

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    I feel so happy to be back and able to concentrate on all of you.:flowerforyou: :love:

    Michele - I am the one in the stripey t shirt with my red bag strap over my shoulder. The friend who hosted so beautifully is in the purple anorak. She is a retired doctor. My lawyer friend is in the black quilted jacket and another retired doctor in the dark blue t shirt. We have known each other for 53 years, the lawyer friend longer. When we were at school we went to Paris together when I was 16. In the sixth form, (the last two years of school) we were all leading lights in the drama society and the debating society. Three of us have had pretty traumatic childhoods, but we have survived. We have had all sorts of life problems. When we had young children we really only communicated by Christmas card, except for my lawyer friend, but picked up again when our children were older. It is quite something to know so much of each other's histories. To know all is to forgive all. Sometimes one or other of us can be a bit exasperating, but because we know each other so well we can make allowances. I gave each of them a friendship token, with "good for a lifetime" written on it.

    Carol - I feel for you with your anger. I used to be very, very angry. And sitting on the anger made me depressed. Identifying it is a help, writing it out, as Cynthia said, helps some people. Self compassion helps. A good friend helps. You have such a lot on your plate. Anger is pretty much a normal reaction. Big hugs from us.:flowerforyou:

    We had some sad news when I got home. My DH'S nephew, that has the child I think may be autistic, has been getting too close to a colleague at work. His wife is devastated. He is contrite and trying to heal it all. So hard. The last time I saw them they both looked exhausted and running on empty. I am only surprised because he is such a lovely man. I hope they can get through this. We love them both.:brokenheart:

    Eating back under control, but I was very hungry this pm. Diet Coke came to my rescue. I need six days of this I reckon to lose my gain. Ho hum........:ohwell:

    Love to you all, Heather in Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Anamika,I had to look up the dish you made,biryani......because I hadn't heard of it. The recipe site said it's an Indian/Pakistani dish.
    Looks delicious,but also looks like it takes a while to put together. How nice of you to make for the pot luck.Love fried potatoes & is definitely something we seldom have.
    Had fast food for lunch,so "dinner" will be cereal with banana.

    DH felt something about the flight being lost, sounded wacky right from the 1st.How terrifying for the passengers!
    We felt the same about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania,part of the 9/11. Tragedy.Have visited the site/ monument several times. Sadness that never ends. Pat in Ohio
    Hello vit F :love:
    It was a challenging day today. Instead of sticking to the food I planned I ended up grazing on all kinds of delicious but calorie rich food.:sad: :grumble:
    Well so much for festivals. Actually one of the senior ladies in my meditation group met with an accident couple of weeks ago and seems to be in pain still.Few of us decided to surprise her by getting together at her place and having a pot luck so she wouldnt feel too lonely on this festive day. I made vegetable biryani and paneer in tomato gravy.There were puris ( deep fried bread) with potatoes and chickpea curry followed by sweets.
    I had small helpings but they add up......:laugh:
    luckily I did half an hour of yoga and walked the dog morning and evening :wink:
    Gloria I am sorry about your mother. thinking of you and sending you my best wishes :heart:
    Heather you look smashing :flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker: and the other friends look good too. Sylvia sending you and sonny my prayers.
    Barbie when I joined this group I thought I was helping myself on a journey of weight loss, but I am on the train to improve myself, widen my horizons and get worldwide perspective.:bigsmile: :love:,...
    Thanks for that! I love the way u notice details which many of us might miss.
    Hugs and love for all my friends here
    Anamika from Mumbai
    Amazing how an entire Boeing just disappears from the sky...... Aliens, anyone???
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    *peeks in sheeishly*

    I have been gone so long. You guys are so chatty I just couldn't keep up. But I still think about you all of the time. I hope you are all doing well.

    I hurt my back falling down our deck stairs a few weeks ago and then I had to travel for work so the healing is slow. I finally feel well enough to dreadmill again. I also went grocery shopping this week and have healthy food for the next week or so. That should help.

