21 Day Challenge



  • Dorothyslancaster
    Dorothyslancaster Posts: 18 Member
    I am in too!

    work out at least 3 days a week for 40 minutes ( this is the one I fall off of the most)
    try to work out more than 3 days a week
    stay positive
    juice at least once a day
    log my daily calories and stick to the goal
    get 8 hourse sleep ( another one that doesn't usually happen)
    encourage friends, 9 year old son and husband to eat healthy
    and yes, keep it going past day 21!
  • I'm in for a life style change...thank you all for the motivation.

    1) Exercise something everyday...especially the trouble spots.
    2) Drink lots of water.
    3) Pray over everything I eat and listen to what the Lord may have to say about it.
    4) Read my Bible and spend time with Him.
    5) Take my 30 min. walk whether my walking buddies want to come along or not.
    6) Manage my money and my time better.

    Here we go.....
  • Well my day 1 is almost complete, Had a great workout, have logged my food diary, and now fixing to plan and prep tomorrows meals and spend another 15 minutes reading my bible ( did the other 15 this morning) And my first day will be a success! To everyone else who started today hope it went well, and good luck to everyone starting tomorrow. Just 21 days Lets do it!
  • Dorothyslancaster
    Dorothyslancaster Posts: 18 Member
    does everyone track their drinks too? I usually drink 1 or 2 cups coffee in the AM and the rest of the day is water. And how does one go about logging the calories for a Juice?
  • Day 1 complete. Hit all my goals for today. Looking forward to my walking tomorrow. Meals all planned for tomorrow!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Day 1/21 Success

    1) Complete all 10 workouts per week - 2 done today, on track
    2) Reach water target daily (2 litres) - just over
    3) Stay within calorie budget daily - stayed under, without exercise calories
    4) Spend 30 minutes each day in prayer or reading the Bible - listened to sermon
    5) Log workouts and ALL nutrition each day - yip, this was easy today
    6) Check in on this thread daily - here it is
    7) Avoid negativity - this one is my hardest and it is vague so it is hard to quantify. I wasn't great, but not as bad as I can be.

    Success for a day for me means I got 1-6 right. 7 is my bonus and as long as I try achieve it, I'm happy.

    Considering it was first day back at work (they are always chaos), first day of double exercise routine and Scottish play in evening, I'm stocked to reach the targets. Tomorrow is Tuesday which means fencing. Yay, I love my sport!

    Well done to those who achieved any or all of their goals. If you missed any, keep trying. That is the only way to get there.

    I love the goal people set for day 22!
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Love your positivity!! I commit 21 days

    1) meditate daily
    2) prepare meals and plan day before
    3) begin my training for my first 5k challenge
    4) manage time better
    5) focus more on my studies and not be so lazy
    6) strength train 5x wk
    7) really work on my mentality of being so critical by really slowing down and thinking before I act or speak

    Sending you a friend request :)
  • ilgirl733
    ilgirl733 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in

    Track everything
    Go to YMCA 5 days per week
    Drink lots of water
    Drink less alcohol
    Get plenty of sleep
    More fruits and Vegs
    No fast food
    Plan meals
    Check in here daily

    Let's do this!
  • Congrats to everyone who had a successful first day! And Good luck to everyone starting today!
  • hollytrolly91
    hollytrolly91 Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry to be late to the party but I'll join today:

    1) Drink 1.5l water
    2) 10,000 steps per day (pedometer should be arriving tomorrow!)
    3) Prepare and take a healthy lunch to work
    4) Exercise for 30 minutes
    5) Complete and be under calorie goal on MFP
    6) Lose 7.5lbs in 21 days

    Good luck everyone :)
  • jdhubbard
    jdhubbard Posts: 26 Member
    I'm late joining as well, but think this is a great idea! Thanks for getting it started. I tried something similar a month or so ago, but didn't make it through the 21 days. Hopefully this challenge and support will help me build some new and healthier habits.

    1) Follow MFP calorie goal, tracking every day
    2) Exercise 6 days a week for 30min
    3) Continue C25K program so I am ready to start running outside
    4) Drink 1.5-2L of water daily
    5) Limit TV to one hour/night
    6) Continue habits on day 22 and beyond!

    Good luck to you all :)
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    The challenges I've set myself are:

    1. Don't go over my set calories
    2. Do C25k 3 x a week
    3. Go for a walk each day
    4. Drink at least 2.5 litres daily
    5. Find something positive from my day
    6. Practice yoga poses daily

  • ditzie2009
    ditzie2009 Posts: 20 Member
    Ohh I'll join too please!

    1) Exercise 6 days a week (7 if I feel up to it and have time)
    2) no chocolate for 21 days - that is a challenge in itself!
    3) Drink more water (really hate it)
    4) Eat more fruit and veg
    5) Meal plan the day before
    6) aim to lose 6lbs in 21 days
    7) Carry on the 21 day challenge to get to goal before my 40th! :-)
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    A friend and I were JUST talking about how it takes 21 days to form a habit.

