Anyone taking Phentermine 37.5?



  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    OP, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". A pill will never do what an informed mind, balanced diet, and active lifestyle will do for you. Sure you may lose your weight and those cravings may go away, but after you stop they will return. And last time I checked most of the people on here that are reporting taking it did not have crazy weight loss ie: 30 pounds in 5 months/1-2 pounds a week.....I did both of these with diet and exercise alone.

    Just gotta ask yourself if the reward is worth the risk, I guess?

    And I'm doing it with a new lifestyle and medication. So yay for both of us.

    Risks? I have a doctor to inform me of risks as well as a new way of looking at food and exercise so yeah, I'm very happy with what I have going on. Again, this is clearly a thread for people and their experiences on the medication. However, there are a lot of people complaining and being negative instead. I really have no desire to hear anyone's opinion if they've never used it. I'm pretty sure we all know the negative things people with no experience have to say. It works for some and not for others.

    Bottom line, FROM MY DOCTOR, it's a short term boost to get you on the right path. When you stop the medication, the healthy habits need to stick otherwise you will gain weight. If you are active and eat healthy, you will continue to lose or maintain. My BP is fine, blood work is perfect.

    But thank you for your input.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    OP, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". A pill will never do what an informed mind, balanced diet, and active lifestyle will do for you. Sure you may lose your weight and those cravings may go away, but after you stop they will return. And last time I checked most of the people on here that are reporting taking it did not have crazy weight loss ie: 30 pounds in 5 months/1-2 pounds a week.....I did both of these with diet and exercise alone.

    Just gotta ask yourself if the reward is worth the risk, I guess?

    And I'm doing it with a new lifestyle and medication. So yay for both of us.

    Risks? I have a doctor to inform me of risks as well as a new way of looking at food and exercise so yeah, I'm very happy with what I have going on. Again, this is clearly a thread for people and their experiences on the medication. However, there are a lot of people complaining and being negative instead. I really have no desire to hear anyone's opinion if they've never used it. I'm pretty sure we all know the negative things people with no experience have to say. It works for some and not for others.

    Bottom line, FROM MY DOCTOR, it's a short term boost to get you on the right path. When you stop the medication, the healthy habits need to stick otherwise you will gain weight. If you are active and eat healthy, you will continue to lose or maintain. My BP is fine, blood work is perfect.

    But thank you for your input.

    Amen! Yes! :) This is what I was also trying to say!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    OP, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". A pill will never do what an informed mind, balanced diet, and active lifestyle will do for you. Sure you may lose your weight and those cravings may go away, but after you stop they will return. And last time I checked most of the people on here that are reporting taking it did not have crazy weight loss ie: 30 pounds in 5 months/1-2 pounds a week.....I did both of these with diet and exercise alone.

    Just gotta ask yourself if the reward is worth the risk, I guess?

    And I'm doing it with a new lifestyle and medication. So yay for both of us.

    Risks? I have a doctor to inform me of risks as well as a new way of looking at food and exercise so yeah, I'm very happy with what I have going on. Again, this is clearly a thread for people and their experiences on the medication. However, there are a lot of people complaining and being negative instead. I really have no desire to hear anyone's opinion if they've never used it. I'm pretty sure we all know the negative things people with no experience have to say. It works for some and not for others.

    Bottom line, FROM MY DOCTOR, it's a short term boost to get you on the right path. When you stop the medication, the healthy habits need to stick otherwise you will gain weight. If you are active and eat healthy, you will continue to lose or maintain. My BP is fine, blood work is perfect.

    But thank you for your input.

