Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    I have been seeing a DR. for 8 weeks now and I have lost 27.8 pounds since I started seeing him. I was 263 pounds in April of 2007, that is when my dr said I needed to lose 10 pounds, because my blood pressure was up. I started to lose the weight and when I lost the 10 I was like I am going to keep going. I have kept going but I hit a slump, so that is when I talked to my boss and she told me about a DR. she had been seeing and she losty 40 pounds. So I went to see him and I am very happy. When I started seeing him I was 239.8 pounds. I am now 212. I am 5'9 so I can weigh more than some people can, but I want to better my looks for me. I was a size 24 and now I am down to a 16. I need to keep going. I am very excited about this site. I hope to be able to meet people that are doing the same as me and can help support me and I can return the favor and support them too.. I have been over weight all my life and I want it to end I want to look better for myself.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    What an Awesome, Inspiring and Motivating thread!!!:flowerforyou:

    I have about 70lbs to lose and would def. love to be part of this thread:bigsmile:
    :flowerforyou: welcome, keep coming back and posting with every strand to our thread we get stronger.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    I'm starting a 3 day fast, detox. I know that it has been done for thousands of years and it has worked to rid your body of toxins and to up lift the mind. For the next 3 days I will be on Water and my coffee every morning. After that I will go on to V8 and fresh juices for 2 days and on after that will be 2 days of fresh fruit and veggies and on the last day will be added in whole grains.

    I'll let everyone know how its going, but dont worry, I'm using vitamins and vitamin mixes for water!

    Hey Christy Girl, it's good to detox once in awhile but it's good to remember that for the long haul we have to learn how to eat to live and not just live to eat. Right now my Dr. has me doing a protien, veg. and 2 fruits a day. I am struggleing with this right now. I have bee doing it for 3 weeks now and have 1 more week to go. I know why she is doing this I am a carb. junky, so I am learning to eat without them. WHEW:ohwell: I said all that so you will think about where you want to go from here. Just take care of yourself and learn to love Christy like we all do.:flowerforyou: Be blessed, Connie

    quote for the day;

    "Between the rock and the stream, the stream always wins - not through strength but through perservance."
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weigh in is coming quickly on Sunday. I had a disappointing week last week...thought I was doing great and ended up with a 4 pound gain. This week I have been more conscious of my sodium intake and have stayed within my calories and done my workouts. Hoping to see a decrease in weight and/or measurements on Sunday...would love to at least see the 4 pounds that I gained last week gone. I am officially down 15 and would love to be down 5 more this week (although at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday I weighed in at the same weight I was on Sunday...blah)...on a happier note though, my heart rate monitor came today, and although I didn't have time to do a full workout, I did a "trial" workout tonight to check it out...and it definitely made my walk a bit more productive! I love it already!

    Will try to remember to check back in on Sunday and let you guys know how my weigh in goes...please keep me in your prayers...another gain this week could be devastating!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    hey everyone. Hope everyone is meeting their goals. Mine are coming slow but they are coming.
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello everyone... is it okay i join in :flowerforyou: i had a wonderful support group at ediets when i lost 30 pounds then i had to quit and and my husbands friend had to move in with us and i gained 50 :sad: pounds in a YEAR!!! :sick: i can't afford ediets any longer but luckily i found this place. :happy:
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Well I kinds gave up over a week ago. I can't remember the last time I posted, or put in my exercise or daily food intake. What's funny is, since I haven't been putting in food or really thinking about what to eat or how much or blah blah blah, I haven't been eating a whole lot and I have lost a little bit of weight. I am really begining to wonder if this site is right for me?

    I lost the weight before by another method, body for life, and I am wondering if I should just do that again. Now that I am armed with more information on how to keep it off, it might just work for me this time. I need to see more results, and I am not afraid to bust my *kitten* to get there.

    I don't know...I have changed the way I think, I have been re-evaluating evreything in my life, I have been trying to figure out what makes me tick and what I need to do to make my life better. It's been frustraiting and confusing.
    I just want a better life. I want to be happier, not all the time, just happier then I am now.

    I know that this all comes down to whats in my head. This is all in my head. It's all about changing the way I think to achieve what I want in my life. Not just my weight, but my whole entire life. What would make me happy? And let me tell you, for me, that is not an easy question to answer, but I have been trying like hell to figure it out.

    I don't know? Is it really that simple? This is my life and I am where I am because of what I have done. I don't like this life that I have, and I don't like this person that I have become, and I want to change it, all of it. It's all in my head and all I have to do is change the way I think.
  • Hi Christy,
    Count Me in. I've ben on a binge and can't seem to get off. Plus finances aren't the greatest this month, so not so many veggies and fruit as usual. Food just keeps going up. I need to make better choices.
    My Stats:
    Started 10 / 2007 @ 228
    Was @ 177 But, April / 2008 Had total hip replacement and could'nt exercise.So Gained weight back.
    Presently : 8/3/08 195 lbs.
    Goal is 135 -145 Need to lose 50-60lbs.
    Thank you so much for starting this new thread. It's alway's nice to know your not alone and someone in the same boat to relate too.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weigh in was today...I am down a few inches and one pound. Kind of disappointing, since I am eating to lose 2 pounds a week. I am still baffled about my 4 pound gain the week before last...but i just got my Heart Rate Monitor the other day, and it seems that I was really overestimating my calories burned when I rode the stationary bike (the calorie counter on those things is not always accurate!)...and I did that a few nights a directed, I ate my exercise calories, but if I wasn't really burning them...I shouldn't have been eating them...I burnt a good 400 calories today just walking and doing some push ups (I do them against a wall for gives my arms a good work out). I worked out for an hour and feel pretty good about myself today.