    I hope to have time to stop by again.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    OK, so tomorrow I will start logging my food. Today's food day messed me up. My pumpkin walnut protein bars were a hit. I didn't eat all that much but it's hard to count a bite of this and a bite of that. I will be back on track tomorrow.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all,

    Things have been so crazy at work that I haven’t gotten the chance to catch up on the posts here, but I have been thinking of all of you.

    I’m still struggling with logging and exercise. I have my good days and my bad days. I am up about four pounds from my goal weight, and although it doesn’t seem like much, I know that if I don’t keep it in check, it can spiral out of control, so I come here with my tail between my legs for some Vitamin F once again.:embarassed:
    One of the problems is that I go out to eat way too much. Staying on course works for me better when I can control what I eat either by eating meals at home or when making my own lunch. I have gotten much better with controlling my portions, but one meal out can be a whole day’s worth of calories! :noway:

    I was away this weekend at a convention with a support group that I use to attend, but left a few years ago. A friend who still attends this group asked me if I wanted to go with her. Although I didn’t do so great in the eating department, and exercise was out of the question as we were in meetings all day, I am filled up spiritually and emotionally, so I guess it was worth it.:heart:

    My daughter finally called me. She said she knows there was no reason we weren’t talking. She just wasn’t ready to tell me that she was back with her boyfriend. After all of the things she did to get out of that relationship (left her job and moved away), now she’s in a place that she hates with no money and no job and they are back together anyway. I stayed in a bad marriage with an intolerable situation for way too long (31 years), so who am I to give her advice anyway? I just told her I loved her no matter what, but she made those choices, and she has to live with them. In the past I would have offered to finance her move back (she didn’t ask), but I am healthier now and know that it’s best not to enable her. I know I have to allow her to be an adult and stand on her own, and I am feeling very strongly that this is the right position to take. That’s a big improvement for me. I am happy that we are on speaking terms again.:happy:

    We had more snow this morning. It was only a few inches, but this sure is getting old! Where is spring? Anyway, Happy St. Paddy’s Day to all!:bigsmile:

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (40%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Not in THIS weather!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.

    Lucy in DE. :smile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy ST Pattty"s day dear sisters.

    Carol I am a firm believer that ALL emotions are a gift from God. We just have to learn how to use them in a healthy way. We can learn so much from our anger at something whether it is life or the whole world in general. Use it to propel yourself forward. When you have been this way what worked for you, can you recreate that. Learn a new exercise, yoga, a new diet lifestyle, make some change.

    Well my weight was finally down .1 pound this morning!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No, that's not hardly anything but it was encouraging. Hopefully those Cadbury eggs are finally coming off although if some one offered me some today I don't know how I could say no. I read that the Mars candy company is all of a sudden concerned about our health and has vowed not to make a candy bar less than 250 calories. Wonder how they will change them. They said one thing they will do is to quit making the king size candy bars. In its place will be two separate candy bars in the same package. 1 for now and one to share or save for later. I guess they think that some one who buys a king size bar actually has the will power to save one for later. I don 't think they have a grasp on how us chocoholics actually think.

    Tonight is Hacienda night, so I get my usual, hate that term, the wet burrito. I leave off the enchilada sauce so it really ins't a wet burrito. The shredded beef is the lowest in sodium. I really try to stay away from beef but the chicken and fish are terribly high in sodium. I wish we didn't go but Charlie loves his Hacienda. I have worked out that I can have 5 chips, that's enough for me I'm not a big salsa person but that leaves the rest of the basket on the table and Charlie doesn't have will power when it comes to those chips and salsa. He controls his own destiny. Your waitress comes to the table with the basket so we can't tell her to just bring us half a basket.

