Daily Motivation



  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    The voice inside your head, the voice telling you THAT YOU CAN, You got this! I'm never far away; I'm your Focus when you need it, and the Determination inside of you! DIG DEEP, YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    The voice inside your head, the voice telling you THAT YOU CAN, You got this! I'm never far away; I'm your Focus when you need it, and the Determination inside of you! DIG DEEP, YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!

    This...I need this voice every day!

  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Good Morning, it's early I know, but just wanted to say YOU’RE DOING AMAZING THINGS, to your body. Keep up the hard work, it's going to pay off!!!!!!
  • kdyuille
    kdyuille Posts: 10 Member
    I have been reading over your daily motivation and it is amazing. This is the kind of things you love to hear when it seems like the scale won't tell and you are working your but off. Keep up the great work.:wink:
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Don't get soft on me, keep pushing, I know it hurts, I know there are bad days, I know your busy, BUT make the time to stick with the goal you set!!! Happy Thursday
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Go out there today and kick your own Butt in whatever program you’re doing!!!!! Change doesn't happen overnight, but change does happen!!!!! Stay Hungry, Stay Motivated!!!!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member

  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169


    Just for you Chris

    You have what it takes, to do great things today! GO OUT AND BE GREAT!!!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member

  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    Go out there today and kick your own Butt in whatever program you’re doing!!!!! Change doesn't happen overnight, but change does happen!!!!! Stay Hungry, Stay Motivated!!!!!!

    You mean hungry for the changes, right? Or let the starvation mode kick in? :tongue:

    anyway thanks again for the daily kick in the butt :)
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    I left you alone this weekend, but now it's time to GET UP, GET MOVING, and WORKOUT!!!! I just Ran 2.3 miles, did 220 Squats, all before work, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS MORNING????
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I left you alone this weekend, but now it's time to GET UP, GET MOVING, and WORKOUT!!!! I just Ran 2.3 miles, did 220 Squats, all before work, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS MORNING????
    Headed to the gym now but wanted to jump on your thread for a few moments of inspiration first!:wink:
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Push yourself today, you have it in you to do great things with your workouts!!!! LETS DO THIS!!!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Push yourself today, you have it in you to do great things with your workouts!!!! LETS DO THIS!!!!!

    I did this today...got off work...got my challenges done...went to a WW meeting...got extra steps done after the meeting!!!


  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Go out there today and kick your own butt in whatever program you’re doing!!!!! Change doesn't happen overnight, but change does happen!!!!! Stay Focused, Stay Motivated!!!!!!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    It's Friday, and your eyes are already set on the weekend!!!! How do you think our workouts would turn out if we approached them with the same enthusiasm as our weekends???? Progress is Progress, stay energetic, remember why you started!!!!!
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    I miss my kettlebells all day at work! :)
  • Guessing the OP has extra time on her hands...dang! lol
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Guessing the OP has extra time on her hands...dang! lol

    Judging by this comment I am guessing you do too
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Guessing the OP has extra time on her hands...dang! lol


    Judging by this comment I am guessing you do too
