December Weight Loss Challenge



  • ashleysmommy
    I would like to join if it's not too late.

    Name: Jennifer
    Current weight: 208.4lbs
    Goal by 12/31/10: 199 lbs haven't been able to get under 200 even though been close several times.

    I am doing the HCG diet until the 17th then just going to make healthiest decisions I can and of course go to the gym atleast 5 days a week.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Help! I am in desprate need of chocolate. I need support!!!

    I use fiber bars for my chocolate fixes. I also like below 2 sites for awesome healthy chocolate treats for 100 calories are less. They are pricey but worth it. The 95 to 100 calorie protien bars are SOOOO good and I can eat just one and feel like I have had a delicious candy bar. Vitalicious products are found in the freezer section with organic items.
  • ashleysmommy
    I LOOOVE the kellogg's fiber plus bars soooo yummy.:love:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Help! I am in desprate need of chocolate. I need support!!!

    I use fiber bars for my chocolate fixes. I also like below 2 sites for awesome healthy chocolate treats for 100 calories are less. They are pricey but worth it. The 95 to 100 calorie protien bars are SOOOO good and I can eat just one and feel like I have had a delicious candy bar. Vitalicious products are found in the freezer section with organic items.

    The other site is:
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    I had a tough weekend and ate too much. I went to a friends Christmas/Birthday party and I gave it and ate the sweets available. :-\

    I'm getting back on track today damnit! I'll be playing racquetball this afternoon and I'll be much more careful about my food. I need to get back to my plan.

    I do that all the time, (well, less now then before). I also would completely quit before MFP but now I pick myself up and start again the very next day. It happens to all of us once in awhile.
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Asltiffm - congrats on the weight loss. :drinker:

    I'm down 1.8 from last week, I know weigh in is Wednesday?? I know I'll weigh myself again on Wednesday, I get on the scale a few times a week, so if I go down anymore I'll update.

    I finally went and got myself new sneakers so tomorrow I start working out again. Hello treadmill and dvds.
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hey everyone! I just wanted to see how everyone is doing? I've taken a few sneak peeks at the scale this week so I could keep myself on track. So far its saying ive lost 7 lbs since last wednesday. I am going to eat good today and exercise my tail off just like they have the "last chance workout" on "the biggest loser." I just want to say thank you to everyone who has joined this group, it definitly keeps me motivated and moving towards my goals. If I didn't have this group and I was doing this challenge on my own, I know from the past I would not have been successful at losing weight.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    I am SO mad right now!!!! Saturday morning I was down 4lbs since Wednesday (which I was totally excited about!) And now this morning I am back up 3lbs!!! I seriously hate TOM! I have been eating great and exercising hard this week and I know I earned those pounds...

    How's everyone else?
  • katecampbell03
    Completed my food diary for 12/06 and was 487 calories over. :( On the plus side, I did not eat any chocolate chip cookies, brownies, or birthday cake that was at my sister-in-law's house when I picked up my daughter yesterday. Does anyone have any suggestions for ab workouts. I got barely got through the first set of crunches when my daughter saw me on the floor, laughed at me, and ran over to climb on me. She is 11 mths today. I need a kick butt workout that I can do between playing with her. I have some good videos but I can't keep up without getting interrupted. It's too cold to walk outside with her. I have a treadmill but I haven't tried walking on it with her in the room because I am afraid she is going to get hurt. Any suggestions on how to incorporate her into my workouts?
  • katecampbell03
    Also, how do I get my ticker to show up on my signature?
  • katecampbell03
    I figured it out.

  • frubjious
    Sorry i haven't been on here much since i signed up, its been a crazy week. I tried out a few new exercise classes, which were great, and the eating was a bit wobbly on Saturday :blushing: but other then that ino major slips.

    So todays weigh in:

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Well the week has been good - but not brilliant. I was mainly within my calorie goal but I let myself down on the exercise. I'm putting off running in the snow and ice.
    SO here are my stats:

    Name: 2Young4This
    Starting Weight: 162.6
    Weight this week: 161.2
    Loss since last week: 1.4
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 155
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: 30 minutes cardio everyday and always within calorie goal (except 25.12.10!)

    Let's do this!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    :angry: :explode: :mad: Think they say it all for how I'm feeling this morning!!!
    Up 2lb for this week - I did have a good loss last week 6.5lbs but then I eased off the plan this week & look where that got me
    Ok dusted myself off no more pity - can't achieve what I don't aim to achieve - here's to next week
  • ashleysmommy
    My weight this morning is 206
  • ironmule2042
    I'm down 1 lb. from last week which is honestly better than I expected. I haven't been at all consistent in my eating habits or my exercise. Something I resolve to fix as of tonight.

    Name: Randy (ironmule2042)
    Current Weight as of Dec 8th, 2010: 175
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 170
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Be better about my eating habits than I was last week. Be more consistent with my exercise. Actually cut the sodium out of my diet rather than just talking about it. Not give up!!!!
  • evelynojedadiaz
    Started at 153.4

    Weight loss this week: 152.0

    Down 1.4pds woohoo!!
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Weight this morning....222!!! Im down 7 lbs since last wednesday. I've been doing the "flat belly diet" and the exercise I have done is walking at the mall a lot and pilates every other day. Most of the time I don't have the time to log in all of my food on MFP so I carry a little notebook with me and write down everything I eat and the calories. I have stuck to 1200 no matter what. The other night I was watching my favorite show and wanted a snack, and didnt get it because I was already at 1200 for the day. CONGRATS on everyones weight loss. I will post a chart tomorrow so we can track our success.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    I lost 1 pound. It was TOM week for me and I struggled the whole week and my caloires avg over 2000 calories each day so of course that did not get me the 5 pounds I needed to lose this week. I also ended up eating my exercise calories. My consolation is that I Usually gain TOM week, so I will take the pound. Not to mention that it has been 11 weeks between visits and I think I may be in menapause. So today I will meditate of doing better next week and making the changes necessary to do this.

    Congrats to everyone else who have lost weight this week! Awesome job Stephanie! I see you were not playing you are serious!

    If you maintained, that is better than a gain. Next week is a better week!

    If you did lose doin't give up. Today is another day and this week is another week. Keep up the good work all! We can do this!

    Name: Mollie

    Starting Weight: 369

    Today's Weight: 368

    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 349

    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Exercise 360 minutes (5 to 6 times) a week, eat more veggies, keep calories under 1700 calories, and no more than 2000 on weekends, and lastly NOT eating exercise calories M-F.
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Had a decent week. Lost 1.5 pounds and I am HAPPY about that... :blushing:

    12/1 SW - 244.5
    12/8 - 243.0
    12/31 GW - 240.0

    This next week is going to be hard - work breakfast on Thursday, hosting a cookie party on Friday and holiday dinner on Saturday. But my hope is to do the best I can while enjoying myself and to work out most days for at least 30 minutes!

    I am thankful for this challenge. It is keeping me focused.

    Where do I find the Excel charts??