ACE weight loss



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    The New formula of the A.C.E. did nothing for me like it did before they changed it. Now they have a new product out called "X-treme 5000" and I LOVE IT! It gives me the energy I need AND helps to curve my insatiable appetite. between the two, I've lost almost 30 lbs on it since June.
    If you need a pill to curb your appetite, then you'll probably have to take it the rest of your life to keep weight off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • britajack
    britajack Posts: 2 Member
    I had amazing results on the old formula. The new formula does nothing for me and I have been on it for several months. Very disappointed. Reps know the new formula doesn't work yet they aren't telling you that because they want your $$. I will try X-treme 5000 but will find a different rep. Not happy with my current one.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I had amazing results on the old formula. The new formula does nothing for me and I have been on it for several months. Very disappointed. Reps know the new formula doesn't work yet they aren't telling you that because they want your $$. I will try X-treme 5000 but will find a different rep. Not happy with my current one.

    Why not just use the MFP app and eat foods high in protien, fat and fiber. It's a natural suppressant. It's not worth wasting money on this crap.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Im curious about these ACE pills, does anyone know where you can buy them in England?

    They are a banned substance in England it seems.
  • christa0130
    christa0130 Posts: 102 Member
    I take the X-treme daily. I love it! It gives me tons of energy and suppresses my appetite!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    I take the X-treme daily. I love it! It gives me tons of energy and suppresses my appetite!
    Again meaning you haven't figured out how to suppress appetite on your own. So what happens when you stop? You're going to eat your weight back. The pill teaches you NOTHING on how to control calories which will be needed to sustain weight loss. It's like giving a cheat sheet to a kid on a test. Get all the answers right, but never really learned anything.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Not going to quote the post as I don't want to help promote this junk, but no way in heck would I believe someone who sells the stuff isn't going to be biased. Guess what? You can do all those things without a stupid pill! And it is better to do it without the pills because someday you won't be taking the pill. Then what? Then you have no idea how to deal with your cravings or how to stop over eating ON YOUR OWN! Which is not a healthy way to do things and only leads to gaining the weight back.

    So personally, I think it is very irresponsible to market these things on this site. This site is about healthy and SUSTAINABLE weight loss... not fads, gimmicks, or pills.
  • debrich6
    debrich6 Posts: 1
    I love ACE! Even when I was not active, i lost 19lbs in a month! and No i am not a distributor
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I love ACE! Even when I was not active, i lost 19lbs in a month! and No i am not a distributor

    We can assure you, it wasn't 19 lbs of fat. as your deficit over a month would have to be 66,500 calories. That means your would have to average a daily deficit of 2216 calories. And if you aren't active, it would be impossible to create the deficit. Heck, it would be impossible for me to create that deficit. My TDEE is around 3000 calories. That means I would have to eat 800 calories a day. If I did that, I would become malnourished and I would lose tons of muscle. No thanks! Fat loss > weight loss any day of the week!
  • claunch50
    All I see here is people asking questions and a couple of bullies saying do it MY way, blah blah.
    I Just started taking A.C.E. So far i can tell you that it definatly gives me energy! So far it has controlled my cravings to eat.Also makes me crave water.
    I dont believe that it is a magic pill that allows me to sit on the couch, eat chips, and lose weight. I also dont think that i will "have to take it for the rest of my life" as some of you have stated. For example if it helps me not want sweets and snacks, and say i take them for a year then as soon as i stop taking them im not gonna run and get a hershey bar. humans are creatures of habit and if you can break the habit for an extended period of time then you can ween yourself off just like nicotine patches or electronic cigerattes etc.
    Yes your correct the drinking water,eating less and excersie are what is making you lose weight. But if they make you want to drink water- check not crave food- check and give you energy to excersise- Check i believe that they are doing what there supposed to. Could i buy vitamins and suplements that do the same thing? im sure i could, but it would take trial and error to find out what works for ME.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    All I see here is people asking questions and a couple of bullies saying do it MY way, blah blah.
    I Just started taking A.C.E. So far i can tell you that it definatly gives me energy! So far it has controlled my cravings to eat.Also makes me crave water.
    I dont believe that it is a magic pill that allows me to sit on the couch, eat chips, and lose weight. I also dont think that i will "have to take it for the rest of my life" as some of you have stated. For example if it helps me not want sweets and snacks, and say i take them for a year then as soon as i stop taking them im not gonna run and get a hershey bar. humans are creatures of habit and if you can break the habit for an extended period of time then you can ween yourself off just like nicotine patches or electronic cigerattes etc.
    Yes your correct the drinking water,eating less and excersie are what is making you lose weight. But if they make you want to drink water- check not crave food- check and give you energy to excersise- Check i believe that they are doing what there supposed to. Could i buy vitamins and suplements that do the same thing? im sure i could, but it would take trial and error to find out what works for ME.

