Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    *stepping off soap box*

    Gah! Sorry for my rant. That was suuper long. My desire was to help you though Robyn and I hope it came across that way!

    Down 1.8 lbs this week!! Yay!! 3.6 lbs to go until I've met my December goal. Still doing good with the water. I find it really easy now since I am thirsty ALL THE TIME if I go even a little while without drinking. Also, I have an oral fixation which used to make me put food in my mouth, but now I always have water around... so I drink water. :happy:

    Got my workouts in this week as well. yay! Planning on making it to the gym sometime today AND I'm going to be restarting week one of the push-up challenge to get my weeks straight (started mid-week last week). My arms are really feeling strong and I feel like my body is also feeling stronger and skinnier. I can't wait to see me at 155!!! The way I figure it.. If I loose 1 lb a week, with a plateau here or there, I'll make my weight by March or April, 2011. Wow.. that is going to be so great! :love: I've not been 155 since junior year of high school! Thanks to you ladies for your support!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Down 1.8 lbs this week!! Yay!! 3.6 lbs to go until I've met my December goal. Still doing good with the water. I find it really easy now since I am thirsty ALL THE TIME if I go even a little while without drinking. Also, I have an oral fixation which used to make me put food in my mouth, but now I always have water around... so I drink water. :happy:
    Brilliant results, Rai! What a fabulous loss for just one week! You are doing such a great job and really sticking with everything - water, diet, exercise. The whole shebang! Great week for you :bigsmile: Hope you're really feeling great today. Pretty fantastic way to start off your Monday too! It's really nice to be able to look to the future and KNOW you're going to stick with it and meet your goals. Can't wait to see you at 155lbs either - I'm expecting lots of pics! hahaha
  • It's so nice to see lots of people pushing on towards their goal weights, even if it is a little bit of an uphill battle. I'm very thankful for this thread because it allows me to remember that I'm not the only one that deals with sugar cravings and gets bored when working out. Being able to talk to each other about it really makes a difference in my opinion. :)

    Big hugs to all you girls and guys!
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Hello Everyone... Guess I need to stop taking little breaks from MFP. You guys are writing SOOO much!

    This first week hasn’t been all that great honestly. Tonight will be my first gym day since thanksgiving. And to me that is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable. But life happens and all I know is I am happy to start over again. I am planning on having my WI today to see where I’m starting from.

    We surprised my boyfriend’s mom for her birthday on Friday and it’s funny to me that we ended up eating a lot worse than I think we would if we had stayed at home.

    Honestly I’ve been feeling really down because of this kind of failing system I seem to be experiencing, which is probably why I haven’t been writing on the forum. No gym, ok eating… It’s really easy to say “I’ll write tomorrow when I have something good or exciting or proud to say.” But I haven’t really had any of those days.

    QOTD: Friday – I love “Club can’t handle me” by Flo rida and “Little Lion Man” by Mumford and Sons. They both get me pumped up even when I’m super tired.
    Saturday – I’m an Admin assistant at the Sylvester Cancer Center, research administration. We mostly deal with find grants for our doctors in order to support the cancer research. I just got my BSHS in May and am still on the fence about what to go back to school for. Maybe organizational psychology, but I’m not sure yet.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tai - Have a great workout and make yourself proud tonight and then come back and tell us all about it! Having this group to report back to with your wicked burns and other NSV's is a great motivation! And you'll feel so good about yourself afterward.

    Maybe not such a great week, but commit yourself to making up for it this week by being super healthy and kicking *kitten* :bigsmile: It'll make you feel a million times better!

    Great job posting, being accountable, and keeping us in the loop! It's always lovely to hear from you :happy:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    meag - I cheesed it up for some before pics @ my last weigh in.. so I'm all prepared for some afters when the day comes. It sounds stupid, but I can't seem to stop surfing mfp today since I AM SO FREAKIN HAPPY!! It has been maybe 6 months? a year? since I was 165... and I've never been this happy and with actual confidence for the future. When I had lost a little weight before I was always just waiting to cheat! lol. And as soon as I gave up the weight came right back.

