Anyone taking Phentermine 37.5?



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.

    yeah, i didnt have 15, 20, 25 or 40 pounds to lose either, i too had over 100 pounds to lose, and didnt need a dangerous drug to do so. those of us who are "naysaying" the op, are doing so out of care and concern.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.

    yeah, i didnt have 15, 20, 25 or 40 pounds to lose either, i too had over 100 pounds to lose, and didnt need a dangerous drug to do so. those of us who are "naysaying" the op, are doing so out of care and concern.

    Amen to that. <points at own ticker>
  • I took Phentermine in 2008, and I lost about 70 lbs while taking it. It definitely suppressed my appetite, and it kept me from the mindless snacking and "eating my feelings" that I had done most of my life. I used to see it as the "magic pill" that helped me to lose weight. Awesome, right? Who wouldn't want to take these pills?!

    Well, as others have said, it is not a lifestyle change, and the weight loss is most likely to be temporary. I had to increase my dosage to two 37.5 pills a day because my original dosage became ineffective, and this led to sleep issues. I also had horrible headaches and dry mouth from the medication, as well as dramatically increased irritability. As soon as I stopped taking the medication, it was like I hadn't eaten in weeks--I was starving all the time! This is not a medication that you can take all of your life, and you're fooling yourself if you think that you can use it just to lose weight, then will maintain that weight loss on your own without the pills. The habits and reasons that you gained weight will still be lurking under the surface, and Phentermine just gives you a way to avoid dealing with them in the short-term.

    Long story made short, I have since gained all of the weight back plus more, which is why I'm here. I just started on a new weight loss journey (see ticker below), and this time I'm determined to do it the hard way--the way that will be a lifestyle change and permanent. Don't waste your time or health on Phentermine.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    I think it's totally counter productive to use a pill (dangerous amphetamines at that) to begin your journey to health. You need to show yourself you CAN do this and without any magic pills. You need to learn how to do this THE RIGHT WAY, or you will very likely fail. I'm sorry if that is harsh, but it is truly how I feel.

    This!! Being active, watching portions, and eating healthy is the ONLY way to do this! It's my opinion that you need to change your lifestyle to achieve your goal!!

    Good Luck~
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey girl its your friend from MFP. I have not heard of this pill so I really don't have a comment about it. I tried a pill from GNC before not sure about the name and it helped when I first started it but then lost it effect. I just want to say be careful my friend. I have been taken of al my blood pressure meds since I lost weight and I want to say it took about a year and then the doctor took me off. What I will say is that some pills will increase your heart rate so PLEASE BE CAREFUL. :flowerforyou:
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I took Phentermine in 2008, and I lost about 70 lbs while taking it. It definitely suppressed my appetite, and it kept me from the mindless snacking and "eating my feelings" that I had done most of my life. I used to see it as the "magic pill" that helped me to lose weight. Awesome, right? Who wouldn't want to take these pills?!

    Well, as others have said, it is not a lifestyle change, and the weight loss is most likely to be temporary. I had to increase my dosage to two 37.5 pills a day because my original dosage became ineffective, and this led to sleep issues. I also had horrible headaches and dry mouth from the medication, as well as dramatically increased irritability. As soon as I stopped taking the medication, it was like I hadn't eaten in weeks--I was starving all the time! This is not a medication that you can take all of your life, and you're fooling yourself if you think that you can use it just to lose weight, then will maintain that weight loss on your own without the pills. The habits and reasons that you gained weight will still be lurking under the surface, and Phentermine just gives you a way to avoid dealing with them in the short-term.

    Long story made short, I have since gained all of the weight back plus more, which is why I'm here. I just started on a new weight loss journey (see ticker below), and this time I'm determined to do it the hard way--the way that will be a lifestyle change and permanent. Don't waste your time or health on Phentermine.

    Thanks for sharing your story, Clandahlina. I wish you much success!!!
  • I have taken it in the past. I only took it for 2 months and it decreased my appetite, which was great! It gave me severe dry mouth, which helped me get my water quota in. It never affected my heart rate, and I slept just fine. The reason I quit taking it, was because when I started the drug, I also started my diet. So 2 months into it, I was already eating like I should be and didn't need the help. It did not cause a dramatic weight loss, only 1-2 pounds per week. I was happy to have tried it, but am confident with myself that I won't need it again. Good luck to you and your journey!!

