40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • rhonda6373
    Hello Cool Kids,

    I would like to join you. I am a 43 year old mother of 2 teenagers and live in TN. I have just recently started MFP and love all the support. It really is helping me to stay on track. I had a set-back and gained some weight which was discouraging, but I must continue on! I look forward to hearing about everyone's progress!

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello cool kids!!!! Welcome to the newcomers!!!! I really feel for you guys up north. It was in the 80's here today! It has been too warm these past week for still being winter. I am not going to complain!!!

    I did my strength trng this morning. During my Zumba class last night my right hip started hurting. :( hip flexor area... It hurt some today. I need to be careful...I have a labral tear and really don't want surgery!!! :cry: :sad:

  • debbiesweety
    Hi, I'm 49, is that too old?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi, I'm 49, is that too old?

    Debbiesweety, NO :laugh: It is 40+ group. I am 50. I started this group and I am not planning on leaving it though a lot of the people that started with me left. :cry: but we have very supportive active members. Stay with us!

    Bikram day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great Friday!! :flowerforyou:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Wish it were 80 here! Everyone is happy around here because we are working our way up to 48 degrees today and for the weekend- woohoo, break out the shorts and flip flops! NOT :tongue:

    Got in my 30 minutes of elliptical and busted out 3.5 miles! feels good.

    Hope you all have a happy Friday!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Yeah! Friday is here! Well, I started my new workout program today. Today focused mainly on strength with a couple of short cardio intervals. It's broken up into three different workouts- Strength training, cardio, and the other is kind of like a circuit trng. It involves doing laps around the track and in between each lap you do dips, sit ups, push ups,etc. Each work out also has some ab work at the end- sit ups, planks and such. Some of it is stuff that I haven't really done before and other things I have done, but now will be doing them a bit differently than what I am used to. I think it will be good and will definitely keep my metabolism guessing on what will be happening- at least for a while!!

    Have a great day all!
  • rhonda6373
    TGIF! Yeah! It is nice here in the 50s which is a nice break from the bitter cold. I did the elliptical this morning and plan on doing it again tonight -- only 30 minutes each. I want to try to start working out longer, but I can only do 30 minutes at a time. I will see if this works.

    I did strength training last night and it was hard on my knees -- preathritis. I think (hope) losing weight will help with that. I have a difficult time walking up the stairs and I am only 43. Wah. Ha.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hellooooo kids! =) Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou:

    I see everyone is rocking it out! Has Beeps made it back from her trip yet? Lucky gal!!

    KellySue - sounds like an awesome program! It's fun to try new things and your body will appreciate a change too!

    Things have been crazy for me for the last couple weeks, which is why I haven't been on much... I am now legally seperated, buying a house (possession at the end of March) and got a promotion at work!!

    I haven't been working out much in the last couple weeks but have been keeping my cals in check and have been successfully losing 1lb/wk and have another 5 weeks in this cut. I have found my sweet spot with IF as well: 19/5! lol, that hour makes all the difference I tell ya... I can still get in my cals and feel rushed. I am seriously considering trying a 24 hr fast on Sundays as well, as I have been using Saturday as a refeed day and haven't really had much of an appetite on Sundays. We'll see. =)

    Have an awesome weekend everyone and keep on, keeping on!!

    Oh and WOOOHOOOO Team Canada!! =)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Kellysue, your workout plan sounds challenging. WTG girl!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Nice2Bfit, it was cooler today, 78. :noway: :tongue: :laugh:

    Rhonda, I hope your knees get better. Try to stay active though. The worst thing you can do is to stop moving. I have arthritis in all my joints, not just the knees. That hasn't stopped me though. :flowerforyou:

    Nice to hear from you whatabroad!!!! I was starting to miss you!! :flowerforyou: Wow, that is a lot to be going through at the same time. You sound very positive, kudos for you!!! congrats on still keeping up with your nutrition and IF. I am fixing to do the 24 hrs fasts at least once a week in Mar. Will try that for the first time. I continue to do 16:8 3-4 times a week. It has been working great for me, sometimes it is 20:4, 19:5 like today. My 24 hrs though will be from dinner one day to dinner the next and will only eat until satisfied. No way I can eat 1600-1800 cals in 1 hr.

    Have a great evening and weekend if I don't hear from all of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids,

    Alf - please send some of your Texas weather my way, this morning we had 0 again for our temp. We got a horrible storm on Thursday and Friday and our roads are still glare ice. I barely mad it home from work Friday night with the snow drifts it was really scary and looking back I should not even have tried to go to work that day. Ugh.:mad:

    Whatabroad - I am sorry to hear about all you have been going through. That is very challenging to be going through a seperation. My thoughts are with you and I know you can get through this successfully. Please keep up the postive attitude and take care of yourself during this time. You are a survivor.:flowerforyou:

    I started my Chalene Extreme 90 day work out yesterday. It was awesome! It feels so good to get back into strength training and have a plan in place. I am a little sore today but thought I might have been worse. I took all my measurements and BMI & took my before photos. That was not pretty. :noway:

    Thanks cool kids for inspiring me and helping me understand the importance of heavy lifting. I am on my way!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Happy Monday.

    Took my daughter ice skating in Boston Common (park) yesterday. It was my first time ice skating and I did pretty darn good - only fell 2x (no damage except pride) LOL

    Thanks for rubbing it in Alf! LOL, we got into the 50's over the weekend - it was a nice treat. But were are right back into the winter temps today and all week - looks like we'll be getting more snow too :grumble:

    ruby - I started a strength program a few weeks ago as well - it's a great feeling to see the differences it makes in your body. I al already getting more muscle definition in my arms and my legs feel stronger too.

    whatabroad - I hope your life changes are for the better - good luck with everything!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and encouragement. The seperation, although hard, is for the better.

    Rhonda - sometimes pain in the knees may come from weak glutes and quads, the strength training will definitely help with that! Pay attention to your form, concentrate on the engaging the muscle to do the work as you are performing the exercise and the pain will lesson over time. Alf is right, don't stop moving though!

    Ruby - although taking measurements, especially pictures, can be a little bit of a downer, they are soooo important to see real success as the scale is not accurate in determining the changes. I am so glad I took pictures when I started out and every month after, to remind me of how far I have come in moments when I wasn't feeling it anymore. =)

    Not sure what work out I am going to get in today but I will do something!

    Have an awesome day peeps!
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    love the 40+!!!
  • joemama68
    joemama68 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello party people! 40+ here as well. Hope I can learn a thing or two for everyone.
  • JnK619
    JnK619 Posts: 320
    45 y/o here with at least 50lbs to lose, I want to get in shape so when I join the 50+ club I'm not in the same boat as I am now!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Monday again!! It has been a cross between sunny and blinding snow here today so far! Yuck! Well, I have done each of my three workouts that were set up for me and today's was the circuit type workout- it was, BY FAR, the hardest of the three!! It was the shortest and took about 40 minutes, but I am SURE I will be feeling it tomorrow. All for the best though!

    Whatabroad- congratulations on your promotion!! That's awesome. Sorry to hear other things are difficult right now. Hoping things will be better for you soon! Be thankful for all of the positives that are going for you!

    Welcome to the new folks!
  • rhonda6373
    Hi everyone! How are the cool kids today? It is in the 40s here, but we had a gorgeous weekend and I got to walk in the park.

    I am discouraged -- gained 2 pounds last week in part b/c of bad eating. I did not lose any the 2 weeks before that. Although, I did stay under my calorie goal and exercised most days. What the heck. I am on medications that cause weight gain and have mild hypothyroid, but surely I can lose weight somehow. I am thinking perhaps I should cut back on carbs/sugar, not sure.

    I hope you all have a successful week. I have a job interview today -- have a job now but am looking b/c they got rid of my entire department (20 full-time employees). I am a contractor so was spared. I want a new job anyway b/c I have absolutely no work to do thus I am on MFP most of the time during the day :). It sounds good to some people, but it is really boring.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: A little cloudy here but nice temps...sorry guys. :laugh: It is actually going to get cold on Wed, so they say, low 40's high 60's but then warm again for the weekend, 80's will have to deal with that. :noway:

    Ruby, isn't Chalean Extreme awesome??? Go Go Go :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: don't forget to increase the load when it gets too easy but do take your time and be safe. Work on perfect form and lift slow!!

    Zumba tonight! I hope my hips behave, I am somewhat concerned they might be getting worse. :grumble: :explode:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Just when I got used to doing Burpees again I have to go and discover jumping jack Burmese.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Happy Monday... One week away from finishing c25k running program and 2 weeks away from running my first 5k. Hope the weather gets nicer... fingers crossed. Haven't been able to run outside because of the ice and snow but will do the best I can the day of the 5k!!!