

  • flolita
    flolita Posts: 6 Member
    So nice to see a thread for women over 50. It's a whole new game losing weight when you get older. Hoping that taking an active part in the the message boards helps me and others along our journies.

    Barb in Minnesota
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes, you are not far! Cave in Rock is a super cool place to visit! Small world, heh? :)
    Sharon I bet you are my neighbor! I live in Evansville Indiana which is extreme south western Indiana. We like to go over to Garden of the Gods and Cave in Rock. Molly, am I reading it right that you live in Kentucky?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    A quick post to mark my spot after scanning 5 or 6 pages of your news over the weekend. I spent the weekend visiting at my cousin's in TN as her mom and sister had come out from the west coast to see TN cousin's brand new first grand baby. I finally got to meet the baby today (so to speak, she was sleeping). Cute enough yet maybe its because my kids aren't married w/kids, but babies hold no attraction for me at this point. I'm not quite sure when that happened since I clearly recall how holding a new baby would really make me want another one - I liked the way they snuggled, how they smelled, the little noises, etc. So weird how things change! The time change was great for driving home as none of it was after dark.

    Another odd thing on this trip is that there was just one 'meal', lunch out on Saturday, for the whole weekend. It seems they just sort of graze all the time, and not on particularly nutritious stuff. I expect that was tough on the visiting cousin as she is T1 diabetic. Though even she ate things that were surprising to me -- and DH is diabetic, so I'm accustomed to the disease. Fortunately I had booked a hotel room for myself last night and there was a Subway next to it, so I got a turkey sandwich about 9p. All I can say is I really enjoyed the broccoli with dinner tonight, then had a pear, and then DH had prepped strawberries for dessert. It seems we eat much better than I would have previously stated!!

    Need to get to bed, though -- just a thing or two to take out of the dryer and I'm off.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Hello again!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Take it easy! I am feeling pretty yucky too. Hang in there. We live in So. IL....wonder if the ever changing weather is making us sick! Bring in the sunshine!
    Sharon :heart:

    HI ladies,

    Today was the first day I worked out in a week because I was sick all last week. I did an exercise video on uTube and I was only to do a little over 20 minutes. Before I got sick I would do 2 hours in the gym I feel like I am taking baby steps to get back into the groove.

    Diana in KY:flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've read the posts, but can't reply just now, so I'm marking my place. We drove to the beach today in the new car and it handled very well. The weather was so-so, but we had a good time. It was overcast, but it didn't rain or blow hard enough to cause frost bite. That qualifies as a good day at the beach in early March.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, I loved your description of your time at the beach. I could sit here and almost hear and smell it for myself. Yes, I think I could just sit and cry at the beauty and marvel of how the ocean and sky seem to merge into one big beautiful blue portrait.

    Katla, I missed what kind of car you eventually got.

    Been a good day. I joined the church this morning, found anther young couple who have also left the same church who said it was to comtemporary for them. And this couple was young!! /Has been wonderful temperatures and will continue this week. It's a good week for spring break.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Today was so warm and humid, it felt like Hawaii. I spent four hours raking leaves out of the garden, uncovering my poor blanched daffodils. I even swatted my first mosquito of the year. Later, a barn owl paid me a visit, perching in one of our fir trees while trying to escape the crows.

    My fingers and toes hurt today. Arthritis is a pain.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: :embarassed: Hi everyone just a quick one to let you know I'm still here.

    :grumble: I've had internet problems for the last few weeks, it's been off then working again for a short while before going off again. I think it's fixed now.

    Here we are in March already and I am in such a slump. Maybe now the weather is lighter on a morning and I'm not going home from work in the dark - I might finally get my act together. I need something to motivate me out of this "depression" and I need to log my food consistently!

    It's my day off today, I'm going into town with my mum, I could do t buy some new jeans and a few tops (if they are not too expensive)

    Sorry I've not caught up with everyone's news, I'll try to keep in the loop (hmm I'm sure I've said that before :embarassed: )
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Sandy – congrats on the weight loss – celebration planning sounds like a great idea…
    Sylvia – you need to get rid of the 4x tee shirts or buy belts and wear them with a belt as a dress!
    Joyce – I am sorry to hear of the vacation planning crazies – the right place is out there somewhere!
    JB – what a cute profile pic!
    newbies – Welcome!! We’re friendly ! I have only been here since mid-feb and already feel like I know some of these gals. My best advice is log your food and do it as soon after you eat it (or even before) as possible; nothing gets forgotten and if it is before and things are higher than you expected you can adjust before you eat it.
    Pat – I am impressed with 59 years…
    Carol – welcome home! What a wonderful beach escape! I loved your descriptions!

    So I kinda feel guilty saying this but my company leaves tomorrow and I am ready! I never admitted to dieting but did say I was trying to be a bit careful - OMG the comments and advice was beyond awful! I got grief for a salad - all veggies, no croutons or cheese or meat - and salsa for dressing... really a perfect meal (could have used some protein, but darn good) ...

    Levi (my furry friend) and I did a nice long walk today and will get out in the morning too. I found my pedometer and did 7900 steps today and most of today was sitting around chatting - I think I am going to use this as just a motivator.

