

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Saw this handsome fellow while out for a walk last weekend.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Happy weekend ladies! The weather forecast for where I live is sunny!!! Must be the first weekend this year where I've heard that!

    Congratulation on the milestones reached 100lb gone, 44 year anniversary, 20,000 steps + etc etc! Wow - fantastic achievements!! Inspirational ladies or what!

    Someone mentioned Galaxy Quest - we love that film!

    I didn't have the rhubarb pie today - we'd already had fish and chips so it could stay in the fridge for another day!

    I have a shopping list for tomorrow - I have to get a gym ball - our display team has decided to include a form of treiball and I'll need to practice with the dogs! I can also use it for core strength balancing so I'm happy to get one of my own. Our first display is May 4th and my dogs are not very good at pushing the ball into the goal! They give up too soon! I also want a kettlebell (instead of an Easter Egg!) - if I'm going to a sports shop I might as well get both already! Baked bean tins can go back into the cupboard!

    Healing hugs and congratulatory dancing!

    MA in UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: Juanita, congrats on your anniversary and your decision to eat smart on your dinner out.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats on your 100 pound loss…celebrating the great milestones along the way is great for keeping yourself on course.

    :flowerforyou: FitDonna,weight loss is not linear……you won’t see good results the day after good behavior and you won’t see bad results after a day of bad behaviors…….things take time……this is a journey not a destination…..find an eating plan that is balanced, nutritious, and something that you can live with for the rest of your life……do not rely on the scale as your only measure of success..

    :flowerforyou: Katla, my husband has been a car buyer and I’ve been a car keeper…..it has been one of the biggest bumps in the road for our marriage…..some of current financial woes are the result of our buying newer cars too often. It was hard for me to tell my hubby “No” the last time he wanted to buy a new vehicle. He spends hours every week on the internet researching “the next vehicle” and I continue to say “No”.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, that’s great that you’re not too sore after your last challenging workout.

    :bigsmile: Janehadji, Congrats to you for going off on your trip and not putting your life completely on hold for your parents.

    :bigsmile: MA, a few years ago, my hubby bought me ankle weights and 15 pound dumbbells for Valentine’s Day…..a kettlebell for Easter sounds like a great idea.

    :flowerforyou: One of the best things I did for myself once I started logging my food, was to examine my diary for items that had a bunch of calories and little food value……I gradually got rid of them and substituted more vegetables and lean meat……..some obvious offenders are salad dressing, butter, and any food that comes in a box.

    :noway: I won’t tell you what our utility bill was for the last few months (we have electric heat) but I am so grateful for the mild weather we’ve had compared to all of you.

    :flowerforyou: This has been another great day that included my teaching the beginner line dance class. I tell everyone that the class is fun because I get to pick the dances and we always do ones that I like. We had no rain for the early morning dog walk and sunshine in the afternoon. I am finally getting to see some daylight at the end of the early morning walk and I’ll miss it when daylight savings time starts on Sunday.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today ---strength training----lots of time on the exercise bike—line dance class

    March Resolutions (with week one updates)
    *do weight training and yoga on alternate days (so far,so good)
    *add triceps pushups to weight training (done for the first week)
    *act the way I want to feel (the best resolution of all)
    *finish updating my will (the will is ready to sign)
    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Goodnight ladies.
    Who has a mojo injection for me? I'm kind of stagnating.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia...wish I could come and visit you to give you a hug!! Here is a virtual one,:smooched:

    In bed and down for the count in Vancouver Island, BC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :heart: Thank you everyone for all the anniversary wishes, we had a lovely evening and dinner was filling but healthy for once, might be getting the hang of this eating out after all.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and prayers for those in need

    Juanita in sudbury where we have another 4in of fresh snow:sad:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    While we were away I got the 10 Minute Butt lift DVD and the 30 minutes to fitness DVD by KCM. The PLAN was to do HIIT at the y tomorrow, but it sounds like freezing rain and if the roads are bad, I'll do the 10 minute butt lift DVD tomorrow and then some HIIT on Sunday. Update: I did a bosu DVD toay and I'll dthe butt lift one on Sunday since I remembered that the Y doesn' open until real late and I ust like to gt my workout done

    katla - I know in NC the older the car is, the less we have to pay annually. I know you'll make the best decision. MEN and their toys!!! Prayers for you. I agree with Heather, as long as you can afford it, let your dh have his fun (within reason).

