5ft 3.5 - 5ft 4 ladies - goal weight?



  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Planning on about 130 lbs now. I've been down to the 120s in the past and with my built it looks skeletal so I have a 130 plan.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Everyone's frame is so different that there is no ideal number. I'm 5'4" and anything over 120lbs would look chunky on me unless maybe if I'm lifting heavy. I'm currently 113-114lbs on most days and I'm comfortable with that. However, I'm still working on building strength and definition in my body.
  • meganb2506
    meganb2506 Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5ft3.5 CW is 136 although my GW has always been 120. I do worry that this would look too small however and will decide when I reach this. However I am also lifting, so my size 8 figure I am aiming for may actually be more weight than I am now. Which I am happy with. It may be worth measuring and taking before pictures and focusing on the look you want rather than a number.
  • Im 5'4 started at 141 down to 130, my goal is somewhere in the 122-118 range. For those of you at 5'4 wanting to be 110lbs or less, i have a friend who is 5'3 and models for a very successful boutique, she is tiny but very fit, weighs 117 and is in a size zero…if you want to be "skinny fat" with no muscle tone under 110 is ok i guess, but if you want to be thin and toned you should up your goal weight and go for measurements not weight
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I'm around 5'3" (I lie to myself and say 5'4" though)

    CW: 155.5
    No-longer-overweight-goal-weight: 144
    UGW: unicorn

    I can't imagine my body not being the size it's at, seeing as I've been between the 140s and 160s my entire teenaged and then adult life. I think I'll know when I'm at my UGW (if I ever get there) just by intuition. And by how much I start acting like Lumpy Space Princess.

  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    According to the National Institutes of Health, a woman should weigh roughly 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet of height and then an additional 5 lbs. for every inch over this height. If you're 5 feet 4 inches tall, your ideal body weight is right around 120 lbs. But with petite women of a small frame, you should also subtract 10 percent from this body weight. This means that your ideal body weight is now 108 lbs. Larger frames add 10 percent, so your ideal body weight is now 132 lbs.
    That's interesting. I am larger framed and when I lost weight and added lean muscle I dropped to 120 lbs. I had never weighed so little before; well except maybe 6th grade... Even though I had muscle and was eating healthy and exercising, I was asked by many of my friends if I was sick; they suspected the worse. I took a really good look in the mirror and my face was way too thin and it made me look old. Yikes! So I gained back about 8 pounds and looked fabulous and healthy at 128. So that's my goal at 5'4"

    So by the NIH standard, my goal weight is 132? Screw the NIH. Seriously!
    Body Composition is way more important. I currently have an estimated 135 lbs of lean tissue. More lean tissue means your metabolism stays higher and you actually can eat more food to maintain. If I were to get to 132 and even get to 18% body fat (which is on the verge of unhealthly for a woman of child bearing age), I'd have to lose 27 pounds of lean tissue. No thanks.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I once got down to 149 and I looked great! My goal is 145. I know it's the top of the "healthy" range, but I really liked how I looked when I was at 149. I can't imagine being any smaller than 145. I don't think I would want to be.
  • KelARita7
    KelARita7 Posts: 2,694 Member
    I'm 5'4"

    Heaviest: 200lbs
    CW: 141
    GW: 130-135

    Was down and maintained 135 for a couple years and loved it. So would be happy there, but would love to see 130.
  • gidgemidge
    gidgemidge Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'4 and going for 122 pounds. I got too skinny when I dropped below 120 once, but I feel like I looked my very best at 122 :)
  • I read American Cancer Society recommend 100 lbs for 5 feet then 5 lbs for every inch after that...but I am 5'4" and I think 120 may be too thin for me so you should take body type into account...personally I am aiming for 130....best wishes to you!!!
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I want to be 120-125. But once I'm happy with my body I will probably stop, whether it is at a higher weight or lower.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    28 yrs old

    SW: 203
    CW: 145

    At 145 pounds I wear a size 4 or 6. I'm muscular and couldn't imagine myself less than 130 pounds. It would definitely look unhealthy.
  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    My SW was 180 and I'm currently at 132. All along, my GW was 130 but now that I'm almost there, my plan is to get to 125 and then re-evaluate and then I may go for 120.
  • FrumeSarah
    FrumeSarah Posts: 1 Member
    43 yo
    5ft 3.5 in

    SW: 181
    CW: 161
    GW: 130

    That's my first goal. If I am still feeling great, I will then go for 125.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'm 5'4" and I've set a range weight for myself. I think it helps ease stress a little bit if you're not too strict with your numbers. I'm aiming for 140-145. Everyone has different frames though too so someone our height might look good at 115 but it would make me look really sick. So definitely keep your bone structure in mind.
  • I'm barely off 5'4" (I just tell people I'm 5'4" :tongue: ) and my current weight is 135ish (not sure because my scale broke and i haven't weighed myself in a while). My first goal weight is in the 120-125 range, but my ultimate goal weight is 110-115 lbs (I have to be skinny because I'm a dancer...so what's abnormally skinny for some is average for me....) Plus I have a large frame and I'm pretty muscular and curvy. I do know some girls that are 5'4 and 70lbs but that's too thin. It's natural for them, but if you are trying to lose weight to get to that size it is unhealthy. It all depends on if you have a small, medium, or large frame and also how much muscle you have.

    And also looking at it from a size perspective I'm a 0-2 in jeans and adult small/medium in shirts (I have a larger chest area)
  • CW: 189.2 lbs.
    GW: 121 lbs.
    Ht.: 5 ft. 3.75 in.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    According to the National Institutes of Health, a woman should weigh roughly 100 lbs. for the first 5 feet of height and then an additional 5 lbs. for every inch over this height. If you're 5 feet 4 inches tall, your ideal body weight is right around 120 lbs. But with petite women of a small frame, you should also subtract 10 percent from this body weight. This means that your ideal body weight is now 108 lbs. Larger frames add 10 percent, so your ideal body weight is now 132 lbs.

    That sounds good except for body shape side of it. For example, women with more chest should weigh more than those of us with little. Same for bottom. Some of you are beautifully thin and curvy. It seems that measurements would also be helpful.
  • I am currently 5'4 and 154 pounds. My goal weight is around 125ish but I will be happy getting down to 130. I also want to have a good amount of muscle on me, so as long as its not fat the goal weight doesn't matter. lol
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" ish. My goal right now is 130lbs. Once I get there, I will check my Bf% and go from there and recomp my body. According to most charts, medium framed me "should" be 110-120.... I have a hard time believing that, since I haven't been under 150 since elementary school...but we shall see.

    Don't believe it. I'm your same height and frame (and wear a 36B). If I weighed 110lbs I would need to be admitted to a hospital, unless somehow I were all muscle. Right now I'm 140lbs but at 120lbs I've got bones sticking out everywhere.