Types of food you avoid eating while on diet



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well, every time I tried moderation when I started a new diet, I failed miserably. It was like I was a recovering alcoholic who had a few shots now and then. I'm sure there are a few other people out there who feel the same. I do plan to start eating all foods in moderation when I reach my goal weight.

    While this may be true, personally I find that I learned more about not binging on foods when I had to learn what a true portion was and stick to it. Was I successful from day one? No. But over time, I have become more and more comfortable eating a normal portion of my binge foods. It was something I felt I needed to learn to lose the weight for good. I have always restricted my foods with the thought that I would add them back later. In all previous attempts to lose, I eventually went back to the bad habits. I'm pretty sure this time will stick.
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Don't avoid anything though typically I don't tend to eat big doughnuts or muffins that have like 500 calories because I just don't think it's worth it considering the amount of other food I could get for the same calories.
  • Well, every time I tried moderation when I started a new diet, I failed miserably. It was like I was a recovering alcoholic who had a few shots now and then. I'm sure there are a few other people out there who feel the same. I do plan to start eating all foods in moderation when I reach my goal weight.

    So you think that by some miracle you'll be able to suddenly eat things in moderation once you're at goal weight? I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. It's a recipe for disaster. You don't suddenly get 1000 extra calories to eat once you're at maintenance... 200-300 mostly (unless you're starving yourself, but typically if you do you maintenance will be lower anyway).
    If you read my first post, you will see that I've started eating again in small portions the foods I avoided. I'm getting back into it slowly. Except junk food, I 'll try to avoid it as much as I can.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    I've cut way back on processed foods and fast foods but I've added in lots of new foods that I've never tried before. Quinoa, butternut squash, chick peas, leeks, cranberries, mango, to name a few. I've also stopped eating margarine and replaced it with butter... in moderation of course. :drinker:
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I avoid food that I can not moderate. By avoid, I mean I don't eat them everyday. I can not eat Pizza or cake in moderation. I can't, I have tried, many times. So if I plan to eat pizza or cake, I eat the whole thing and do it with a smile.

    I also eat ALL the ice cream!
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Inclusion not exclusion. You' re changing your lifestyle, not just dieting. Are you really going to give those things up for the rest of your life? Plus baked potatoes are super good for you. Just eat in moderation and you'll be fine.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I don't "avoid" any foods when trying to lose weight, I just eat in moderation. I have an entire tupperware full of regular (no low fat or substituted ingredients) chocolate chip cookies sitting here, I just made them small so I can work them into my daily calorie goal.

    The only change we've really made is cooking at home more instead of ordering out, and I've gotten back to making more items from scratch than buying prepackaged versions. Although that has more to do with the fact that my youngest is almost two and I don't have her physically attached to me at all times, so I can actually take the time to prepare food.
  • Peanut M&M's... Withdrawals are killin me!
    We stopped smoking and they were my go to and downfall.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I agree with the 'Avoid nothing, everything in moderation' principle...except that there are certain foods that I just can't help but over-indulge in! I don't *not* have chocolate, for example, but if I bought a bag of treat-sized chocolate bars, I'd find it hard to 'moderate' them! For me, it's easier not to buy them in the first place - though if someone offered me a chocolate, and I had enough calories left, I would take it.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I try to avoid pre prepared meals. Fast food, TV dinners, that sort of thing. I want to be conscious of ingredients. Not just calories. Goal #1 is good health.

    I weigh cheese to the gram now. I can devour a block of the stuff in 2 days. Those are the 2 I can think of.
  • Well, every time I tried moderation when I started a new diet, I failed miserably. It was like I was a recovering alcoholic who had a few shots now and then. I'm sure there are a few other people out there who feel the same. I do plan to start eating all foods in moderation when I reach my goal weight.

    While this may be true, personally I find that I learned more about not binging on foods when I had to learn what a true portion was and stick to it. Was I successful from day one? No. But over time, I have become more and more comfortable eating a normal portion of my binge foods. It was something I felt I needed to learn to lose the weight for good. I have always restricted my foods with the thought that I would add them back later. In all previous attempts to lose, I eventually went back to the bad habits. I'm pretty sure this time will stick.
    Sure, you can't avoid your favourite foods for ever! For me, it took me a couple of months to get into the right shape of mind and feel comfortable to start eating again some foods, without feeling I might "relapse". I think I'm making much more healthier choices now (my blood exams have really improved) and now I always measure the portions (and will keep doing it even when I reach my goal weight).
  • I try to avoid pre prepared meals. Fast food, TV dinners, that sort of thing. I want to be conscious of ingredients. Not just calories. Goal #1 is good health.