    Joyce - you're wise to go with hubby to the MD. Sometimes one person will hear something that the other person didn't. Many times I wish Vince would go to the MD with me. I tell you, if Vince EVER knew half of what he was eating, he'd never eat again. Maybe you can hide the roughage? Your yogurt sounds yummy...did you make more for yourself after the accident?

    Went out to get the paper this a.m. and it was rain/snow. Honestely, I could have probably driven in it. However, I know that they don't take care of the roads down here and people really freak out when they see a snowflake, so I just did an hour of the Bosu. Tomorrow I'm planning that I'll do some challenges

    Juanita - happy anniversary!

    Sylvia - doing a happy dance for you!!! That's truly awesome

    Heather - sounds like you'll be the belle of the ball

    FitDonna - first of all, welcome. Sounds to me like you may need to eat more. Skipping meals doesn't help, it only hinders. Sometimes it does take our bodies a while to catch up with itself and show the loss. Don't get discouraged. One day you'll see a big loss.

    Rita - glad your dad now has a "stricter" sitter. What a relief!

    Vicki - will keep you dad in my thoughts

    Jill - you know, of all my friends from college, only one gal and I are still married to our first husbands. Most are on their second, third and some even fourth marriages.

    carmeniampman - you joined by posting! Now this thread will appear under your tab of "my topics". Just click on that then the name of our group and you're here! And just ask any question you might have. Someone will probably have the answer for you

    exercised and then they called asking if I could go to the Green Room so I went. I usually don't go on Friday afternoons. Just had dinner, Vince doesn't seem to be coughing as much, jessica should be here later tonight.

    barbie - the last time I got a new car, it was hard to find a car with the features I wanted. Guess in a way that's a good thing.

    Renny - hope you feel better fast. What's up?

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We bought a car and I even like it although I have sticker shock. I feel like the pressure is off at last. That may be the best part. Thanks to those who offered their advice, sympathy and wisdom. :heart:

    We've made reservations for our upcoming trip to CO and are getting excited about seeing our DD and DGD. I'm still planning on a "Smores" Pizza from Papa Murphy's for her birthday cake even if she also has another birthday cake. I could almost hear DD rolling her eyes when I told her about it.:bigsmile: :glasses: :bigsmile: :glasses:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Hello lovely Ladies :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Finally figured out out to post from my phone yay me :tongue:
    Doing well .I see so many good things ..way to go!!:flowerforyou:

    Made it through my 56th birthday..

    Molly from warming up WV
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, Michelle I did remake the yogurt bedtime snack. I thought I had the mess on the floor cleaned up until I saw the kitchen floor in the sunlight this morning and saw the white splotches. I also found pieces of granola on the floor. Guess it calls for a deep cleaning. But nothing is keeping me from eating that mini meal. I could have 4 meals just like that during the day and I'm not sure when I would tire of it.