    There aren't any bullies in this thread. You have to understand that disagreement =/= attacking =/= bullying. The fact is, if you want to use this to help get your initial goals, that is great for you, but many of us believe in science. Science has continuously proven time in and out that these "supplements" are mainly placebo. The only ingredient that even would be considered beneficial for weight loss is caffeine, and that doesn't even work for everyone.

    Many of us will advocate eating a balanced diet. If you have trigger foods, we would suggest removing them to prevent binges. If you feel low carb or paleo or vegan if you best option, we will suggest educating yourself about protein, fat and carbohydrate needs. If you have a medial condition such as PCOS, hypothyroidism, POTS, etc.. then our recommended plan would be different then the average person. We understand that there isn't a one size fits all diet plan.

    With all that said, the other common theme you will not see, is people with 1000+ post that are using pills such as ACE. While many of us have tried diets or weight loss supplements, we all learn in the long run that none of that matters. In the end, there is only ONE law that applies to all fat loss.. And that is the law of thermodynamics (calories in vs out).

    I apologize if you find somethings as offensive due to straight forward answers. Many of our members are direct and against these types of programs because it rarely teaches one how to eat and maintain and in fact, many rely solely on the product (regardless of the type of supplement it is). But in the end, most of these threads are reliant on anecdotal evidence of people saying I lost XX amount in XX time. The issue with those phrases are, people do not understand how much is fat vs water, vs muscle vs etc. This is why I personally pointed this out in my previous post. Please understand, it wasn't to be viewed as an attack but rather a clear understanding of the science because science is fact.

    I truly wish you and everyone else the best in their journey but I personally don't see any advantage of using a pill vs learning how to eat properly and avoid/minimize cravings.
  • claunch50
    I only have to go back one page to find statements such as "it's flat out stupid to take this junk" & "flush them down the toilet". Real helpful advice from people who are no doubt experts since they each have over 1000 posts. I'm not real sure how the number of posts makes anyone more knowledgeable ?? Maybe the people actually looking to lose weight got tired of being called stupid, and didn't come back? If you tried them and they didn't work, then by all means share your experience.
    If they keep giving me energy like they have so far, then I'll probably continue them just for that alone. Everybody acts like the cost a fortune, really $0.83 a day? If it keeps you from drinking one Pepsi then it's made you money.
    It's not all diet and exercise boys, I got a buddy who literally eats 3 times what I do and gets little to no exercise, he weighs maybe 150 soaking wet.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I only have to go back one page to find statements such as "it's flat out stupid to take this junk" & "flush them down the toilet". Real helpful advice from people who are no doubt experts since they each have over 1000 posts. I'm not real sure how the number of posts makes anyone more knowledgeable ?? Maybe the people actually looking to lose weight got tired of being called stupid, and didn't come back? If you tried them and they didn't work, then by all means share your experience.
    If they keep giving me energy like they have so far, then I'll probably continue them just for that alone. Everybody acts like the cost a fortune, really $0.83 a day? If it keeps you from drinking one Pepsi then it's made you money.
    It's not all diet and exercise boys, I got a buddy who literally eats 3 times what I do and gets little to no exercise, he weighs maybe 150 soaking wet.

    The point of the post is rather simple... it demonstrates longevity. The only people who post about these diet pills or other diet programs NEVER has post that generally exceed 10 post or just joined. It's hard for me or most people to take advice from people who do not have any information filled out on their profile, they literally just joined and their first post or several are all about one pill. To me, this is a red flag; it indicates people are generally associated and selling the product (not always) but a large portion of the time. I can attest for this even more since I moderate the forums and see how many people spam their businesses at the drop of these threads.

