
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning all,

    My thoughts on menopause weight loss is that it requires trying x 100. What may have worked a few years, or even a few months, ago no longer works. It's still a numbers game, the trick is finding the right numbers.

    Have to run. Going out to face people today for the first time. Good thing it doesn't require me to be at my best.

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Not a lot of time this morning. I have an early meeting:grumble: and then have to attend a funeral:cry: . My best friend's mother passed away after a short illness:brokenheart: . It is never easy:cry: !

    Vicki:smile: Congrats on two of those pounds coming off:bigsmile: !!! That sounds really scary about the car, so glad it missed you guys!!! One thing you could do if you don`t want anyone to read your journal, when your done you could shred it, page by page, I did that once and it felt good, putting the past in the trash!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat!!!

    Gorgeous Bradford Pear tree:love: !!! I had 40 of them lining my driveway, through the years I`ve lost a few to wind, I have 36 left. I sure hope they bloom this year, the buds were out and then we got slammed with the ice:angry: ! My flowers that had popped out on my Star Magnolia tree have turned brown now:frown: .

    Got to run now. Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still cloudy NC:frown:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    Hi all! Haven't weighed myself yet. Will do tomorrow.

    About to cook my hot (spicy) soup. As I use shiritaki noodles it only comes to about 250 cals.

    My window saga is still dragging on.:grumble: Not going to spoil my day alone with complaining so resolve to do that tomorrow.

    Katla - I am so missing my DGC. Have a good journey home. That is quite a trek. The good news for us is that our local train line is back in action after a few months of flood damage. A bit of it was washed away, but it is running again. Phew! That makes visiting DGC so much easier as even if we don't catch that train there will be more parking on the main line.

    Gloria - I remember that 'going out to face people'. When my baby girl was stillborn I made my husband go out and tell all the local shops because I didn't want them all asking, "where's the new baby then? ".:brokenheart: :brokenheart: I felt as if I was walking around in a very strange new world, as if my skin was very thin. Hugs.:heart:

    Well, off to cook the soup.:love:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,205 Member
    Good morning,


    Working today so just time to wish everyone a wonderful day!

    Took my own advice and had tart cherry juice before bed. Slept well. I did not have to take anything extra to get my sleep. What I take leaves me groggy the next day if I have to take it.

    To do something healthy today,so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    Plan to take a walk after work.
    2014 word: contentment
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 489 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    Day 1 of Project Kitchen is done. Those boys were here over 10 hours, I know they were tired. Heard one say he wished they had their radio so we got one of ours and I got to listen to classic rock all day. Loved the music of the 80's. Our kitchen had lots of wallpaper, that took awhile, floor too. I think they will be done early next week.

    I read all posts since yesterday, but am using iPad this morning so can't make notes, I know many are dealing with difficulties and grief, weather, health. My thoughts are with you.

    Sylvia, I am still new to this thread but already look forward to you jokes. Laughter is great medicine.
    Carol, their are no words, I have ready MANY books and could tell stories that would make your hair stand up on betrayal, family that should love you not hurt you, ex-husband. I think that is why I started running, it gave me such relief (not to mention arthritis in my knees), so now I jog/walk instead. But all things can be overcome, you carry scars, but happiness is a choice and a gift you give yourself. Keep breathing, and getting up each day and take care of you, you are cared for, know that. Sorry, didn't mean to sound preachy.
    Michele, working out in the AM is what works best for me too!

    So I keep this list of things I am thankful for, I have about 300 items now, started it last November, it is great medicine. I now have empty kitchen, to make ready for new kitchen. Kinda like life, out with old make ready for new. After kitchen it will be carpet. But I have things like ex-husband, because I wouldn't appreciate my hubby of 32 years near so much if I hadn't had the first one who was nothing like him. Blooms on my one spindly Bradford pear, it is hard to grow anything in the red clay of OK. It keeps my mind on the positive, oh, I also have 8 entries for each pound lost, finding MFP in January and all my friends here!

    Gotta go, another day of dust and new countertops.....log food and drink water! Didn't know I had so much to say...:ohwell:

    Hugs and prayers,
    Cindy in OK:heart::drinker: :smile:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,818 Member
    Good morning!

    Went to my second Zumba class last night. Pretty sure my mother would be appalled at some of the "moves" I was trying to duplicate!!:laugh:

    Also got on an elliptical for the first time (I really am pathetic in the exercise experience). This machine is going to take some getting used to!!

    Not feeling very motivated to get to work, but off I better go.

    Have a great day!
    Beth in WNY.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning... only misty at the moment... I have hopes for SUN!

    Thanks for the lovely tree photos. So much to look forward to.:smile:

    TeresaWash... Easy to gain? Hard to lose? Yes! Menopause has caused havoc to my system!

    Work out more, eat less/more nutritious. A constant battle.

    Does anyone agree/disagree???

    Have a great day!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 489 Member
    Checked back while logging my breakfast shake, hard to stay off this site!

    I agree with you Tammy, menopause is one reason I am here! Without exercise and clean food everything wants to stay as added pounds. Welcome to all new to this thread. Forgot that on my earlier post.

    Cindy in OK :drinker: :smile:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Thank you so much.Years ago I would change fonts,pics etc in my mail.
    No longer remember much of the code. Thanks again,Pat in Ohio
    try using the img code and changing the IMG to img at the beginning and the end

    Pat,this is your picture with the IMG code

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Kayzoola, I haven't heard of "evening-scented" stocks, I'll have to research. I usually grow the Giant Imperials, but last year I tried a small varitey that I didn't like as well. The Giants have a lovely scent, morning through night, ahhhh, bliss! :love:

    Tammy, in regards to "Work out more, eat less/more nutritious. A constant battle", I must say yes, it's true, we need to move more and eat less (and healthier). However, I'm on a mission to change my thinking from "constant battle" to "constant kindness" since "battling" leaves me with a bitter taste of frustration. After spending much of last year struggling, fighting, often losing the war, admitting defeat and feeling hopeless, I'm now looking at the whole picture in a different light. Treating myself with kindness, focusing on the positive, feeding my body with the foods I've learned work best for me, not eating until hungry, allowing myself a little break on weekends, and looking at exercise as a blessing instead of a curse...these are a few things from my recent list of how I to help myself feel better. Getting rid of the all the negatives helps me immensely, and reading my list every morning helps set my feet in the right direction. I haven't mastered it yet, but I'm feeling much, much better. :wink:

    Oh shoot, just glanced at the clock :noway: I gotta git!

    What gorgeous Bradford pear trees!! :heart: Have a wonderful Weds!

    :smile: jb in foggy but not rainy Portland
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Yesterday afternoon hubby and I bought a set of bunk beds for the girls and spent the evening assembling them. That was not fun, but they look good and the kids like them. It makes more space in their tiny bedroom.

    I went with my son and the kids this morning to get a genetic test run for the lung condition my son has. He wanted to get them tested so they know in advance if any of them are going to need treatment later, and if they need to avoid certain things as they grow up. I wanted to get tested to know for sure if I am really a carrier, so I can warn my siblings and their children. So I got my finger stuck first, thinking it would help the kids to watch, but the 5 year old still cried a lot. Poor baby. Then I took them out for a donut afterwards. I got to watch them eat. I miss donuts.

    Today I'm going to the studio to do some drafting work, then to the Y this afternoon. The weather is gray and gloomy today, but not too cold.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Two men were walking through the woods and came upon a big black, deep hole. One man picked up a rock and tossed it into the hole and stood listening for the rock to hit bottom. There was no sound.

    He turned to the other guy and said "that must be a deep hole...let's throw a bigger rock in there and listen for it to hit bottom." The men found a bigger rock and both picked it up and lugged it to the hole and dropped it in.

    They listened for some time and never heard a sound. Again, they agreed that this must be one deep hole and maybe they should throw something even bigger into it.

    One man spotted a rail-road tie nearby. They picked up the tie, grunting and groaning, and lugged it to the hole. They tossed it in. No sound. All of a sudden, a goat came flying out of the woods, running like the wind, and flew past the men and jumped straight into the hole. The men were amazed.

    About that time, an old hayseed farmer came out of the woods and asked the men if they had seen a goat. One man told the farmer of the incredible incident they had just witnessed...they had just seen this goat fly out of the woods and run and leap into the big hole. The man asked the farmer if this could have been his goat.

    The old farmer said "naw, that can't be my goat...he was chained to a railroad tie."


    Have a great day today!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It`s raining,Violet starts spring break.She woke up declaring it was p.j. day.I said ok,but we have some cleaning to do,which she did help with.
    Have a good day.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Ladies,

    Scrolling down the message board pages, it is great to see all the success you have had. It is a great inspiration to me as I get this journey started. I have always struggled with weight, but last year I had a family member pass along some personal information to me that really threw me out of kilter for a few months and I packed on the pounds unconsciously. By the time I regained a conscious attitude, I was barely squeezing into my clothes and I had put on a little more than 30 lbs. Now, much to my dismay, I have about 60-70 lbs. to lose. Thank goodness I have found myfitnesspal.

    I am grateful every day for the blessings I have and am looking forward to adding "increased health / less weight" to my gratitude list.