    My husband is the one who is always wanting to go car shopping. I'm the one loving being debt free. We only owe money on our latest car purchase which I believe is 3 years old now. But he knows what my achilles heel is. You look at a car with all the bells and whistles and I'm all in. But he could care less for them. But he knows what to do to get me involved. We need to get this tree removed, find out what his hospital bills are going to be and then see what out vacation is going to be before we even consider a car. And I would like that to be a couple of years down the road. Our minivan has it's issues but we are used to the issues and it is a 2002 and wouldn't get much in trade in. And it holds the whole family when we go on really short trips. Now to go tot the beach we will have to have two cars. Two many personalities in one car for that many hours. Mainly SIL, youngest daughter and husband. And I get tired of the grand kids on long trips also but I now that youngest daughter will take the opportunity to smoke if she drives the other car and that is hard on me. So I am stuck. The front seat of both of our cars has a lot of leg room but the middle seats are pretty shallow. There is leg room between the seats but the seats themselves don't support the legs. I like deep seats. My oldest daughter says she gets car sick if she isn't in the front seat and my husband...let's just say his controlling personality will let some one else drive as long as he is in the front seat. So I am in the middle. In the other middle seats are snacks, extra toys, all supplies for everyone in the front and back seats. So my job, yep, Mom. That's what I do. I'm the provider for everything. Really restful. And they just keep piling up. They are like rabbits during mating season. I don't know how they multiply but they do and my personal space gets smaller and smaller. I need to fly 1st class and meet them there.

    I have been looking tonight at condos wondering if they would be cheaper. They seem to be but I like the idea of walking out of our own house rental onto the beach and not having to drag kids, beach gear, picnic supplies and everything else down an elevator with 10 strangers while I am in my wet swim suit. Plus if you stay in the condo and watch the kids play, you are watching from 11 or maybe even 27 floors from above.

    OK, now the heavy stuff. I am really having struggles staying on tract. I am wanting to cheat on my diet, raid the cereal box which is an nemesis, go to the store while Charlie is gone for some chocolate. With my back problems I haven't been to the Y now in two full weeks. I need encouragement. I need some one here in my house to hold my hand. My husband did give me one of his rare compliments today. There was some model on TV and they were talking about how young her skin was at age 50. He said he would like to see if she still looked as good as I did when she is 64. I kind f looked at him and said is that a compliment and he said that I look good for a 64 year old woman! Hey, I'll take whatever I can get. I haven't weighed in days, haven't even taken my blod sugar in the last two weeks. I do try to eat well when we go out.

    So until I am rich enough to find me a car with all the bells and whistles, blue tooth, pandora, back up camera, foot lift gate, heated or cooled seats, siri that talks to me and helps me where I am going, push a button and it makes a phone call for me, you will find me driving my 2002 Ford minivan along the streets of Evansville sneaking around to find a bar of chocolate!!!

    Joyce, Indinaa
  • Healthymeemaw1
    Healthymeemaw1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new here and just starting out. I have about 70 pounds to lose and am feeling very motivated. Doing a low carb type plan because it's worked for me in the past and I've always felt good doing it. Nice to meet all of you.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Congrats on
    :wink: loosing 100 pounds!
    :wink: on car/RV decisions and finding and using your voice
    :wink: taking care of yourself via massages; dinners out'; vacations!

    and on Electric bills - here in CA you get one bill that has both electric and natural gas I have done every trick I can to kept those bills low - and while weather is a HUGE issue there are things that help I hang my laundry on the clothes line when ever possible, I add a layer or 2 of clothes before the heat, all bulbs are florescent and some are LED, windows are upgraded, working on upgrading insulation... bill this winter was an all time high of $50....

    So I made it through day one of company...3 more to go. it wasn't as bad as I expected but not as good as I hoped. Levi is asleep and I am jealous - so it is good night ladies!

    Kim in CA
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    March 8 - Happy International Women's Day!

    I salute all you courageous and wonderful women.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Margaret :smile: I love to watch laughing baby videos:love: , there is nothing like a good laugh to help the soul:laugh: !!! Water:drinker: and coffee:drinker: !!!

    Michele :smile: How much snow did you guys get? Between the snow and the sleet I got almost 2 ½ inches:grumble: . With the temp up to about 60 today, I`m hoping it will be gone soon!!! Noel and I went out for a walk in it, and it was light fluffy stuff. It`s hard to walk in the snow, I almost slipped twice on it:noway: !