    Not sure why you gotta get so defensive about it or cop such an attitude. None of us, at least myself, are trying to be preachy or "high horsed". We simply are looking out for the well-being of the people on this site. Good luck.
  • capi99
    capi99 Posts: 21
    I was on this a similar pill years ago, and I have to say it worked on me losing about 50lbs,but I was a complete mental case. Perhaps this is a different kind, when I was on it, it was called Ionamin. I lost about 50 lbs on it, but unfortunately, I went overboard and would go for days without eating. I was down to about 86lbs at 5"3, and still felt I was fat. There I times I wish that here in Canada, they still had similar supplements, but if used the wrong way, they could pose a problem. This is probably why they took them off the market here in Canada. I keep looking for safer alternatives, because I can't help my urges to binge/purge when I eat the wrong stuff.
  • I've read every post on this subject, and it seems like many people have opinions on the subject...many people also have different results while taking this prescription, and I'd like to share my thoughts. I have been well over 200 pounds since middle school, and that was 25 years ago. I am diabetic (my pancreas does not supply much insulin, and my cells are completely insulin resistant), and I am always's like it never shuts off. I have no "full" signal. My doctor started me on phentermine 30 mg on Feb. 9.
    I wasn't just handed a prescription, I was handed a set of rules for a healthy diet. A reasonable amount of calories, a whole lot of direction, and unlimited support. In the past month, I have been hungry, yes. But the cool thing is that I have learned to control my portions, weigh everything I eat, and say no to overeating. Yes, I may be hungry, but I am finally able to make much better choices and STOP EATING after I've met my alloted calories for my meal. I've learned that I need to have something small every 2.5 hours so that I can keep my sugars at an awesome level and not become absolutely ravenous.
    My doctor will not prescribe anything higher than the dose I'm on now. He will also stop prescribing this after 3 months, due to the fact that after 3 months this new, healthy relationship with food should have become an ingrained habit and not a fad diet. Do I want people to shame me because of my choice to make changes in order to live a lifestyle where I can make conscious choices to be healthy every step of the way? Not really, but at the same time I know I personally needed to have the opportunity to be taught how to control my health. I hope that everyone can understand that this option is different for everyone. My blood pressure has dropped, I don't suffer from the side effects that have been mentioned, and while I had an enormous weight loss in the first two weeks (attributed to ditching the diet soda and whatever I could shovel in my mouth), I am averaging about 1.5 - 2 pounds lost per week.
    I hope not to be judged harshly for my post. This lifestyle change was necessary to teach me control and to keep me alive. : )
  • Hi, I saw your post. I just want to encourage you. I lost over 300 lbs, had both knees replaced and have changed my life. When I started I could barely walk. Now I am a fitness instructor. It is all about regaining control of your life. Good luck and keep logging everything. I still do.
  • Hi, I saw your post. I just want to encourage you. I lost over 300 lbs, had both knees replaced and have changed my life. When I started I could barely walk. Now I am a fitness instructor. It is all about regaining control of your life. Good luck and keep logging everything. I still do.

    That's absolutely awesome! I know for me, the food logging will be the major contributor to my success.
  • Dkietzer
    Dkietzer Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.

    I agree. It is a dangerous drug. It is one of the two drugs in the old Phen-phen which was taken off the market due to heart problems (which people who took it are still dealing with today). I am a physician assistant and I won't prescribe it. It is only approved for 12 weeks of use I think, not 3-6 months. Some people find it helpful to jumpstart weigt loss, however, the risks outweigh any benefits of this drug. I would avoid it due to the risky side effects.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.

    Well 12 weeks is 3 months and that's typically the common time frame that it is given. All drugs have given side effects and I am on it due to my doctor taking plenty of tests and tracking my weight for almost 3 years. It has caused way more weight loss than exercise and diet alone for me (Mind you, I eat clean and workout 6x a week for 1-3 hours each time) and I even gained weight at my healthiest lifestyle change. Once again, people who do not continue the lifestyle they've started with the pill WILL gain the weight back. However, those who continue with the changes that they've made should maintain and continue to lose. Everyone in this feed specifically said- I gained the weight back because of X, Y and Z. Every single medication on this market has risks and Phentermine is a short term pill. There are far worse things on the market today than this and I feel safe that my vitals have been tracked this whole time and has made the difference in my life and will continue to do so after the pill.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    I've read every post on this subject, and it seems like many people have opinions on the subject...many people also have different results while taking this prescription, and I'd like to share my thoughts. I have been well over 200 pounds since middle school, and that was 25 years ago. I am diabetic (my pancreas does not supply much insulin, and my cells are completely insulin resistant), and I am always's like it never shuts off. I have no "full" signal. My doctor started me on phentermine 30 mg on Feb. 9.
    I wasn't just handed a prescription, I was handed a set of rules for a healthy diet. A reasonable amount of calories, a whole lot of direction, and unlimited support. In the past month, I have been hungry, yes. But the cool thing is that I have learned to control my portions, weigh everything I eat, and say no to overeating. Yes, I may be hungry, but I am finally able to make much better choices and STOP EATING after I've met my alloted calories for my meal. I've learned that I need to have something small every 2.5 hours so that I can keep my sugars at an awesome level and not become absolutely ravenous.
    My doctor will not prescribe anything higher than the dose I'm on now. He will also stop prescribing this after 3 months, due to the fact that after 3 months this new, healthy relationship with food should have become an ingrained habit and not a fad diet. Do I want people to shame me because of my choice to make changes in order to live a lifestyle where I can make conscious choices to be healthy every step of the way? Not really, but at the same time I know I personally needed to have the opportunity to be taught how to control my health. I hope that everyone can understand that this option is different for everyone. My blood pressure has dropped, I don't suffer from the side effects that have been mentioned, and while I had an enormous weight loss in the first two weeks (attributed to ditching the diet soda and whatever I could shovel in my mouth), I am averaging about 1.5 - 2 pounds lost per week.
    I hope not to be judged harshly for my post. This lifestyle change was necessary to teach me control and to keep me alive. : )

