

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Tuesday dear ladies. Well it was not a good weigh in for me this moring. I am up 1.9 pounds. I have to get back on track and not eat out so much.:sad:
    Trying not to let myself get depressed about it. It's a new day and I am working on getting back on track. It is to be up in the 50s the next couple days and chance of snow on Thursday, of course that is my day off.
    Well I did not go to the play date with DGD as was just tired so stayed home alday until I had to go to a meeting at work at 5:30pm. Which was a waste, but they tell us we have to be there. I am feeling better today.


    Jane--Prayers for you and your friend, Hugs also! Glad you were not hurt with your fall. I am so afraid of falling when it is icy. I walk like a duck and don't care how funny it looks.:heart:

    Eileen--Congrates on the new grandbaby!:flowerforyou:

    Nadia--Welcome, looking forward to getting to know you!!:flowerforyou:

    Katiebug--I wear a pedometer and keep track of my steps. I was at a meeting at work last evening and the wellness gal was there explainning the new insurance and what they are doing to keep us well. She said that come April they are giving fitbits to those that sign up. I am hoping I can get one. I agree giving up food is not an option so I do believe harder to get undercontrol. I know I have not had a drink since 4/5/206 and long as I stay away I have no problems.

    Gloria--don't be so hard on yourself. You have so much going on and alot to deal with. Hugs and prayers to all of you! My DMIL lived with us the last couple months as she could get her radiation here and between us and DS and his wife we got her to them. Then we went to visit DSIL and while there DMIL laid down on the bed and her back broke. So we ended up staying with her there for three weeks before she passed. There were 4 of her children and spouses there so we took turns setting with her. Doing it alone you have so much to handle.:heart:

    Carol--Hugs and prayers. So glad your test results were good. I know what you mean about the buffet. Then there is the little voice saying go for it just for today. then next thing I know it is a week later and I have a gain.:cry:

    Sylvia--I have tried the face exercises and do think they help. I try and do them when I am walking. Hope DH gets the answers so you both know what the next step is. After all that has gone on with my dad these last several months I am amazed at what the heart can do and the doctors to the heart.:happy:

    Maryann--Happy dance for getting under 300!!! I hope you do something for yourself to celebrate!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie--Sounds like Gwen is sure lucky to have you looking out for her. Sure hope it gets better soon!:flowerforyou:

    Beth--I know logging everything when eating out of control is scary and I have been making myself do it and I do think it makes me think. Maybe not stop, but think. I am hoping today to be back on track and so far so good! Important not to give up!!!

    Joyce--I remember when I first started my mom gave me a book for Kotex and the starter package. I agree that you have the right for support and if your family can give it, I say go for it. And I truly believe prayer can make a difference.:smile:

    Brenda--Happy Birthday!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Cynthia--sounds like you and DH have the romance going. I tell my DH every year that Christmas eve is the night of our first kiss. Hope you both have a very special date night.:heart:
    Well it is that time of day I need to think about getting some work done before time to go home. Hugs and prayers to all and remember we are in this together.:drinker:
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • Lindafay48
    Lindafay48 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am new here just joined today.
    I am 65 AND NEED TO LOSE ALOT OF weight..
    What exercise does one do for
    Cardio . I live in southern ohio & we got dumped
    On . was glad to see a nice sunny day today.jan 25 hubby had a hrt attack
    Could be why we want to eat healther.he went to rehab today.
    My name is linda. I like mfp so far
    I hope I posted this right later
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    ok,I am Done .. stick a fork in me, I shoveled for an hour and a half at work,so got my exercise in..,but my shoulders are sore my neck is sore..
    ate pretty well today,going to sleep early, I am working 9- 4 tomorrow,then have thursday off...then working 10-5 on friday and the weekend off
  • cychogal
    cychogal Posts: 39 Member
    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

    :smile: I just copied and pasted these goals from someone else's post. I don't even know who... but I wanted to post it myself, so I could easily find it. I think these are great goals, and ones I need to follow myself.
    I just heard about the water thing today. I tend to avoid it at night, because I don't want to have to get up to potty. But I tend to do that anyway, so I might was well just go ahead and drink. I tend to be kind of thirsty in the evenings, so I figure if I'm feeling thirsty I need to drink. So holding back is not a good idea.