    WOW....This is exactly what I am doing - changing eating habits...and I have not had side effects except for dry mouth. Will take for 3 months only - had my 2 week Dr. appointment yesterday - and blood pressure is lower, no rapid heart rate for me - may not for grumpiness either - actually happier...and I am already a very chipper person.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • Hello ~
    I have read each and every post and do realize that many are against taking Phentermine - that's ok - it is your opinion and I appreciate and understand your concerns. I see posts where the pill had extreme side effects.....the KEY is.....I trust my doctor - she knows my history well...I just had my 2 week follow up yesterday and Blood pressure was 132 over 74.....I feel great - no racing heart or spacey high feeling. We also discussed I am only taking for 3 months as I change my lifestyle and eating habits and get used to that. I am eating smart - not under eating and staying at 1200 calories to 1500 calories - balanced meals. I do not drink pop/soda - quit that in Sept.....I am a smart and educated woman that with her Doctor feels this is the best choice for me in my life right now - they way I was headed....I wouldn't have made it too many years longer.
    Thanks heavens I am a strong person though - some post may have easily sent me running far...far...away....I turn it around as others care and express concern. Please.....those of you against taking the not let that change your opnion of others that are and treat us different. We are all here at MFP for a reason - I do not judge others - and am here to celebrate success in the weight loss journey. For me it will be a life journey.
    Cherie' in Walla Walla, WA
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    I'm a nurse and we have a weight management program at the office I work at. We prescribe Phentermine. The biggest thing to watch is your BP. If it's already high it might not be a good idea to take it because it can increase BP. But if you're taking it under close direction of your doctor then it should be okay. We have our patients come for monthly weigh ins and blood pressure monitoring. It does work so I think if you want to lose the weight quickly it will help. But I've seen a lot of patients gain the weight right back after stopping it because they didn't change their eating habits and life style. Good luck!
  • Everyone I ever knew that took those pills. Gained all their weight back plus some. Not saying that happens to everyone, just seen it too many times. Good luck
  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    I think being 5'2" , 237 lbs. and having high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and out of breath all the time is more dangerous that taking phentermine for compulsive eating. This lady has said she trusts her doctor, is eating healthy, and is on it short term. Maybe some people donot understand compulsive eating, I don't know, but I know I am a compulsive eater and if phentermine helps me then its a good for me!
  • mlittle71
    mlittle71 Posts: 10 Member
    Everyone I ever knew that took those pills. Gained all their weight back plus some. Not saying that happens to everyone, just seen it too many times. Good luck

    The majority of people who have lost weight, no matter how they did it, fall off the wagon and gain it back. It's not the pill's fault. It's the person's fault. I once lost 75lbs and kept it off for years, even got a tummy tuck. I am again.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    I started Phentermine today and I'm super excited! I am starting with a half a pill to see how I feel on it.

    It's very clear that it's "frowned" upon by the people who have lost weight with diet and exercise alone and I get it. However, this is my journey and If I'm able to lose weight with the help of a medication, who is to judge? No one is perfect and no one has the "right answer". We're all here for support because losing weight is difficult. Some people take different routes. Some people get surgery! If we all lose the weight, we should all be happy for each other. Losing weight is a great accomplishment and not easy.

    I understand that as a doctor, this isn't something they like to prescribe. I completely understand. I know there are risks. One thing I will be doing is checking in with my doctor to make sure that my body is healthy and my BP is normal. I will immediately stop taking this if I start having any issues with the medication. However, I have no health issues besides being over weight. My blood work came back perfect, my BP is normal, I do not have any pre-existing health issues etc.

    With that being said, I do NOT plan to take this medication without changing my habits. This is a lifestyle change or I will gain all the weight back once I stop the medication. I am well aware of that. I am vegetarian and I am working on eating as clean as possible. That is a lifestlye change that I hope to follow me for the rest of my life. It's not a miracle pill, but it sure is a great booster. The people who gained all the weight back have admitted to going back to their own ways. That's not the pills fault. How many times have you dieted and stopped? Did the weight come back? Or course! That's why we're here!

    I think it's time to stop judging people on how they're losing weight and instead support them for wanting to change.
  • I started Phentermine today and I'm super excited! I am starting with a half a pill to see how I feel on it.

    It's very clear that it's "frowned" upon by the people who have lost weight with diet and exercise alone and I get it. However, this is my journey and If I'm able to lose weight with the help of a medication, who is to judge? No one is perfect and no one has the "right answer". We're all here for support because losing weight is difficult. Some people take different routes. Some people get surgery! If we all lose the weight, we should all be happy for each other. Losing weight is a great accomplishment and not easy.

    I understand that as a doctor, this isn't something they like to prescribe. I completely understand. I know there are risks. One thing I will be doing is checking in with my doctor to make sure that my body is healthy and my BP is normal. I will immediately stop taking this if I start having any issues with the medication. However, I have no health issues besides being over weight. My blood work came back perfect, my BP is normal, I do not have any pre-existing health issues etc.

    With that being said, I do NOT plan to take this medication without changing my habits. This is a lifestyle change or I will gain all the weight back once I stop the medication. I am well aware of that. I am vegetarian and I am working on eating as clean as possible. That is a lifestlye change that I hope to follow me for the rest of my life. It's not a miracle pill, but it sure is a great booster. The people who gained all the weight back have admitted to going back to their own ways. That's not the pills fault. How many times have you dieted and stopped? Did the weight come back? Or course! That's why we're here!

    I think it's time to stop judging people on how they're losing weight and instead support them for wanting to change.

    I feel exactly the same way - WELCOME to MFP - feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • I took Phentermine in 2008, and I lost about 70 lbs while taking it. It definitely suppressed my appetite, and it kept me from the mindless snacking and "eating my feelings" that I had done most of my life. I used to see it as the "magic pill" that helped me to lose weight. Awesome, right? Who wouldn't want to take these pills?!

