

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    A long, carb happy day ... but if I go get on the "dreadmill" ... don't know who coined that ... but it applies ... I will be under my calorie budget.

    Rita ... praying for your son and for you.

    Vicki ... you absolutely did not gain 3.3 pounds of fat in one week .... extra water weight... maybe. But you can get rid of that drinking water, watching sodium, and getting back on track. Don't let the scale sabotage your efforts!

    Sandy ... feel better soon!

    Jb ... prayers of peace for you and your family.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another quiet day........spoke with Gwen on the phone; her cleaner had been in and she sounded lucid. Will take her to dr. appt tomorrow. DD working on thesis and papers all day. Had some delicious haddock for dinner with roast asparagus. Enjoy seeing the daffys everytime I take out trash to the bin.

    Rita...........Hoping for less stress in your life.........WTG on that A1C!

    Anamika..............Thanks for taking us along on your run; very vivid account......you are amazing!!!

    Heather.......Congrats on your white lacy top. I am sooooooo with you on hating paperwork.........I still have a policy that I haven't cashed from when my mother died..........just can't bring myself to make out the paperwork.

    Gail.........Babies still make me melt; which is very strange since I didn't feel ANY urge to have a child until I was about 39; it was like a switch got flipped and I just had to have one----before then I could not have cared less, and considered getting my tubes tied since I "knew" I didn't want any.

    Carol..........Glad you had such a nice break; sounds like you've come back to a very busy schedule; just keep remembering those restful waves.

    Michele.............WOW! You were right..........except for Friday when it rained, the pollen count has been close to 10!!!!! Yeah, I guess that would do it!!!

    jb...........Condolences on your uncle, sounds like he was well-loved. I giggled to see you typed "Bless your heart"; it's such a Southern phrase and I believe you are in the NW; maybe you were born in the South? It can have several different meanings depending on how used down here.

    Barbie.........My parents always had used cars too. My favorite was a little Corvair when I was a teenager; loved that car!!!

    Best to all, out of time,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My sister and I are going out for lunch tomorrow. When Mom was alive us women would go out for a birthday meal for that girl. The other two would pay. There is a real nice family owned place here in town. They started out serving just deserts and were called the Pie Pan. Then they started serving meals. They are just a good family owned good food kind of place, no alcohol, just wonderful tea and meals and huge yeast rolls. And oh the pies and carrot cake. So we went there three times a year. I was sick on my birthday and Evansville was in the middle of one of out recent winter weather events so we didn't go. Tomorrow is the 3 year anniversary of Mom dieing so it's the perfect day for us to go there. But, I'm not sure what it will do to my diet. I may just say it is a special day and to heck with it. Mom always had a piece of cocoanut meringue pie which was one o f their specialties. It just doesn't feel right not getting it!!!! Mom would be so happy I am back in a church. She was a huge prayer warrior and it was such a burden on my heart that I was breaking her heart. I have 'talked' to Mom a lot about this church and I am sure she would approve.

    My husband looks all the time at new cars but I don't think he would be serious if he actually said he wanted a car right now. Both of us right now are more budget conscious what with property taxes due, car insurance, Indiana state taxes and the hospital bill not even coming in yet. I', just glad I am past the donut hole time in my Medicare D insurance and no longer have to pay over $1000 for my MS medicine.It ahs been gradually going up in price and is about $4000 a month now. Not that I approve of the Affordable care act but it has devreased the amount of money one has to pay when you are in the donut hole I used to have to pay 100% when I was in the hole. We had to make sure we budgeted for it. It's such an expensive medicine that I am in the catastrophic period of Medicare D in March and my medicines are greatly reduced. I still pay over $100/month for the MS medicine but that is quite workable especially since my other medicines are about $3/month. After we get his hospital bills we will feel a lot better and can then get our vacation paid for.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, I just have to tell somebody what Bruno did tonight, and I know some of you are dog lovers so you might appreciate it. Last night Bill played frisbee in the yard with the dogs, and since the snow melted, they got pretty muddy. I rushed both dogs into the bathroom and shut the door. I gave Molly the command "bathtub" and she jumped right in. She has been doing that since she was a puppy, but Bruno had never been in a bathtub, and he wasn't having any of it. When it was his turn I had to literally drag him kicking and screaming and lift him into the tub. Well, tonight, they got muddy again. Bruno was the first one in the bathroom and when I said "bathtub" he jumped in! I couldn't believe he did it! I gushed over him, telling him what a good boy he was, and gave him a cookie. Then when it was Molly's turn, he jumped in again! He is so smart! So he got another cookie. Bathtub is a very useful command. Bruno is not a natural water lover. Oddly, Molly has always loved water. Not many whippets do.

    We went hiking at the local wilderness park tonight, and the dogs had a blast. I just wish Bruno wouldn't pull so hard on the leash. We'll have to work on that.

    Well, that's it for tonight. Thanks for listening to my little brag.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a pretty good day today…it’s spring break for me but I got a lot of work done. I also got my workload for next year and no more of that extra ICU clinical with the traditional students. YAY. Contribution review was good too…”role model” LOL. I got them fooled!  I got home and walked the dog for a mile and then did the elliptical. I was so tired I almost passed out. And it was HOT outside!

    DH and DD#2 got home about 6:40. It’s nice to have them home. I haven’t slept at all since they have been gone. DH doesn’t think his cousin recognized him. He’s talking a bit now and spent yesterday trying to get his pants off! I always enjoy taking my students to the rehab center and seeing the brain injured patients and their behavior and watching them get better over the weeks. So it’s nice to hear him progressing to the “naughty” phase they all go through.

    Sylvia: I missed you too and everyone here! Good Bruno!

    Jane: amazing how losing that hour affects you

    Dr Katie: I think I remember…did you break your arm/wrist?

    Teetime: welcome aboard!

    Michele: zucchini apple bread sounds delish!!!!

    Carol: when you find a normal week, take a picture and send it to me, will ya?

    Barb: welcome aboard!

    Gail: that is odd about the eating especially with the diabetic. Glad you were able to make some good choices

    Sharon: hope you feel better soon

    Joyce: so happy you found a church to join. We just found out our minister is leaving. Her husband (they were co-pastors) left 2 years ago. We have an associate minister, but we don’t like him nearly as much and don’t think he is ready for managing a church.

    Viv: I’ve been in the same funk lately.

    Nancy: glad to meet you..welcome to the group

    DeeDee did you have fun bossing the boys?

    Marsha we are having a rain/snow mix tomorrow and Wednesday but I agree spring is right around the corner

    Anamika: congratulations on finishing the marathon!!! What a great accomplishment

    Jb: so sorry to hear about your uncle and your loss. Sending you prayers and hugs

    Heather: I bet you look amazing in your new top!

    Kim: there’s that “tax” word again. That word does not pass my lips until sometime in the summer. Maybe one day I’ll get better. Our accountant just files an extension for us every March!

    Rita: glad about your A1C. Sending prayers and good wishes for your son. I hope all works out and your stress diminished.

    Katla: hope you stay warm

    Mahhcm: welcome to the group

    Ginryl: it is hard to keep up with all the posts..I open a word document and answer each person

    Jill: stay warm and snug in the coming storm!

    Vicki: I am right there with you. I just went crazy and gained 2 pounds. But we can do this…we can get back on track and get rid of it. Just keep plugging away and logging and it will happen for you.

    Sandy: get better soon!

    Jan: you have daffadils already???

    OK girls. I am fading fast. Off to bed and hope I sleep for the first time since Friday Take care, Meg from wonderful Omaha.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sharon / Fabulous Fifty – where do you live in southern IL? My DSister lives in the Belleville/O’Fallon area so I’ve spent a good bit of time up there.

    Now who was it that teased us last week about upcoming news? Did the news come out while I was away, or are we still waiting? I have such a sieve mind these days -- very frustrating.

    I should be paying bills so they’ll be done before we travel, so have to get to it.

    Sweet dreams to all,

    Gail, metro ATLA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Carol in NC - your description of your time at the beach made me jealous! Next time I wanna go!!!!!!

    flolita - welcome. Wonderful goal! How right you are that losing weight is a whole different ballgame when you're over 50!

    Speaking of babies, when Jess and I went to WalMart yesterday, she needed to get a onesie. A friend of hers is having a baby and she's going to be a godmother along with another gal. Anyway, evidentally this is going to be some sort of sign-in, kind of like a sign-in book only people will sign the onesie. You should have seen me in that baby department! "Ohhhh....ahhhh.....isn't this cute?" Actually, there was the one onesie that she got but I saw one that I thought was cuter. We got both of them and one is from me. Actually, I paid for both, but they were only $3 each so no big deal. I just don't want to push in with her friends. Besides, I'm not real, real crazy about this friend. I knew that the minute she got married, it would only be a matter of months before she got pg. She never went to college, at 18 she "wanted to have a carreer as a model" yet she wanted to stay in PA. I'm sorry, modeling careers you need to go to at least NY for, that is, IF you're really serious. She a few times told Jess she'd come to see her but never did. The one time she did I was very surprised that she had as much of a belly as she did. Models usually have flat abs. Oh well.....

    Kim - you would not believe the grief I got from Vince and Jessica this weekend. She made chicken breasts and they wanted these butter noodles. I didn't care for them and wanted couscous. They wanted corn. I'm not a fan of corn (not that I won't eat it) unless its fresh corn on the cob so I had some of this California Medley (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots). "You never make this anymore (the noodles)". That's totally not true, I make it. I may not eat it, but I make it for Vince. On and on and on....I'm so sick of listening to "you never used to eat like this" What's wrong with liking vegetables? Why do I have to only like what Vince likes? I get sick and tired of that. So I can totally understand how you feel. I'm like you, unless I truly love something, I don't like to buy things at full price unless I absolutely need it. Then when I get something I have to like it, it has to be on sale, and I many times want to use a coupon.

    quiltbaby - welcome! Logging is so important, as you know.

    Patty - MFP phone app sometimes is quirky. I know that I've had my share of problems. Believe it or not, try saying that you forgot your password, then when they send the link to you to put in a new password, use the one you've always used. That helped me. Also, check to see if there are any updates. I had problems until I updated.

    Beth - thanks. I use allrecipes a lot, just never thought of it for seeing if there are any chicken recipes that I can use. I'll try inputting "cooked chicken" and see what comes up

    Anamika - I'm in awe of your running. That's something that I couldn't do. You are my hero

    Sylvia - that Fit & Delicious pizza from PH IS very good. I sure hope they haven't discontinued it. You know, when I look for jeans there is usually something on them that says "low rise, sit on hips, sits on waist" something like that. If I'm going to pay full price, I only look at the ones that say "sit on waist". I very seldom can find clothes to fit me at WalMart. For one thing, they don't have a petite dept. Sometimes they will carry petite sizes for jeans, but I've never seen shirts or anything like that.

    jb - my deepest condolences. I know that the weekend eating will balance out. I experienced it myself, and you will, too. Good for you this weekend!

    There is an abs, hips and thighs portion of this KCM DVD (30 minute cardio) that I did. No problem with that portion of the DVD. Going to do the rest of it Wednesday. Anyway, that took 15 minutes, then I held my plank for 2 min 15 sec and then took the extremepump class. After the exercise class did a little food shopping -- just for the things that were on sale that we use. Saved $90 and spent about $70

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT on the elliptical. That's what I had planned for last Friday but I wasn't going to go out in the weather.

    Washed a bedspread and now have it hanging over the railing on our deck. If it doesn't completely dry, I'll put it on our porch.

    Going to play mahjongg tonight.

    Lee - it was just a few years ago that I went from 29 to 39. But I'm sure I'll stay at 39 for quite a while....lol

    Heather - listen to Kim. Youn are too hard on yourself. Hindsight is 20/20

    Rita - prayers being sent to you. Sure hope things work out.

    mahlcm - welcome. Come in often

    ginryl - I'll wear white pants but ONLY if they are lined

    Rose - I've been here a few years and I STILL don't know everyone's name. Don't worry about it. dh= dear (or d*** as the case may be) husband. I'm sure your niece will appreciate your help. Hope you get over your doldrums with the time change soon. Good that your niece is mindful of the food.

    Vicki - I think just about everyone is commenting on how weird this weather is. Glad you made it to the play and had such a good time.

    Sandy - hope you feel better fast

    Sylvia - give Bruno an extra pat from me

    Meg - I'm thinking about making another zucchini apple bread. But I won't tell Vince there's zucchini in it, or he won't eat it. Maybe I can make that bread into mini muffins. Interesting idea---why not????

    Jessica said she got her measurements taken, I just told her to email them to me along with some pics of the costume for the lady.

    Maj'd only twice tonight. Tomorrow night is rummikub. The gal who is hosting it told me that she's planning to have spaghetti. To me, spaghetti is somewhat bland. I'm going to bring a salad and dressing. The last time she put her own dressing on the salad. I'm going to let people put their own on. I probably will wind up having none at all. I'm sure one other gal will bring veges since she is eating gluten free and she's lactose intolerant. So I may take just a tiny bit of the spaghetti but fill up on the veggies. Don't know what she's going to have for dessert, I'll probably just have a little of it.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: Last night we went to bed at 7:30. I got up at 3:20 this morning, walked the dogs, ate my breakfast and read my spiritual books, walked the dogs again, then headed for the spiritual meeting we go to that starts at 7:00. When we got there, we saw a lot of people in the parking lot……apparently, the man who had the key to the building forgot to turn his clock ahead. After the meeting we went to our regular chiropractor appointment, came home, did my strength training and took care of chores, rode the exercise bike, fixed lunch, and took a long nap with the pets before walking the dogs again. Now I’m treating myself to 30 minutes on the computer…..time to read all the posts but no time to respond individually.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia we used to have a sheltie, name was Buddy. Oh how he hated his bath. Our youngest daughter could get him to do anything. When he needed medicine, broke his leg or needed anything medical, Michelle was the only one he would let take care of him. Anyway, when it came time for a bath he would 'hide'. But his idea of hiding was just biding his face. If he could hide it in a pillow, under Charlies arm, under a couch or anywhere he thought he was safe. But Michelle would persist and he would slowly walk down that long, long hall (actually very short) to the bathroo. He would stand there and just whine so but eventually he knew Michelle would win, he had no choice about it, and he would crawl in and let her bathe him. After he got in there he loved it. He especially loved the hair dryer when she was done. But when he was done with the hair dryer there was no getting him to cooperate anymore. I loved to brush him outside. I could brush and brush him in the sunshine to help get him dry. A sheltie has so many layers of hair I could never finish. When she left for college we got smart and took him to Pet Smart and payed them to do it. They loved him. It was them that discovered his tumors on his belly and they would make sure and let us know how much they had grown since you couldn't feel them except when he was wet. They called one day and said that they were really big. Even the vet was surprised at how quickly they had grown. It wasn't long after that that we had to put him down. I love all the pet stories here. We are a great bunch of ladies when it comes to our furry family members.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Good evening to all,

    Anamika congrats on half-marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jb so sorry about your uncle. :flowerforyou: Sounds like a life well lived.

    Rita hugs and prayers.:flowerforyou:

    To do something healthy today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    Getting to bed earlier.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Juanita in Sudbury: We had a few days of snow. Thant was plenty for me. I have always lived in a moderate climate and enjoyed snow as an infrequent treat. I can’t imagine living with it for months at a time. I suppose it wouldn’t be as bad in an area with longer days, but dark and cold together are not easy. I’m sending warm and sunny thoughts your way.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in W MA: “Well, we are waiting for our weekly snowstorm (Again ). Then it's supposed to get wicked cold again too Hopefully spring will come before the Fourth of July!!” I hope your spring arrives soon. Ours is on its way, but we have a LOT of water in the river & are praying it stays in its banks this year. We’ve been very lucky so far, and we’ve been here 17 years. We were able to buy this place because it flooded, so that risk is always there. It was what the weather folks call a 150 year flood. I hope they’re right and we don’t see another that horrible for at least 150 years.:noway: :flowerforyou:

    Rose from Baltimore: I am often sad because my daughter lives so far away and your help for your niece is something I would willingly take on if DD lived nearby. I admire your loyalty and support for her. I hope it goes okay and you are able to get enough rest.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: Sleep is your body’s healing time. Give it as much as it needs. I hope you’re better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I talk to my deceased parents regularly, and I feel better for it. :heart: I feel their advice and care for me, even though they’re gone. I think your mom is likely very proud of you. :love: We have health insurance available to us that doesn’t have a donut hole. We pay a significant premium for it, but are grateful that it is possible. DH has never been a cheap date.:noway: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I love your “bathtub” story. I use to have a cat who liked to take baths. I still miss her.:flowerforyou:

    Meg in Omaha: You have been missed! It is good to hear from you. Get your necessary rest. You do important work.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: I have some “sieve brain” episodes, myself. There is so much to keep track of!:tongue::smile:

    Michele: I wasn’t even petite the day I was born. Okay, I was skinny at birth, but also long. Then I ate my mama’s food and here I am. I’m making progress. I’ve also lived with a critical daughter. She’s now a mom and is less critical than previously. I think she’s beginning to understand how hard motherhood really is. Wait until she has a teen! My mom was 39 until she applied for Social Security.:wink::laugh:

    Barbie: I’m sorry you missed your spiritual meeting. I’m doing fine with my eating, but I’m not ready to limit my computer time. I need the support from my MFP friends too much to cut back on computer time. I also keep connections with long time friends and relatives on line. Thank God for technology. Well, for this technology.:love::glasses:

    Joyce: You are absolutely right. Our furry family members ARE family members. They hold important places in our hearts.:heart::flowerforyou:

    I am grateful for each of you. This group of women has enriched my life. I thought you should know. I’ve had good success getting healthier here at MFP and I was helped more by this group than anyone or anything. Just wanted to say thanks! I’m not planning on saying farewell. I want you to know how much I value each of you.

    Life is good.:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Rita – sending good thoughts your way; take care of all who need you but remember to care for you too!
    Sylvia – Love the Bruno/Molly bathtub story - I have never washed my dog in the tub – I tried it once with my last dog and she shook and there was water and dog hair on every wall and the ceiling – it took an hour or two to clean the bathroom…
    Newbies - welcome
    All with health problems or family problems - hang in sending good thoughts to one and all

    Someone mentioned daffodils, mine are up and gone, the tulips and hyacinth are blooming now and I can see that the bluebells are just a couple of days away! I bought my tomatoes over the weekend - they were on sale at the nursery, I move them to bigger pots, will wait a few weeks to put them in the ground - there could still be some cold weather.

    So in line with funny dog stories, I have to tell one too.. I used to have a cat that never caught anything! not even a toy, would cuddle, sleep and chase toys but never caught a one! Cat passed, and I got Levi (see profile pic) so it is warm enough in CA to have house flys (they disappear in the winter) and much to my surprise Levi catches them - snatches them right out of the air! then carries them in his mouth to the kitchen drops them on the floor and bats them with his paw each time the try to fly away - till they are dead - I think there might be a cat in that dog body!

    Kim in N. CA 17,966 steps today
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Ginryl, I live on the edge of town, so we get our share of "critters" passing through. We regularly have great horned owls and screech owls, but this was the first barn owl I have seen here.

    Our dog was also a whippet. The sweetest boy ever. We had him in the bathtub more than once trying to wash off skunk perfume. He just wouldn't learn!

    Life is keeping me from the gym for a couple of days. I don't like missing my appointed workout schedule. I'll see if I feel rested or rusty when I get back at it.

    Kayzoola (PNL USA)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Yeah! Lost my pesky half lb! ! ! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: At last! That's the last of the "entertaining" lbs I put on in Jan and Feb. Now to get into the nine stone somethings ............! :laugh:

    Be back later. Got to get ready for yoga and DRIVE THAT CAR!