    Anyway, this is my first post in this tread. I am 50, from Iowa, and need to lose about 50 pounds. But I don't want to focus on that. I just want to focus on changing my habits and creating some new habits.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Maryann - congrats on breaking 300. I too broke that mark this past weekend. I'm doing the happy dance for both of us.

    Jane - ouch, I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell

    Brenda - Happy Birthday!! :flowerforyou:

    Linda - welcome to a great thread. it's a very supportive group of ladies. Come back often and post as often as you want.

    cychogal - welcome too!! Those are great goals.

    Allison - I can't believe how much shoveling you've done. Spring is only a month away (that's my mantra these days :laugh: )

    yanniejannie - you are such a great friend. I hope that something is done for Gwen. It must be so difficult to watch someone you care about go through all of that. Take a bit of time for yourself

    We got a dumping of snow over night. Oh spring...where are you? I'm only working 2 days this week...woohooo. I'm taking Thurs & Fri off to use up my last 2 vacation days and watch the gold medal hockey game on Thursday.

    Had a great dinner with DD, DS & his gf. It amazes me how much I've learned since being on MFP. I had to guess how much chicken but I'd say it was close to 4 ounces and then just piled on the veggies. The food was grilled right in front of us. I had lots of food, but it was mostly veggies. I am more able now to have an idea of what a serving size is and no sauces. It was very yummy. I love the times we have together, I'm still getting to know DS's gf. He seems really happy but I noticed that he too has put on a bit of weight. He's aware of it and has started working out. He's always been so tall and skinny.

    off to watch some Olympics and let my muscles rest some after the strength training tonight!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    LindaFay, yes you posted right. As far as cardio, just move, the more you move and the quicker you move the better. Bike riding, walking, just moving your arms up and down while you are sitting. I have been known to put my 80's cardio music while I am sitting in traffic and pumping my arms and legs up and down. Of course this is while I am in the passenger seat. But you could do arms only in the drivers side.

    Charlie had his appointment with the neurologist today. It is confirmed that he has Parkinsons now. It is mild and of course the doctor hopes it will stay that way. he said that southern Indiana is the mecca for Parkinsons! WOW.He has quite a few symptoms that I hadn't even thought of some that Charlie says don't apply at all. He says that weight loss is because I refuse to go to places where he could eat his fatty or red meats. Years ago he went on a diet and got below 200 pounds and swore he would never go above again. Well we all know how that goes don't we!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So he crept above and was 202 or 203. Well that was OK because it was close to 200. Then a couple of pounds more until it was 210. He stayed there a long time but is now 198. So he is tto have a CT scan of his brain. He would have had an MRI done but the stents in his heart are to new. He will start on Senemet.

    Really enjoyed the weather today. Walked outside this morning and realized I didn't need my winter coat!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RenaHewitt
    RenaHewitt Posts: 47 Member
    Bump - if I can :) almost 50, feel like I belong here! Oh, and I have a saying "The SOUL never ages, it's just this old outer shell....."
  • nwoychyshyn
    nwoychyshyn Posts: 11 Member
    It has warmed up here in Canada so I was out walking the dog and cross country skied on the weekend. Just want to eat and eat. I think it is the hormones or something like menopause causing this. I am taking the carbocia Garcinia but still have a hankiering to eat and eat late into the evening.
  • nwoychyshyn
    nwoychyshyn Posts: 11 Member
    There was alot of activitie on this chat today. I have just come on this site after being on weight watchers. I lost weight I wasn't expecting to but have put it all back on and than a few more pounds. I can not keep going on like this. My friends husband just had a heart attack this week and had a stint put in. Seems the thing that happens after 50. This is the second person I know. Seems if the don't die they have a stroke or need a stint. Sorry that is a downer but just how this year has started out.
  • cychogal
    cychogal Posts: 39 Member
    I know better, but I find myself looking for that easy answer. That quick fix. What's that latest pill? Garcina, something or other? I know someone who takes it. She says it has helped. I even researched it, but then woke up from la la land, and stopped. No no no. There is no pill or potion. It is all within my abilities to do this. I don't need any more advice, or help, other than support from friends. I'm not giving up carbs, or doing any other diet.
    I'm watching my portions, counting my calories, and hopefully this leads to healthier choices. I do need to drink more water, which is why I researched the benefits of drinking water at certain times of the day. A friend had told me about it. I realize it probably doesn't do the things they say, but if it gets me, or anyone, to drink more water, then it's a good thing. It certainly can't hurt.
    I work with kids, and a little boy was touching my belly yesterday. I thought he was just trying to get my attention. But he kept touching and poking, and of course he had to ask if I had a baby in there. :embarassed: I said no, so he simply said 'Oh, it's just big'. Yup. I guess that sums it up.
    His comments were honest and innocent. He really didn't embarrass me all that much. People much thinner than me have been asked that question too. And sometimes by adults who ought to know better.
    It's not really a cosmetic thing for me anymore. I just feel like the fat is taking over. I can't remember the word for it, but I've see the pictures where it's surrounding vital organs. This is what I feel like is happening to me.
    Just felt like sharing....
    Carol from Iowa
  • dorsie50
    Has anyone tried a sauna suit with any luck?
    I am trying to get off 30lbs. Just picked up weight after being sick. It is so cold and so much snow that food became my new
    hobby. Would the suit be a good jump start?
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Brenda...Happy Birthday