    My goals:
    1. Follow my exercise schedule (C25k 3x/week, 30 Day Shred 2x/week, Killer Abs 1x/week, 1 day for rest).
    2. Hit my calorie goal each day, completing my diary each night.
    3. Drink at least 64 oz of water each day.
    4. Take a daily multivitamin.
    5. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
    6. Identify one positive thing about myself each morning for these 21 days.
  • Thought for the day- If some of you are like I used to be, You need to change mentally before you will be able to change physically. A few years ago I could do 10 things right, and 1 thing wrong, and i would focus all day on that 1 thing i didn't like. I could eat something I shouldn't have, and just beat myself up about it for hours. But all that negativity didn't motivate me to do better or get back on track. All it did was make me feel bad about myself , which led to more bad choices, which derailed my efforts before they even got started. I have leaned a better way, I accept I will never be perfect, and that's ok, I'm not trying to be perfect, just better. And better I can make happen. If you struggle with those emotions too, then commit to doing something different these 21 days, I don't care if you only do 1 thing right today, focus on that 1 thing. When the negative thoughts come, and they will, telling you that you didn't do this right, you shouldn't have done that, just fire back with," that may be true, but i did this right today, and that's better than yesterday, and I will do even better tomorrow!" Believe that you are worth the effort, and Believe that you can do it, because both of those things are true!
    P.S.- Welcome to everyone just joining in, there is no late to this party , I'm just on day 2 myself, no set days to begin or end just put 21 days together at whatever day is best for you to begin, just a place to encourage each other to strive for better and form new habits, We got this!
  • DFasso23
    DFasso23 Posts: 26 Member
    Day 1 complete, It's chest day at the gym-easily my favorite.
    Lets go!!!
  • 19Chatham70
    19Chatham70 Posts: 7 Member
    This is perfect as I've just re-joined MFP. Thanks, I am in! Trying to be realistic here:
    1. track my nutrition and exercise daily.
    2. Exercise at least 4 times a week.
    3. Drink 64 oz water daily.
    4. Meditate twice a day.
    5. Limit wine to 2 glasses per week (before dinner not with diner; water with dinner!)
    6. Cook one recipe from Cooking Light each week to share with friends.
  • Thank you for starting this thread Nathan - your positive attitude is really uplifting. My objectives aren't as tough as yours, as I am trying to be gentle with myself and develop habits for life, but if I can develop the habits in 21 days, a lifetime should then be a doddle mehopes!

    Here are my 21 day goals:

    1. Go to bed by 10pm and get up at 6am every day.
    2. Do 30 minutes of running 3 days per week.
    3. Eat 3 balanced meals of sensible portions each day.
    4. Drink only water and green tea, and one small glass of wine with dinner if wanted.
    5. Record my progress each day on MFP, and post to this thread.
    6. Take a breath and determine to be kind before everything I do and say (unless it's an emergency, obv!)
    7. Meditate for 5 minutes every morning, then mindfully keep my cool all day.

    8. After 21 days, review my progress and decide what I enjoyed and what I want to keep/change/develop.

    Here's wishing myself and everyone else good luck! gx
  • I'm a day late but I'm in.

    1. Drink at least 12 cups of water daily.
    2. Log all food and drinks daily.
    3. At least 30 minutes of physical activity 3 days per week.
    4. 20 minutes of prayer/devotion/bible reading daily.
    5. Sleep at least 6 hours nightly.
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    Thought for the day- If some of you are like I used to be, You need to change mentally before you will be able to change physically. A few years ago I could do 10 things right, and 1 thing wrong, and i would focus all day on that 1 thing i didn't like. I could eat something I shouldn't have, and just beat myself up about it for hours. But all that negativity didn't motivate me to do better or get back on track. All it did was make me feel bad about myself , which led to more bad choices, which derailed my efforts before they even got started. I have leaned a better way, I accept I will never be perfect, and that's ok, I'm not trying to be perfect, just better. And better I can make happen. If you struggle with those emotions too, then commit to doing something different these 21 days, I don't care if you only do 1 thing right today, focus on that 1 thing. When the negative thoughts come, and they will, telling you that you didn't do this right, you shouldn't have done that, just fire back with," that may be true, but i did this right today, and that's better than yesterday, and I will do even better tomorrow!" Believe that you are worth the effort, and Believe that you can do it, because both of those things are true!
    P.S.- Welcome to everyone just joining in, there is no late to this party , I'm just on day 2 myself, no set days to begin or end just put 21 days together at whatever day is best for you to begin, just a place to encourage each other to strive for better and form new habits, We got this!

    I love this :) im working to overcome the little perfectionist in my head well said