    Progress is coming slowly, but it is coming. I guess I was hoping I'd get a lot more of these pounds off before it started to slow down, but I will take what I can get. I know I am making healthier choices, and even if the scale doesn't reflect that now, eventually it will.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :bigsmile: Hi all hope everyone is meeting their goals and doing their best to keep on keeping on. I couldn't wait for the 8th for my Dr.'s appointment and weighed myself this morning. Woo Woo my scale said 373 - that's down 31 pounds since th e 15th of July I know 23 pounds is water , but i'll take the 8.:happy: only 17 pounds to go to meet the holloween challange. Come on gang check in and let's keep this thread going. Connie
  • You got room for one more? I need all the help I can get. I try to work out and get so sore and tired the next day that I just give up for a couple weeks and I know that's why it keeps wearing me down so much to work out.

    Highest weight 230lbs
    Current weight 224lbs.
    Goal weight 135lbs.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Hey gang,

    How is everyone doing? I've been traveling all afternoon on just got to my hotel room about 1 hour ago. It's midnight local time in Kansas now and I've had a bit of a struggle thinking about ordering a pizza. Thankfully I cranked up my laptop and decided to check in here.

    I think I'll wait a day or two have pizza. I feel better now.

    I wish success on all of you.

  • :glasses: Hello everyone. I just discovered this site. Seems to be just what I need. I lost 100 lbs. first go around and then let the lazy trend start and now the weight is getting back up there. Still need to loose 50 lbs. Hope to make tons of friends and get the weight off for good!

  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    You got room for one more? I need all the help I can get. I try to work out and get so sore and tired the next day that I just give up for a couple weeks and I know that's why it keeps wearing me down so much to work out.

    Highest weight 230lbs
    Current weight 224lbs.
    Goal weight 135lbs.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    :flowerforyou: hi and welcome, we all need each others help here, so it's a good place to be. Try doing just a little exercise and add al little more every week so you don't hurt yourself. Be Blessed and eat smart. Connie
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    Hey gang,

    How is everyone doing? I've been traveling all afternoon on just got to my hotel room about 1 hour ago. It's midnight local time in Kansas now and I've had a bit of a struggle thinking about ordering a pizza. Thankfully I cranked up my laptop and decided to check in here.

    I think I'll wait a day or two have pizza. I feel better now.

    I wish success on all of you.

    Hi Tim, good for you, right now I'm fighting off popcorn, lol , but I to will wait at least one more day and then hopefully one more day. Keep up all the good work you're an inspiration to all of us.

    Be Blessed, Connie
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    :glasses: Hello everyone. I just discovered this site. Seems to be just what I need. I lost 100 lbs. first go around and then let the lazy trend start and now the weight is getting back up there. Still need to loose 50 lbs. Hope to make tons of friends and get the weight off for good!

    Welcome April, I hope you find help and inspiraton here, this thread grows stronger every day with new people joining. We'll make it - with God's help and help from our friends here.

    Be Blessed, Connie
  • thank you for the support. I will let you know.
  • I am new here and this sounds FANTASTIC!
    I have 100 pounds to lose and I have lost about 8 so far!

    Hey apigsavedmylife...I am quite curious about your name...I'm a bit obsessed with pigs...Former Iowa farm girl here. Anyway, good luck. :) I'm not doing great this week, but I'm still feeling pretty motivated. We can do it!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Hi all! I'm pretty new around here myself. Isn't this place fantastic?! Anyway, weight is just one of my major issues. But I am totally in this thing for the long haul. I have to keep reminding myself that this will take time and to be patient.

    HW - 196
    CW - 169
    GW - 110 by (summer 2009?)

    I started my journey back in March when I got on the scale at the doctors office. I couldn't believe how heavy I was. Never really hit me that I was fat until that day. I'm 38yo now and I want the biggest 40th birthday bash ever, so I've decided to make some life changes so I have that much more to celebrate!
  • I am new here and this sounds FANTASTIC!
    I have 100 pounds to lose and I have lost about 8 so far!

    Hey apigsavedmylife...I am quite curious about your name...I'm a bit obsessed with pigs...Former Iowa farm girl here. Anyway, good luck. :) I'm not doing great this week, but I'm still feeling pretty motivated. We can do it!

    To make a very long story short( this goes against my nature) our dear friends have a pot belly pig who ran away and they had been searching for her for a week. They got a call she was spotted on a country road about 2 miles from their house. We ( my hubby and I ) happen to be there for dinner. We find the pig but she does NOT want to be caught. I am over 100 pounds overweight while my husband and our friends are in fine physical condition. They have been chasing her when she comes out of a field heading straight for me. I seize the opportunity to try to grab her but she darts to the side and I miss her. This of course ticks me off and I start chasing her and I do mean chasing her. I had not run like that since high school track!!! Anyway, after that experience I realized that I could do more than I imagined I could. It completely changed the way I thought and felt about myselft. It was then I decided to take control and I have lost 10 pounds so far and I only weigh myself once a month so only time will tell.
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