i have 5 months to loss 80-100 lbs { help } any ideas



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I would like to loss 80-100 lbs by end of july. my family is planning a vaction to the beach and I want to feel and look better then what I do now so im open to ideas {help}

    I'm not sure if anyone has done the math yet...................reality check

    5 months x 30 days = 150 days

    1 pound = 3,500 calories x 80 pounds = a required 280,000 calorie DEFICIT

    280,000 / 150 = 1,867 calorie deficit EVERY day.

    Edit.........bad math!!. If your TDEE was 3,067 calories & you eat 1200 .....yes, you can do it. This is a whole lot of TDEE for a woman of short stature. Keep in mind a really large deficit will result in more (and more) muscle loss as you get closer to goal.
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    yeah, giver yourself 12 months.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    No /:

    I wish I lived in your magical dream world.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This goal sounds so much like my own. I recently relocated and now have friends who are breaking their necks to turn my new destination into a vacation spot. My goal is to not be fat( or as fat) before they start rolling in. This new body I have isn't necessarily the body of my dreams and I'm ready to do what it takes to shed it. Every day is a new challenge but I think I'm getting on track. My goal is also to lose 80 to the 100 pound range. I know that sounds like a hell of a lot of weight in a short amount of time but I gained a hell of a lot of weight in a short amount of time so why wouldn't I be able to shed it? Can you imagine how good you would feel after reaching a goal of even 50? Let alone 80-100. You'd/we'd be walking on air. In my opinion it's more unhealthy to gain that much than it is to lose it. I say go for it and you can do it! Hopefully we can encourage each other. This site seems to be a great tool. Good Luck!!

    Actually, over and above nutritional deficiencies that can result from extreme dieting, rapid weight loss can strain the heart.
  • mellemelle84
    mellemelle84 Posts: 5 Member
    That is not sustainable weight loss. In five months you should be aiming for more like 50 lbs, Maximum.
    ANEWHONEY67 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with most on here as well. I can say that my husband has lost 71 pounds since September 30, 2013 with ALOT of hard work (eats only healthy foods..nothing processed) and goes to the gym twice a day. With that being said women do lose weight way different than men but you can lose quite a bit within that time frame.. But do it for yourself.. be happy with 1-2 lbs per week and you'll keep it off :-) Best wishes!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm not saying you can't do it, but I'm worried about what's going to happen when your body revolts against you for making such radical changes to try to get 80-100 pounds gone by July. Trust me: It will happen.

    It took me about 8 months to lose 80 pounds. It took a lot of strong-willed determination to do it too, and I did stumble - A LOT.

    Best suggestions I can make are:
    Drink LOTS of water
    Increase your Fiber intake - I get chocolite protein bars from www.healthsmartfoods.com
    Increase your protein intake - focus on protein, the fats/carbs will take care of themselves

    Do what you can to improve yourself, and don't focus solely on the scale.....make sure you take measurements too.
  • bevfazio
    bevfazio Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely talk to the people that have had a great success story already. They are obviously doing it right!
  • I have been where you are and to be completely honest, there is no healthy way to lose (and keep off) that much weight in such a short amount of time. HOWEVER, watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". In the film, they outline a 60 day juice fast, that when paired with exercise could help you get close. I recommend you talk to your doctor first. I understand the struggle associated with weight loss. in 2005 I weighed 360 lbs. I just weighed in at 237. Long term weight control is possible, but there are right and wrong ways to do it. We trained ourselves to be out of shape, and it took a long time to do it. You would have to expect that it will take an equally long time to retrain ourselves to live a healthy lifestyle. Be patient. Exercise, eat healthy and don't be afraid to "cheat" on your diet. The equation is simple, burn more calories than you take in.

    Good Luck,

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member

    280,000 / 150 = 9,333 calorie deficit EVERY day.

    280,000 / 150 = 1,866.66 calorie deficit every day. But the point is the same - this is nearly impossible.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    280,000 / 150 = 9,333 calorie deficit EVERY day.

    280,000 / 150 = 1,866.66 calorie deficit every day. But the point is the same - this is nearly impossible.

    Yep - fixed.....don't know what my fingers were doing :embarassed:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You can get one heck of a good start for your family vacation next year.

    Hang in there, you can do this. I think you are going to be super pleased with the 40 that you do drop by then.