    Not this time. I feel like I'm really going to do this!! I love mfp and all you ladies so much!

    tai - you know we want to hear about how stuff is going with you! don't avoid us because you're not scaling mt everest. Is there some kind of exercise that gets you excited?? maybe time for a change? or do you just need a good kick in the pants?
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Wow so much to catch up on! I am trying but I know I am not good a remembering everyone's names or being able to look back and write but here we go.

    Meag- I don't want to say that you deserve a break from dieting but honestly it is not a big deal that you had one cheat meal. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with obsessiveness when it comes to weight loss and you just have to watch out. I have been in therapy for this for a while. I am not saying that you are obsessive to the point of needing help, I just want everyone to be healthy and happy physically and mentally so watch out for that stuff. Other than that you are always doing great and make me feel strong through you.

    Everyone seems to be doing great even if the numbers don't always show it, the dedication is where it is at.

    AFM- I have noticed that my boyfriend is really into cheese. I need to not let him make snack plates with cheese and fruit so much(he usually adds salami). It is hard telling the person you live with and love, who also cooks meals for you that some of the things he enjoy's doesn't work for me. I let myself splurge a little this weekend but felt way more in control. I am slowly learning how this can fit into my lifestyle. I just hope my experiments show a loss. I am back to counting because on the weekends I try to just focus on my workouts and not my food as much. I get into depression/obsessive behavior I have found when I deprive myself too much. With all this emotional stuff going on with my grandfather I am doing pretty well I think for December. I did both my workouts saturday and sunday. I am going swimming tonight and then getting my hair done tomorrow. I am hoping this turns into a very positive week.

    QOTD- What color do you find in your wardrobe the most?
    I seem to see a lot of blues and greens. I am trying to step out of the box and go for red but I am worried it draws too much attention that I am not ready for since I still am embarrassed about my gut and back flab.
  • QOTD- What color do you find in your wardrobe the most?
    I seem to see a lot of blues and greens. I am trying to step out of the box and go for red but I am worried it draws too much attention that I am not ready for since I still am embarrassed about my gut and back flab.

    I have a lot of ocean & jewel stone colours - blues, purples, reds, greens, and a few pinks. My favourite is green but I can only pull off blue-greens with my complexion, the yellow greens make me look sick. It's hard to find blue-greens so I usually end up wearing a lot of blue and purple.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Hey ladies (and gentlemen, now!)

    I miss this thread so much and am so amazed at how quickly it is growing. I have been keeping up with it, but just haven't been able to find the time to sit down and respond to you all.

    But this is my post saying that I am coming back. This is going to be a quick, selfish post - but I promise that I'll be back later to really check in :smile:

    Exercise goals: not so great this week. I feel unbelievably guilty making time for the gym when I have exams/papers. But I also feel really guilty when I don't get in my workouts - so lose-lose on that side. I've decided that I need to focus on my food goals during the last week(s) of the semester so that I don't blow everything.

    Food goals: I did a good job adding in veggies to my meals this week (at least one meal, 5 out of the past 6 days). And I finally did something with the acorn squash that's been sitting in my fridge for a few weeks ( which satisfies my weekly goal of trying healthy & new recipes. It was fabulous, and made me plenty of leftovers! Looking back, I ate well for most of the week (except Saturday, when I avoided all the crappy stadium food at the football game and came back and ate the entire box of Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese). I am admitting that I fell off the wagon where booze is concerned this week. I did not expect to drink so many nights this past week (friend's band playing at a bar, friend's birthday, christmas party, friends visiting). I usually don't and looking back at it, I'm a little shocked. The good news is that only one of those nights led to poor eating choices before I went to bed - and that I met a guy on one of the nights that wants to take me to dinner some time this week :wink:
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    QOTD- What color do you find in your wardrobe the most?
    I seem to see a lot of blues and greens. I am trying to step out of the box and go for red but I am worried it draws too much attention that I am not ready for since I still am embarrassed about my gut and back flab.

    I seem to have a lot of Greys and Blacks (because of the slimming effects) but then randomly have lots of bright magenta and teal!

    Rai - I liked the advice you gave Robin, particularly the part about how you WILL feel hungry.

