Help any tips to overcome stress eating?



  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    I was and still am, I was going through this yesterday but instead of reaching for a snack I put on my headphones and listened to music and closed my eyes. I remembered why I started my new life journey. There will always be stress at every angle you turn. But they key is to turn your stress elsewere . Listen to music, write a story, go out for a walk, do meditation and yoga, watch a movie, reorganize anything to make you forget about food. Your not hungry in that moment of stress... you just want to direct it towards something FOOD, so find something else that works for you :)
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    This is a tough love response but... the fact that you sat down after working on your house and thought something like "I deserve this" means that this is a choice that you are electively choosing. It's not a compulsion, it's not even necessarily an emotional need... heck, that scenario, you don't even sound stressed out at the time.

    When I think of stress eating, I think of eating when you are on deadline to keep yourself awake... Allowing yourself to have a bag of M&Ms while working on a huge project... Having a horrible day at work and pulling into the first DQ you see and eating the Blizzard before you get home, not out of shame but because the dopamine rush from the eating calms you down.

    This sounds like a habit. Habits can be broken. You have kids, it's a given. It's time to acclimate. As long as you consider that stress worthy of eating things that will put you over your calories or whatever, you will struggle to succeed. There is zero reason to get up, leave the house, and get a milkshake. If you had time to do all that, which probably took at least 15 minutes if not more, you had enough time to do some exercise. Therefore, you have time enough to choose an option that will make you happier.

    Choose to motivate yourself, and not allow yourself to leave the house for sweets once you're home for the night. I incorporated a reward system for myself at one point to help change the habit... for every day I didn't purchase junk, I would put money that would have been spent on junk into a jar to save for a special thing later.

    For the record though, I love milkshakes.. and when I was working out 2-3 hours a day, they were a rather daily thing. I would get one during my recovery hour after water aerobics, as they have decent protein, calcium, calories to supply for the eating back exercise calories, etc. If you're going to fast food joints, look up the calories on the sizes... Some of them aren't so bad, as long as you're working for them. That being said, practically no one needs a large shake, unless they've had oral surgery or something, so scale it back. You CAN work them into your routine, you just have to be honest, and if you didn't do the work today, you don't get to have a milkshake. The work indicated by the "earned calories."

    Good luck.

    Thanks for your response but to tell me that I am not stressed isn't right. You really have no idea what my life is like you are on the other side of a computer screen. Now that I am finally admitting to my self I am stressed and I have to much on my plate right now really who are you to tell me I'm not stressed. I have talked to my wife about this who has her masters in psychology and just because you make a conscious decision to do something does not mean it isn't compulsive. When people compulsively do something it doesn't mean they are on auto pilot all the time. It means they have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms and that is what I am trying to figure out how to fix. My wife suggested the self talking but sometimes I cant talk myself out of it.

    Thanks for your input but I disagree. As far as acclimating to having kids you sound like someone who doesn't have kids. I knew everything about parenting before I had kids too. I know it is going to get easier as they grow and I love every moment with them but right now it is tough! I am just trying to figure out how to fix things I need to fix.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I'm a daddy of two wonderful boys (4 y.o. and the other is 20 months) and they are awesome...but definitely a handful and demand a lot of daddy's attention. I also have a pretty stressful job (CFO) and an hour commute each way from work. I used to be on edge pretty much all of the time...I was a 2-3 PAD smoker, big time eater, and pretty heavy drinker to boot.

    In this RE, exercise really changed my life. When I started exercising regularly, it just made the stress a lot easier to deal with and I found myself a lot less on edge and with more boot, my mind was more clear and I was accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

    I started out pretty much using some of my lunch hour for walking...then I incorporated some running...then I joined a gym to start lifting weights a few days per week (twice in the evening during the work week...and thank God my wife is on board with me being healthier because she takes the kids those two nights...and then early morning on a Sat or Sun). Now I ride my bike a few days per week as I find it more relaxing than running and enjoy it more and still get in some good exercise and I lift 3x weekly. I also am responsible for getting a Wellness Program implemented at my office where everyone gets 1/2 hour per day to do exercise if they sign up for the program.

