stop overdoing cardio and hit the damn weights!!!



  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I'm so sick of the cardio haters looking down their noses at me. Bite me already. If I wanted to lift heavy things I'd do it. But I don't. I do want to be fast though and I'll do just enough strength training to build a strong core an shoulders. Otherwise I'll do so much cardio it'll make your head spin.

    End of rant. Have a nice day. :-)
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    As much as I absolutely love lifting, I think it's important, when giving advice, to consider the other person's goals, current physical condition, and other physical and mental aspects of the person you're giving advice to. Context matters a lot.

    Just because someone's goals or preferences aren't your own doesn't mean that you're right and they're wrong (or visa versa).
  • Jennilyn79
    Jennilyn79 Posts: 30 Member
    I want to feel strong and look good naked, not feel weak and look good in clothes, buts thats just my goal :)

    ^This is awesome! It doesn't matter how many times you see posts on here about lifting weights and how it will burn more fat than cardio. It doesn't matter what success stories tell you about not starving themselves and using lifting to change the shape of their bodies. People believe what makes sense to them, even though they've never tried it themselves. If I had a penny for everytime I've heard "I need to lose the fat through cardio and starvation first, then I'll "tone" up"
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Nope sorry gone back to cardio. It's what I enjoy more. Am still doing strength workouts at home but doing more cardio than anything. Strength hurts me like crazy & makes it hard to do anything, cardio does not do that to me at all.

    Each person is different.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Nope sorry gone back to cardio. It's what I enjoy more. Am still doing strength workouts at home but doing more cardio than anything. Strength hurts me like crazy & makes it hard to do anything, cardio does not do that to me at all.

    Each person is different.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I lift weights ( grain, haybales) in order to unload the grain sacks, pick up, load, stack, and later unload the hay bales. Why? Because it needs to be done. End of subject.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I just send them this article:

    Seems to help explain most of it.

    Just WOW....i mean WOW.
  • if someone is happy with their life they don't need to lift weights.if they feel like cardio is all they want then cardio is all they's not your place to judge women, or anyone, and how they choose to live their lives or what their beauty standards for themselves should be. if a person feels most beautiful only doing cardio and not doing weights, then that is fine for them and they don't need to change.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    I wish more females would lift. They look so much better with tone muscle than a marathon runner who looks starved.
  • Just started lifting with my BF and my roomie. I've noticed a difference in my arms for sure which I like. :) I'm not bulky at all just a little firmer. I've lost weight actually doing it too. I do enjoy some cardio though. For me that is my relaxation especially spin where the music is pumping loud and I can zone out. Finding the balance has been fun. :) Plus Nikki Blackketter is a huge inspiration for me.
  • I know some women who have rocking hard bodies and focus more than fifty percent of their workouts on cardio. I workout differently than they do and I would never tell them what they "should" do! They're awesome!!! Also, I realize that there are women out there who may be misinformed and you want to help them understand something, but some women want big masculine muscles! And it's ok to want that too. It can be done without steroids, it just may take longer.
  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    Umm, no. I will not hit the weights. And not because I think it'll make me bulky.
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I reeeaallly enjoy walking and jogging.
    3. I have no intentions of paying for a full gym membership to have access to weights.
    4. I'm still working on losing fat, toning is for when I'm closer to my goal. I can barely do many squats or lunges right now.

    I don't get why so many people think everyone should lift. People are going to do what they enjoy.

    This exactly
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Do what keeps you active. The end.

    I really don't care what you're doing, cardio, weights, combo, whatever. The main issue is going into a routine with a realistic expectation of the outcome.

    Ton of cardio = weight lost, smaller, not a significant change in shape
    Lifting weights = body recomposition and a significant visual change.

    To each their own. My only peeve is when people claim that cardio is the way to go for a lean, "toned" body.
  • klalsaleh
    klalsaleh Posts: 13
    I love lifting and love the look ive achieved lifting...i feel sexier...i can be at a higher weight and not look over weight or at a lower weight and not look starved. Muscle makes u look curvier in my opinion.i love my curves. My *kitten* and legs have never looked better.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    What's wrong with cardio? It's for your heart.. hence "cardio." Heart disease runs in my family and my doctor strongly recommends cardio for me. I throw in some strength training twice a week and I'm losing weight and getting stronger. And some people aren't ready to lift weights or can't afford gyms. I still see exercise and diet (whether cardio or weights) as a step towards a healthier life. Why shame others? Isn't MFP here to help people get healthy?
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    As much as I absolutely love lifting, I think it's important, when giving advice, to consider the other person's goals, current physical condition, and other physical and mental aspects of the person you're giving advice to. Context matters a lot.

    Just because someone's goals or preferences aren't your own doesn't mean that you're right and they're wrong (or visa versa).

  • I wish more females would lift. They look so much better with tone muscle than a marathon runner who looks starved.

    well excuse me but women should do what keeps them happy and healthy, what they love, what they are passionate about.our lives do not revolve around being sexually appealing to YOU. we are not here for your purposes, we have our own purposes and a woman looks best when she is happy and living her life how she wants.we are not bodies to be gawked at, we are whole human beings. a woman does not look 'better' when she does any particular kind of work out, we all have our own ways we want to look, our own lives to live, our own aesthetic.
  • You stated that you are still trying to burn fat, and toning will come after that. Well, that's actually counterproductive. You will burn MORE FAT, but doing strength training, than by doing massive amounts of cardio. There are many studies to back this up, but I will just give you this one, and let you do the rest of the research for yourself.

    I'm not saying don't do any cardio, just that adding strength training (not necessarily weight lifting, I do a lot of body weight exercises), will accelerate your fat loss.
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member