Anyone know about appetite suppressant Qsymia???



  • I was on Celexa and gained weight while taking it regardless of daily workouts and eating healthy....NOT because I am constantly eating, or can't control what I eat (as some people have made comments above about taking medication) Qsymia actually has an SSRI in it that helps to deal with anxiety and panic attacks as well as the 'diet' issue which is why my doctor gave it to me, and it's not cheap ($90/two weeks)....I'd much rather be able to lose weight with my workouts and healthy eating plan, but I guess what some people aren't aware of, we aren't all built the same. This is a time release capsule. It's not like what Phen-phen was years ago. Hopefully for whatever reason you are taking it for you will find the results that you are looking for. Best of luck! :)
  • How did it work for you? I would like to try it for 90 days and before I ask a dr. I wanted to find out some info. :-)
  • I started taking qsymia in September and had lost 15 pounds by November and it just so happens I was scheduled an annual check up and they discovered I had developed hyper-thyroid and said that was causing me to lose weight. When I told them what I had been taking they said it could not have caused my hyper-thyroid, but it's awful coincidental. Now I have to go see an endocrinologist. I'm still losing weight even though I haven't taken the qsymia for about a month. I was 160 and now I'm 140. I'm glad I lost weight. I just hope I don't have a permanent health issue now. I really feel like the qsymia caused the issue Even if they said it didn't.
  • nystateomind
    nystateomind Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! you said you were waiting for your qsymia to arrive have you gotten it yet? Does this work?
  • I am on my 3rd week of qsymia. this is a miracle drug.

    6' 3" male, 48 years old, starting weight 286 lbs. type2 diabetic, high bp.

    I have been 286 +/- 10 lbs for the last 8 years (since diagnosis of type 2). Ive tried everything.

    Last Dr visit early January, A1C was back to 9.8.. i am now maxed out on Glyburide, metformin. pretty much doc said this is it.. lose weight or its insulin time, cant go any higher on meds. So read about Qsymia and he wrote the script.


    after 3 weeks (2 weeks of the low dosage and 1 weeks of the full dosage), i am getting about a pound per day of loss.

    I have also tried to exercise more, and what the med has allowed me to do is stop eating at night and eat less.

    I am right now i am at 264. (so -22 after 21 days). I haven't seen the 260's in a decade.

    this stuff really works.. you dont feel hungry, and when you eat, you feel "content" for a long time. and it must raise your metabolism, because i dont understand how the weight falls off so fast (im not calculating a 3500 calorie a day loss).. so its doing something else (which is probably why on their webpage the manufacturer says they dont know how it works)...

    The only side effects i have had so far.

    1) sleeplessness -- i get tired, but i want to sleep but i cant.
    2) focusing problems during the day - may be related to #1
    3) carbonated drinks taste like metal.. but i dont drink much of them anyway.. coffee taste good (Thank god).
    4) Sugar is low - i might have to talk to Dr about adjusting meds down... my glucose is really low at some points. more so than ever before.

    I really look forward to waking up everyday and weighing myself. the best part of this drug is you really see progress nearly every day, thats one of the things that makes it easier to stick to the program of eating better and exercising, you see results fast.

    The drug is expensive but worth it. you get the first 14 days free, the next 3 are $75 OFF (not $75 for each refill), at walgreens, it came to $108/month).
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Weight loss clinics are usually code for "pill mill"

    Be careful.

    more like kill-mill.... the reason you have to be checked is if you get pregnent your child will have birth defects

    Google Topamax - Topiramate

    I would guess it's the phentermine that is the problem. I took Topiramate as a migraine preventative, and never had to have pregnancy tests because of it.

    I was wondering about that too - I was also on Topa for a long time for neurological problems and did not have to have pregnancy tests, however it IS known to cause birth defects. Maybe some doctors are being more careful with the more widespread dispensing?
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Don't need to know about it. Don't want to know about it.
  • Ugh. When I read they were trying to combine topamax with phentermine to try to sell it as a weight loss drug I did not seriously think ANYONE in their right mind would approve that.

    Topamax is an anti seizure drug. It is also given as a mood stabalizer or for migraines.

    This is the deal on topamax. It makes you stupid. In the world of the mentally interesting, we call topamax a super model drug because it makes you skinny and stupid. I was only it as a mood stabalizer and I forgot how to do things I have been training to do for 14 years. It was like my teacher was speaking to me in another language.

    Topamax makes certain things like carbonated beverages and certain foods tastes awful.

    It also makes birth control less effective, so you can get pregnant..

    You also cannot stop taking it suddenly without the supervision of a doctor and without tapering off it because its a SEIZURE medication and even if you are taking it for something other than seizures, you can HAVE a seizure.

