Anyone taking Phentermine 37.5?



  • Hello,

    I am just getting started and am taking it as well. I need to lose between 80-90 pounds. I recently learned I had high cholestrol and needed to lose weight. My doctor prescribed it to me only b/c I am on 3 different medications (not related to weight issues or cholestrol) that all cause weight gain. He was hesitant but prescribed it because he said that on those medications it would be impossible to lose weight. I was not thrilled with that news as I cannot stop these medications. He said I only need to use it for 3 months because at that point it will be ineffective.

    The only thing I have had trouble with is initally insomnia which went away after a week and constipation which I can do something about. Also, I have not lost weight the second week. I believe I was not counting my calories correctly (duh!) which this site appears to be a great help for.

    Best of luck on your journey and you can friend me if you like.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I tried Phentermine twice, as in two pills, and the side effects sucked so badly for me that I tossed the rest of the bottle. So there's no way to say exactly what will happen with you without actually trying it. Good luck.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I have tried it. You have to be smart when using it. It made me have no appetite with bad headaches and I didn't eat and I got sick...just be smart.
  • g0at1982
    g0at1982 Posts: 89 Member
    I took Phentermine a few years ago for about 5 months... I dropped about 30 lbs

    Then I noticed it made me extremely edgy and touchy, and overall just more easily agitated all the time. My heart felt like it would explode out of my chest at times, horrible horrible stomach aches if you don't eat enough. Make sure you eat!

    So that December, I got off of the pill. Gained all of weight back instantly plus some. When I say instantly, I mean within 2 months, it was back. I didn't have the energy to workout obviously, because my body wanted that pill.

    Bottom line: It will work, you will lose weight, but the side effects are extremely horrible, not to mention the withdrawals and weight gain you'll experience once you give it up.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I am not, but I would like to! I have taken duromine in the past.

    Lots of water, lots of gum. Understanding friends and family if you get a little tetchy.

    I quite enjoyed the buzz.
  • linjnew
    linjnew Posts: 11 Member
    I know how difficult it can be, if you happen to have Diabetes II or metabolic syndrome, my doctor put me on victoza and I have lost 12 lbs in the last 3 months. It really curbs my appetite, especially for the whites, white bread, white pasta, white potatoes and especially white vodka....I have a very stressful life and it really has helped. I even sleep better at night...just a thought
  • whits35
    whits35 Posts: 3 Member
    I took duromine last year i was 108kg, during the course which took me about 4 - 4 and half months because some days I wouldn't take them i lost 18kg then once off them ive lost a further 5kgs am still am losing weight on my own, I didnt just take them and sit on the couch though and hope the fat would fall off i slowly started putting more exercise into my life i started at home and would step up and down my back porch, lunges, squats things like that, then i started playing netball once a week with a practice a s well, then thought i needed to work on muscle building so got a gym membership, Instead of saying i was going to go 3 times a week and not meet my goal i started with the idea in my head i would go once a week and build from there, i ended up going 3 times a week, and would also go for a run around a hilly bush walk that would take me about 40mins and i would just try to push my self as far as i could run and then walk until i could run again, Yes at the start the duromine was the thing giving me the motivation but when i got under 100kgs even though i couldnt see it yet in my body to be in double figuures again made me so proud of my self, once the mirror was telling the same story i had all the motivation i needed by the end of the pills to carry on my self, I agree with every one who says it is not a magic pill but i am 80kg now still losing weight and no longer on the pill, Oh the day i got the pill i also joined weight watchers and made sure i ate all my points every day that way i knew my body wasn't starving and i was getting every thing i needed,
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My buddy just told me he's thinking of getting on this stuff, my reaction was an immediate facepalm. I'm going to react the same way here, but hey, good luck OP, heart damage is awesome. :drinker:

  • I took it before - but quite frankly i was concerned with the outcome/side affects. I'm using a dft patch that my friend gave me - and I love it. I barely remember to eat - I don't feel my heart racing, no dry mouth, just not hungry...

    Good luck! Be safe!
  • bumadre
    bumadre Posts: 1 Member
    I am not taking it now, but have taken it. My doctor recommended that I cut it in half. I did and it curbed the cravings. She also suggested I drink lots and lots of water because it gives you dry mouth. Also, you got to watch out for increased heart rate. Good luck.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    No, but I have when I first started losing weight. Made me feel like I had taken Sudafed, but no other side effects. Helped with my appetite initially. Then my body became adapted to it and it didn't help. I was on a high protein and low carb diet, which really decreased my appetite. When I lost too much weight for the meds (some of which I hoarded "just in case"), and was told I couldn't have any more, I just stuck with the low carb diet. I started running, and my legs felt heavy and stiff when on the low carb diet. I started to introduce more carbs and I got more energy.

    So: have been off meds since July 2013. Started to run in April 2013 but really didn't do more than a mile - 2 miles until September 2013. Stopped low carb diet in July/ August 2013. Am about 6-8 lbs lower than when I stopped low carb. Started to increase milage over the last 3 months. Now can run 3-5 miles at a time without problems.

