Friends say I am too skinny now



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Agreed, it's called jealousy because you certainly don't look super skinny, you look great. I used to get it a lot after I lost a ton of weight too. Now that I've maintained that same weight for 10 years I don't hear it anymore. Lol
  • obieguru
    I would just ignore these people. Its simply jealousy because you've done something they cant. You look fantastic & should be proud of your efforts.
    The most important thing is that your Happy with the way you look & feel.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Your friends are jealous. You look great.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    Are they people that only knew you as over weight? If so then it is just an adjustment for them mentally. Just smile and don't worry about it. Eventually they will forget what the old you even looked like ;)
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I'm also 5'2" and under 100, and I don't think I look too skinny. You look great in your photo and I bet you look awesome now! The fact that you are working out and lifting means you are focusing on strength and fitness, and that's what counts!
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Best approach I've found is to ignore the comments. If you're happy with where you're at physically, then you don't need to justify that to others :flowerforyou: I get a lot of those comments too, "I can't hug you, you'll break," "why are you eating salad again?", "you must be anorexic if you feel the need to go to the gym-you're already thin," "you're obsessed," "you're becoming bony," the list goes on. Actually a girl I long considered my closest friend was the most vicious, and I finally realized she was simply acting out her own insecurities with her figure. So people voice comments like that for a variety of reasons, and chances are they aren't actually reflective of you personally.

    Keep doin' yo thang OP, you look great :happy:
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    I have a friend whose stepdaughter has brought up the fact that her mom refers to her as "skinny *****" and the stepdaughter is actually starting to call my friend it in joking.

    She said the next time it happens, she's going to refer to her mother as a fat ***** and that it's one's choice to be fat or skinny. Her mother is fat because of what she eats and how much.

    For some reason it seems more socially acceptable to call women skinny *****es.

    Skinny *****es need to fight back! Stop them in their tracks!!!

  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    I have had the oh your soooo skinny all my life, and now im trying to gain. The other day a co-worker came up behind me and said "hi skinny" so i replied "hi fatty" i had just had enough! (i normally just smile). Her response oh sorry i just said it cos im jealous i didnt mean anything by it. People are thick, and they are jealous and some just like to tear down other people anyway they can. My son is short and he gets the oh your so little, Ive told him to say "i may be little but i will grow, aint much you can do about your face". Listen to those who love you for you. Those that really are concerned for your well being, mental and physical and listen to yourself. The rest tell them to go f**k themselves.

    EXACTLY! You stopped her in her tracks!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member

  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    Yeah anyone who says your skinny is nuts!! Your exactly the right size you need to be. Be proud of what you accomplished and ignore those idiots. They are probably mad cause thier boyfriend or husband said look at her , I wish you had a body like her.

    If they keep bothering you let them have it and say " yeah Iam skinny but your fat , ugly And sweaty damn what's that smell oh it's you "
  • MickeyCastello
    I got that when I was getting close to maintenance. People get over it when they become accustomed to the new you.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I think some people can get very insecure. Learn to tune them out and focus on what is best for you. We can't let negativity get us down.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I think you look great in you pic, and I know you say you are 10 pounds lighter than that now and look the same. I do worry a bit that this might not exactly be true...I'm sure it is in your mind. Your friends might be butting in where they don't belong, being jelous...whatever it may be...but from my own experience (with myself loosing too much, with my friends loosing too much) I've generally seen when people start making those comments it might be a little true. It's very hard for us to be objective about ourselves. Take a look at a photo of you now, compared to your profile pic...just like we can not notice how much we've gained sometimes before seeing a pic we can also not notice how much we've lost. You might look great, and that's GREAT! :-) I'm just saying everyone here is commenting on how you looked 10 pounds ago, which may not be the real picture. Everyone is different, but 10 pounds is a big amount of weight when you are close to your ideal. Your friends could genuinely be worried about you and they might have a reason. Or they might not. Take it with a grain of salt.
  • MickeyCastello
    Funny thing was, I only got that from people that were overweight. I think they get embarrassed for themselves when they see somebody thin out. They'd rather pick on you than lose the weight themselves.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 5'4 and 115 lbs, so I if people actually told me I was "too skinny", I might be offended too. I think most adults have lost perspective on healthy weight as most of the population is obese and has gotten used to seeing overweight people. There is a difference between fit and healthy and the too skinny cancer patient/druggie look. Muscle tone is usually the difference. So as long as you still have good muscle tone, and a normal amount of body fat, then you are good. You didn't mention your BF%. Which is a better indicator of health vs. scale weight. I am at 20.71% body fat right now.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    haters gonna hate. you look beautiful darling :) congrats on the weight loss achievements! So funny when you're skinny ppl say you look unhealthy... but in reality obesity is what is unhealthy.. where were they then to put in their two-cents about their concern for your "health". Carry on with achieving your goals for yourself. the world will critique you when you're doin bad and when you're doin good.
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Best approach I've found is to ignore the comments. If you're happy with where you're at physically, then you don't need to justify that to others :flowerforyou: I get a lot of those comments too, "I can't hug you, you'll break," "why are you eating salad again?", "you must be anorexic if you feel the need to go to the gym-you're already thin," "you're obsessed," "you're becoming bony," the list goes on. Actually a girl I long considered my closest friend was the most vicious, and I finally realized she was simply acting out her own insecurities with her figure. So people voice comments like that for a variety of reasons, and chances are they aren't actually reflective of you personally.

    Keep doin' yo thang OP, you look great :happy:

    Oh doesn't it drive you crazy??!!! When I started Insanity to mix up my workout routine all I got at work was "why do you need to do that when you're already thin?" I wanted to scream "because I take care of my health? Because I want a challenge? Because I enjoy exercise? Any of those reasons sound good to you?" I didn't though. I just took the back handed compliment like I always do when someone calls me "skinny" or says there's "nothing of me" :mad:
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    THIS!! I'm 10lbs from my goal weight and get these comments ALL THE TIME.. and when I tell them what I weight they don't believe it. I just wish they would have been so concerned when I was at an unhealthy weight and not when I am finally starting to approach my normal range for weight.
  • subsonicbassist
    subsonicbassist Posts: 117 Member
    I've been huge my whole life, and I am finally about 40-50 pounds away from my goal weight (I'm 6'8" and carry it somewhat well) after losing 120 pounds. I get the skinny comments al the time, and honestly it was nice at first but I really don't like it. Those compliments seeped in and made me feel like it was ok to be the weight I am at now, when in reality I have much higher standards for myself and am still almost 30% BF!!! I wish people would be real with me and motivate me instead of placate me, but they are just trying to be nice and I can't be mad at that :) my wife loved me when she met me 70 pounds ago, but I'm getting buff and shredded for her and my little boy!!! Great job OP, keep it up and don't let the comments, whether negative or positive, derail you from the work you are still doing!