    Katla :smile: So DH passed the vision test, that really is a good sign:bigsmile: !!! Oh dear, now he wants a new car……

    Joyce :smile: Oh no, yummy snack on the floor:cry: ! Hope DH feels better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Alison :smile: Hope your hips are feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Cynthia :smile: Woo hoo!!! Congrats on a less fat face:bigsmile: !!! That was one of the first places it came off of me! I think I need a mojo injection too:frown: !

    Heather :smile: Rhubarb Vanilla Vodka…..never heard of that, I don`t like Rhubarb:noway: , but I do like vanilla and vodka:wink: ! What is strimming? I’m guessing it’s a lot of noise? A white lacy top sounds gorgeous!!! Wouldn’t it be great if we could fine sparkly trainers, kind of like the ones I bought for my 7 yr. granddaughter that lights up and are bright and colorful:love::laugh: !

    Juanita :smile: Happy anniversary:flowerforyou: !!!! Hope you share many many more:heart: !!!! Salmon and veggies sound perfect!

    Beth in WNY :smile: Hope this weekend will be stress free for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Patty :smile: We`re supposed to have good weather this weekend too, you` ve given me a great idea to open the windows and let some fresh air in the house! I need to do spring cleaning too:grumble: . I like your attitude, I think I need to adopt it:bigsmile: !

    Sylvia :smile: Congratulations:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: !!!!! 100 pounds gone, WOW…..that is so impressive! You should be very proud of yourself!!! Oh my goodness, not sure what I would have done coming face to face with a heron:noway: , they are gorgeous birds, but at a distance!

    FitDonna :smile: You might need to eat a bit more. You`ve lost 5 pounds in a month, that`s fabulous:bigsmile: !!! A little over a pound a week, the less you have to lose the harder it is to get off. Stay with your program and give it time, you can do it:flowerforyou: !!!

    Carol in NC (at the beach and I`m jealous) :smile: Oh my, I can hear the surf through your post, smell the salty air…ahhhhh:love: . Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!!! Tons of people were without power yesterday and some still today! I was lucky, my power went out and then came right back on and stayed on, I`m very thankful!!! I got about 2 ½ inches of the nasty stuff:angry: .

    Yanniejannie :smile: Hope DD made it home! I talked to one of my police officer friends yesterday afternoon, he said the main roads were clear! I have a gorgeous cherry tree in my front yard:love: , it had about 5 or 6 blooms, then we got that nasty snow the first of the week, the buds looked fine, but the flowers turned brown, yesterday all the little pink buds were covered in ice:cry: , I hope it didn`t kill them!

    Sue in TX :smile: Have a wonderful weekend at the ranch:glasses: !

    Rita :smile: So glad your mom is getting a nice break and enjoying herself:flowerforyou: ! Glad that her DH has a stricter sitter now too!!! Hope your bloodwork is fine:flowerforyou: ! I need to get my thyroid tested again, I know when it`s off by the way I feel:grumble: !

    Vicki :smile: Hope your dad is doing okay:flowerforyou: !!! Oh Jake is still a puppy:love: , trying to see how much he can get away with without getting in trouble:laugh: !!! I tried a pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, honeydew and grape smoothie yesterday morning, put a tablespoon of non fat yogurt in it to make it a bit creamy, it was pretty good. Although I think I like just eating the fruit better:ohwell: .

    Jill :smile: Happy anniversary to you too:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: !!!!

    Carmenlampman :smile: Welcome! Hope you pop in often!

    Kayak Kutie :smile: Oh my, that is a huge bill :noway: ! Look at that gorgeous bird!:love: !!!

    Pennie :smile: I saw that video on Youtube , it was so beautiful and so touching:heart::cry: !

    Sandy in ON :smile: Congrats on not being as sore as you thought you would be:flowerforyou: !!! You are making fantastic progress:bigsmile: !!!