    I've completely turned my life around this last year and a half...I've lost 40 Lbs and I'm as strong (if not stronger) than I was in my early 20s and definitely more fit in general. I take part in a couple of cycling endurance events during the year as well as race cyclocross in the fall. I haven't had a cigarette since Sept 20, 2012 and I've cut back considerably on my consumption of bourbon. I feel great and I look great...and most of that has been attributable to getting some good nutrition and making some time for regular exercise. I spend about 5-6 hours per week exercising.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I'm a daddy of two wonderful boys (4 y.o. and the other is 20 months) and they are awesome...but definitely a handful and demand a lot of daddy's attention. I also have a pretty stressful job (CFO) and an hour commute each way from work. I used to be on edge pretty much all of the time...I was a 2-3 PAD smoker, big time eater, and pretty heavy drinker to boot.

    In this RE, exercise really changed my life. When I started exercising regularly, it just made the stress a lot easier to deal with and I found myself a lot less on edge and with more boot, my mind was more clear and I was accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

    I started out pretty much using some of my lunch hour for walking...then I incorporated some running...then I joined a gym to start lifting weights a few days per week (twice in the evening during the work week...and thank God my wife is on board with me being healthier because she takes the kids those two nights...and then early morning on a Sat or Sun). Now I ride my bike a few days per week as I find it more relaxing than running and enjoy it more and still get in some good exercise and I lift 3x weekly. I also am responsible for getting a Wellness Program implemented at my office where everyone gets 1/2 hour per day to do exercise if they sign up for the program.

    I've completely turned my life around this last year and a half...I've lost 40 Lbs and I'm as strong (if not stronger) than I was in my early 20s and definitely more fit in general. I take part in a couple of cycling endurance events during the year as well as race cyclocross in the fall. I haven't had a cigarette since Sept 20, 2012 and I've cut back considerably on my consumption of bourbon. I feel great and I look great...and most of that has been attributable to getting some good nutrition and making some time for regular exercise. I spend about 5-6 hours per week exercising.

    Sounds like our life is very similar. To be honest nothing, I do nothing for exercise! I never have the time. I think I need to make the time. I used to ride road bike (now hanging in my garage) I used to be a gym rat but now can seem to find the energy to get up in the morning. I have a mountian bike that I am going to pull out when the snow goes away. But I think The answer is getting my butt to the gym tired or not.

    So I am going to star the Gym tomorrow I am sure that is going to reduce my stress it always has in the past.
  • RacquetChick
    RacquetChick Posts: 164 Member
    I get out of the house. If possible take the kids to a park or just get out. I have to get away from the food. If I find myself in a downward spiral I try to eat stuff that isn't a diet killer but I admit there are days when I empty a bag of cookies myself. I end up telling myself that eating isn't going to solve the problem and then try to find something else to do.

    Really, eating isn't going to take the stress away. After doing this for a few years I am now realizing that but I still wish food could make me feel better!
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Try to get away from the stress. That's what helped me
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    Stress is different for everyone.

    I have two teenagers, and I can say that when my children were small (they are now 15 and 18) it was the most stressful time of my life.

    So I totally get where you are coming from. It is very difficult to deal with your own needs when you are expending so much energy dealing with the needs of others -- not only your children, but your job, too. I worked the whole time they were small and it was hard.

    But the first step is that you've recognized the problem and want to change it. Now you just have to implement strategies to help you eat better and deal with stress when it happens.

    Can you and your wife come up with a plan for each of you to have some "me time" every day? One of you take the kids for a certain amount of time so the other can, say, talk a walk to get some exercise and burn off some stress? Is that an option?

    I found that getting some exercise, just a walk, was a lot of help when my kids were small. Does your wife have the option of doing this during the day maybe?

    Also you can have a "treat" but it would be good if you decide on some "treats" that you can fit into your calorie needs for the day. Instead of a milsshake, maybe some healthy frozen yogurt (there are some lower cal ones out there that are portion controlled) or something else.

    What kind of foods would help you feel like "I'm having a treat that I enjoy" without destroying your calorie goals for the day? You need to consider some options and then have them on hand for when you want something. there are lots of suggestoins on this site.

    It takes some planning, but you can do it!!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I'm a daddy of two wonderful boys (4 y.o. and the other is 20 months) and they are awesome...but definitely a handful and demand a lot of daddy's attention. I also have a pretty stressful job (CFO) and an hour commute each way from work. I used to be on edge pretty much all of the time...I was a 2-3 PAD smoker, big time eater, and pretty heavy drinker to boot.