    I weigh cheese to the gram now. I can devour a block of the stuff in 2 days. Those are the 2 I can think of.
    +1. Health is the most important thing.
  • SamanthaKayShaver
    SamanthaKayShaver Posts: 43 Member
    Weird one, but i avoid cereal. Just for the fact that I can eat 4 servings no problem. and its my biggest midnight snack temptation. If i could eat it with moderation, i would. But I have yet to conquer that one.

    Fast food. A couple fries are no biggie, but I just don't enjoy it anymore. I rather make a big juicy burger will my favorite spices and mix-ins instead! (I will chow down on pita pit any day of the week, though!)

    Other than that, I avoid carbs mostly. (Sweets, breads, pasta) I replace my noodles with asparagus, make protein powder brownies, lots of lettuce wraps, etc. Most people will disagree with my low carb style, but it works for me. I have a much easier time staying under my calorie goal and have had quiet a lot of success with it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Every time I've dieted in the past and told myself, "Thou shalt not have ____________" That was all I could think about, until I'd go haywire eating it. Anybody who can say, "OK - Never having bacon!" More power to you.

    Therefore, my best mode is to do the, I can have whatever I want, but today I'm having this (fill in the blank).
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I would suggest to not eliminate anything you can't live without for the rest of your life.

    Personally I've given up soda since I realized I'd rather use those calories for other foods (although in the future I may allow myself one once in a while as a treat). I've also given up white grains in favor of whole wheats and grains. Otherwise I eat the foods I want but in controlled portions, making sure my macros are in the right proportions as well.
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


    I concur! Generally speakig if you burn what you take in you will maintain your weight, if you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    Generally, I would advise not to completely avoid anything that you might want to consume after you achieve your goal. I believe most things in moderation are fine.

    However, I do have several things that I've decided to avoid (as much as possible) because it makes me feel better. I avoid MSG (migraines), artificial sweeteners (they just make me feel icky and make me crave sweets more), bleached flours (just because), sugar that is made from beets and other foods that are genetically modified, fruit juices (because I'd rather have my fruit without extra sugar), cow's milk (causes to much bloating), and foods with lots preservatives.

    I limit all other dairy products, HFCS (would be avoid but I occasionally like a soda), red meat (messes with my digestion), and sweets.
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    I do not cut anything out completely. This is all about learning to eat in moderation. I do try to avoid chips though because I never just eat a couple so the only time I eat them is when I can get a single serving bag.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Mushrooms, prawns, coffee, licorice, meat pies and soy.

    Just like when I'm not on a diet :P
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    I avoid processed food, and I cut way back on dairy and wheat. Food in moderation, this is a life change.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    The only real change I made was to start this time with the Body Reset with 5 days of smoothies 3 times a day and 2 snacks. Then 5 days of 2 meals of smoothies, 1 regular meal and 2 snacks, now it is a smoothie for breakfast except 2 times a week I have 1 slice of real bacon 1 fried egg and 1 slice of toast. On that day I do a smoothie for lunch and of course my 2 snacks of protein and fiber combo.

    Now instead of fried potatoes I make either mashed or baked and yes we eat lots of rice as we both love stir fry over rice. I grill a lot of our meat on the outdoor grill but we still have Hamburgers with Kaiser buns and yup we do cottage fries on occasion also. It is called just sensible eating. I am not a sweet eater so that isn't a huge problem for me. I do like a piece of good chocolate once in a while but rarely. And one of the major snacks around here is real popped corn with butter on it. I do not do the microwave stuff. we don't like it. I want the real thing.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Avoid fast food it is empty calories :)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I didn't stop eating anything, but I definitely cut back on the amount of cheese I eat. I was a cheese fiend before.
    Well, as a friend always says: "The path to hell is paved with melted cheese" :laugh:
    I :heart: cheese

    ^This. Obviously, everything in moderation is the way to go. However, avoiding high-calorie foods that are particular weaknesses for us makes weight loss easier and more successful. Cheese and pesto are my main ones! I have cut down on these two significantly, but there is no way in hell that I will ever avoid them completely. They are simply too yummy!
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    I'm also in the 'everything in moderation' camp. I've cut nothing out, just watching the portion sizes (especially with the cheese, biscuits with red wine in the evening).
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


    Ditto. No need to restrict or avoid anything.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Actually I lied. I haven't had any soda or juice in a year. And hardly any alcohol. Just not what I want to spend my calories on... but I wouldn't say I 'avoid' them as much as I just don't like them enough.
  • Vorcha
    Vorcha Posts: 126
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I don't do diet, I do moderation. It sounds better and is more easily attainable. :D
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    not on a diet so I don't avoid any foods, moderation and self-control are the key to my success