    Also, using your friend is not a valid point. You do not track his calories, nor watch him 24/7. Just because you see him eat whatever, doesn't mean his calories are high.. especially high enough to exceed their TDEE. Again, its law of thermodynamics. For weight loss, maintenance, weight gain, it's all about calories in vs out. Macronutrients supply other effects on bodies such as muscle retention, energy, vitamin absorption, skin clarity, etc..
  • claunch50
    If you dont believe the pills work thats fine, I can understand that. But if you dont believe that people have diferent bodys and metabalize food different i dont think thats debatable. Ive been around him for weeks at a time beings hes family, & ive been around my wife for the last 14 years and i can positively tell you that she eats more than me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    If you dont believe the pills work thats fine, I can understand that. But if you dont believe that people have diferent bodys and metabalize food different i dont think thats debatable. Ive been around him for weeks at a time beings hes family, & ive been around my wife for the last 14 years and i can positively tell you that she eats more than me.

    There are metabolic difference in people (both basal metabolic rate and resting metabolic rate); body composition playing a larger part of that (more lean body mass = faster metabolism). But we aren't talking huge swings like most would like to believe. But in the end, that person is not tracking (with a food scale) their caloric intake, it's your guess as best. It's already been widely understood that people are NOT accurate at tracking their own calories, let alone of that person that you hang out with. And there are many variables I suspect you can answer a few questions such as their height, weight and age, but many others you cannot: body composition, how many steps per day, the true amount of calories they burn daily. The fact is, people use their friends as a way for confirmation bias. But without data to back that up, it's speculation at best. I eat a lot though out the day and many people would probably say the same thing about me.. but I eat a controlled 2400-2600 calories. Now, I am very analytical, so if you could show me a food diary for a month with corresponding TDEE information, then I could believe it. If you could ask your friend to monitor their intake for one month using a food scale and making their diaries public, I may reconsider my stance, but anecdotal evidence doesn't hold weight.
  • MaryMiller1976
    day 2 on it and love it!!!
  • christa0130
    christa0130 Posts: 102 Member
    I have to disagree with you saying that people who comment on these posts are only here to push product and make money. Yes, I am a distributor and have been for barely TWO months yet I have been a member here for about a year and a half. Not all of us are here for that. I came across the post and posted on it but I'm also here for support with my weightloss journey.
  • michelegreg
    I sell it and lost 30 pounds in 6 months without exercising
  • Mego3303
    Mego3303 Posts: 2
    I am a 160 pound, active, ex athlete who only eats between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. The calories I do it are extremely healthy. Still with all that I have excess fat and such a high metabolism I am constantly hungry. everyone one here against ACE is saying that if you diet and exercise you will lose weight. NOT FOR EVERYONE. I am a perfect example of needing an extra boost. When you do everything right and still don't lose weight there is nothing wrong with turning to something to help. Now, continuing to eat bad and be lazy and turning to pills to do all the work I don't agree with, but there is nothing wrong with needing extra help.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I am a 160 pound, active, ex athlete who only eats between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. The calories I do it are extremely healthy. Still with all that I have excess fat and such a high metabolism I am constantly hungry. everyone one here against ACE is saying that if you diet and exercise you will lose weight. NOT FOR EVERYONE. I am a perfect example of needing an extra boost. When you do everything right and still don't lose weight there is nothing wrong with turning to something to help. Now, continuing to eat bad and be lazy and turning to pills to do all the work I don't agree with, but there is nothing wrong with needing extra help.

    If you have a high metabolism, why are you suppressing calories excessively. Also, do you use a food scale? Even active women I know is eating 1700-2100 calories and losing weight. So you know i am not just BS'ing you on the numbers, below is a good thread. Another thing to consider is when you suppress calories there are two bad things that can occur: increase loss in lean body mass (ideally, you want to minimize it) and metabolic adaptation/adaptive thermogenesis. While both will naturally occur, large deficit augment those issues.
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