    Sylvia...I do zumba and love it. It's the first exercise I have found that I can stick to...other than walking. It gets the heart rate up, and it's fun! (I don't really know how to dance so I didn't think I could do it, but I can.) You might look in on different teachers if they have more than one. Some instructors are easier to follow than others.

    Joyce, I have 7 grandchildren now...5 boys and 2 girls. The oldest three are 22, 19 and 16.. The youngest are 8, 5, 3, and 2 days old.

    It's a busy week so I'd better get busy.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • kjtown43
    Hi All!

    I find it so inspiring just scanning your posts and seeing . . .
    1) how much weight many of you have lost
    2) how supportive, kind, and accepting you are with each other
    3) how honest you are

    When I was dealing with my breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and reconstruction, I relied so much on all the women in my online community which motivated me to look for online connection for weight loss. So glad I've found you!

    Boy, am I HUNGRY! I ate too much high calorie, low volume food the past couple of days; not a great plan! I'm drinking a lot of water and tea to hold steady. I like combining two or three tea bags . . . so lemon ginger & green tea with orange with a few drops of stevia.

    We had Wendy's for lunch today . . .I really enjoyed having my Jr Burger & Fries . . . about 1/2 my day's allowance of 1200! . . . next time I'll have them leave off the mayo . . . not worth the calories but I really like Wendy's. I could have had a salad but I make great salads all the time at home. Before deciding to eat Wendy's, I went online and checked out the calories in what I usually order; decided what I would order ahead of time. I enjoyed every bite!

    CIGNA (my health insurance) called the other day and is setting me up with a weight loss coach and sending me a pedometer and some other items. Anyone else have experience with CIGNA's weight loss coaching? I'm willing to give it a try . . . why not?

    My personal experience is that quick weight loss has never worked for me . . . ever! I'm giving myself a one year plus time frame to lose 60 pounds. I'd rather lose it very slowly and learn to eat and think about food differently; as long as I'm heading in the right direction or even staying steady, I'm planning to be fine. I'm been steadily gaining weight for the past two years after dropping thirty pounds during a very stressful year in 2010. I was down to 115 . . a little too thin for my frame, even at only 5'2". After my mastectomy (radical single) in late 2010 and then launching into reconstruction surgery (beginning with DIEP flap surgery), I steadily began putting on weight and have managed to exceed my highest weight ever! I have typically been about 30 pounds over weight but managed to double that during the past three years. Yikes!

    Rain, rain, rain here in Everett, WA. Just watched the new Tonight Show's first show on my DVR. I adore Jimmy Fallon. My DH's bowling night tonight, so I get the house all to myself. I'm going to look at how many calories I have left for today and figure out what is the biggest amount I can eat and stay within those calories besides a salad!

