
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Carol: you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. Any chance you can think of something you love to do and carve out a little time to do it (regularly)? Someone told me once: four basic human needs are: eating, drinking, sleeping and sex. :smile: I’ll leave the last one up to you, but you could also add “doing something you like to do”. Even if it’s sitting for half an hour looking out the window and just breathing. Just giving yourself a bit of attention just like you give it to other things/people.
    Gloria: sending good thoughts your way. And Happy Birthday, even though you may not feel so happy. :flowerforyou:
    Michele: where do you get your energy?? :huh:

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Gloria – I am sorry to hear about your mom, may friends and memories sustain you. And be kind to yourself. What is T25?

    Kim in sunny N. CAL

    T25: http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/focus-t25-workout.do?code=SEMB_T25_GOOGLE&gclid=CI-BlpfVl70CFRQaOgodLhMAWA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Gloria~ Happy Birthday and my sincerest sympathies on the loss of your mom, I lost mine 14 yrs ago and miss her terribly..she was only 65 when she passed..
    I was just sooooo tired yesterday I fell asleep before 6pm last night and slept until 5:30 this morning..
    I have to get back into the routine of getting to the gym, I have slacked off for 3 months and shows..
    God Bless the hubby he did an awesome job with the router and we got the fridge into the space..
    I did by stainless steel spray to keep it clean.. now to get used to it lol
    we dodged the bullet and the snow is south of us, but very very cold. I am going to try and get out and racewalk before work today..
    forgot to wish all of you a Happy St Patrick's day ,I am 1/2 irish so will do my best to wear green...and today is my DGD 6TH Birthday.skyped with her yesterday but will call her tonight
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All.
    Happy St Patty's Day. I am named for my Irish heritage and proud of it. I've wanted to go to Ireland forever and am hoping to finally go next year. Was going to go this year but daughter is due in June and I will need vacation fo r that.

    Gloria, So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your loved ones.

    I am logging my food this morning and am sincerely going to try to continue to do it. I know it will help me. My hips feel so much better and I can't believe that no one ever suggested cortisone shots before. I was told I had bursitis arounnd 30years ago. I can feel my hips and can tell the sacks are smaller. I can't wait for work to be over today so I can go work out.

    We are having a food day today to celebrate the wearing of the green. I brought in my Pumpkin Walnut Protein bars, not sure who will try them but I feel it's like a duty to offer healthy foods. I personally thought they were very good.

    Guess I better get to work, health and happiness to all today.
    God Bless,
    Patty from Cincinnati:flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hugs to you Gloria - I know this has been a very, very long road. :brokenheart: :heart: :flowerforyou: Time to give yourself some love.:love: I am reading a book on my Kindle called "Self Compassion" by Kristin Neff. I am finding it very helpful. :flowerforyou:

    I am back at home and REALLY looking forward to getting back into the groove. I calculate that with all the eating and drinking I did over the three dsys I will have put on 1 real pound. I'm not weighing myself for a couple of days to give myself time for the glycogen to get out of my system. We did walk about, very slowly, so a few hundred calories went that way.:laugh: I love my healthy eating regime and the exercise has become a way of life, so I am relieved to get back to it. It was lovely to have a naughty eating holiday though! Desserts! Cream! Carbs galore! Butter! Dips! :laugh: :bigsmile: But I wouldn't want to eat like that all time. I do feel faintly queasy this morning.:happy: :wink: :tongue:

    The pandas at the zoo were amazing. The male was awake and making short work of thick bamboo sticks, breaking thick branches in his jaws. He was lying back on a reclining slope in a lordly manner! The koalas were sweet - mother and baby. The many chimpanzees there are the subject of studies by the university so get lots of stimulation and a vast enclosure, like a private adventure park. I also loved the sea eagles with their bright yellow beaks. They are renaturalising them into northern Scotland along with beavers. Sometimes zoos can do good work, though I find some confined animals a bit upsetting.

    The weather was apparently glorious here while I was away. We had halfway decent weather, for Scotland - even some sun at the zoo. DH didn't water my basil plant on the windowsill, so it was looking very crumpled this morning. I hope it will rally.

    I am putting up a photo of the four of us, "the girls", as my profile pic, so you can see who we are.

    Love to all. Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy St. Patrick's day!!!!

    Joyce :smile: Congrats on graduating to the regular store:bigsmile: !!! Being called tiny is fantastic!!! What a nice compliment from hubby:love: !!!

    Renny :smile: The guys I have coffee with are guys I met through an old boyfriend, he didn`t last:tongue: but his friends stayed with me:laugh: , I`ve known most of these guys for 14 or so years, I`m the only “girl” in the group so they call me the Queen! We do have a blast, and on occasion they try to boss me:huh: …doesn`t work so they give up quickly:bigsmile: !!! There are usually always 3 guys and sometimes up to 7, just depending on what`s going on. They are professors, architects, appraisers, computer techs, insurance and an artist. They really are a great group of guys:love: !

    Cindy in OK :smile: Good luck on the remodeling!!! I would love to redo my kitchen, I just dread the mess I know it will be!

    Patty :smile: Oh, do be careful!!! One of my friends took Ambien and she did all kinds of things she didn`t remember! When I went through a period where I couldn`t sleep, they gave me Xanax, I would take it for 5 nights and by then my sleep schedule had once again been established. Good luck to you!!! Glad your hips are feeling better:flowerforyou: !!! A trip to Ireland sounds fabulous!

    Jb :smile: Love, love, love your blogs:bigsmile: !!!

    Yanniejannie :smile: I have a star magnolia tree, it`s just starting to bloom, seems like last year, it and my cherry tree bloomed in Feb.:huh:

    Anamika :smile: Happy Holi to you too:flowerforyou: !!! What a great festival, a fun way to say goodby to winter! Congrats on your weight going back down!!!

    Jill :smile: Real maple syrup…lucky you!!!

    Alison :smile: Glad you had fun at the concert! Glad hubby was able to get the fridge to fit! Happy birthday to your granddaughter:flowerforyou: !

    Margaret :smile: Sharing my coffee:drinker: and water:drinker: !

    Meg :smile: What:huh: ??? The Easter bunny isn`t real:sad: …who has been leaving me a gorgeous basket all these years:huh: ! Hope DH is feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!

    Sue in SD :smile: I get grumpy without a lot sleep too:angry::yawn: !

    Cynthia :smile: Hope you`re having a lovely day:flowerforyou: !

    Viv :smile: I hate those “bad” moods:mad: , sometimes when I’m having one I don`t even like myself:angry: ! Hope your mood is better today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Lila :smile: So nice to see you posting again:flowerforyou: ! Just pick back up where you left off!!!

    Sandy in ON :smile: Brrrrr….stay warm!!! Hope they get your phone hooked up and everything works perfectly!

    Carol :smile: Hope today will be a good day for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie :smile: Do they fur babies like to be groomed? Noel loves it:laugh: !

    Gloria :smile: Happy birthday:flowerforyou: ! Give yourself time to grieve, it`s hard and not pleasant, but something we all have to do at one time or another:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele :smile: No, it`s not the “weeping” cherry tree, I do think those trees are beautiful though:love: and that`s what I wanted at the time, however hubby said something about the roots of the weeping trees getting in the water lines….:huh: My oven has convection feature too, I`ve never used my either:embarassed: !

    Sylvia :smile: I can wear a size 10 in Chicos (1.5):bigsmile: , they run big!!! You might find yourself very surprised!!! Hope your headache went away! Love the joke:laugh: !!!

    Gail :smile: Welcome home from FL!

    Katla :smile: We have a Children`s Museum here too, it`s so awesome!!! One of my granddaughters had her birthday party there! Sounds like you`re having a good time!!! Congrats on the “tankini”:bigsmile: !!!

    Kim in N.CAL :smile: 78 degrees sounds fabulous!!!! I need to clean my garage out too, seems to be a catch all for all kinds of things:tongue: !

    Heather :smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful time on your trip!!! Funny how we get used to eating healthy and a few days of the way we used to eat, makes us sick:sick: ! What a fabulous group of “girls”!!! Hope your basil will perk back up!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Hope you come in and chat often!!!

    It is not raining here yet…it is 31 degrees:grumble: , I`m hoping the rain will hold off until the temp gets above 32!!!

    Have a wonderful Monday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gloomy NC:grumble:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Sylvia - so sorry you got that headache. Hope it better now. lol getting run out of town....lol What makes the mustard sauce in SC different?

    Pat - you and dh sound like Vince and I -- he eats things that I won't make when we go out. Whenever we go out, I can almost be guaranteed that he'll get some fried shrimp or something like that. And lots and lots of french fries, not to mention a dessert.

    Well, Vince's dire weather forecast hasn't panned out. that happens, it seems to be happening more and more. It's cold and rainy, but just rainy, no ice.

    Kim - can't wait to see Levi's pic. How I wish Vince would get rid of stuff we don't use in the garage, like he has these speakers, he's talked for years about giving them away. I keep telling him to get them ready, that I'll take them to the Salvation Army. But has he done it? Yet, recently they changed our recycling so now we recycle lots more and have a much bigger can. I was finally able to get rid of the small recycling bin we had. It wasn't long before he found something to put on the shelf where that bin had been. How I would love for him to get rid of some things!

    Alison - like I said, it was recommended that when you use the ss cleaner spray, you wipe it in the direction of the grain.

    Patty - Vince got cortisone shots, so did MIL. I seem to recall that you can only get 3 shots

    Did 15 minutes of yoga and then held my plank for 2 min 15 sec. Shortly I'll be leaving for the extremepump class.

    Heather - thanks for sharing your pic. You all look so lovely, which lady is which?

    DeeDee - when your star magnolia tree and cherry trees are in bloom, would you post a pic of them? I've never heard of a star magnolia, I have probably seen one just didn't know that was the name of it. Meg burst my bubble, too, telling me that there's no Easter bunny

    Well, I'll be off soon. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Michele in NC
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morning. The last storm completely missed us & temps look to be in high 60's by Friday. Sounds
    Good to me:flowerforyou:
    DH was notified he will be on the "Honor Flight" to Washington,DC in April.It's been 2 yrs since he signed up
    & we are all happy for him.It will be a very long,tiring day,but he will love it.Last eve he said he wished his DB was alive
    To go with him. They met up in Korea when both were in the service.
    Well ,the recipe for quinoa chili was a dud!:grumble: One of the worst new recipes I ever made. Even went back thru it,but was followed exactly & yuck:grumble: :grumble: Dinner was a frozen Stouffers dish.Yummy :love:

    Gloria,my sympathy.I still miss my Mom.

    Carol,be as good to yourself as you are to others.

    Heather,I feel sorry for animals in cages,a place they were never meant to be.Glad you had a good
    time away,with a bite or two :laugh: of good food.I love going,then love getting home!

    Here is a site with recipe nutrition .


    Hugs for those who need them. Work your food plan,drink your water & we WILL win :love:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 493 Member
    Good morning ladies, happy St. Paddy's Day. Just a quick hello to hold my place. We are clearing the kitchen today for the work to start tomorrow. I will be checking in and reading posts as much as I can this week.

    Michele, holding a plank pose that long is awesome!
    Heather, glad you are home safely and had a good trip!

    Prayers to all in need.

    Cindy in OK
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning, Happy St Paddy's Day, I'm tired of cold.

    Gloria -- I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray you have many happy memories to sustain you.

    I'm happy to not be subbing today and am off to the gym and then tons of errands. I LOVE reading everyone's posts and celebrate your wins with you as I'm saddened by your losses.

    Who would have thought that an online "thread" would provide so much comfort and encouragement to us who have never met in person? I remember back in the 90's telling my husband that email would NEVER replace a letter! Ha ha!

    Have a great day!
    Be Healthy!

    Tammy in NOT sunny Va Beach
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    bump :0)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Gloria - I am so sorry for your loss. I have thought of you often and apologize that I did not reach out to you by acting on those thoughts.

    Thanks for the supportive words, everyone--they are helpful. I feel incredibly angry. There is no one that I'm angry at, just general anger. I've searched for the root of the anger and there is nothing I can put my finger on. I might as well say that I am angry that the world is round! I know that I feel overwhelmed right now which is a warning sign that depression is hovering. Springtime is the worst season for depression for me, as well. I called my therapist this morning, but she doesn't have any appointments open until April 8. :grumble: She did remind me that I have her cell number and to call if I reach a breaking point. Last night, I ended up dealing with the anger in the only way I know how; I ate. I didn't count the damage this morning, although I did put all of my wrappers in a bag so that I could see just how much I screwed up when I get home today. As a result of the binge, I quite literally feel sick this morning.

    On a different (sort of) topic...I gather that most of you are married, but for those who are not, do you find people trying to push you to "find a man" now that you're thinner? I had one incredibly insensitive person ask me "What's his name?" assuming I lost weight for a man. I am very ambivalent about whether I ever want another romantic relationship and it's getting harder and harder to find a polite response. No one, and I mean no one, has shown any interest in me either before or after losing weight, so it's just weird to have to field these comments. Any suggestions? (BTW, I have been told that I emit a f**k off vibe--I'm nice cordial, etc., but my wall is evidently very apparent.)

    I'm going to take my negative attitude and work now. Thanks for being my friends! :heart:

    Carol in cold, rainy, gloomy NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Carol: re questions about a man: "Why do you ask?" (put them on the spot). Of course, I'm actually tempted to say, "I'm sorry; I don't remember asking for your input", but then I can be a b***** sometimes. :bigsmile: I'm good at the stink eye. Maybe someone else has a better idea. :laugh:
    Ridiculous that people think they can come at you with stuff like that.

    Do you have any short relaxation apps for your phone? I might be able to recommend one or two. And my suggestion to stare out the window still stands. :smile: You can add tea. And a notepad next to you if you absolutely have to write something down (but the staring has priority).
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy St. Pat's!