    Charlie got a check in the mail last week from the insurance company that he had last year. He got a different policy in July when he went on Medicare. I must say he is stronger than me. I would have just cashed it. But he called the company today and asked them if it was OK for him to cash it. Apparently he may still get these payouts form his old flexible spending account until this coming December. I was surprised I could find his old ID number. I guess my disorganization came in handy for one time! When I found it I looked on the paper that had the check and the ID number was on it! I did have the phone number though because the paper said if he had nay questions to call customer service number on the back of his card! His card. Ummm, he threw that away last year.

    Dancing with the stars starts tonight!

    Joyce, sunny Indiana!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 15 minutes yoga this morning, held a plank for 2 min 15 seconds and then took the extremepump class for an hour. Tomorrow I'm planning to do this DVD that I have called "AM & PM walking"

    After the extremepump class I went to the post office to mail a card to Diana, her grandfather passed away a few weeks ago. Then stopped at Kohl's to see if I could find a swimsuit coverup that I liked, only I found a pair of shorts that fit me. I tell you, I have the hardest time finding clothes that I'm willing to pay for (not an outrageous price) that fit me. The shorts were $30 but I had a coupon for $5 off and then I got 20% off.

    Then came home. Tonight mahjongg.

    Carol - you could have bowled me over. Someone actually asked you "who's the man"? I like Cynthia's response. Really hope you feel better

    Rita - oh no! Cars are so nice when they run well and there's not a problem. But when there's a problem....watch out!

    anamika - that was so nice and thoughtful of you to have your lunch at that lady's house. I'm sure she really appreciated it.

    Margare - sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your mother, how lucky she is to have you

    Heather - thaks so much for the run down on who's who in the pic. Isn't it great when you've stayed friends with someone for a long time? What a nice idea to give them a token! What horrible news about dh's nephew!

    Pat - my hubby feels something "just isn't right" about that flight, too

    Robin - so good to "see" you again, but so sorry to hear about your back. Good to hear that it's getting better, tho

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals hope you have all had a productive day. Today we started the students in their sophomore class and as usual, they were over the top by 3! The first few days of this class are worse than the last one because they are so jammed packed. Well, they will be happy to get into clinical and already have all the skills they need to care for their patients!

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hungry today…not sure why. My blood sugar has been a bit lower than normal for some reason, but not bad low. I’m just starving. So I’m sure I’ll go over today but hopefully with healthy food.

    Sue: a pox on prednisone lol. When I take it, my husband flees and I spend sleepless nights plotting against all known life
    forms. It makes me such a witch!

    Viv: hope things are going better for you so far this week.

    Lila: so nice to see you again! We need you too You have been missed.

    Sandy: sorry it’s so cold there!

    Carol; I hear you about not having time to do the things you enjoy or that are fun. I feel like a hermit!

    Gloria: I am so sorry about your loss. There is nothing compared to losing a mother. Be kind to yourself.

    Michele: the pollen has sprung here too

    Sylvia: your jokes crack me up! I was last in Miami last summer. It’s growing a great deal and now they have lots of big houses around the edges of town that weren’t there just a couple of years ago. My brother is doing better; he can go back to work at the end of the week for 1-2 hours at a time. We fixed one of the big stressors in his life; dad calls him at all times of the day and night and completely fills his answering machine with ranting, raving, and profanities. I didn’t know about it and he certainly doesn’t do that with me. So we got the social worker to get dad to give up his phone, saving him $25 a month in exchange for timed phone calls with a roll-in phone the staff provides. That problem is solved!

    Cindy: I try yoga twice a week, but as I always say “the downward facing dog bites me”. I am stiff as a board and can’t do any of the poses correctly!

    Katla: sounds like you are having fun!

    Kim: wow you are productive!

    Alison: glad that fridge finally fits!

    Heather; lovely pic! I’m glad you had such a nice time at the zoo. That is so sad about the nephew and his wife. I hope they can heal that rift.

    DeeDee: hubby is better and went to work today; I think he is still very tired though. He hasn’t had this kind of run of illness in quite some time

    Patceoh: how cool is it that hubby will be on an honor flight? I have a friend who will be going in 2 weeks from here as a volunteer nurse.

    Tammy: it is amazing how we get to know each other and feel close, isn’t it?

    Carol: I haven’t had that push from people but I guess I would respond to those nosy and rude questions by asking “And why would you want to know that?”. I’m sorry you are having a bad time right now. Don’t beat yourself up over what you ate by hanging on to the “evidence”. You know you ate it. That will only make you feel worse to keep looking at it. You will learn how to deal with your anger in a more productive manner …so don’t worry about it too much So how is that for butting in with my opinion??? If you want to tell me to F*** off, I’ll still be your friend! :bigsmile:

    Jb: funny how those pets have their routine!

    Rita: keep plugging away. I m sorry you are having a bad time right now. Hugs to you.

    Anamika: I too am amazed that a huge plane can just disappear.

    Margaret: glad you had a good visit with mom

    Robin: always nice to see you again

    Lucy: I just love seeing your ticker with the kayak pic on it!

    Joyce: gotta love that Mexican food! I sure do.

    OK need to eat dinner and get ready for aqua zumba. I prelogged it to see where I was with calories. Take care all Meg from windy Omaha
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Happy Happy St Paddy's Day. Had plans to go out to dinner with neighbors but they just canceled. So what to do now??

    Heather -- what a great picture. Glad you had fun
    DeeDee – Hate to see you have gloomy weather there. It finally got nice here after weekend of tunder & rain.
    Michele – Cold rainey. Bet you & DH re ready for some spring time weather
    Cindy – Remodeling the kitchen? Hassle when going thru process but so worth it in the end.
    Tammy – So funny about the internet & snail mail. I try to remember that my GS loves getting stuff in snail mail so I send him things when I think about it.
    Carol – I understand exactly what you are saying. Don’t put more pressure on yourself because of the eating. Deal with 1 thing at a time & then you will be better able to deal with the eating. I noticed as I get older that I get anger or depressed when I was younger it didn’t seem to bother me so much. Maybe because I was busier & dumber. Anyway please write away no one here will judge you but will support you.
    JB – love the story of your dog. Mine act the same way sometimes.
    Rita – Good luck with March goals

    I can't address everyone as time is getting away from me. I have a ringing phone & still on the clock so work work!
    Talk to you all 2morrow
    Pennie in TX
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Then stopped at Kohl's to see if I could find a swimsuit coverup that I liked, only I found a pair of shorts that fit me. I tell you, I have the hardest time finding clothes that I'm willing to pay for (not an outrageous price) that fit me. The shorts were $30 but I had a coupon for $5 off and then I got 20% off.

    Michele in NC
    Haha, Kohl's. They just about throw money at you for shopping there. :laugh:

    Goodnight everybody!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies,
    did well up until about an hour ago, then started stuffing my face:grumble:
    damn it all to hell.. when is this hormonal eating crap gonna go away:noway:
    gonna get to bed soon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Gloria - my condolences on the loss of your mother. My heart goes out to you

    Lila - welcome back. I knew you were not really gone! I can't keep up with everyone either. I basically have some time on the weekends or days off (such as today) or when I am awake in the middle of the night!! I read from the newest to oldest. Once I recognize a post it means I've been there already :laugh:

    I spent time with my DD today. She is 6 ms pregnant with 2nd baby boy and we sorted through bags of clothes that people have been giving her plus of course what she still has. We enjoy doing these type of things together. Then she treated me to lunch. I had a wrap, with lots of veggies in it. Kept half of it for later.

    It is very windy here right now and I think whatever is blowing is affecting my eyes. I want to scratch them out! Are my allergies coming back? Have not had those for a decade, so I hope not.

    I am reading an Ann Rule book. Love her true crime stories. I own almost all her books.

    Drinking my water:drinker: :drinker:

    Sunny and windy Vancouver Island, BC
  • trojanmom5
    I haven't quite got the hang of the message boards yet, but I just wanted to thank all of you for putting posts out here. It is so good to know that I am not alone.

    To Fabulous Fifty - thanks for friend request.