    I've got to write shorter posts . . . .
    Kathy T Everett, WA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    cwyo.... my husband had a heart attack last year and had 2 stents put in. It really helped him. He had two areas that the cardiologist said he couldn't get to and was recommending open heart surgery which my husband said no to. So about two weeks ago he had chest pain again and the doctor on call put stents in those remaining two areas. He feels so much better. He had been noticing less energy in his walking and now he is back to his usual walks. So they really do help.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to our newest Carol and Kathy and Dorsie. Glad you chose to post here. You will find lots of support and strategies for better health. I think if there were a magic button, we would all push it. But quick fixes have not had a good track record, so in general for me it has been to learn about high nutrition foods at appropriate portions. And exercise for those of us who are not hampered by physical barriers.

    The weather has been, let's say, interesting here the last couple of days. Rain, wind, rain and wind, a lttle sun, a downpour. You know, like it should be in November. Oh well.

    Have a great evening!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome to everyone who is new......my tip is to log all your food for a few days so you can see where the calories come from and then start to eliminate things that add too many calories and don't give you enough to eat or enough nutrition (like desserts, sauces, dressings, and anything that comes in a box) and add more foods that have lots of nutrition and big portions for fewer calories (like green beans, tomatoes, cauliflower, grilled chicken)

    :flowerforyou: today even with a visit from a friend and lots of time watching the Olympics, I was able to practice dances for the class I'll teach on Friday and walk the dogs a lot (in the rain and in the sun).

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 23,000 steps today

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Sylvia - I one time took a zumba class. I know there are some people who really like the classes. Personally, I thought they were hard on the knees and ankles. I suppose if I'd been a bit more coordinated (like went the way the instructor told us to go -- left or right) I probably would have gotten a much better workout. If I were you, I'd give it a try, everyone is different. Personally, I'd LOVE a water zumba class.

    katla - yes, we brought the cats. Technically, you're supposed to have only two pets. But really, cats aren't noisy, and it's not like we're here a whole lot. Vince comes down in the SUV with the backseagt down and the cats have the run of the car. I drive down in my car with the luggage and food.

    Brenda - happy birthday

    Sue in SD - that would be so neat to go to the church where you were married. It'll be interesting to see the changes.

    jane - hope you didn't hurt anything else.

    Linda - welcome. Hope your hubby is better now. Is he doing anything special?

    Joyce - at least you have a definite diagnosis for Charlie. How is he taking it?

    nwo (I forget the rest of your name, tell us an easier one....lol) - welcome, so sorry about your friend's hubby

    I'm wondering if wearing a weighted vest might not be something a little different. Need to think more on this. I try to make things as convenient as possible, that'll be something more that I'll need to have and take to the Y with me.

    Eileen - Christmas at your house must really be something!!!

    We left NC around 10. Honestly, I do wish Vince would get things together and not wait until the last minute so we can leave earlier. We went thru Jacksonville around 5:30 and there was just so much traffic! Hopefully, if we leave earlier, we can get thru Jacksonville before rush hour.

    I do bring most of my food with me. Vince likes to stop at a fast food place. I don't care for what they have so I bring my own food. He wanted to go to McD's, I stayed in the car (he came back to the car to eat) and had a can of low sodium V-8, a 1/2 turkey sandwich on whole wheat, Gerber makes this carrot pick up for toddlers and an apple. Then I had some carrots as a snack. It still surprises me how much water I drink when I'm driving.

    One thing I totally forgot to do was to check out some audiobooks from the library. I remember doing that last year and really enjoyed it. Fortunately,I had some books on my iPod which I brought with the rest of my exercise stuff (flip flops, deodorant, etc) so I listened to that

    By the time we got here, got the cars unloaded and everything sort-of unpacked, it was almost 10:00. I can feel my sinuses acting up, and I know that's because of the change in the barometric pressure.

    I'm going to try this new class at the Y at 8 tomorrow and then take the step class.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lindafay 48: The first cardio exercise is walking. Start at a comfortably slow pace and time your walks. Gradually increase your time and how fast you walk as you are able. After walking there are several great options. Talk to your doctor for recommendations. Good luck to you. Welcome to a great group of supportive women.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope you enjoy the next few days. Take time to rest if you can. You are a caretaker and everyone else is the beneficiary of your efforts. Care for yourself, too.:flowerforyou:

    Cychoogal: Welcome. There are simple answers, but they are not easy. Move more and count every bite of food and swallow of liquid. It works reliably but is not fast. Slow and steady wins the race.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope Charlie is able to enjoy his life more now that he knows what is going on. I also hope his situation is slow to progress and that medical science gets ahead of him so it can help.:flowerforyou:

    Renadhewitt: You said the soul never ages. I have no other expertise except life experience. I’ve had quite a bit of experience, but inside, I’m still me. I think you may be correct.:flowerforyou:

    Eileen: Congratulations on your grandchildren. You are a lucky woman to have so many.:flowerforyou:

    KathyT in Everett, WA: Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You give great advice. I hope all the newbies are paying attention.:bigsmile: You help me regularly and I"m no longer a newbie. Thank you.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m glad you, Vince, and the kitties all arrived safely. Enjoy your time in FL.:flowerforyou:

    This has been a quiet day. I was the only student at yoga this morning, so I ended up with a private lesson. We worked on things that helped me. I really like my instructor. It took me some time to realize what a gem she is.:heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good morning everyone!:flowerforyou: Welcome to the new people. :flowerforyou:
    I would like to add my advice to alll the others. Honest logging, scrupulous weighing of food and exercise that suits you is the only answer. It's not glamorous, it's not fast, but it does work. I also think if you can eat food you enjoy and is not too calorie dense then that is a great help. You can lose weight on a diet of doughnuts, but you would feel hungry! But it is important to enjoy your food, not to feel deprived. Remember this is for life, not for a "diet".

    I struggled a bit yesterday without DH to be my backbone. Eventually went over by about 200 so not a complete disaster. Still under TDEE. The middle of the night was a different story and I went on a cheese hunt. I logged it as breakfast so I'm now trying to get through to nearly lunch time before I eat again. It's now 11a m so, with a cup of coffee, I think I will make it to midday! :drinker: Phew! I feel lucky to have escaped so lightly. As a lot of you have said, once upon a time my midnight bingeing would have been the start of a wholescale binge for the rest of the day, but now I am able to put it behind me and not let it sabotage me. I did manage to get into the gym and did a bit extra on the machines. Burnt off 475 calories this morning. I am proud of that as my instinct is to vegitate when DH is not around.

    Have a delicious lunch prepared of butternut squash, lentils and a tiny bit of feta. Salad bits with it. I will have to put the other half of the lentils I precooked in the freezer or they will be calling to me!:sad: I adore any kind of pulses.
    I will cook some muffins for DH this afternoon. Probably hazelnut and cinnamon. For me that's not a temptation, fortunately. Unlike the cheese!:sad: :tongue:

    Love to all. Wish me luck for today!

    Heather in dull Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, I haven't posted since Friday and wish I had the time to read more but I'm at work and haven't been here since Friday, so have a lot of catching up to do.
    My Personal traing test fell through again, just can't seem to get my computer to work right, which is weird since I did a pre test a few months ago with no issues. Anyway, I found out that next month there will be a test site set up only 15 miles from me so I am going to see if they will let me take it there.
    My knee is finally feeling better, I got a cortisone shot in it and it seems to help. My biggest issue is waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep as I can't find a comfortable position for the knee and hips. I have bursitis in my hips and they are hurting more lately becasue I'm favoring the knee. But the doctor told me yesterday that I can start exercising again, stay away from lunges, squats, and the treadmill. I also can't use the seven flights of steps here at work as exercise. I can do steps when I need to, just not as exercise.

    Carol from Iowa, I do the same thing and stop myself as well. I have in the past spent more money than I care to admit on the latest and greatest. I feel that exercise and the correct amount of proper foods is the only real way to go.

    Kathy T, I have Cigna, I will check to see if they have weight loss coaches in my plan. My company and I believe Cigna offered a six time trial with a life coach for emotional eating and I’ve been seeing one. She has given me a lot of ideas, some I’ve implemented and some I’m still working on.

    Welcome to all our new friends!

    Better get started, I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Wishing everyone a blessed and healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati