to be. My number one thing I listed was how hard I am on myself when I fail. I wasn't brought up that way at all so I don't know where it comes from. I am not a type A personality, I was never driven to have straight As, be the best at everything. So I don't know why I am so hard on myself. So I know that the Devil knew he had a way in last night. I set the alarm for 9 AM to get up, get a nice breakfast and shower. Well I got up, sat exhausted with a splitting headache and then just went back to bed.

    I'm up now, going to get back on my bike today. haven't been on it since Charlie went in the hospital. He puts me to shame on his determination to get back to his normal exercise pattern.

    Joyce, Indiana where the sun is shining.