30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • Well I think it's getting a little easier and I managed proper plank jacks for most of the time. I couldn't do squat thrusts when I was in school and I can't do them now. I'm just not sure I'm the right shape for them but I do try. It's a good job no one lives underneath me or they'd think I was about to land through their ceiling doing them!

    Lisa - before work?!! Wow. Well done. And congratulations on the loss.

    Kate - they are not fun are they? I don't find many of the moves very natural but that's probably because they are different from other workout stuff I've done.

    I'm not going to have time to shred tomorrow or possibly even log in but I will be back on Friday!! Good luck and let's get through Level 2 and on to the home straight.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    L2, D5 (Day 13 overall)--this is my halfway point as I will be stopping on Day 25. I can't believe I've completed workout #2 5 times already. They certainly do get easier.

    Carmen--I really can't do squat thrusts either (at least not like Natalie). Considering that I could not talk my feet into attempting it on the first day, I consider the little 3-4 inch jumps to be a step in the right direction.

    There are so many lessons that I am taking away from this challenge....perfection is not the key to success, it is persistence and determination to hang in there when things are not easy. And realizing that things to get easier with practice (practice eating better, practice at the workouts on 30-day shred, etc.).

    Kate--I hope you had a good exercise day! Good for you for sticking w/ L2 even w/ its challenges. Modify as necessary to avoid getting hurt, but keep moving.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I had the worst day yesyerday! I woke up in a funk and ate rubbish all day, starting with nearly a whole packet of cookie for breakfast..... I just couldn't talk myeslf into exercising. I put 30ds on, did the warm up and turned it off. Thats the first time I've ever done that before the end, let alone from the begining! Later on all became clear, TOM arrived with a vengance! I tend to have several lighter months followed by one really heavy one,and as luck would have it this month turns out to be that one. Sorry if this is all TMI. I'm going to take a break from shredding for a few days, just until it eases off a little. I'll still be exercising just something that doesn't involve quite so much jumping around and I'll make up for that with a longer time. I swear I'm not wimping out on you ladies, I'm determined to do all 30 days but its no fun like this. :(
  • Hey Kate, hope you're feeling OK and hopefully a bit better today. Sounds like you're having a grim time. I quite understand the light, light, light, heavy thing and it's horrid. It's a good plan to take a few days off, no point in making yourself feel grim.

    Lisa - you're right about perfection, definitely need to keep revisiting that lesson.

    I've had a pretty long day and am currently lurking on the sofa. When my flat has warmed up and my toes defrosted and I'm going to shred. I am, I am, I am.
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    I am starting today and want to enter it as my exercise...how do I know how many calories I burned any idea??

    I think you can use circuit training - general and that will work, too. The 30 DS is a circuit and she works your butt off in that 30 minutes. I use a heart rate monitor and its usually pretty close using the circuit training option...
  • I've had the same question, and a trainer I talked to suggested Calisthenics. It's more geared toward the muscle part of it since there's so much toning, and not all cardio like aerobics.
  • Well I managed to get the shred in today. It did seem a bit easier but maybe I wasn't working as hard.

    I like the idea of logging it as 'Calisthenics' - gives me more calories than logging it as 'general aerobics'.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    My first thoughts when I woke up this morning was that I did not want to work out today. Thirteen days in a row is probably the longest streak I've ever done. Still at work and hoping to change my attitude between now and when I get home....

    Carmen--you're my inspiration today. Good for you for peeling yourself off the couch to do it. I am not sure I'd have the willpower to do it after I sink into the couch.

    Kate--I can't think of a better reason to take a break. Take care of yourself and hope you're feeling better.

    I'll report later this evening after I complete the shred.
  • sk4399
    sk4399 Posts: 96
    Is there a place to record the daily 30 day shred in exercise? I can't seem to find it...
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    SK--it is not there. people seem to be logging it at 20 min of cardio circuit.

    Kate and Carmen-just finished the daily workout. i went over on calories, so could not skip the workout. (was still over on calories even w/ the workout, but i felt better for doing it).

    Enjoy the evening!
  • i know im a little behind, but im gonna start tomorrow! i just started my diet and i need a good routine i can do at home to go along with it :)
  • Lisa - well done for doing it. Like you I was *still* over my goals yesterday but at least I didn't feel like I'd not tried. I find it so hard to stick to exercise routines and this is a pretty long run for me, and definitely for a daily routine. Logging it here definitely got me off the sofa last night.

    SK - tkroeker suggested using 'Calisthenics' and I like that because it gives me more calories than 'aerobics'. That may be cheating but Kate was saying her HRM gives her about 300 calories burned and logging it as Calisthenics gives me 269 so I'm good with that!

    Bobbi - welcome to the thread. It's a great way to support your diet and I'm definitely feeling the difference in my muscles especially my legs.

    Kate - really hope you're feeling a bit better and look forward to having you back.

    I've lost 2lb this week which was really unexpected because I've not managed to come in under my calorie goals very often, even when I am eating my exercise calories. Also managed to lose 1/4 inch of my hips and my waist (hurray for smaller hips). 1/2 inch off my bust which is liveable with, even though I really don't want to lose from there. My arms are toning up too. Now I just need to keep working on those thighs which are my problem area! I can tell the difference as they seem more toned and less flabby (and the squats are easier than they were) but now I just need to see a reduction in size!!!

    I'm going to shred late afternoon today when I've done some work (boo) and before I go shopping (hurray).
  • Just finished what I reckon (after some calculation) was D6 of Level 2 for me. I'm still struggling to keep up with everything, particularly the last set of strength ones but I'm more with Natalie than Anita now. I had a super speedy glance at L3 and I'm definitely keeping going on L2 for the next few days :smile:
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    wow!--way to go on a 2 lb loss this week, carmen! that's very impressive given that you're so close to your goal weight to lose 2 lbs in one week.

    bobbi--welcome to this thread and good luck w/ your first workout!

    i completed D7 of L2 today (Day 15 overall). I also took a peek at workout 3 and there are several tough moves, but I'm sure we'll gradually work into them w/ each workout as we have with the first two workouts. I'll continue on L2 for 2 more days, and then will start on workout 3 on Tuesday. I might take some measurements this evening and will report on those tomorrow.
  • Another day done and I'm still not up to completing all of the strength on circuit 3 without falling over although the cardio on that was definitely more manageable.

    I know I'm not going to be able to fit this in on Friday and probably not Thursday either this week. It's getting a bit mad with Christmas events going on and next week will be even worse. I am definitely intending to try and get 30 days in by Christmas. I think if I start L3 on Saturday I might just make it which will hopefully mean that I'm close to my 12 pounds of Christmas challenge because this seems to be making all the difference.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Carmen, the strength on circuit 3 kills me too. My arms and shoulders feel like spaghetti after the first set.

    So, I completed another workout this evening. Although I'm not seeing a change on the scale, I am losing inches. .5'' on each arm, 1" in each thigh, 1" on hips and almost 2" on bust. Not sure why I lost more in bust area because I feel like my thighs and bottom area get the brunt of the workout, but I'll take it.

    This is the kind of payoff I was looking for. I can do cardio workouts day in and day out and not see this kind of change in 2 weeks.

    I'm encouraged...not excited about doing yet another workout tomorrow, but excited about the outcomes.

    Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! It will be a challenge for me to workout everyday this week--especially on Wednesday as my day is packed from early to late. I might miss Wednesday but will plan to check in each day otherwise. Good luck to everyone for the week ahead!
  • Hello, all! I am a beginner to the program, completed L1 D2 today. But I must say, reading your posts is definitely great motivation to keep going! Thanks to all of you for sharing your success and failures, I have a very difficult time staying dedicated to programs like these, so I hope I can keep going for the full 30 days. I will keep checking back to hear about your progress, and hopefully soon I will have some of my own progress to share as well.

    Have a great day!
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome Kelston! Keep at it--you'll start seeing progress relatively quickly in terms of your strength and endurance through the program. Please check in here each day to let us know how you are doing. You can do anything for 20 minutes for 30 days!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lisa, good work on the inch loss!

    Carmen, well done on loosing 2lbs!

    Hi to eveyone else!

    Feeling a bit better today so hoping to get my shred in this evening, I have to say I've not missed it lol, but determined to finish all 30 workouts.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I completed my workout this morning....I have a long day ahead and I know I won't be in the mood to workout when I get home later this evening. It feels good to have it out of the way for the day. I think that I am better w/ my food choices when I've taken the time to do a morning workout. I dread waking my body up in this way, that I make sure it pays off.

    Kate--it's good to have you back!
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