    Well, as others have said, it is not a lifestyle change, and the weight loss is most likely to be temporary. I had to increase my dosage to two 37.5 pills a day because my original dosage became ineffective, and this led to sleep issues. I also had horrible headaches and dry mouth from the medication, as well as dramatically increased irritability. As soon as I stopped taking the medication, it was like I hadn't eaten in weeks--I was starving all the time! This is not a medication that you can take all of your life, and you're fooling yourself if you think that you can use it just to lose weight, then will maintain that weight loss on your own without the pills. The habits and reasons that you gained weight will still be lurking under the surface, and Phentermine just gives you a way to avoid dealing with them in the short-term.

    Long story made short, I have since gained all of the weight back plus more, which is why I'm here. I just started on a new weight loss journey (see ticker below), and this time I'm determined to do it the hard way--the way that will be a lifestyle change and permanent. Don't waste your time or health on Phentermine.

    Thanks for sharing your story, Clandahlina. I wish you much success!!!

    Thank you! So far so good.
    I think it's time to stop judging people on how they're losing weight and instead support them for wanting to change.

    There is a difference between "judging people" and educating them. Judging would be to say that OP is a bad person or weak for making this choice. I don't think anyone has done that (if they did, then I missed it!). I really wish that someone had shared their story with me before I started Phentermine. It would have saved me a few years of yo yo dieting. I definitely wish OP nothing but the best and much success.
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    I read this entire thread, and feel the need to share my personal experience. I do not believe in absolutes like many of the posters. I agree that the benefits of this drug outweigh the risks for very few patients, but that is for the doctor and patient to decide.

    I have had the same family doctor since I was a kid and he also sees my parents. He knows my family history and personal health very well. He prescribed a phentermine/topamax combination to help jump-start my weight loss. My wife is a pharmacist and her opinions echo'd that of the pharmacists in this thread, "don't do it".

    I started taking the medicine in December, and after about 12 weeks I've asked my wife to help me transition off of them both. I see my doc again in a couple weeks. During this time I have given up a bad soda addiction, transitioned to a healthier diet, honestly maintained my weekly calorie goals, and re-booted my workout regimen. My eyes are completely open to the "lifestyle change" vs "diet" mentality that is required for this to be successful long-term. I don't need the drugs to be successful long term, but I can't say they didn't give me some incentive and a head start.

    All that being said, knowing what I know now, I would NOT do it again, though. The side effects were not pleasant (bear in mind I was taking both drugs), the actual effects at this point seem minimal (though it seemed to help at first), and I know there is risk involved.

    Best of luck to the OP and everyone else in their weight loss endeavors. I honestly saw the medicine as a potential alternative to gastric bypass. I watched 4 family members including my mother go through that with varying degrees of complications and success. Now that I found my drive and a strategy that works, I'm not going to need it.

  • Hi! I am currently taking Phentermine and am also taking the lipotropic injections. I started this last week. I have 125 pounds to lose myself and look forward to the new me. Feel free to add me as a diet buddy :)
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    Question time. A poll for ALL the people in this thread saying "i took it and when i stopped i gained all the weight back plus some" ... please tell me what you did after stopping the pills. Did you work out? Did you run? Did you still track/control calories? Did the weight all come back even while doing all these things? Are you saying its inevitable that the weight will come back?

    Please explain your habits AFTER stopping to take the pills. thanks.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Question time. A poll for ALL the people in this thread saying "i took it and when i stopped i gained all the weight back plus some" ... please tell me what you did after stopping the pills. Did you work out? Did you run? Did you still track/control calories? Did the weight all come back even while doing all these things? Are you saying its inevitable that the weight will come back?

    Please explain your habits AFTER stopping to take the pills. thanks.

    Well for one it started off slowly ..I ate more because I was hungry because I hadn't learned portion controll .I didn't have to since I wasn't hungry .

    #2 I exercised less because I didn't have the energy that the pills gave me

    #3 I didn't eat healthy foods because I didn't learn that while I was using the pills which goes back to #1 because I wasn't really hungry

    #4 I felt like I was starving I just could not stop eating so I didn't, I got depressed and started eating more and more and exercising less and less ...

    That's just my story though:blushing:
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    Question time. A poll for ALL the people in this thread saying "i took it and when i stopped i gained all the weight back plus some" ... please tell me what you did after stopping the pills. Did you work out? Did you run? Did you still track/control calories? Did the weight all come back even while doing all these things? Are you saying its inevitable that the weight will come back?

    Please explain your habits AFTER stopping to take the pills. thanks.

    Well for one it started off slowly ..I ate more because I was hungry because I hadn't learned portion controll .I didn't have to since I wasn't hungry .

    #2 I exercised less because I didn't have the energy that the pills gave me

    #3 I didn't eat healthy foods because I didn't learn that while I was using the pills which goes back to #1 because I wasn't really hungry

    #4 I felt like I was starving I just could not stop eating so I didn't, I got depressed and started eating more and more and exercising less and less ...

    That's just my story though:blushing:

    THANK YOU for your honest response and experience. This is helpful.