    Jane Hadji :smile: So nice to see your post!!! I`m glad you`re back to traveling, taking care of yourself will go a long way in taking care of your parents too:flowerforyou: !!! I need to hit the linen sales this month too, sheets and towels!!! My hubby also had wholesale license, one year we had 9 different cars:noway: :grumble: . I had a new car every two years. I told him I was just getting used to when he was getting a new one. After he passed away, I kept my car for 10 years, BMW 7 series; I only got rid of it because it had started giving me problems. I`ve had my current on for 6 years and it`s still perfect! I get it detailed every two weeks and it looks brand new:love: !

    MA :smile: A kettlebell instead of an Easter egg…love it!!!!

    Barbie :smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful day, no rain, sunshine, walking the fur babies and line dancing:love: !

    Renny :smile: Are you not feeling well? You are up very early:yawn: ! Happy International Women`s Day!!!

    Katla :smile: You bought a car already:huh: ? I`m guessing DH already knew what he wanted:laugh: !!!

    Molly :smile: How very nice to see you again!!! Happy birthday:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Healthymeemaw :smile: Welcome!!! Hope you`ll pop in often and chat with us!

    Kim in CA :smile: Look at all the money you`re saving:bigsmile: !!!!

    The sun is shining bright off the snow on the ground, almost blinding:glasses: ! High for today 64 degrees, woo hoo…I`m ready for it!

    I plan on doing a bit of housework:grumble: and then I`m going to go play outside:bigsmile: :glasses: !!!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunshiny NC:glasses:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    DD got in about 6pm and she sure looks good to me. I made her favorite---stroganoff. She spent most of the evening looking at jobs online. I am supposed to be at a charity event right now but started feeling "off" last night, this am scratchy throat and almost no voice.........been drinking tea with lemon and honey a few hours. DH was soooooooo careful not to give me his crud, then Wed. evening I went to an event planning meeting and one of the women was sick and should not have been out............I am NOT happy!!!! Sunny today and quite a bit warmer, 50's, I think.

    janehadji.........nice to see you, I was wishing I was in Mexico also many days this winter! Hope your parents manage fine w/o you; that is a worry.

    Jill...........Congrats to you on 44 yrs. also!

    Katla.............WOW!!! He really is a NOW kind of guy! No wonder you were feeling so pressured! Hope you enjoy the new car and it serves you well many years; or, at least until he gets the itch again.

    Molly...........Good to see you also!

    Joyce.........Yes, I think you should just fly down too. Let them all fend for themselves.

    Intend to indulge myself for breakfast and have some chicken noodle soup!!!!
  • MariaBmb3
    MariaBmb3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie,

    I started my weight loss journey(for the 100th time) last May. I lost 26 pounds and was 1.5 pounds from my goal. I went to Vegas in October for my 25th anniversary and never got back on track. I gained back 15 pounds. I'm determined to get back on track. I just joined the gym with a friend and my goals for March are to exercise at least 5 days a week and keep my food diary on MFP. I have learned that I have to stay vigilant and keep tracking and having a support system is very important.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Good morning lovely women!:drinker: :flowerforyou: International Women's Day! Haven't seen anything on the news. Just the terrible plane crash.

    Two ffunny things about my new "stuff".
    When I was buying my bag the other day I told DH to ring me in the store when he had sorted out what he wanted to buy. So he rang me. (It is a HUGE store ) I couldn't answer the phone! I kept pressing the green light and nothing was happening! I had to ring him back. It was the first time anyone had rung me. :laugh: When I got home I asked him to ring me again. Still couldn't answer it.:noway: So I READ THE MANUAL,! :laugh: Whoops! You have go drag the green phone light across the screen. :embarassed:

    Then this morning we were both gymming in our spare room and the main phone rang. I answered it and it was the garage where DH had bought the car, just checking in with us. DH said, tell them I'll ring them back as he was in the middle of the elliptical. I insisted he take the call .:embarassed: When he had finished he told me that he was on track for a personal best time and that was why he hadn't wanted to take the call. :embarassed:

    I have at last got some sense from my freeholders and things seem to be moving. They have sent me info on how to extend the lease, so I will be employing solicitors on Monday. Some of you have made me think about redoing our wills, so that will be another job while we are about it. The lease is going yo an expensive business I think, but I would get almost no money for the flat eith a short lease, so I don't have any choice if I want to get rid of it.