    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning all, and a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Love the dog bath stories. Mine jumps right in too. ALWAYS have a bath mat in there to avoid injuries from slipping.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    At work again this morning, yesterday went really fast, hope today will as well. I work tonight at the Y too, until 8:30. Makes for a really long one.
    On a happy note I was able to walk outdoors for breaks yesterday and plan to today since it is suppose to get into the 60's. I also got some elliptical and bike in yesterday while working at the Y. Snow tomorrow, can you believe it.

    Thursday night I am taking a first aid and oxygen class, this is for certification at the Y and it's something I think I should have being a personal trainer as well.

    So many stories about pets. I would love to have a dog, we had them growing up and we had a beagle named Sammie when the girls were growing up, but I just feel like I can't give a pet the time right now.
    My dbil lived next to us when the kids were growing up. He had a German Shepard and that dog was deathly afraid of storms. She would get in any house she could get in and hide, we found her underthe covers on our bed many times.

    I wish I had the time to read and respond to more, but I have to get to work.
    God bless and wishing everyone a happy and healthy day.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies,
    hope everyone is doing well..
    thank you for all your support,it truly means everything to me..
    I have been in a slump since january and I dont know why.. been trying to eat right..but sometimes slip up, havent lost a darn thing,in fact I have gained back around 4 lbs. I will never give up until I reach the weight I want to be, I am just in a slump I guess..
    warm weather will make me feel better..
    ordered my DGD clothes and shoes for her birthday they will be sent to her.. will also send her a card with a 10.00 bill in it...
    we are looking at a new fridge.. we have a side by side and it is white, we have had it probably 14-15 yrs and it is all rusty on the front..
    looking at a french door one
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member
    Good morning everyone...happy Tuesday!

    Thanks to all who sent welcome notes yesterday!

    I love all the dog stories! I must have the only Labrador that hates water...a bath is a fight-he won't even go in the bathroom now that he knows that's where the bath happens, he runs from the hose, won't go in the stream. I think he needs remedial Labrador training! He's a god boy, a rescue with a tough first two years, but now lives like a king!

    Tomorrow is weigh-in for me...hoping for the best. It's been a tough week (hormonally with sweats, migraines). Hoping to walk the dog today since it's going to 60, but snow again tomorrow. Spring really must be right around the corner! ????

    Have a fantastic day everyone and be all you can be!
    Marsha from eastern PA
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Margaret:smile: Sharing coffee:drinker: and water:drinker: with you!!!

    Anamika:smile: Woo hoo!!!! Congrats on your run:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Sylvia:smile: Love the jokes:laugh: !!! Love the story about Molly and Bruno's bath time:love: ! Noel loves her bath and especially getting her hair blown dry:laugh: !

    Rita:smile: Prayers for you, your son and your mom:flowerforyou: !!! Congrats on your A1C!!!

    Vicki:smile: I`m sure those 3.3 pounds are just water! Glad your dad is doing better:flowerforyou: !

    Sandy in ON:smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

    Beth:smile: One of the ladies that pop in from time to time, Robin, used the word "dreadmill" for the treadmill, I love the word since I absolutely hate having to walk on it, I prefer the outdoors, so now I use "dreadmill" anytime I have to get on it:laugh: !

    Katla:smile: When my daughter was in the teenage years, I called my mom up and apologized for all the "stuff" I put her through:laugh: ! My daughter has done the same to me:tongue: !

    Heather:smile: Yay, the pesky 1/2 pound is gone:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!

    I am so late this morning:frown: !!! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in absolutely beautiful NC:glasses:
  • myrakes
    myrakes Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone!

    Marilyn from Ohio saying hello!

    I have been using MFP for awhile. Started last year - lost 35 lbs. Had some bursitis in my hip that sidelined me from my walking routine I was getting in. Put about 10 lbs back on. Now- I am back to eating better, walking again and starting to lose the weight once more.

    My goals for March are to get to 5 lb loss goal, get walking back up to 3 times a week, continue to eat more fruits and veggies every day!

    Hope everyone has a great day!