    Doctors who actually studied neurology or psychiatry want a good ****ing reason to prescribe you topamax and now we are giving it to people to lose weight
  • The AMA has officially acknowledged obesity as a disease and like all diseases there are different treatment methods available. There can be a vast array of different causes to this disease also. Every case is different. That's why we go to doctors. They help to determine the cause of the disease and help to treat it based on the individual and the cause. Just because it is easier for some of you to diet and excersise and see results doesnt mean that you are an expert on another individuals situation. This is supposed to be a forum to help in supporting people, not to chastise them for the weight loss decisions that they and their doctors have made. It seems to me that a lot of you need to get off of your high horses and support these people in their difficult weight loss journey instead of acting like we all have the ame exact problem and the same exact solution to that problem. The goal here is to be healthy and for some people the risks of taking these drugs is way healthier in the long run than failed diets and exercise programs and rebounding because they were made to feel so guilty about doing what they had to in order to help them succeed. Like I said earlier, obesity is a disease and criticizing someone's decision to treat it is no different then criticizing someone with cancer on their treatment decisions. I feel that a person's disease and treatment are very personal things and if they choose to share it with us we owe them a certain amount of respect. Looking down your nose at them with a holier than thou attitude and just feeding them your opinions in the form of criticism will ultimately do more harm than good.

    As far s weight loss clinics only being "pill mills", that may be true but they are not that different than gnc or any other health store that pedals overpriced supplements that don't really even do anything. The only difference that I see between the two is that at least the clinic has the presence of a medical professional and the stuff that they prescribe actually produces some results. While it may not seem to be the "healthiest" option to some, at least it produces resuls that can motivate a person to keep up the nutrition and excersise plans they are doing and continue to loose weight and ultimately end up a healthier person. Isn't that what all of this is about? Reaching a fitness goal and continuing to live a healthy lifestyle for good.

    I think that the original poster was looking for "informed" people to tell her more about Qsymia. Not for a bunch of stuck up people to tell her that "you should have this many calories a day" and "you need to eat more whole foods and less of that" and "I would never do this or that...blah, blah, blah". If she wanted any of that information she could easily do a search and find page upon page of that stuff. I think she wanted more infomation on Qsymia from people who know about it, either from research or personal experience. I think that she is trying something new and she is both nervous and excited about the prospects of this medication and she wanted infomation about it. I have done a bit of research on this medication, but no more han anyone else doing a google search and reading a few articles and studies out of curiosity. JMHO.

    To the original poster:

    I do not feel I am educated enough on Qsymia to even post anything about it, nor have I taken it, so I can't help with my opinion. But, I do think that there are people on this forum that can and will give you an informed and reliable opinion. All that I can say is to do whatever you and your doctor decide that you should do in order to reach your goals. And good luck. :smile:
  • I was on Qsymia the summer of 2012, right when it first came out, it seriously worked wonders. I got down to a good weight and ran with it after I was off the medication. In the best shape of my life and really and truly HEALTHY. Now, almost 2 years later, I have gained all of my weight back and have really fallen off the wagon. I'm thinking of going back to my doctor to get back on it. Sometimes medication works better for some people and I am one of those people.
  • I took the equivalent of Qsymia. The medication is comprised of topiramate and phentermine. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and the meds I took caused me to have thyroid imbalance, which caused me to gain weight. I was gaining weight, and unable to work out because it overheats me and exacerbates my disease. It got to the point where I was teetering on 200lbs, and scared to death to hit 200. My neurologist had told me of this new medication, Qsymia, and what it was made of. I researched it, and read that it can cause cognitive difficulties (memory and concentration), which are already a problem for me with the MS. I thought about it for a few months, and in late July of 2013, I began taking it. I figured it would be temporary, so I could live with the cognitive issues for a while. It did cause memory and concentration issues while I was taking it, but not bad enough that I thought I needed to stop using it.
    Basically, taking it from August until late December, I lost 40lbs. I am down to 160. My goal is 150, but I stopped taking it, hoping I can lose the last ten on my own. I know it won't go as fast, but taking the prescription has caused my meal portion sizes to go down, and I'm keeping them low. My thyroid is also back to normal, since I stopped taking the medicine that was causing the imbalance. Qsymia may not be for everyone, but it really helped me. I can't say what will happen as far as gaining weight back - it hasn't been long enough at this point.
  • I started qsymia Saturday, I read up on the Topamax because a girl I work with at the hospital had an aunt who was on it for migraines and she lost up wards to 60lbs. so I stared a search and it lead me to qsymia. I have read a few reviews from other sites on Topamax and other people had lost weight also as a side effect to migraines meds. I am on the starter dose for the first 14 days and I have lost 2.4lbs since Saturday. I am writing down everything I eat and drink and am exercising. I find that on today I am not hungry, but the first 3 days I was starving in the evening so I wonder if it takes a few days to get in your system. The web site has a special card you can obtain which can cut you prescription in half. The price for 30 day supply can run up to $175 pending on where you go!
    I will Keep yall Posted on My results!
    And Good Luck!
  • LadyAnglesey
    LadyAnglesey Posts: 8 Member
    I started on Qsymia 1 April, Tuesday. And I'm so relieved to finally have some assistance. It is the starter 14-day 3.7 mg. But I also picked up the next step up 30-day 7.5 mg. Won't bore you here and I'm too lazy to post it twice, so just click on my name for my MFP blog if you want to know the whys and wherefores of me starting Qsymia. Or want to follow my progress from day one. Cheers.
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I tried it for about 6 weeks. Didn't feel it was working, probably only lost a pound or two. I couldn't handle the side effects. My fingers would be stiff and I couldn't bend them, especially in the evenings. I was exhausted and couldn't even motivate myself to exercise consistently. Then the cost too. I weighed the bad with the good and chose to not continue. We each react differently so good luck with it.
  • LadyAnglesey
    LadyAnglesey Posts: 8 Member
    UPDATE: I've lost 4 lbs on the 14-day starter of 3.5 mg in the first 5 days. Roughly a pound a day. The second day I noticed a headache coming on and thought "O.O" because I flat don't get headaches of any kind. But it lasted only about 10 minutes and went away on its own.