    In this RE, exercise really changed my life. When I started exercising regularly, it just made the stress a lot easier to deal with and I found myself a lot less on edge and with more boot, my mind was more clear and I was accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

    I started out pretty much using some of my lunch hour for walking...then I incorporated some running...then I joined a gym to start lifting weights a few days per week (twice in the evening during the work week...and thank God my wife is on board with me being healthier because she takes the kids those two nights...and then early morning on a Sat or Sun). Now I ride my bike a few days per week as I find it more relaxing than running and enjoy it more and still get in some good exercise and I lift 3x weekly. I also am responsible for getting a Wellness Program implemented at my office where everyone gets 1/2 hour per day to do exercise if they sign up for the program.

    I've completely turned my life around this last year and a half...I've lost 40 Lbs and I'm as strong (if not stronger) than I was in my early 20s and definitely more fit in general. I take part in a couple of cycling endurance events during the year as well as race cyclocross in the fall. I haven't had a cigarette since Sept 20, 2012 and I've cut back considerably on my consumption of bourbon. I feel great and I look great...and most of that has been attributable to getting some good nutrition and making some time for regular exercise. I spend about 5-6 hours per week exercising.

    Sounds like our life is very similar. To be honest nothing, I do nothing for exercise! I never have the time. I think I need to make the time. I used to ride road bike (now hanging in my garage) I used to be a gym rat but now can seem to find the energy to get up in the morning. I have a mountian bike that I am going to pull out when the snow goes away. But I think The answer is getting my butt to the gym tired or not.

    So I am going to star the Gym tomorrow I am sure that is going to reduce my stress it always has in the past.

    Just a quick add...

    Its great that you have decided to get to the gym every morning, but you really don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. There are tons of youtube videos/websites like fitnessblender, dailyburn etc which has all levels of workouts for any length of time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I'm a daddy of two wonderful boys (4 y.o. and the other is 20 months) and they are awesome...but definitely a handful and demand a lot of daddy's attention. I also have a pretty stressful job (CFO) and an hour commute each way from work. I used to be on edge pretty much all of the time...I was a 2-3 PAD smoker, big time eater, and pretty heavy drinker to boot.

    In this RE, exercise really changed my life. When I started exercising regularly, it just made the stress a lot easier to deal with and I found myself a lot less on edge and with more boot, my mind was more clear and I was accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

    I started out pretty much using some of my lunch hour for walking...then I incorporated some running...then I joined a gym to start lifting weights a few days per week (twice in the evening during the work week...and thank God my wife is on board with me being healthier because she takes the kids those two nights...and then early morning on a Sat or Sun). Now I ride my bike a few days per week as I find it more relaxing than running and enjoy it more and still get in some good exercise and I lift 3x weekly. I also am responsible for getting a Wellness Program implemented at my office where everyone gets 1/2 hour per day to do exercise if they sign up for the program.

    I've completely turned my life around this last year and a half...I've lost 40 Lbs and I'm as strong (if not stronger) than I was in my early 20s and definitely more fit in general. I take part in a couple of cycling endurance events during the year as well as race cyclocross in the fall. I haven't had a cigarette since Sept 20, 2012 and I've cut back considerably on my consumption of bourbon. I feel great and I look great...and most of that has been attributable to getting some good nutrition and making some time for regular exercise. I spend about 5-6 hours per week exercising.

    Sounds like our life is very similar. To be honest nothing, I do nothing for exercise! I never have the time. I think I need to make the time. I used to ride road bike (now hanging in my garage) I used to be a gym rat but now can seem to find the energy to get up in the morning. I have a mountian bike that I am going to pull out when the snow goes away. But I think The answer is getting my butt to the gym tired or not.

    So I am going to star the Gym tomorrow I am sure that is going to reduce my stress it always has in the past.

    It helps a lot...initially, I found it pretty exhausting and was just like this other thing that I had to do...which seemed to me at the time to be the last thing I needed...i already had enough on my plate. I don't think it was more than a month or so later though and I was like, "wow...I'm really starting to feel good here."

    Not so much that the stress is's always's just much more manageable and I ultimately just started having more energy which allowed me to deal with it better I guess. Rather than wanting to explode all of the time, that stress is just kind of a background noise most of the time now.

    I also have to say that I treat my kids a lot better...not that I ever treated them badly, but I just have a lot more energy for them now. Before, quality daddy and kiddo time usually involved something like watching a cartoon or playing a game or something where I could be "relaxed" we get outside to play and ride our bikes or play tag or whatever and my 4 y.o. just got into playing catch. He's also very curious about weight lifting so I'm showing him some stuff using PVC pipe and he thinks he's "Hulkamania" and runs around the house flexing and's very cute.

