30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • L1 D5 complete! Definitely noticing a difference from day 1, that's for sure. I'm 1/6 of the way down, and feeling good about it!

  • Up at 4:30! Put the DVD in, let it roll through the intro and adds then it sat there playing that music waiting for me to choose a level, lol, finally after getting on my shoes, filling up my water checking into website, discouraged no one had signed in on my early risers thread since me yesterday.... Enough procrastination and I pushed play, had a great workout.
    Level 2 day 4
    Feel strong and so glad I'm sticking with it!
    Thanks all for being here with me!
  • L1 D6 complete. I'm on a roll!

  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi everyone. I'd like to jump in if I can. Level 1, Day 3. :)
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Cheers to everyone who got their workout on today....

    GFPeggy & IceFaith--let us know when your video arrives and when you get that first workout in. The workout is not fun, but the results are addicting (more energy, lost inches).

    Cirflowers--you get the prize from me for a 4:30am workout. That's commitment. No way I could ever do it that early....6 or 6:30 might be the earliest I can go.

    To others on L1 (beesknees & mrspayne)--i look forward to hearing your reports as you get through your first week. You will notice a difference soon, if you haven't already. Be sure to take measurements if you haven't yet so that you can compare later.

    I just completed L3 Day 2 (20 overall). My husband did it with me. He's in good shape, lifts weights regularly and was huffing and puffing within minutes. These workouts are hard and we all should be proud for sticking w/ it!!

    Until tomorrow...
  • thanks, lisayvonne. tomorrow is weigh-in day, i hope to have some positive results to show for the hard work!

  • Good morning. Day 4 of level 2 down, felt stronger today, less modifications needed! Thanks Lisayvonne, I am up at 4:30 everyday (earlier in the summer, I get up with my construction worker husband) if I don't workout early, I won't at all. Thanks for the encouragment and sharing your progress everyone. I'm not sure if I will do this tomorrow, it's going to be 80 degrees here in Arizona and I may just stick to my bike ride, I will take Sunday off, but will definitely be back here Monday morning! Beesknees, hope your weigh in goes well, I am ignoring the scale not budging and focusing on my clothes fitting looser! (well trying, I really really want to see just 1/2 pound loss)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all! I missed yesterday, after 4 hours of cleaning and another 2.5h of puuting up the Christmas decorations I was tired. But L2D7 completed today. Done all the way through, no stopping and all strength sections done with 5lb weights. Smoking!
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Cirflowers and Kate---good job w/ your workouts today! Kate---that's awesome that you can do all of the strength exercises w/ 5lb weights!

    I did my L3D3 workout this morning, and then spent the rest of the day doing holiday shopping w/ a friend. I don't know which was more exhausting....Jillian or the stores. :)

    I've completed my 3rd week of exercises. Starting on week 4 tomorrow....
  • fitnessmandy1
    fitnessmandy1 Posts: 20 Member
    I started 30 day shred yesterday...u can definately feel it more on the 2nd day! Good luck everyone!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I too just started yesterday! I will be on Level 1 Day 3 (Hopefully) tomorrow. Good luck to you all.
  • Good morning all and welcome to those who have just taken this up. Really look forward to all your updates.

    I'm just about to start L3 today. I haven't shredded since Wednesday and managed to get through the whole thing without stopping and mostly sticking with Natalie so think I'm ready to move on.

    Thursday night I usually go dancing but didn't feel well enough to do that or the shred but had to do something - exercise being the addictive thing it is - so did my 25 minute evening yoga routine which I haven't done for about 6 weeks. While I'm less flexible was I couldn't believe how much difference doing the shred had made to my strength in all the standing poses - so much easier and I felt so much stronger doing them. I might even tackle my full length yoga class DVD tomorrow and see how I get on.

    I haven't lost any weight or inches this week but have 2 weeks to go before Christmas so with L3 and sensible eating that last 3lb might still be in my grasp!! And people have really started to notice the difference and tell me I look different - that works for me!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lisa - How are you finding L3? I'm temped to try given that I'm surviving L2 now (I say surviving rathert than anything else because even though I'm completing it now its still really hard!) But i think I'm going to try and stick to 10 days of each.

