December Challenge....

turbojanem Posts: 285
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Back on October 31st i posted a Push Up Challenge. Now it is November 30th and i am posting another challenge.

If you participated in the last challenge, then you will be adding to last months challenge. If you are too are able to jump in and join the fun!

This month: squats. don't freak out. we are gonna start out slow. (everyone will start at their own pace.) even if you start out with 5 or 6 a day for EVERY OTHER DAY. The other day, you will continue to do your 50-100 push ups. Alternating will allow you to focus on one area a day, but keep you doing something daily.

I did a google search for squats. I found this webMD site that had the basic tips for will have to go to slide #4. ....Note the posture and positioning of your knee. this is VERY important!!! If you are new to squats, do these with a chair under you the first time or two till you figure out how to do them properly.

Please work at your personal level. Since i am within 9 pounds of my goal and have been doing squats and lunges for 4 months now, I will be working at a much higher level then I would have in June. If you find a chart/calendar/reminder on your phone to help...please share your success and struggles so we can all learn and cheer each other on.

Here's my plan:
week #1 - Odd Days: 10 squats 4 times per day/40 per day; Even Days: 60 push ups per day
week#2 - Odd Days: 13 squats 4 times per day/52 per day; Even Days: 70 push ups per day
week#3 - Odd Days: 15 squats 4 times per day/60 per day; Even days: 80 push ups per day
week #4 - Odd Days: 20 squats 4 times per day/80 per day; Even Days:100 push ups per day

I'm making a reminder on a calendar and printing it out twice: one copy for my refrigerator, the other copy for my mirror in the bathroom. ....and can you imagine what i will be wearing on New Years Eve after all those squats? i'm working toward a pair of jeans another size down from where i am today :)

Soooo.....Squats and Push Ups, here we come! We are ALL gonna rock December and be that much closer to our goals!


  • Push Ups: they can be done against the wall, on a resistance ball, girly type, boy push ups. What ever works for YOU!

    Squats: if you can't go to a full squat, then just do as far as your knees/legs will allow. you get up and down from a chair CAN do this. i KNOW you can.

    Cheering you ALL on!!!!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    I love it! Can't wait to get started!!!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    oh my! I'm gonna try! What a challenge, didn't do the push up challenge, so I'm going to do the same amount of reps with the push ups as I do for the squats! Cheers to fitness and the new year!
  • jaimechiioldi
    jaimechiioldi Posts: 13 Member
    I like the idea of this! I think I am going to try it to :) Thanks for posting!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    I think I'm going to try this. I haven't done a squat in a really long time. Thanks for the challenge.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    This is interesting. I am going to try this! Thanks for posting-I didn't do the push-up challenge-so I will be slower on those!:happy:
  • Vargievarg
    Vargievarg Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I just joined today so this will give me some more motivation to get going.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I am joining in! I am going to try and follow turbojanem's scheduel! I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and in the first level you do squats and push ups.... Im gonna bust my butt!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I will try this:

    week #1 - Odd Days: 10 squats 2 times per day/40 per day; Even Days: 20 push ups per day
    week#2 - Odd Days: 13 squats 2 times per day/52 per day; Even Days: 20push ups per day
    week#3 - Odd Days: 15 squats 3 times per day/60 per day; Even days: 30 push ups per day
    week #4 - Odd Days: 20 squats 3 times per day/80 per day; Even Days:40push ups per day
  • rileybear5
    rileybear5 Posts: 15 Member
    I am so doing this challenge!!!!
  • Ahhh Turbo...I knew you were cooking something up....well, yes ma'am I am up for this! (I think) lol...will try and thank you for pushing us
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm with ya! I think you're trying to kill me but I'm with ya!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    oh my! I'm gonna try! What a challenge, didn't do the push up challenge, so I'm going to do the same amount of reps with the push ups as I do for the squats! Cheers to fitness and the new year!

    Ditto! I am also trying to workout in the mornings...
    I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!
  • I'm with ya! I think you're trying to kill me but I'm with ya!!

    nope, not trying to kill anyone :wink: :cry: :sad:
    cheering you will be that much farther ahead on January 1st when everyone else decides they want to get into shape.
    cheering you on!
  • Ahhh Turbo...I knew you were cooking something up....well, yes ma'am I am up for this! (I think) lol...will try and thank you for pushing us
    LOL...i'm always thinking of something new. Jillian Michaels is my hero that way :laugh:

    trying leaves room for slacking off. KNOW that you will do it. to the best of your ability.

    cheering EVERYONE on!
  • I couldnt help but notice we had the same starting weight....I'm about 151 right now but trying to get to 135 also...It seems like its so hard to get down there! Any tips?!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I printed out some calendars and wrote in what im to do each day. Printed all the way thru march because my goal is to start Insanity January 1st.... I didnt want to write on the nice calendar they gave me so I wrote all the exercises fr th 63 day program on my own printed ones... I wish I would have known abou Novembers challange! Oh well, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! I just started this weight loss jouney October 26th and I am totally loving this site and the support and motivation from everyone!
  • COUNT ME IN!!!
  • cheering you all on!! can't wait to see where we all are in 31 days. do what you can for your body/fitness level. you CAN do it, just like the push ups from November!

    Cheering you ALL on!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Count me in! Can't wait to get started!
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