Sugar linked to heart disease, even in thin folks



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    I didn't get obese overeating protein and fat. I got obese overeating SUGAR.

    So, no, obesity is not the CAUSE of heart disease or diabetes. But sugar is a prime suspect.
    You got obese from overeating. Sugar doesn't cause obesity, and the non obese people of the world that consume sugar would agree.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I didn't get obese overeating protein and fat. I got obese overeating SUGAR.

    So, no, obesity is not the CAUSE of heart disease or diabetes. But sugar is a prime suspect.



    Well yes, kinda.

    I mean sure, you may have eaten a lot of sugar and gained weight, but you could have done that with anything, not just sugar.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    All of you bashing this study are a bunch of sugar addicts.

    It's your drug of choice.

    It's okay. I understand. Sugar is so sweet, how could it be evil?

    Oh. Thanks for the diagnosis. Can I ask where you got your medical degree and which area of study gave you the ability to diagnose addiction via the internet?
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    All of you bashing this study are a bunch of sugar addicts.

    It's your drug of choice.

    It's okay. I understand. Sugar is so sweet, how could it be evil?

    Oh. Thanks for the diagnosis. Can I ask where you got your medical degree and which area of study gave you the ability to diagnose addiction via the internet?

    Just lowering myself to the level of responses on this thread. The sarcasm here is thick. This is a serious issue and many people need to know that sugar could be dangerous to their health.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.

    Your issues aren't everyone's issues.

    I could slam down a pound of bacon with no issue, or a bag of chips. Salty foods make me lose my chit. Sugar/carbs not so much.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    All of you bashing this study are a bunch of sugar addicts.

    It's your drug of choice.

    It's okay. I understand. Sugar is so sweet, how could it be evil?

    Oh. Thanks for the diagnosis. Can I ask where you got your medical degree and which area of study gave you the ability to diagnose addiction via the internet?

    Just lowering myself to the level of responses on this thread. The sarcasm here is thick. This is a serious issue and many people need to know that sugar could be dangerous to their health.

    It's not that serious and sugar isn't that dangerous.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.
    That's right, you overate and you got fat and you overate by eating sugary things which is quite common. It's also common that a lower carb diet where you remove sugars make the food choices more satiating, more filling and you ended up eating fewer overall calories and lost weight. Basically you can't control your bingeing and lower carb remedied you of that, which is a good thing, I also cosume lower carb for that reason.........but it's not the sugar that causes weight gain, it's your inability to monitor you eating......right?
  • 4realrose8
    4realrose8 Posts: 117 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.
    That's right, you overate and you got fat and you overate by eating sugary things which is quite common. It's also common that a lower carb diet where you remove sugars make the food choices more satiating, more filling and you ended up eating fewer overall calories and lost weight. Basically you can't control your bingeing and lower carb remedied you of that, which is a good thing, I also cosume lower carb for that reason.........but it's not the sugar that causes weight gain, it's your inability to monitor you eating......right?

    I do think my body has some sort of issue with sugar. Not sure if it's exactly like addiction, but for sure very similar. Also, I have insulin resistance. For sure, I have some kind of thrifty genetics, too. I was born at almost 10.5 pounds and I certainly wasn't overeating in utero. My mother was/is not obese and was not diabetic during pregnancy either. How in the heck did I end up so big? I won some genetic lottery, I suppose.

    I'd love to be able to eat sugar and it not effect me. But, right now, my physiology seems to be saying it's better to limit it significantly. And medical research plus my family history is confirming my personal experience with sugar.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.
    That's right, you overate and you got fat and you overate by eating sugary things which is quite common. It's also common that a lower carb diet where you remove sugars make the food choices more satiating, more filling and you ended up eating fewer overall calories and lost weight. Basically you can't control your bingeing and lower carb remedied you of that, which is a good thing, I also cosume lower carb for that reason.........but it's not the sugar that causes weight gain, it's your inability to monitor you eating......right?

    I do think my body has some sort of issue with sugar. Not sure if it's exactly like addiction, but for sure very similar. Also, I have insulin resistance. For sure, I have some kind of thrifty genetics, too. I was born at almost 10.5 pounds and I certainly wasn't overeating in utero. My mother was/is not obese and was not diabetic during pregnancy either. How in the heck did I end up so big? I won some genetic lottery, I suppose.