    Carmen - I've not lost either, in fact this morning the scale still says 3lb up, but as TOM only went yesterday and I've been eating rubbish for weeks I'm hoping its just water, and If I'm good for the next week it'll be gone again. Good luck with reaching your goal, you can do it!

    Lisa, Mandy - good luck to you both!

    I did L2 day 8 this morning. I'm tempted to try and fit it in again this evening to catch up with the days I missed. Does doing it twice in one day count as 2 days?
  • Level 3, you might just do for me!

    I read a post somewhere that said 'L3 isn't that different from level 2 unless your abs aren't great'. Clearly my abs are not that great. :wink: It's not so much the cardio, although 'rock star jumps' may remain permanently out of my ability, but the strength I found to be big step up. But I guess that's the point :-) It will burn more calories and it will make my muscles work harder and therefore tone up more.

    I've got 2 posh meals out this week and am cooking for my partner's birthday on Monday night and am away with my mum for 2 days so I'm really going to have to think a lot about eating right this week because I find it so much more difficult out of the normal routine. That having been said I think I should manage to do the shred almost every day this week.

    @Kate - well you can certainly count the calories twice and I would count it as two days. Go fot it.

    Here's to there being less of us come Christmas, as in less physically, not fewer people on this thread.
  • Just finished L1 D8, eight straight shredding days in a row! I lost only one pound, and didn't really see an difference in body measurements. I'm a little concerned about measuring in the same place each time, especially on waist. I'm curvy, so a little bit further up or down on waist makes a big difference! Body fat % didn't change too much either. My progress might be slower than i hoped...

    I won't be able to do shred for the next three days (traveling), but hope to do other exercise so at least my calorie count will be on track!

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone do shred with a heart rate monitor? If so, what has been your average calorie burn? I know it won't be the same for me, but I'm curious what an ACTUAL readout says. :wink:

    good luck to everyone, keep sticking with it!

  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Beesknees - Level 1 my HRM showed about 300 cals, Level 2 its around 360 cals. I'm 5ft 9.5 and 154 lbs if that helps.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    L3D4 (Day 22 overall) completed. So, today is the first time when I've felt like I've been able to fully do this workout w/ a few minor modifications (excluding the rock star jumps....i look like a has been rock star trying these and do butt kicks or high knees instead). This is about the time in the previous workouts where I felt like I got a hang of everything and it goes relatively quicker than it did the past few workouts.

    Workout 3 is harder in some ways, but easier in others. It definitely is focuses on a lot of strength and core moves. I am not very strong, but I know that 3 weeks ago I could never have done any of the moves in workout 3 had I not been doing the earlier workouts. I'm very excited about building my strength and want to continue to challenge myself to focus on this in the future. I have largely ignored it and have stuck w/ cardio workouts because I always thought I burned more calories doing that, and now realize how important the strength/weights are to my overall fitness and health goals.

    I've lost 1-1.5 lbs per week since I've been doing the shred along w/ inches all over my body. I think I saw the most drastic change in the first week, week and a half in terms of trimming, but am feeling like I am much stronger now even if the inches are not coming off. I'll measure again on Tuesday, my 25th and last day of the shred. I'll hang it up for a month or so (due to surgery and recovery time), but will definitely be coming back to this when I get the doctor's clearance to start strenuous exercise again. :)
  • Have 30DS so I'm in. Will start tomorrow for sure. This will be my second attempt as well... I believe I only lasted 3 days last time hahaha! ~ Will definitely need some support on this!
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    L1 D5 for me.
    I do it with a monitor, and it says I only burn about 140. (I'm 5'6 and about 8 pounds over the obese line). My monitor was kinda cheap, but it's one with a chest strap, so hopefully it's accurate. Maybe since I have to really pace myself I'm not buring as many, maybe my calories will go up after I get more in shape and work harder??
  • fitnessmandy1
    fitnessmandy1 Posts: 20 Member
    So you only do level 1 for 10 days, then go to level 2 for10 days, then move onto level 3????? I just completed level 1 day 3 and I just assumed that u did level 1,2, and 3 for 30 days each.

    mrs.payne: I hope its more than 140 lbs cause Im right around you. 5'6" 184 lbs

    simgirl: Good Luck!

    lisa: Wow! You go girl! Day 22!!
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