    I couldn't agree more! Very well said. I needed that push, too. It has definitely taught me a whole new way of looking at food. I don't eat until my stomach hurts. I eat until I'm, not full, but satisfied. Not only am I controlling my portions, but I've completely turned my diet around. There was a time that I could eat an entire large cheese pizza BY MYSELF, in one sitting. How gross is that?! I am now sticking to fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and fish. While I still will enjoy pizza or something "bad", it's completely in moderation. I do not go overboard. Two pieces of pizza is fine with me because I'm not denying myself. I feel like every time that I denied myself something I wanted, I would fall off track and just ruin the entire day of hard work by eating junk instead.
    Good luck!!
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    I was on this a similar pill years ago, and I have to say it worked on me losing about 50lbs,but I was a complete mental case. Perhaps this is a different kind, when I was on it, it was called Ionamin. I lost about 50 lbs on it, but unfortunately, I went overboard and would go for days without eating. I was down to about 86lbs at 5"3, and still felt I was fat. There I times I wish that here in Canada, they still had similar supplements, but if used the wrong way, they could pose a problem. This is probably why they took them off the market here in Canada. I keep looking for safer alternatives, because I can't help my urges to binge/purge when I eat the wrong stuff.

    This sounds terrible! I don't have any side effects like that, but I do have dry mouth. That's about the extend of the side effects for me, which it's great considering there are a lot of people who have had much worse occur while taking the medication. It definitely curbs my appetite, but I do still get hungry. It's just not as intense as it was before.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    I was on this a similar pill years ago, and I have to say it worked on me losing about 50lbs,but I was a complete mental case. Perhaps this is a different kind, when I was on it, it was called Ionamin. I lost about 50 lbs on it, but unfortunately, I went overboard and would go for days without eating. I was down to about 86lbs at 5"3, and still felt I was fat. There I times I wish that here in Canada, they still had similar supplements, but if used the wrong way, they could pose a problem. This is probably why they took them off the market here in Canada. I keep looking for safer alternatives, because I can't help my urges to binge/purge when I eat the wrong stuff.

    This sounds terrible! I don't have any side effects like that, but I do have dry mouth. That's about the extend of the side effects for me, which it's great considering there are a lot of people who have had much worse occur while taking the medication. It definitely curbs my appetite, but I do still get hungry. It's just not as intense as it was before.

    Look for my new topic on the 3 month update! Would love to hear your stories along the way and have the support :)
  • Good luck to you too, Amanda. For some of us, many issues come into play...I'm not just a lazy chick looking for a quick fix! This is a last resort, life changing effort which I know I'll be successful following through on.
  • CBC435
    CBC435 Posts: 103 Member
    Good luck to you too, Amanda. For some of us, many issues come into play...I'm not just a lazy chick looking for a quick fix! This is a last resort, life changing effort which I know I'll be successful following through on.