    I'd love to be able to eat sugar and it not effect me. But, right now, my physiology seems to be saying it's better to limit it significantly. And medical research plus my family history is confirming my personal experience with sugar.
    Sugar has some effect on opioids and dopamine which is a neurotransmitter and effects motivated reward behavior traits, so some people and it seems a growing number of them where sugar does effect their food choice and consumption. Removing sugar brings hormones seems to lessen or eliminate this problem, and it appears it works for you. I suggest you continue, and possibly introduce some higher GI foods periodically so that your not going to feel totally deprived. Fruit works for me.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.
    That's right, you overate and you got fat and you overate by eating sugary things which is quite common. It's also common that a lower carb diet where you remove sugars make the food choices more satiating, more filling and you ended up eating fewer overall calories and lost weight. Basically you can't control your bingeing and lower carb remedied you of that, which is a good thing, I also cosume lower carb for that reason.........but it's not the sugar that causes weight gain, it's your inability to monitor you eating......right?

    I do think my body has some sort of issue with sugar. Not sure if it's exactly like addiction, but for sure very similar. Also, I have insulin resistance. For sure, I have some kind of thrifty genetics, too. I was born at almost 10.5 pounds and I certainly wasn't overeating in utero. My mother was/is not obese and was not diabetic during pregnancy either. How in the heck did I end up so big? I won some genetic lottery, I suppose.

    I'd love to be able to eat sugar and it not effect me. But, right now, my physiology seems to be saying it's better to limit it significantly. And medical research plus my family history is confirming my personal experience with sugar.
    I think you missed the link in this thread that showed that medical research actually shows that sugar itself has nothing to do with obesity. It's the media that has invented that story.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    High carb dieting is linked to heart disease... ;) I mean linked means nothing... Although the studies are starting to show that high carb diet is a risk factor for heart disease... So eat that fat and protein!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    High carb dieting is linked to heart disease... ;) I mean linked means nothing... Although the studies are starting to show that high carb diet is a risk factor for heart disease... So eat that fat and protein!
    I really have a hard time with this stuff (links to disease) and the studies indicate that yes, high carb diets are linked to disease, but which carbs and in what context. Traditional diets around the world that could be and are considered high carb have no evidence of that. You know where I'm going, I'm sure.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    High carb dieting is linked to heart disease... ;) I mean linked means nothing... Although the studies are starting to show that high carb diet is a risk factor for heart disease... So eat that fat and protein!
    I really have a hard time with this stuff (links to disease) and the studies indicate that yes, high carb diets are linked to disease, but which carbs and in what context. Traditional diets around the world that could be and are considered high carb have no evidence of that. You know where I'm going, I'm sure.

    Oh I get it... That's why I eat what (generally) makes me happy (in moderation). For me, a 40/30/30 Zone diet approach makes me feel best.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    All of you bashing this study are a bunch of sugar addicts.

    It's your drug of choice.

    It's okay. I understand. Sugar is so sweet, how could it be evil?

    lmfao! Thanks, I needed that. I love these threads
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member

    People really need to learn the difference between causation, correlation and .... coincidence.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.

    Salads generally require assembly and chicken breast requires cooking. Neither one would be in my pantry besides canned chicken.
    Know what IS easily accessible in my pantry and requires no cooking/ prep? What can I veg out in front of the TV noshing on mindlessy? You guessed it - crackers, chips, cookies, etc.
    I'm not demonizing pantry-friendly foods, I am saying that I can easily waaaaay overdo them if I don't exercise portion control.

    Again, if you need to avoid them, go right ahead, but all this "sugar causes all the diseases" and "you're just a bunch of addicts" stuff is just plain silly.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I didn't get obese overeating protein and fat. I got obese overeating SUGAR.

    So, no, obesity is not the CAUSE of heart disease or diabetes. But sugar is a prime suspect.

    *raises hand* i consume sugar and am not obese…also, at last physical blood work was basically perfect….

    oh, and overeating calories made you fat, no sugar…

    if you want do an experiment…cut out all sugar and eat 5000 calories a day and see if you gain, lose, or maintain...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Look, I've been on the diet merry go round for decades. I know all the diets. I know how my body responds and I know what it craves.

    When I did a low carb, high fat diet about 2,000 calories I lost weight. How is that possible when I'm not even 5'2" and didn't work out formally at the time? Because I reduced my carbs to 20 grams and my body burned the fat.

    And, I lost the desire to binge. I have NEVER gone to the pantry for a salad or a chicken breast or a pound of bacon or a stick of butter. But sugar/carbs-- bread, crackers, cookies, cakes, muffins, granola bars, sugary drinks etc.? Oh yeah! That is what I overeat.

    by eliminating carbs you eliminated calories, which put you in a caloric deficit. Calories in vs calories out..

    working out has nothing to do with weight loss…if you eat less then you need to maintain you can lose weight while not exercising…
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member