Do you think it's possible to go from size 16 to 10-12?



  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I was a size 18 at one point (have no idea what my weight was because I stayed far away from scales) and I can fit into a size 12 now. I weight 161.

    Honestly, I never thought I would fit back into a size 12. Now I stopped putting a size limit and will see what I am when I get there!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Sure do! I was around there and am now a size 10.
  • kahsma
    kahsma Posts: 2 Member
    Indeed! It is a great possibility if your heart so desires. Set a plan, stick to it and you shall suerly achieve it. My quandary is maintaining it. See it took me about 8 month to go from a size 16 to a size 6 pants. I found it very hard to maintain, so i have started MFP just today actually on another journey too losing the lbs but focussing on keeping it off. I went backwards from the size 6 to a size 10 pant, which calculated to an added 30 lbs to the weight I lost. Which is my main concern. So my advise is to yes focus on losing but also have a plan to maintain. I am open to advise as well.
  • jadejo63
    jadejo63 Posts: 136 Member
    thank you everyone for your lovely comments :) definately think i can do this just need to stay motivated for a long time! x
  • LoveLoveandRage
    LoveLoveandRage Posts: 55 Member
    I hope so! I used to be a 9/10 and now I can fit some 18s and some 20s so I really really hope I can get back where I was. At this weight I would never think my body could be a 9 but knowing that I was before reminds me that it's possible! Good luck!
  • Yes, I did it so you can
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I was a size 18 when I started. It's not even been that long for me (10 weeks I think) and I've already gone down to a size 14. I would love to see some single digits, like a size 8, but size 10 would be wonderful too! It feels so far away when first starting but it's amazing how quickly it goes when you are consistent!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Sure. I did. Wasn't difficult... eat anything you want to, just burn more calories than you take in. Last jeans I bought were size 12, last dress I bought ( sunny yellow lace) was a size 10.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Possible? You BET!

    I totally don't have the patience to learn how to post pics within the forums - but my Profile pics are open. I started at very snug size 16 with the goal of getting to a size 12. I blew past that to a size 8. Single digits. First time EVER. BTW: I haven't lost many pounds since I hit size 12, but have gotten SMALLER. Size 8 with an Ultimate (just because it would be GROOVY but not a "must do") size 6 on the horizon. I've gotten SMALLER and will continue to get smaller with Strength Training. Picked up my first barbell at age 47. THE difference maker.

    And ...

    I weigh 180ish at 5'4. So YA. Strength Training. For. The. WIN.

    Possible? Absolutely! GET AFTER IT !
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    I started 2014 in a snug size 16 & now comfortable / almost loose size 12 less than 3mo later... it's TOTALLY possible!
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    It's definitely possible. You just have to put in the time and effort. I started out at about a 12/14 (I'm not entirely sure because I wore things that were probably too small for me) and now I'm an 8. It's been a slow and at times difficult process but if you keep trying you'll get there :)
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Biggest pic in my profile I couldn't zip that 2x jacket. The one with thee beeny. That striped dress is an 8. That striped shirt is a medium. Very possible with hard work.
  • Yep I've been using MFP since august, and have gone from a 18 Aussie sizes to a 14 and are hoping to get to a 10/12 just keep on going despite ups and downs:smile:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I don't know what my highest weight was but I'm guessing close to 250 and my clothes were all just stretchy so I have no clue what size I wore. When I was 220 pounds I was in a 18/20. Right now I am am 189 and wear an easy 12 or a slightly squeezy 10 mostly due to weight lifting. Last time I was this size I weighed 20 pounds less so the lifting has made a huge difference for me.
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    You can totally do it!! I am down from a 14/15 to a 11/12 already....
  • livehealthier1
    livehealthier1 Posts: 56 Member
    You can do it! I was wearing a 20-22 my highest size and I am now wearing a size 10 and some 8's. Yes its Possible!!!!!
  • Malassah
    Malassah Posts: 1
    hell girl, you go from that 16 and you can even hit a size 6! you can do it!!! its totally possible and so long as you have the drive and motivation, it is within your reach. (my largest size was 14, and i'm a size 7 now). rootin for you!
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    I want to be thin and not like I look now, I always look big in all pops and I hate it, I would like to be a size 10-12 do you think this is possible and likely if I work for it? Or do you think I'm just not built to be like that? :(

    Of course! I was an 18 and now I'm an 8-10.
  • I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of the year, kind of as a New Year's Resolution. I've lost 40 pounds so far and I feel AMAZING!! Try this system:
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Depends on height, build, etc etc etc...... BUT I am 5'6", SW 235 size 18w. Currently 156 and a snug size 10. :-) never dreamed it possible, but it is!! My progress pics are in my profile if you are curious.