    Weather glorious here todsy. DH is going to drop me off at the hairdressers as I don't want to park his new car on a Saturday in town.:embarassed: :embarassed: :tongue:
    Deedee - I would LOVE those trainers too! Yeah!

    My pesky half lb is still hanging in there! I have dropped cals by 100 in an effort to shift it.:sad:

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I routinely go to medical appointments with my DH because I want to know everything about how to support him. I would do just as you are planning to do.:flowerforyou: I used to take Lomotil but then I found Immodium. It is over the counter and works out fine for me. I took some yesterday as a precaution. My digestive system gets fussy when I am nervous, or when I eat the wrong things. Your DH has health problems that I don’t have to worry about, so he needs to do what the doctor orders. Sorry your Styrofoam bowl failed. I avoid that stuff whenever possible.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I need to thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. They helped. I like the term “underbuyer.” I think it fits me. DH has the new car he craved, and I’ll survive the sticker shock. :grumble: It is nice, runs on diesel, and will get good mileage. I doubt that the reductions at the gas pump will cover much of the payment, but this is a LOT more sensible than an RV. Love the goal, “Take care of myself today so I have a healthier tomorrow.” Sorry the neighbor’s mowing is so irritating. This might be a good time to go shopping or to the gym.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I think you’re wise to get to bed earlier in anticipation of the time change. Here I am, up at 3am. I got to bed early enough but didn’t manage to stay there. I’ve learned to get up rather than stay in bed tossing and turning. I want my body conditioned to sleep when in bed. It usually works for me.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! 100 pounds gone is an accomplishment to be proud of. :drinker: How are you planning to celebrate? Your ticker looks fabulous. :drinker: I don’t know anyone who has had a lung transplant, but I did work with a man who had a heart transplant. It was a miracle and the gift of life. In his case it gave him a high quality of life. I’ll keep your son in my prayers.:heart:

    FitDonna: I know it is hard to be patient but if your clothes fit better it is proof of success. It took me a year and a week to reach my goal and I learned a healthier way of life in the process. This is the race between the tortoise and the hare. You know who wins. Be patient and persistent and win. Meanwhile, hang around with us. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Enjoy yourself! You deserve a good time.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Good luck with the doctor appointment. I hope you’re able to feel better soon. As to the weight not dropping away, it appears you’ve hit a plateau. Keep on doing the right thing and the weight will eventually drop. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Prayers for your dad. I hope you are able to see the DGD in her play. I have heard about covering the floor with brown bags. Back when (the 1970’s) we had friends who did their floor that way. They tore the bags into small, irregular pieces and glued them to the floor, then topped them with many layers of gym-thane. It looked like leather and was quite attractive. I have no idea how durable it was, but it lasted for at least a few years. We moved and lost track of them. DD was considering a similar treatment for her kitchen counters. I don’t know whether it is still under consideration. Their old house is always under construction. Friends who used to belong to the CMA graduated to the biggest Harley on the planet, then realized it was too much for them to handle and traded it in on a big 5th wheel RV. They’re happy with the choice but it was hard for T to give up what he loved for so long. He just wasn’t physically able to handle it safely any more. I give him a lot of credit for having the good sense to make a change.:flowerforyou:

    Carmanlampman: You join by posting. You’re in! Welcome. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Kayak_kutie: Holy moly! $1042.22 is an enormous electric bill. Air-conditioned kennels explain a bunch. I love the heron picture.:flowerforyou:

    Jill and Juanita: March 21 will be our 44th anniversary. :love: We’re calling the new car our anniversary gift. 1970 was a very good year to get married. :flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO: Post when you can. Don’t worry about it when you’re too busy. Our last two cars were pre-owned, and both worked out very well. We couldn’t find a used one with the features we want this time.:noway: :ohwell: I hope to keep it a decade or more. When I was in high school I never knew what kind of car to look for if my dad was coming to get me. He loved to trade. I’m not a fan of frequent trading. I had my last car for nearly a decade, & we’ve kept our boats longer than that. My dad would have had a lot in common with your DH. He loved the hunt and the deal.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I agree with your advice about going to the doctor with your DH. Having two people hear the information results in better understanding. The State of Washington charges its citizens auto licensing fees based on assessed value, so a lot of people hang on to older cars. Oregon has a flat rate for car licenses. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: DH has known what he wanted for a LONG time, a diesel SUV. He’s had a diesel Passat for quite a few years and loves it. He was distracted by the motor home idea. That would have been a huge mistake for us and I’m glad I said no. This doesn’t seem like an “already” to me. It feels like a long drawn out ordeal.:tongue::ohwell:

    Yanniejannie: I am not a fan of people who come to meetings and events with contagious diseases. :noway: :grumble: It seems selfish and unfair to me. Unfortunately, the workplace often demands it. Since your event was not work, the woman should have stayed home. Chicken noodle soup is a perfect meal to help fight a cold.:flowerforyou:

    I’m wide awake, have been up a LONG time already, and it is only 5:46 am. I know I’m dealing with the stress of the car deal that followed so closely on the heels of the motor home conflict. :ohwell: I hope this will help my body get ready for the time change, so that I’ll at least get something good out of it. I wish we had year round daylight time. at our latitude, it gets dark before 4pm in December. I craved some light at the end of my workday and didn't get it for moths in the fall and winter. Now that we're both retired it doesn't make as much difference to me. I get to be out and about in the light.:bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Happy International Woman’s Day,

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    March is woman history month. A time to think and honor all the wonderful contributions woman have made.:smile:

    Sylvia 100 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joyce I know you will get back on track. You worked hard to lose those 56 pounds!

    Dee dee :drinker: I needed that laugh. Just watched laughing baby video again. Sorry your cherry tree took a hit with the ice.

    MariaBmb3 great goals.

    Yanniejannie chicken noodle soup. Yum!

    Katla Happy 44th Anniversary March 21.:flowerforyou:

    Pennie video Sweet Lorrain by Fred was heartfelt and touching. Thank you.

    Juanita Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: Sorry about the snow!

    Rita glad mom’s DH now has a sitter your mom trusts. That takes pressure off of her.

    Fitdonna agree with Michelle stick to a healthy eating plan and the weight will come off in time.

    Vicki sorry about your dad that fluid buildup is scary.

    Jill agree with you on weight loss strategy. Happy 44 years to you too.:flowerforyou:

    I need to be better at going to bed when I feel tired. Feel asleep twice while watching TV and then end up going to bed late. Had the munchies urge last night. My Lenten I will not eat after 7:00 helped. My non scale victory (NSV) my friend who teaches Kindergarten commented on how skinny I look. My friend has her hands full. One of her students acts like a two year old. She likes to play the game I am going to run all over the school. Time to watch the laughing baby video again.

    To make healthy choices today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    2014 word: contentment
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    love my herons~ thanks Katie:heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    morning morning everyone~
    well got my butt out and racewalked again,and I forked over my pedometer to the DH his health coach wants him to get 10,000 steps, he said yea I know,you know all about that stuff :laugh:
    so I will give the pedometer up for him as I still have my fit bit flex...
    HOT DAMN it is 51 out today whoooo hooooo, springs commin I can feel it..
    well just poppin in, gotta go make some gravy for my FIL , then off to buy bird seed.. then we are going to dinner at 99 restaurant and I will have tomato basil bisque and a garden salad with blue cheese dressing on the side:bigsmile: