21 Day Challenge



  • janet50561
    day 7/21..the weekend was a bust im afraid,,,,no exercise (well maybe a little bit of tipsy dancing..haha) and hardly ate...drank mostly...eeek! it was my daughters 'stag n doe' and boy i tell ya,,,we really ripped it up!! everyone had so much fun and i can't tell you the last time i did what i did saturday night....yesterday, was recovery day and i needed it.
    back on track today and goin' for it...haha!
    see everyone tomorrow. have a wonderful day xoxo
  • janet50561
    My weekend was a bust also. Dinner with college friends on Saturday night, including an awesome margarita, and then a concert at House of Blues on Sunday night. Took a walk on Saturday afternoon and also some tipsy dancing at the concert! Not nearly enough exercise to offset my calorie intake, but I had a great time. Time to get back on track!!
  • ToriBattleB
    ToriBattleB Posts: 53 Member
    Starting day 11! I had an emotional weekend. Friday was not a good food day but Saturday and Sunday I was determined to get back on track and I did. I hope I do reach my goal of losing 5 pounds at the end of this challenge but I'm just happy I'm sticking with my other goals which are praying more, logging EVERYTHING I eat, and just trying to stay positive about everything. I've also added a lot of friends that will help me stay healthy!!
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    Well, since I missed the beginning, I'll start tomorrow.

    1) Continue T25 workouts per the schedule. If I can't do the double day, do the second workout on the rest day
    2) Plan out meals for lunches and snacks ahead of time
    3) Log meals and exercise everyday (and hit a 30 day streak)
    4) Give it my best effort
    5) Lose 5 pounds or 2 inches by day 21

    What a great challenge! Thank you so much for sharing :)

    I would love to make some new friends. Anyone feel free to send me a request!

  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day13/21 went well not sure if I went over or not tried to give a good estimate on the dinner I had with my mom, sushi ????. Got my steps in and my strength training.
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    day 8/21!.....hmmm,,,today is a new day.....a familiar saying!!
    ive meditated, exercised, logged, walked and have 1 litre of water down! id say today is going pretty good so far and its not even noon! i may have to take a nap...AH HAHA!!!
    kickstarting my way back from the weekend and all its splendor. no regrets at all, just right back at it.
    hope everyone is having a terrrrrific tuesday xo
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 14 of 21- didnt post for a couple days because i was out of state spending time with family, but stayed on track for the most part, even with no gym access i still got in some good runs and did circuits of push-ups squats ,dips and different bodyweight exercises. Proud of everyone that has stayed on track, doing great!
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 1/21 - Did my T25 workout and got a good calorie burn out of it! Logged all of my meals and exercise already and have planned out lunch and snacks for tomorrow. Worked harder than I ever have before at T25. Good start to a quick challenge!
  • jdhubbard
    jdhubbard Posts: 26 Member
    Day 14/21 here. I've had a busy week and wasn't able to check in, but have been doing my best to meet my daily goals.
    It hasn't been perfect, as there were a few days of complete chaos when I was over on calories. However, I still tracked and was aware of what I was eating.
    I haven't exercised every day, but completed week 3 of C25K. I was supposed to do day 2 of week 4 today, but am exhausted after a stressful work day. I took the kids for a 30min walk instead avoiding exercise though, so that's an improvement.
    Keep it up everyone, small changes to daily habits can make a huge difference!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    15/21 went well did Zumba and then came home so hungry so I've eaten some snacks more than I normally would. I have to remember to have more protein throughout the day.
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    Missed the beginning and starting today! 3/12/14 1/21

    Gym every other day one hour.
    Thankful prayers either at home or at church. 1 hour
    Preparing food day before so as not to overeat.
    One hour organization in home or home office.
    Walking every other day
    maintaining log MFP 1200 calories
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Missing the beginning, but I'm starting tomorrow.

    1) Continue with 30 Day Shred. On Level 3.
    2) Start Ripped in 30 (or another JM video) after 30DS
    3) Start reading Beautiful Creatures for at least 20 minutes/day
    4) Put in my exercise and calorie intake on MFP daily

    Starting March 12th. Last day April 1st.
  • 19Chatham70
    19Chatham70 Posts: 7 Member
    Day 16! So glad to have this challenge...it really helps.
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    day 9/21
    workouts - good
    water - good
    logging - good
    food prep = good
    daily meditation = needs work!
    encouraging others - nailed it!

    haha!!! oh, life is but a dream!!! im not going to the gym today rather doing day 1 of level 3 - 30 day shred...eek! im ascared!
    happy hump day everyone and hope your day is FABULOUS XO
  • glynie12
    glynie12 Posts: 182 Member
    Day 14/21 here. I've had a busy week and wasn't able to check in, but have been doing my best to meet my daily goals.
    It hasn't been perfect, as there were a few days of complete chaos when I was over on calories. However, I still tracked and was aware of what I was eating.
    I haven't exercised every day, but completed week 3 of C25K. I was supposed to do day 2 of week 4 today, but am exhausted after a stressful work day. I took the kids for a 30min walk instead avoiding exercise though, so that's an improvement.
    Keep it up everyone, small changes to daily habits can make a huge difference!

    i think this is awesome!!! way to go for doing what you did do and not giving up:smile:
  • Renegade706
    Renegade706 Posts: 209
    Day 15 of 21- The final stretch for me ( for this challenge, will just keep pushing for bigger goals and better habits when its over) Had a good day today, work was busy but ate healthy, have encouraged people , got in a good workout this morning, have not quite hit water goal yet but will before night is over. SO inspiring to see so many of you still going strong, and motivating to see new people starting the challenge. I hope its the first step toward a lifetime of healthy habits! God Bless
  • desi102390
    Okay, I am late (new to MFP) but I am in as well!

    1.) Work out at least 3-4 days per week
    2.) Incorporate weight training at least 2-3 days per week
    3.) Read something enjoyable a couple of days per week
    4.) Log my workouts and meals on MFP (for some reason, I think this one will be the most difficult!)
    5.) Do not cave in to cravings and do not eat when bored
    6.) Transition to a healthier diet/ less snacking
    7.) Lost 10 pounds by day 21.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Day 15/21 didn't feel well today I got most my steps but not all, logged everything, and drank water. Now for bed and here's to hoping for a good nights sleep.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I'm joining late!
    1. Walk/Jog at least three hours a week on top of my 5 weekly workouts.
    2. Log everything.
    3. Stay under my calorie goals.
    4. Hit my protein goals.
    5. Meditate daily.
    6. Lose 3 lbs.
  • Jessarue
    Jessarue Posts: 3
    Also joining late..
    But here I go.

    1. Run for 1 hour every day except Sunday
    2. Log all food intake
    3. Drink 8 cups of water each day
    4. Limit myself to ONE cup of sugared tea a day. :(
    5. Be in bed by 9:20pm nightly
    6. Stop biting my damn nails (irrelevant, but much needed)
    7. lose 10 lbs by April 2nd.
    8. DON'T STOP at the end of 21 days. Keep going.