    I was complaining the other day to my bf about how it was so frustrating for me to cut my intake because I always felt soooo hungry. He's quit smoking and drinking before, and he immediately said "Well, you have to accept the fact that if you are going to make the change you want, you're just going to have to be hungry for a little while." I always like real blunt advice like that. And it makes sense too. If you want to become more flexible - you have to be uncomfortable until you achieve your goals. I still get SOO hungry sometimes, but I when I ask myself the question "Is this emotional or physical hunger?" sometimes the hunger pains actually go away!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    QOTD- What color do you find in your wardrobe the most?

    I run the gammet. I used to have tonnes of red and other bright colors. But I literally had to re-build my entire wardrobe (tops included). Frustrating because I was 128 before I gained my 20ish pounds and now that I'm 121, nothing from before fits. But anyways, I have lots of classic staple colours - grey/black/(winter)white/tan/brown but I have tonnes of greens, pinks, yellows, purples, blues and oranges as well. I also have shoes in every kidding. At least I didn't lose weight from my feet:wink:
  • Goal: Lose 10 pounds by the end of January, complete a 30-day yoga challenge, and eliminate my savage bread addiction
  • megteg
    megteg Posts: 97 Member
    I read a great article today:’t-perfect-now/

    It's about learning to be being happy in the moment. Personally I find it so much easier to make better choices for myself if I focus on being happy, instead of focusing on the negative. I'm on MFP because I'm unhappy with my health and weight, but focusing on staying happy while going through this process is SO important!

    I also think being happy during most of your day definitely comes more naturally to some people, but you can always work on it with yourself. I hope you are all feeling happy today! ^_^
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Love the post Megteg - I think being happy and focusing on the positive makes this journey a million times easier! :bigsmile: Having you ladies is just one more POSITIVE to focus on! :heart:

    Jill - I have actually lost a full shoe size :noway: I'm not even sure how that's possible. Craziness!!

    Meredith - Welcome back, girl! :drinker: Doesn't matter how many times you falter - the only thing that matters if that you pick yourself back up and get back to work! Sounds like you have a good strategy in place. Finals and exams are a rough time for getting and staying healthy. But just look at is as another challenge - if you can get through exams being health-conscious, you sure as hell can do it the rest of the year! And mega UPS on the boy situation :bigsmile: You must be super excited! Hope you have something good planned with him soon :wink:

    QOTD - For the most part, grey/black/white/tan overwhelm my wardrobe. I've only recently begun introducing colours the last few months as my confidence has grown. I tend to pick purples, but have one green and a few teal shirts. All my running shirts, however, are black or red hehe No idea why I like red so much for running but it's always my first choice. I even have a bright red wind-breaker. So I guess in my entire wardrobe it would be red - however, I do not own a single non-workout item that is red.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member

    Rai - I liked the advice you gave Robin, particularly the part about how you WILL feel hungry.

    I spent basically my whole life at home watching my mom yo-yo diet. Numerous times over the years I've heard my mom say she couldn't keep doing this or that diet or plan because she was just so HUNGRY. I also thought if you just ate when you were hungry you could loose weight since your body only asks for what it needs, right?? What really opened my eyes one day was when I was trying to count calories and work out and I said the same thing to my sister, "I just ate like 20 minutes ago, but I have to eat since I'm SO HUNGRY!" I was even kind of proud of myself for being hungry before I ate...

    She looked at me, her eyes got wide and she shook her head, she said, "It's a lie. Your body is lying to you." It was so true, but the look on her face and the idea of my body lying to me really cracked me up.