    kelli_panzera- would love to hear your stories and success with it too! Look for the current topic I just posted with some cool chicks who are on phen!
  • ngd_2002
    ngd_2002 Posts: 3
    I am taking it, I started late January and have lost 15 pounds since then. I am on HALF of the 37.5 dose only once a day. I have had no other side effects from the pill other than a little bit of insomnia. My doctor that that this was a best way to start me as well. A lot of people don't like it, but you have to do what's best for you. If nothing it taught me to value what I was eating because I couldn't eat that much!!!
  • ngd_2002
    ngd_2002 Posts: 3
    WELL SAID!!!!
    I've read every post on this subject, and it seems like many people have opinions on the subject...many people also have different results while taking this prescription, and I'd like to share my thoughts. I have been well over 200 pounds since middle school, and that was 25 years ago. I am diabetic (my pancreas does not supply much insulin, and my cells are completely insulin resistant), and I am always's like it never shuts off. I have no "full" signal. My doctor started me on phentermine 30 mg on Feb. 9.
    I wasn't just handed a prescription, I was handed a set of rules for a healthy diet. A reasonable amount of calories, a whole lot of direction, and unlimited support. In the past month, I have been hungry, yes. But the cool thing is that I have learned to control my portions, weigh everything I eat, and say no to overeating. Yes, I may be hungry, but I am finally able to make much better choices and STOP EATING after I've met my alloted calories for my meal. I've learned that I need to have something small every 2.5 hours so that I can keep my sugars at an awesome level and not become absolutely ravenous.
    My doctor will not prescribe anything higher than the dose I'm on now. He will also stop prescribing this after 3 months, due to the fact that after 3 months this new, healthy relationship with food should have become an ingrained habit and not a fad diet. Do I want people to shame me because of my choice to make changes in order to live a lifestyle where I can make conscious choices to be healthy every step of the way? Not really, but at the same time I know I personally needed to have the opportunity to be taught how to control my health. I hope that everyone can understand that this option is different for everyone. My blood pressure has dropped, I don't suffer from the side effects that have been mentioned, and while I had an enormous weight loss in the first two weeks (attributed to ditching the diet soda and whatever I could shovel in my mouth), I am averaging about 1.5 - 2 pounds lost per week.
    I hope not to be judged harshly for my post. This lifestyle change was necessary to teach me control and to keep me alive. : )

    I couldn't agree more! Very well said. I needed that push, too. It has definitely taught me a whole new way of looking at food. I don't eat until my stomach hurts. I eat until I'm, not full, but satisfied. Not only am I controlling my portions, but I've completely turned my diet around. There was a time that I could eat an entire large cheese pizza BY MYSELF, in one sitting. How gross is that?! I am now sticking to fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, and fish. While I still will enjoy pizza or something "bad", it's completely in moderation. I do not go overboard. Two pieces of pizza is fine with me because I'm not denying myself. I feel like every time that I denied myself something I wanted, I would fall off track and just ruin the entire day of hard work by eating junk instead.
    Good luck!!
  • dania6
    dania6 Posts: 2
    I started on Phentermine HCl 37.5 on September 1st. I lost 17 lbs by the end of Sept. 30th. Basically I was counting calories and stayed between 1000-1200 calories a day. I cut soda, worked out occasionally. I had no side effects what so ever. No burst of energy, no insomnia. It was great! But I got a new rx on Oct 1st and I had horrible side effects. I was feeling dizzy, my left had felt numb and tingly. I felt like there were waves in my head. I was sleepy all of the time. I took them for one week and stopped last Thursday. I looked at the pills and I could swear they are different from the ones I had before. I had them filled at the same pharmacy. I got a new rx yesterday and I am having it filled again. The only difference I noticed were the labeling. One rx label stated Phentermine Hcl 37.5 generic for PHENTERMINE HCL 37.5 and the other was PHENTERMINE HCL 37.5 (generic was not written any where). I don't know if there is any major difference between the labeling. But I will ask the pharmacist tomorrow. I am hoping to take the ones where I did not have any side effects at all. Since I have been off of it for the past week I noticed my appetite has returned but have been able to maintain the same calorie diet. I know it's not supposed to be a quick fix and I know the weight will come back if I don't change my personal habits. I just want to get back to my normal weight. I've been struggling for a few years and this has really helped. I'm not able to do any hard core cardio like I wish I could because of injuries.
    Has anyone had the same experience I've had with the side effects? Never having them to having them? I am going to try the new rx and if I feel the same side effects, I will not continue. I could not function with it. Even on 1/2 a pill. It has been great to fit into old clothes. Just the motivation I need to continue with this weight loss.
  • Yes there are risks involved, but there are also risks with being overweight. I take it and made major positive changes in my diet and exercise. To me, I see it as creating a healthy lifestyle and when I stop taking it I hope to have trained my body to eat properly and exercise regularly so I don't gain it back. Everyone has their own beliefs and they won't change them just because you disagree...can't we all just get along? Lol, if anyone taking it would like to add me feel free.... even if you don't take it. It is really encouraging and helpful to see other's journeys.
  • Hello, I am currently on my first day of phentermine 37.5. I am 57 year old female who has tried the diets out there without success. I work as an RN but at an office, sit down job, my friend that I work with recommended this doctor who's expertise is in weight loss. My friend lost 40 lbs in 90 days. Cutting out most carbs, allowed 40 g per day, high protein, tons of water, protein shakes and bars and most important is to eat every 3-4 hours. I am also on Effexor for depression for the last 10 plus years, so I am hoping this will not cause problems with the phentermine. Would like to talk to people who are currently on phentermine and how they are managing with the weight loss or side effects.