    I find that running makes me hungry, so I have to really watch what I eat. Having higher carbs also makes my appetite higher as well.

    It helps but you can't rely on it keeping you on track for your entire weight loss journey. However unlike others, I don't condemn you for using it.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    My mom suddenly died at 59 from a brain aneurysm (i.e., massive hemorrhagic stroke) immediately after starting a stimulant diet pill regimen. It wasn't phentermine, it was PPA/ephedra-based - but both are pharmacologically similar to amphetamine. Our family sued the manufacturer and the drug is no longer on the market, but that doesn't bring my mother back. Seriously, it's just not worth it. I would like to ask you to please exhaust all your other options before resorting to a stimulant diet drug. At least consider safer options first. For you and your family. Please. Much love & support in your weight loss journey.
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    Phentermine curbs cravings, I'll give you that. Eliminating certain foods also curbs cravings. I made a lifestyle change (2 years ago) of minimizing my flour and sugar intake. I am hardly ever craving carbs anymore. Sometimes I crave salt, even though I'm drinking 50-70 oz of water per day. But most of all I like the control I feel when I curb my cravings with wise eating, Hope this works for you and that you can then taper off. Best of luck to you!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.
    Just wanna point out that ticker below my post. See that? It's 153 lbs. No pills, no crashes, no stupid expectations. Count calories, be honest with yourself, and do it.. every... single... day.

    Not naysaying because it won't make someone lose weight. Naysaying because there aren't any magic pills... especially some that have cause some serious health side effects.

    ^^^^^ this and I took it years ago ..I always thought I needed a pill or something to help me ... I did lose and gain and lose and gain

    I did this all from changing my way of looking at food . I was also one of those people who overeat out of habbit . I never let myself get truely hungry when I was severely obese . Now that I work out I was at work and couldn't leave for lunch and I truely found out what hunger was I was shocked at the feeling !

    When I started MFP and this journey I cried telling my husband I wanted him to agree to me getting surgery. I had convinced him that I could not do it on my own but I did

    ( STOPPED DRINKING SODA ) I can't believe it but it's happening I started at 270 - couldn't walk longer than 10 minutes -so I did that three times a day . and used one of those little 35 dollar pedal things you can get a sears . Best investment I ever made. pills- surgery- They are tools and they help some people I'm not going to judge ...but I think you are selling yourself short thinking you can't do it without help from a pill.

    Good luck though ,

  • I took it for a year in 2001 and dropped 60 pounds for my wedding. It worked great but I tried to take it again in 2007 and it made me very agitated. The first time I took it, I didn't have kids so it didn't matter if I was angry all of the time lol but now I have kids and just didn't like the way I felt on it so I stopped taking it.
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. I believe both PPA and effedra are no longer for sale in this country, because of tragedies like yours.
  • IVMarkIV
    IVMarkIV Posts: 116
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.

    Agree with much of this...Phentermine is a CIII (not as addictive as say, CII Amphetamine salts which are off-label but abused for weight loss). Short term Phenetrmine typicically should be used for 3-4 weeks ALWAYs in addition to dietary changes and increased exercise. Diethylpropion is a similar agent as Phentermine mechanistically and another agent with a similar structure to diethylpropion is bupropion; not a controlled substance but has a different mechanism but bupropion does have modest weight loss (not a labeled indication). However, bupropion also commonly causes agitation and palpitations.

    The safest OTC or Rx is for someone with cardiovascular disease is Orlistat, which inhibits intestinal lipase so to block dietary fat absorption...side effect inconvenience is dietary non compliance in eating too much fat resulting in oily discharge and urgency. Medicine is a very gray topic and just because you have hypertension doesn't mean you should not use stimulant based agents like Phentermine; say your blood pressure is within normal limits and you can handle any side effects.

    Lorcaserin (BELVIQ) is the newest agent and is only a CIV; however, cardiovascular side effects and outcomes are uncertain. This med is a 5-HT2ca receptor agonist (not sympathomimetic), but it's a wait and see med. Sibutramine (MERIDIA) was withdrawn due to cardiovascular risk, MI, stroke but had a much broader mechanism involving 5-HT, NE, and (lesser) DA reuptake.
  • posted twice deleted this one see below
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, branbury. We sued to get one drug off the market, but then more stimulant drugs just pop up in its place. (And, just so you know, these drug companies are real b*stards in court - your loss is just a calculated risk to market for them.) I just don't want anyone to experience this kind of loss - over a diet pill. I wish someone was there to talk "tough love" to my mom beforehand. I was too young and didn't know.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I have taken it in the past. I only took it for 2 months and it decreased my appetite, which was great! It gave me severe dry mouth, which helped me get my water quota in. It never affected my heart rate, and I slept just fine. The reason I quit taking it, was because when I started the drug, I also started my diet. So 2 months into it, I was already eating like I should be and didn't need the help. It did not cause a dramatic weight loss, only 1-2 pounds per week. I was happy to have tried it, but am confident with myself that I won't need it again. Good luck to you and your journey!!