    I love the term underbuyer - that is me to a T and when I do buy it has to be a deal - I love a yard sale; second hand shop; coupons, research on the best.... yet when I do finally buy if it is something I will have for a long time I want it to be good quality. There is a yahoo group called freecycle they have them for many cities so mine is freecycle dublin - and folks post stuff they have they don't want but are willing to give away for free and then if you want it you email and quickest email gets the item - you and the giver work out pick up. I've gotten great stuff - curtain rods, river rock, wicker coffee table all for free...

    well it is after midnight and we walk at 6:30am time for shut eye!
    Kim in California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning, everybody; hope we all have a good and healthy day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • quiltbaby56
    quiltbaby56 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All! I am Nancy from PA. I am 58 and ready to be done with this winter and the extra pounds I put on. I am enjoying reading everyone's posts! I feel like I have renewed energy and motivation after a great weekend. My goals for March 1) Continue doing fitness blenders 8 week program. 2) get outside and walk -aiming for 10,000 steps/day 3)log my food everyday...it works for me if I do it!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Kim- we have freecycle here too.. I am a bargain hunter from a way back.,my mom was a tag saler,thrift shops etc....
    I got a beautiful pair of lamps at a thrift shop for 7.00,bucks,here in Connecticut we also have Ocean State Job Lot, and Big Lots... they buy out closeouts etc... so you get bargains there too.
    having my lemon water and will get laundry in,make the DH dinner and take a shower and get to work.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    I did it again, never got on the computer all week-end. I tried using my phone to log food but when I put in myfitnesspal and sign in, it says I'm using the wrong sign in. I don't want to have two accounts.
    Today and tomorrow are suppose to be in the 60's and then snow is forcasted for Weds, go figure. I'd imagine it's will be more rain than snow.
    I haven't had time to read back as I'm at work. Welcome to all newbies and I sure hope everyone has a great week.
    God bless and have a healthy day.
    Patty in Cincinnati
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    The start of new week... means I have no time in the morning to chat with everyone:sad: ! I have read all the posts:heart: and it looks like everyone had a very nice weekend:bigsmile: !

    Viv:smile: So nice to see you again! Have a nice shopping trip with your mum!!!

    Carol:smile: So happy you had such a nice and well deserved weekend!!! Sometimes I wonder what "normal" really is:huh: !

    Katiebug:smile: Glad your wrist is finally feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is a great group of kind and supportive women, I think it`s the best thread on MFP!

    Have a marvelous Monday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in beautiful spring like NC:glasses:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Good morning!

    Very jealous of those with great weekend weather ... while we saw some sun, temperatures were still too cold! And more yuck is coming...:sad:

    Michele in NC .... allrecipes.com allows you to search recipes by ingredients you have/want. While it doesn't show the nutritional count in the search results ... when you view an individual recipe you will find that information at the very bottom of the page. I've had a lot of success with recipes from this site.

    Have a great Monday!

    Beth in WNY.
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    Hoping everyone has a great week and is off to a good start. Priorities...log everything, drink lots of water and exercise! And regardless of the forecast saying 1-2 inches of snow Thursday...I believe spring is almost here! ????????

    Have a fabulous day and be awesome!
    Marsha from eastern PA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Another gorgeous spring day!:bigsmile:

    Had a good session in the garden yesterdsy clearing the raised beds for later. Felt a bit stiff this morning, but it passed quickly. My gardening used to consist of standing there and pointing while DH did all the hard eork, but yesterday I dug and hoed alongside him. My knee could feel it this morning though.
    We've made a plan of where to grow what veg this year. I love growing my own.

    Today I will make a solicitor's appointment to sort out my rental lease. Money, money, money! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I was going to drive myself to buy the white lacy top, but DH wants to go supermarket shopping there at the same time so he will drive. Don't know if I am relieved or disappointed. :tongue: Got to do it sometime. I have very rarely driven with him in the car. I prefer to make my mistakes in private.:laugh:

    Having skinnytaste's Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie for dinner tonight. There is always some left over for lunch the next day. I love it. Will have with tomato salad and new potatoes for DH.

    OK. Must ring the solicitors.
    Bye for now, Heather in sunny and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies
    It was a lovely dark morning when we collected for our half marathon. It is conducted to raise awareness about women's issues and encourage women from all walks of life to come together and break their shackles. Running can do it, I started believing after I participated in their first, historic event in March 2012.
    Well there was lots of loud music and a fitness guru Mickey Mehta to help us warm up and away we went.......
    Initially the going was good, the air was cool and the giggling and laughter of first timers along with the confidence of the seasoned pros the perfect backdrop.
    As the kilometres were overcome steadily, cheered on by the officials, the volunteers and friends and family I witnessed a beautiful sunrise amidst the chirping of birds. My body was in great rhythm and I could see all my virtual friends egging me on, I pictured all of them and that made me smile....
    Soon the sun felt a bit too warm and the legs were reminding me they needed a break...... I remembered the strategy I had read on one of these pages... walk through the water stations.....so I did just that
    Th legs thanked me by doing their bit...... no cramps, no tantrums, no shrieks:bigsmile:
    As I caught up with a couple of girls who were ahead of me, chatting with them filled me with vigour as I raced past them.:blushing: Cheeky yeh?
    Well then I saw my DH who was capturing my moves on camera :noway: :blushing: :laugh:
    And soon I seem to have run past the finish line. I carried some lemonade with salt and sugar, which I sipped after the first 10kms every 2 kms and sipped water at every alternate water station.:drinker:
    I stretched afterwards for a while and noticed My body wasnt complaining as it had last year, after my maiden half marathon,
    So thank you all.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Hugs to all
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    i just had a fab breakfast..... i took my rye wrap spread a little whipped cream cheese on it and then put some fresh rasberries in it, oh my oh my that was yummy!!!
    oh yea I get to have a filling and a crown prep done at work today :noway: