Guys like heavier girls?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    This is confusing me. No sticks! Stick girls are bad, but slender well toned girls are it. If you are 160 and in good shape with muscular legs and may be a little muffin top Its all good. If my forearm is larger than your thigh thats bad!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My husband offers to buy stick girls hamburgers.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    To each his own. My wife is petite (size 4) and flat chested and breast feeding 3 kids.

    I prefer a woman who is shaped like a female. Meat or no meat is not the edge. The edge is being sensual with the right mold of a woman. But that only brings me to her door her heart (attitude toward me and others) is what brings me across the threshold.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    My husband has always said that he likes a girl with curves and "junk in the trunk" .... and this is when I much thinner than I am now. He has seen pictures from pre-dating him and he's like ewww.... way too thin.... I was maybe a size 8 or 10. So.... if I can get to 14 I would be thrilled!
  • Well.....I am a female that likes females : ) & I prefer a "thicker" woman.Really skinny with no meat on the bones is not attractive to me..I know you ask what "guys" like but I wanted to chime hope ya don't mind...
  • WOOO HOOOO my question is.......when can i meet your husband's best friend? :)
  • I myself have always liked the toned curvier girls... Little waist flat stomach, thicker toned legs and bubble but is perfect IMO. Therefore, working out getting in shape is to me more important than losing all kinds of weight and being skinny. The athletic look is what always draws my attention and if she's tall even better. ;)

    Remember muscle weighs more than fat so don't worry so much about the number. I've seen girls that weight 160 at 5'8 that look absolutely perfect... of course IMO.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've heard this a lot myself as well. The guy I'm dating keeps asking me if I'm going to continue losing weight. He likes me the way I am right now. To each his own. Everybody likes what they like right? :drinker:
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    I think that a lot of this might not be which do they find more attractive, but which are they less threatened by / which do they think will not leave them for another better looking guy?

    I mean really - if guys really thought that heavier women were MORE ATTRACTIVE then there would be fluffy gals in all the porn (not just specialty more to love porn) and in all the action movies.

    But, which is more attractive and which are you comfortable sharing a relationship with are two totally separate questions. I'd be interested in seeing a study with slightly different worded questions to find if this makes for different responses.

    also, key question - who had bigger boobs?

    I am also wondering if a guy was asking would it change the answer. Because I know that guys will tell you which ever you are close to as being the best one. Ask which one you would want to be a wife and which one you would want to just sleep with...

    :wink: :laugh:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Well.....I am a female that likes females : ) & I prefer a "thicker" woman.Really skinny with no meat on the bones is not attractive to me..I know you ask what "guys" like but I wanted to chime hope ya don't mind...

    I find this particularly fascinating! Considering women seem to find the model thin women attractive, and here you are totally contradicting that concept - so I wonder what causes the preferential differences (in appearance)? I wonder if it has to do with our perception of purpose? What an absolutely interesting complexity in the human social dynamic!! This could be a dissertation in its own right! LOL... sorry - nerd here. hahahaha! I'm so glad you shared; thank you! :drinker: :happy:
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I think a HUGE factor in how "attractive" a girl is is her confidence level. When I was heavier (size 14), I had very little confidence in my image and I shied away from social events. When I'm a size 8 and I know I'm rocking my jeans, my personality is completely different. I feel pretty and I really think it's that confidence that attracts guys. No one wants to date someone that they have to tell over and over they are beautiful to. If you don't think you look good, then why would I? I think it goes the same with girls being attracted to guys. Guys don't have to have a muscular body to be hot. They have to be confident in themselves. Confidence is sooooo sexy.

    Just my opinion... :-)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Normally you've got to have a bit of a thick waist to keep your curves. I would love to loose my waist but keep the rest!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member

    Ask which one you would want to be a wife and which one you would want to just sleep with...

    Haha, that could be interesting!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think it's one thing if you are a heavier married girl-of course your husband is attracted to you and possibly your type. But I know that my fluffier single friends have a hard time, especially on dating websites, they actually have categories-thin, average, athletic or "heavy" or some term like that and most of the guys exclude those from their search.
    I would think they wouldn't have a hard time, they are beautiful girls and I always thought guys like curves and that women are harder on themselves and each other than men are-but I am not so sure!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    For me it comes down to body type. No way could I date someone who is thin. Too opposite my body type. I am not saying I'd date someone who can beat me in a arm wrestling match, but lets be real. No guy wants to hear, "!" *gasp* *thud*
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    I guess I don't have the normal husband lol he like when I'm smaller I'm petite only 5ft and a size 5 or 6 and when I was pregnant would get bigger and he was always supportive of me loosing it lol which I don't mind because I hate being over a certain weight anyway and wouldn't be happy if I was but everyone has their own opinions
  • I have to say curvy is better. I've always had a weight complex, but you know what, I'm a 10/12 and to quote my good friend, I'm "built like a Coke bottle". I have the perfect hourglass shape and I love it. My goal is just to drop a little weight and to tone it up some. I don't want to lose the curves, cause then I wouldn't be me.

    And being a curvy girl, I can tell you, when I'm out at a bar, I don't care if they're 22 or 52, they stop and stare when I walk by. So in my opinion, curvy, proportioned is what guys like. So ladies, don't be afraid to accentuate those gorgeous curves...It's what the guys want to see.

    We are all beautiful...and don't you forget it!
  • I met my husband when I was a size 6. I'm a size 14 now. He tells me he is very much attracted to me and my curves. He has told me that when we started dating he thought I was much too thin and he prefers me now. I think I prefer something in the middle :)
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    A psych class I took said it was something instinctive about being able to breed good babies - a more nurturing look.

    Well heck - I could have a litter!

    Psych studies also show the reverse:

    In general, when women are ovulating, they tend to be more attracted to thicker/beefier/ "manlier" men as survival of the species. During other times of the month, they are more attracted to wiry/thinner men who may "fulfill an emotional" need.

    Either way, I prefer a thicker, "manlier" man over a skinny minny man!
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I also think it has less to do with size and more to do with proportion. Most boys I know like skinny girls but they also like girls with butts and boobs and not a girl that is flat as a board all the way around. So I think it depends on what kind of girls your comparing to what kind of answers your going to get. Personally I know that I have a friend who wears a 0, yes a 0 its rediculous, and has a bubble butt and now has newly obtained 32D's and she most definatly gets more attention from guys than I've ever seen even before she got the boobs she got way more attention than any of my other freinds. So I pretty much go off that and say guys like the tiny girls.

    Also in class I've learned that white guys tend to like tiny girls while Hespanic and Black men tend to like their women a little bigger. It's a culture thing I think.
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