    Have a wonderful day all day long!
  • Hello Ladies, this is my first post to this topic. Turned 50 in November and only just started really using MFP yesterday. I hired a trainer at the end of February and much to my surprise I don't want to kill him yet. He is very patient with me. I suffer from inflamation in my ankels and hands but blood work comes back as normal so I stopped eating gluten. Doing this has had the best result but I still have flare ups and keep Medrol available. I had a complete hysterectomy back in 2005 and have been on bio-identical hormones for about 5 years. Tried the patch and cream and pills but the troche has been the best delivery system for me and the only one that has stopped the hot flashes. Working out has really helped and after only one day wtih my Food Diary I realize I am eating without any regard to calories. Looking forward to watching my progress. Have a great day!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
    Toadg53 – welcome! Just dive in – everyone is friendly here!
    Pat/JB – you both have beautiful trees!!! If I had room for another tree it would be one of those!!!:smile:
    Alison, Best wishes on getting your FIL the care he needs; but try not to worry too much about things that are out of your hands. There is Adult Protective Services if things are too bad. :flowerforyou:
    All with insomnia – best wishes for a good night sleep. Not something I have ever had to deal with but sounds awful!
    Cindy – what a great idea all the things you are thankful for and I love the idea that a yucky guy is on there to help you appreciate the new one….
    Sylvia – LOL
    Lbwhitley – welcome, logging food is an eye opener! knowledge helps me understand how to make better choices (sometimes!)

    So last night was my Gourmet Girls evening – and I did pretty good last month and thought I had a handle on how to deal with it. :smile: OMG I ate like I had been on a deserted island starving for months!:mad: Logged it all and was appalled :angry: :angry: - But today is another day! The good thing is that I don’t feel good at all, I didn't feel good last night after dinner – my tummy is giving me the finger -:explode: This is the second time I have eaten really poorly and felt bad - that is new for me I have in the past always been able to just pack in any old thing and other than get fat, have had no side affects - I am really glad to feel bad that will I think help me remember to take it easy.

    So a dog walk and coffee this morning - think I'll have a little yogurt to help give my tummy a break; and then a low calorie day...
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Kim in Sunny N. CAL
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,201 Member
    Well, I hit the snooze button too many times this morning. Had to skip Curves and made it into work about 15 minutes late. :embarassed: I did manage to walk at lunch. I have been good with walking at lunch and after work this week and walked 1100 steps Monday and Tuesday. I was able to walk that many steps for 3 days last week too. It is the only way I am staying sane with all my outside stress! Exercise is great medicine for the depressed and stressed!

    Trying to eat right, but only doing so-so with that.

    Must get back to work now. Just wanted to check in and let you all know I am still around! :happy:

    Rita from CT
  • Glad to find a over 50 thread. I'm 53, have two weddings coming up and need to drop 20 to 30 lbs. This is my big dilemma: I cannot step on a scale; I have a completely panic response to the thought. Started using myfitness for lent season...thought I can't seem to stay on a plan for myself, maybe I can do it for Jesus :) So far so good (mostly). Anyone else have this fear of the scale? I promised myself I would weigh, so I can track my progress, but I can't. I'm actually afraid I will just give up if I see the number. Weird. Now I'm promising I will weight myself on Easter...the thought feels potentially 'derailing'. Any thoughts?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Good Wednesday, Hope you are having a good day. We got about an inch of snow last evening and now today it is to be up to 50 with rain. Gotta love it.

    Katla--have a safe trip home. I know leaving is hard, I have several grand babies that live away and I sure enjoy the time with them, but wish it was more often. But we do what we can and they know we love them.

    Alison--I know it is hard not being able to do more for DFIL, but know you are doing what you can. Hopfully the doctor will notice somethings and address them.

    DeeDee--thanks for the advice and I do think I will do that. Feel good letting go of the past one page at a time. Sorry about your friends mom. It is never easy and no one is ever ready.

    Sylvia--thanks for the laugh.

    Kim--I like your way of thinking as it is a new day and new start. (Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time) Not sure who posted that, but I printed it off and keep it where I can see it most days, and it does help.

    Well time to get some work done. Have a great day and log every bite.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE where the sun is trying to shine.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,818 Member
    Lbwhitley and 53supermom ... welcome!

    53supermom ... a scale is not always the best way to measure success, but you really might want to get on the dastardly thing so you'll be able to see how well you're doing in all aspects of getting fit. If you really can't bear to look at the scale, would you consider allowing a trusted friend or family member to record your weight while you close your eyes? Then don't get on again until you feel positive about your efforts. Trust me, you'll want this start-point information in the future!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,696 Member
    Glad to find a over 50 thread. I'm 53, have two weddings coming up and need to drop 20 to 30 lbs. This is my big dilemma: I cannot step on a scale; I have a completely panic response to the thought. Started using myfitness for lent season...thought I can't seem to stay on a plan for myself, maybe I can do it for Jesus :) So far so good (mostly). Anyone else have this fear of the scale? I promised myself I would weigh, so I can track my progress, but I can't. I'm actually afraid I will just give up if I see the number. Weird. Now I'm promising I will weight myself on Easter...the thought feels potentially 'derailing'. Any thoughts?

    I don't have this issue, but accept it for now - and use something else like measuring yourself in a bunch of places Waist, bust, hip, thigh, arm, neck....... if you go to the check in tab there is a place to put in the measurement and while it will not show up in a tracker - you can graph it and see the progress. And since you don't use a scale I am guessing that the reality is you want to drop 1-2 clothing sizes, and that is really related to inches not to weight anyway...

    smiles Kim in N. CAL