    Monday! No more partying for me, had enough over the weekend with 2 birthday celebrations :drinker: and we still have house guests, they're busy snoozing away in the next room as I sit here, waking up, wishing I was still in bed :yawn:

    My little terrier was a bit upset with the sleeping arrangements last night (since guests are in "his" room), he rang the bell to be let outside and didn't come back in for awhile. So out I went, 1:00AM, in the rain, flashlight in hand, and found him snuggled up on a patio chair. :huh: "Get your butt in the house" I said. He growled a little, hung his head, slowwwly walked inside and finally settled down on the couch. Our other dog had to go out during the night, too. No, I didn't get much shut-eye.

    Hey Lila, welcome back. :flowerforyou: It's important that we reach out and join forces - it's no fun doing this alone. I was out of the loop a lot last year, struggling, discouraged, and gained back a few pounds, too. About 6 weeks ago I finally told myself to stop being a nincompoop :laugh: and get serious again. Feeling better already. :smile:

    Must run, I hear folks stirring.

    Good Monday to all!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    I must be honest, I haven't read any of the posts but do want to stay as current as possible on this thread. The last 3 weeks have been horrendous for me. Family issues topped off by my car needing $800 of repairs last Friday. It is only 5 years old but the valve cover leaked and caused a series of other issues.

    I just want to update my progress for March.

    Rita from CT

    My SMART goals for March:
    I will lose 5 pounds by March 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year. Start weight 192.2

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week1: steps average: 6866 Curves 4 times (had to bring dog to be spayed one morning) No weight loss. Extreme stress and depression not helping me any.
    Week 2: steps average: 8342 – Curves 5 times – weight stayed the same
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello vit F :love:
    It was a challenging day today. Instead of sticking to the food I planned I ended up grazing on all kinds of delicious but calorie rich food.:sad: :grumble:
    Well so much for festivals. Actually one of the senior ladies in my meditation group met with an accident couple of weeks ago and seems to be in pain still.Few of us decided to surprise her by getting together at her place and having a pot luck so she wouldnt feel too lonely on this festive day. I made vegetable biryani and paneer in tomato gravy.There were puris ( deep fried bread) with potatoes and chickpea curry followed by sweets.
    I had small helpings but they add up......:laugh:
    luckily I did half an hour of yoga and walked the dog morning and evening :wink:
    Gloria I am sorry about your mother. thinking of you and sending you my best wishes :heart:
    Heather you look smashing :flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker: and the other friends look good too. Sylvia sending you and sonny my prayers.
    Barbie when I joined this group I thought I was helping myself on a journey of weight loss, but I am on the train to improve myself, widen my horizons and get worldwide perspective.:bigsmile: :love:
    Thanks for that! I love the way u notice details which many of us might miss.
    Hugs and love for all my friends here
    Anamika from Mumbai
    Amazing how an entire Boeing just disappears from the sky...... Aliens, anyone???
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!


    Rita sounds like you are doing the right thing by making you a priority in this hard time. I can relate.

    Carol do what you need to do to keep the depression at bay. For me anger is a symptom that something must be protected or restored (healed). At my age I generally know the difference and act according. It is a vulnerable time. I find eating the best I can, exercising, and getting the best sleep I can helps. I know you have had a lot on your plate with your children. Hugs and prayers!:flowerforyou:

    Gloria prayers to you and your family at this time. Happy Birthday!:heart::flowerforyou:

    Michelle plank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anamika weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Patty OH have you tried tart cherry juice about an hour before bed.

    Heather I too am going through the pound gain from our trip. We had pizza from a place called Dewey’s and cheese ravioli from a wonderful restaurant called Bravo. Sometimes the calories are worth it. I am going to look up that book Self Compassion. I am in need of that at the moment.

    I am back to Minnesota. I was out of town last week visiting my mother in St. Louis. I needed to use a library computer to keep up with MFP. I tried to keep up best I could. My mom is 95 and very frail. DH and I did manage to get her to get her haircut and push her around outside at a place called Tower Grove Park. We have many good memories of going with her over the years. There was not much growing there yet. It was such a pleasure to be able to walk outside with no snow and temps in the sixties. We got to see my niece with her two small children, too.

    To do something healthy for me today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    Today I will be gentle with myself.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hi Glad to see we can post on the site again. I tried last week but it was full & didn't see the new link/topic. Maybe I missed it somehow. I don't have a lot of time right now to post so just checking in & will get back to all of you lovely ladies later today or tomorrow.
    Be good, it's a new week for us all
    Pennie in TX
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Sylvia you look hot :smokin: in the pics. So jealous & proud of you.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy st pat`s day.Violet was all decked in green,looked so cute
    So did Leah,my other grand baby.
    Have a good one.