    I didn't have immediate decrease in appetite, but I've noticed a gradual decrease. Rather than thinking of eating all the time, as has been my MO for years, I find than food isn't upper most in my mind. Yet, when regular meal times come around, I'm simply ready to eat.

    The most noticeable side effect for me has been almost immediate constipation. I took one Ducolax tablet and eliminated next morning. But I feel I'll need a more long-term solution. Some people suggest prunes, but I'm trying to eliminate as much sugar as possible from my diet (a distinct weakness of mine), so I may stick with Ducolax and/or try to Smooth Move Tea at bedtime and such. It would also help to increase my water intake, which I've never been good at doing. I'll try these things first rather than adding more carbs/sugars to my diet.
  • handpa
    handpa Posts: 1
    I've been on Qsymia for 13 weeks. Lost 34 lbs. I'm always full. never feel hungry. Have to remind myself to eat some times. This is fantastic since I could EAT. Often 2 dinners. Still have a ways to go. DR wants me to get to a BMI of 30. I want a BMI of 25 that means 40 more pounds. I have more energy. I spend more time exercising now. This has not been with out side effects and I don't recommend it unless you are committed to it. At first was the dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea. Dry mouth and Constipation are a big issue. Drink lots of liquids. Vision is a bit off too sometimes But this is the lowest I've weighed in years even after Jenny Craig, WW, Atkins. I'm happy. And that means a lot. I can go out and sit with others while they eat and not feel deprived of food because I'm full and not interested in eating a lot.
  • tnorswor
    tnorswor Posts: 2
    For all those out there that think this is the easy way out that all you have to do is diet and exercise. I eat 1800 calories a day, I've been to 3 doctors that tell me not to eat less than that. I work out 4 to 6 days a week 50 minutes per day. I make sure to wear a heart rate monitor to make sure that i'm working out hard enough to actually make a difference. I have been doing this for over a year now. I will lose a couple pounds one month a gain it back the next month with a net affect over a year of less than a 5 pound loss. So as much as the formula is calories in and calories out figuring out exactly what those are well that's the the hard part. Personally I've decided to try Qsymia and I've been taking it for 6 days now. The first couple of days were rough, I felt like I had taken a few pain pills or something. I couldn't remember things I did a few minutes ago but for the most part all of that has past. I find it hard to eat the 1800 calories now, I don't think about food at all. I do get hungry but its just a little discomfort in the pit of my stomach and I could easily ignore but i'm trying to work up to 90 minutes a day 6 days a week at the gym so the doc wants me to eat the 1800 calories. I've read a few people no longer like the taste of coke or soda. I'll second that one which is good because i was saving 200 calories to have one. I'm an extremely large guy BMI in the high 40's so I really have to do something but the whole diet and exercise wasn't working. I was killing myself and getting no where. I'll try and remember to come back and post once i've been on for a month and do a weigh in and let you know how much i lose the first month.
  • sirena192005
    sirena192005 Posts: 13 Member
    I take topirimate and don't experience the Dopamax side effect that some other do. However, I also don't experience the weight loss from it. I was losing at roughly 2 lbs per week before I started taking it(for migraines) and that hasn't changed since I started it. I did get some tingling in my hands, but it's only occasional, and pop tastes metallic, but I didn't drink much of it anyway, so not a huge loss for me.

    Overall, I worry about how people who take these drugs to lose weight will deal when they stop. If we don't learn to could calories, exercise and monitor nutrients than the weight WILL come back. I can see a use for it as a jumpstarter for people who wouldn't stick to anything without some instant gratification, but I don't see it as a long-term solution without people also learning to eat right and work out.
  • Great response. grisley 2/2014. I started Qsymia today. So glad to read of others results.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member