Meal Plan - How much have you paid?



  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I use the Fresh 20 and it is only 5 dinners for the week. I think I got a Groupon for $26 for the year. Every Friday I get a packet with my grocery list, recipes and a list of the steps to make it easier to prepare each week. It is really nice..

    That actually sounds perfect! I'll check in to that, thank you :)
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    You could have used Google if all you needed was some variety. If you aren't creative they are plenty of sites with great meals. Most people eat the same thing each week because it's easier to prep enough for the week. I do it, but when I need a change in flavor I go get something that day different but still fits my macros.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Paying for a meal plan?

  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions on sites to check out!!! Much appreciated
    Good luck. I would also suggest trying to get your money back. Worth a shot. And report what happened to whomever suggested this person to you.

    The person was a long time 'friend' and a fitness competitor/personal trainer/nutritionist whom I thought I could trust. There really is no sense in arguing with her to get my money back, and to be honest, I already know this is my own fault so I will chalk it up to experience, and moving forward have better resources.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    but I work 14 hr days, with 3 hrs of commuting

    Why would anyone do this? I understand about making ends meet but there has to be another way. I think people get caught up in how Type A they think they should be sometimes.
  • tattoofatty
    tattoofatty Posts: 114 Member
    I did & paid $99 for 3 months of weekly meal plans that included 3 meals a day, 1-3 snacks plus workout plans & access to a personal trainer to chat with whenever I needed to ask a question or get feedback. This didn't include food, but I did receive a detailed grocery list each week with the menu

    awesome info! :D Checking this out :D
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Eating well has a ton of meal plans along with recipes and shopping lists sounds like just what you need. try their web site.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I thought it was pretty standard, and couldn't find much on the internet in regards to costs for meal plans and such from professionals.

    I am now finding out I definitely got screwed lol.

    What websites would you recommend?

    Just consider it a cheap lesson. You coulda been on the hook to pay this for a year or something!

    Personally, I'm an on-the-fly meal planner and I do a whirlwind of cooking on Sundays and do leftovers all week, and go out on Saturdays. I do some slowcooker pulled pork/chicken, bake 5 butterflied breasts, and lots of veggies. I only do salt/pepper so that I can season/sauce them however I like throughout the week. I've tried planning, but I'm extremely lazy and always deviate from any plan.

    Thanks! I will take a look into the slow cooker, heard a lot of people think they are great!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    but I work 14 hr days, with 3 hrs of commuting

    Why would anyone do this? I understand about making ends meet but there has to be another way. I think people get caught up in how Type A they think they should be sometimes.

    You go where the work is lol and the cost of living in the same city as work isn't always the same. I love my job :) just takes up a lot of time is all.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member

    I just paid 150$ for a month of meal plan... I'm wondering if that was reasonable or not?
    I don't really feel like it was at all.

    She gave me 6 meals, to eat each day... and that's it. Not a different meal plan for everyday, not a different meal plan for each week. Just 6 meal ideas that I'm to eat the same thing everyday. I told her my whole problem was boredom - if I'm bored of eating the same foods, I cheat. That I needed variety... what should I do? I don't feel like I got what I paid for really... and I didn't get a lot of options which was the whole reason I wanted to go with someone to create a meal plan for me... I don't want to argue with her, but I obviously can't get my money back either. I'm just not satisfied

    She charges 150/month - has anyone ever paid someone to create meal plans for them? What did you pay? What did you get for it??

    Holy crap. I was thinking of making meal plans for people and offering support (I'm an RN, working on my personal training and sports nutrition certs) and I was only going to charge $100 a month and people would get four weeks worth of different menus, plus exercise and skype sessions. Maybe I'm naive, but I think you got ripped off.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Eating well has a ton of meal plans along with recipes and shopping lists sounds like just what you need. try their web site.

    Awesome, thank you :)
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I would never pay for a meal plan, they're too easy for me to do on my own. I did, though, pay for Nutrisystem, which is kind of like a meal plan except they give you the actual food. I lost a lot of weight, but, like anything, once I was on my "maintenance" program I went BSC bingeing again. Nutrisystem does have a kind of teaching program but it's nothing you can't get for free on the internet - as long as you're careful about which sites you use!!

    The USDA has one for free at
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    They weren't even recipes! I'm feeling really ripped off.

    It definitely isn't something I'll be doing again - you're right about 'writing it off as an experience'

    The meal plan looks something similar to this:

    meal 1 - 1/2 cup fat free greek yogurt, and 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1 scoop protein
    meal 2 - 4 ox chicken breast, mixed in with 1 cup cucumber, 1 cup tomatoes or celery, and tblspn vinegrette
    meal 3 - 2 pieces ezikiel bread 1 tbsp. pb

    so forth and so on. to add up to 6 meals a day.... aaaaand that's it.

    I paid $100.00 for a meal plan..... BUT, the meal plan was specific to my weight and goals and the macro-nutrients were calculated for each meal using my data. The girl also based hte meal plan on when I woudl workout each day (evening vs morning) to make sure I ate my higehr carb meals at the right time.

    YES - it was 6 meals that I was expected to eat every day for a month. But, she did give me alternatives. If I didn't want ground turkey, I could substitute chicken - and she provided hte amount,etc.

    I think you got ripped off if it was jsut 6 meals - no alternatives, no account for your personal body composition, etc. If you paid via VIsa/Matercard then I woudl dispute the charge. But, you have to make sure you can provide reasonable documenttation that you did not get what youpaid for.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member

    I just paid 150$ for a month of meal plan... I'm wondering if that was reasonable or not?
    I don't really feel like it was at all.

    She gave me 6 meals, to eat each day... and that's it. Not a different meal plan for everyday, not a different meal plan for each week. Just 6 meal ideas that I'm to eat the same thing everyday. I told her my whole problem was boredom - if I'm bored of eating the same foods, I cheat. That I needed variety... what should I do? I don't feel like I got what I paid for really... and I didn't get a lot of options which was the whole reason I wanted to go with someone to create a meal plan for me... I don't want to argue with her, but I obviously can't get my money back either. I'm just not satisfied

    She charges 150/month - has anyone ever paid someone to create meal plans for them? What did you pay? What did you get for it??

    Holy crap. I was thinking of making meal plans for people and offering support (I'm an RN, working on my personal training and sports nutrition certs) and I was only going to charge $100 a month and people would get four weeks worth of different menus, plus exercise and skype sessions. Maybe I'm naive, but I think you got ripped off.

    I most definitely did, chalking it up to a learning experience. I'm a RN Coord, kudos to you! Your plan sounds pretty reasonable, I hope it works out!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    They weren't even recipes! I'm feeling really ripped off.

    It definitely isn't something I'll be doing again - you're right about 'writing it off as an experience'

    The meal plan looks something similar to this:

    meal 1 - 1/2 cup fat free greek yogurt, and 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1 scoop protein
    meal 2 - 4 ox chicken breast, mixed in with 1 cup cucumber, 1 cup tomatoes or celery, and tblspn vinegrette
    meal 3 - 2 pieces ezikiel bread 1 tbsp. pb

    so forth and so on. to add up to 6 meals a day.... aaaaand that's it.

    I paid $100.00 for a meal plan..... BUT, the meal plan was specific to my weight and goals and the macro-nutrients were calculated for each meal using my data. The girl also based hte meal plan on when I woudl workout each day (evening vs morning) to make sure I ate my higehr carb meals at the right time.

    YES - it was 6 meals that I was expected to eat every day for a month. But, she did give me alternatives. If I didn't want ground turkey, I could substitute chicken - and she provided hte amount,etc.

    I think you got ripped off if it was jsut 6 meals - no alternatives, no account for your personal body composition, etc. If you paid via VIsa/Matercard then I woudl dispute the charge. But, you have to make sure you can provide reasonable documenttation that you did not get what youpaid for.

    Thank you - I'm not trying to get my money back or anything like that (I seem to think a lot of people on here believe that's what I'm trying to do) I just was curious about what other people were paying and what they received if they HAD paid for a meal plan.

    I have since emailed her and she has given me a few alternatives to use in place of some things, but I still believe I won't be doing this again! :)
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    WoW! Why pay when you can do it for free?
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    I get the need for variety too

    I like to look at women's day month of menus ideas. a different meal for each day of the month and every month is different too

    plus its free and has shopping lists
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I would never pay for a meal plan, they're too easy for me to do on my own. I did, though, pay for Nutrisystem, which is kind of like a meal plan except they give you the actual food. I lost a lot of weight, but, like anything, once I was on my "maintenance" program I went BSC bingeing again. Nutrisystem does have a kind of teaching program but it's nothing you can't get for free on the internet - as long as you're careful about which sites you use!!

    The USDA has one for free at

    Awesome :) Thanks very much, I'll look into that too! Also, I've never heard of Nutrisystem?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I thought it was pretty standard, and couldn't find much on the internet in regards to costs for meal plans and such from professionals.

    I am now finding out I definitely got screwed lol.

    What websites would you recommend?

    Just consider it a cheap lesson. You coulda been on the hook to pay this for a year or something!

    Personally, I'm an on-the-fly meal planner and I do a whirlwind of cooking on Sundays and do leftovers all week, and go out on Saturdays. I do some slowcooker pulled pork/chicken, bake 5 butterflied breasts, and lots of veggies. I only do salt/pepper so that I can season/sauce them however I like throughout the week. I've tried planning, but I'm extremely lazy and always deviate from any plan.

    Thanks! I will take a look into the slow cooker, heard a lot of people think they are great!

    I cook for my son and I, and I work full time. Open a pack of 3 chicken breasts, drop em in, dump a jar of Tikka Masala, and set to low and when you get home the house smells like Apu's kitchen - it's great!