    Every time I get hungry now and I conclude its not really "hunger" but a desire I placed in my body with my habits I think of that and smile... And it goes away. Normally fairly quickly (10-15 minutes) and if my body is really serious about getting some food I know what to look for more and more. It is really freeing.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Sorry if my earlier post seemed like a rant/downer/ or me just being ridiculous. I have been dealing with guilt a lot with food lately. With me not being completely on my new food plan I am struggling with being ok with eating certain things. Today I feel weird because I ate oatmeal for breakfast. I then had a handful of baby carrots. Then my boss made these rasin/nut/spice cookies and broght them to work so I had one as a treat on my break. So far pretty healthy day right? I still feel guilty and self loathing for letting myself eat 2 carb things today. This weekend I was much more relaxed because I was craving oatmeal and toast. I didn't go overboard I just ate some. I am trying to let myself handle all this but I am so worried it will bite me in the end. The headaches are better and that was what I wanted overall right? I need to cut back on my cheese intake...Maybe I need to just make sure I track it.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hiiii ladies! And! :o)

    Really interesting conversation going on in here today! Quite exhilarating let me tell you! Especially the whole eating thing. One of my key things in changing my eating habits around was to cut out snacking after dinner. It was a TOUGH one. There was a series of snacks. There was the legit snack around 8...right at that cut off time when you shouldn't be eating and then the really Tara? You are going to justify this snack at 10 pm how? Oh, you are hungry and you can't fall asleep hungry...I see....OOOKay...

    When I cut that out though, my weight loss took off. The past couple of weeks my husband has been partaking of some old late night rituals and its been ridiculously hard for me to pass it up. Last night was REALLY hard! So I chugged some water and willed myself to sleep. Ha ha!

    I'm hoping my new goal of eating a hearty breakfast helps with the late night temptations. And with getting all of my calories in. I have a hard time doing that some days, more or less, eating my exercise calories.

    QOTD: The colors in my they used to be a lot of gray and black. I started adding more color this past summer. When I dropped the last 25 pounds I've kind of just been adding clothes that I find on the sales rack! Ha ha! I feel scared to replenish my wardrobe in the new Tara size. Plus I can't really afford it! I have plenty of jeans (donated) but not a whole lot of tops. I really need some sweaters because its 3 degrees with the windchill today!
  • Exercise goals: not so great this week. I feel unbelievably guilty making time for the gym when I have exams/papers. But I also feel really guilty when I don't get in my workouts - so lose-lose on that side. I've decided that I need to focus on my food goals during the last week(s) of the semester so that I don't blow everything.

    I totes remember being all "ARGGG FINALS AND PAPERS" and thinking that I was tied to my computer desk getting things done. One year I noticed how EMPTY the campus gym was around finals and how many of the machines that I often wanted to use but were usually hogged by some roid monkey were finally FREE. So I started going just for 30 minutes after writing an exam and it made a HUGE difference in how I felt. It left me peppier than when I finished my exam and gave me juice for studying for my other exams. Try just doing a little cardio to get the blood pumping through your veins after an exam and see how you feel :)

    Lostalykat - I think maybe you're over stressing about your foods which is taking the enjoyment out of getting proper nutrition and leaving you feeling depressed or guilty. Perhaps it's because you are eating on an adhoc basis - you are making up your meals as you go. It doesn't work for everyone, but for me I find it easier to stay in line and keep things going when I have my meals preplanned and often pre-made. It takes time and forethought to plan and make you meals, and sometimes I don't always want to eat them when something else comes to mind, but I try to save that special meal for another day when I can plan my other meals around it. Gives me something to look foward to once and a while and I know it's okay that I ate that because I planned my day around it.

    I really hope you can shake these bad feelings soon. Just know that we support you all the way :)
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Jill - I have actually lost a full shoe size :noway: I'm not even sure how that's possible. Craziness!!

    Really Meag? I've gone up a size (in running sneakers) but that doesn't really count.

    In other news, my boss is being a massive a-hole today. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds...:grumble:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Seriphia- Thank you for your input. But I do plan out almost every breakfast lunch and dinner before hand. My nutritionist put me on a no carb/no sugar diet recently. It was very difficult and I stuck to it for a few weeks but ended up feeling depressed. Now I am not sure how to incorporate carbs back in my diet occasionally without feeling guilty. And the cookie today was a once in a while thing, I am usually very good and diligent. I guess not seeing the scale move for a long time has gotten to me. It is hard to keep mojo when you don't see weight loss. I am going to email my nutritionist today and see if she can work oatmeal in my diet a few times a week for my sanity sake.
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