  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I'm sorry, hon, but no. All you'll do is make yourself feel worse. Listen to the wise people on here who are telling you to take the long view, and love yourself enough to rock your vacation anyway.
  • jrobinson143
    jrobinson143 Posts: 24 Member
    I think if you lose that much weight in 5 months it may be done in an unhealthy weight. The best weight loss is 1-2lbs a week. That would give you around 40 lbs.

    But you can keep going & lose the rest after your vacation.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Agreed ^^^^ if you TRUELY want to lose it then let it come off in a healthy manner where you work out and eat right. Otherwise you will put it back on after this vacation and possibly pack on more. For me personally, i did an overhaul on my family's eating, exercise, and mindset when it came to eating. Make it a life change. I say this to friends all the time who critize me for "eating so healthy" now that I've reached a healthy place, it's too much work to do it over and over and over again.
  • If you lose 10lbs a month that is still under your 80-100, but it can be done. When I first started out I ate my calories and did cardio almost every day and I lost between 9-12 lbs a month. And there was nothing unhealthy about it. And I don't have saggy skin either.
  • I agree. I lost 10 lbs in 1 week just eating green vegetables, protein, a serving here or there of walnuts or Almonds. I also monitor my eating habits, blood pressure, and blood glucose with the assistance of a nutritionist. I am not saying that I will lose 10 lbs a week, but it is a great start. I will start incorporating exercise within the next week. Also, I increased my mobility getting anywhere from 15k to over 20k steps a day. The more I do, the easier it is becoming. Losing that much weight in that time span is possible, but I would do the right thing, eat right, ask for help, do the research for your body and blood type, and take one meal at a time. Any weight loss the proper way is better than no weight loss at all.
  • leaner426
    leaner426 Posts: 89 Member
    Bravo to you for wanting to get in shape and for starting early. Everyone here wants you to succeed, so please do not view the comments negatively. If you try to lose too much too quick you can overstress your body and set yourself up for other problems. It looks like you have kids, so start on a healthy diet the family can follow, model for them what you want them to do, and start an exercise program you love. If you really want to lose the 80 pounds, then I agree with the others that you should work with a doctor and a nutrition expert.

    What I like about this site is that I can focus on things like getting my fiber up and sugar levels down so I don't obsess about the weight loss. The side benefit is that I'm learning to eat and live healthier. Consider that as a goal instead and by summer, however much you've lost I guarantee you will feel better and look better.
  • 10 lbs a month is def doable in a healthy way, as long as you don't reduce your calories to extreme lows. Give up sodas and all the lovely white things we all love to eat, white rice, white breads, white sugars, white creams and additives. Try to eat more clean and less processed foods, find the inner chef that you can be to yourself and post your cool foodie pics(I love that). And it motivates you to eat more healthier than the day before. Because I am a short 5' tall person, I limit myself to 1200-1400 calories per day, but I also try to get steps in, housework, riding bike with kids, throwing football or playing soccer with them, and doing many youtube videos to keep my booty dancin' and a shaking. Moving your body for an hour a day for 5-6 days a week AND eating healthy(whether its 3 meals/2 snacks a day or Five mini meals or however you spread it out, try not to eat after 6:30 or 7pm). 8-10 glasses of fruit water, squeezed lemon or whatever you prefer will help flush your system of toxins also. Eat more green veggies and try not to drink bottle juices(choose to juice your own fruit juice recipes, there are millions online).
    I have almost gotten off 40 lbs and am quite new to myfitnesspal.com, but everything I mentioned above is how I did it in 8 months mostly. I am still working on it, I have 40 or more to go and hope to be with you on this journey to July and on the rest of the year. You can do it if you push yourself to do it and throw old habits OUT the window. Take pics and measurements and weigh once a week or once every two weeks to see your results. YOU can do this if you put your mind, body and soul into changing your inside thoughts that will lead to your outer beauty of health flowing ALL over that beach in July!
    Good luck!
  • That is awesome on your huge weight loss of 109 lbs. WOW
  • If you lose 10lbs a month that is still under your 80-100, but it can be done. When I first started out I ate my calories and did cardio almost every day and I lost between 9-12 lbs a month. And there was nothing unhealthy about it. And I don't have saggy skin either.
    AWESOME achievement, I hope I end up like you!!!!!