    My goals for the next 6 weeks are to work out 6 times a week for one hour doing whatever physical movement I choose. Tonight was treadmill walking. It went faster than I thought it would. I am used to 30-40 minutes were workout 4x a week, so I will ramping it up a bit.

    Have a wonderful St. P evening ladies!
  • tartanlass58
    tartanlass58 Posts: 10 Member
    Why are people marking their spots and what does bump mean?
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    I am so @#$%$%^&&* Comcast is the internet provider in my area and they are just useless! This morning the internet was down; it is up and down all the time and it is always something they are doing to my connection! I had a ton of errands and a dog walk to do so went out and did my thing, came home and internet is still down. I called at 1:14pm and stayed on the phone until 3 pm when they decided I needed a new modem, $70 poorer and 25 minutes later back on the phone and I just now got off. A complete afternoon of sitting on the phone not working - AND on top of that I was so darn frustrated that I grabbed a ice cream (290 calories) from the cold box when I was checking out with the modem - so not only did they ruin a work day they screwed up my daily calorie count. Not enough left for the dinner I planned. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    more later I am off for a second dog walk to earn my dinner!

    Kim in N.CAL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Read everything but just don't have the energy to do comments. Spent major part of the day with Gwen............I had been very hopeful that once we got her meds corrected, she would improve mentally............I got really hit hard with the realization today that it truly looks like she's heading toward full blown dementia. I am beyond sad.

    My favorite plumber comes tomorow morning and hopefully by tomorrow this time I will once again have hot water. Cross your fingers ladies, cause this heating it on the stove and carrying pots upstairs is getting old.

    That's all I've got. Best to all.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    I don't think for our thread it means any thing - except hi, I'm still out here but not able/ready to chat - I have read some of the other threads - especially some of the challenge ones and they require that you check in every day or you are out... we are a more easy going bunch --- guess over 50 sorta means been there seen that --nothing to get to wound up about! and that from someone who's response to Comcast was to get my panties in a bunch! A walk did me good.
    Why are people marking their spots and what does bump mean?
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Thanks so much for the kind and sympathetic words. As those who have been there know, it's just the start of the journey. The "good" news is that the stress that was literally causing chest pain for weeks is gone. The unbearable stress of the whole illness is now replaced with grief. I know things will never be the same and there's a hole that will never be filled but I also know that it will get better.

    My poor baby got teary when he was short a "goodnight" tonight. I'm glad to see him showing his emotions, even just a little, because he hasn't been doing that much...or worse, he's been displacing them.

    Did a little skimming. Will do better as the week goes one. "Hormonal eating"...haha...is that what my problem's been for the past few weeks?

    Reigned it in a bit today and did get some treadmill time in. Ordered my T25 and expect it later this week. Eeks. Going mall walking tomorrow after I drop my son off at school and am going to hit Kohls for some new running/walking shoes. Have some Kohls cash and b'day $$. Weee.

    It will probably be a week or two away but I see a South Beach Phase 1 detox in my near future:ohwell:

    in cold Metro Detroit
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lila, welcome back. I don't remember you from when you were here before, but with my MS sometimes I don't remember yesterday! Looking forward to getting to know you.

    Lisa, we go out to eat every night. I do eat all of the other food at home and many times some of that food is from a restruant as a carry out or doggy bag. One of my requirements of a restruant is that it has to have it's nutritional info online but sometimes that isn't possible. So when I have to log calories on my own I tend to go with an entry that is higher than it might be just because I don't know what's in it. I ask all the time for special requests. I have mastered eating a salad with a tiny bit of dressing on it. I try to stick with chicken and fish. My diary is open. One thing I don't have to worry about is my sodium. I tend to run a low blood sodium and my doctor warns me about restricting it to much. I was trying to keep it at 1500 mg but he wants it closer to 2000 - 2500 mg. I don't always succeed. Bummer. So it's still low but I don't have the fainting spells anymore.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    changed my profile pic to celebrate the holiday!