    ETA: if you think the gym may complicate your life further, I would look into stuff you could do at home. Before I started hitting the gym again, I got into a lot of body weight stuff..I mostly joined the gym because I used to do a lot of Oly lifting and power lifting and I started missing that as I got back into shape...but it is kind of a chore in a way to take that additional time out. I always enjoyed doing my calisthenics early in the morning in the back yard while the sun was coming up in the summer...that was always a really great way to start my day.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    when i have the munchies and i know i dont need to eat, i drink coffee. sometimes we get those yummy flavors for treats and call it dessert lol.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I'm a daddy of two wonderful boys (4 y.o. and the other is 20 months) and they are awesome...but definitely a handful and demand a lot of daddy's attention. I also have a pretty stressful job (CFO) and an hour commute each way from work. I used to be on edge pretty much all of the time...I was a 2-3 PAD smoker, big time eater, and pretty heavy drinker to boot.

    In this RE, exercise really changed my life. When I started exercising regularly, it just made the stress a lot easier to deal with and I found myself a lot less on edge and with more boot, my mind was more clear and I was accomplishing tasks more efficiently.

    I started out pretty much using some of my lunch hour for walking...then I incorporated some running...then I joined a gym to start lifting weights a few days per week (twice in the evening during the work week...and thank God my wife is on board with me being healthier because she takes the kids those two nights...and then early morning on a Sat or Sun). Now I ride my bike a few days per week as I find it more relaxing than running and enjoy it more and still get in some good exercise and I lift 3x weekly. I also am responsible for getting a Wellness Program implemented at my office where everyone gets 1/2 hour per day to do exercise if they sign up for the program.

    I've completely turned my life around this last year and a half...I've lost 40 Lbs and I'm as strong (if not stronger) than I was in my early 20s and definitely more fit in general. I take part in a couple of cycling endurance events during the year as well as race cyclocross in the fall. I haven't had a cigarette since Sept 20, 2012 and I've cut back considerably on my consumption of bourbon. I feel great and I look great...and most of that has been attributable to getting some good nutrition and making some time for regular exercise. I spend about 5-6 hours per week exercising.

    Sounds like our life is very similar. To be honest nothing, I do nothing for exercise! I never have the time. I think I need to make the time. I used to ride road bike (now hanging in my garage) I used to be a gym rat but now can seem to find the energy to get up in the morning. I have a mountian bike that I am going to pull out when the snow goes away. But I think The answer is getting my butt to the gym tired or not.

    So I am going to star the Gym tomorrow I am sure that is going to reduce my stress it always has in the past.

    Just a quick add...

    Its great that you have decided to get to the gym every morning, but you really don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. There are tons of youtube videos/websites like fitnessblender, dailyburn etc which has all levels of workouts for any length of time.

    Work outs at home don't work cause it is still snowy hear and as soon as I am up the kids are up. They have some super power that knows when I am up :)
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Stress is different for everyone.

    I have two teenagers, and I can say that when my children were small (they are now 15 and 18) it was the most stressful time of my life.

    So I totally get where you are coming from. It is very difficult to deal with your own needs when you are expending so much energy dealing with the needs of others -- not only your children, but your job, too. I worked the whole time they were small and it was hard.

    But the first step is that you've recognized the problem and want to change it. Now you just have to implement strategies to help you eat better and deal with stress when it happens.

    Can you and your wife come up with a plan for each of you to have some "me time" every day? One of you take the kids for a certain amount of time so the other can, say, talk a walk to get some exercise and burn off some stress? Is that an option?

    I found that getting some exercise, just a walk, was a lot of help when my kids were small. Does your wife have the option of doing this during the day maybe?

    Also you can have a "treat" but it would be good if you decide on some "treats" that you can fit into your calorie needs for the day. Instead of a milsshake, maybe some healthy frozen yogurt (there are some lower cal ones out there that are portion controlled) or something else.

    What kind of foods would help you feel like "I'm having a treat that I enjoy" without destroying your calorie goals for the day? You need to consider some options and then have them on hand for when you want something. there are lots of suggestoins on this site.

    It takes some planning, but you can do it!!

    All good advice. I try to make sure my wife gets out on her own every so often just to get a cup of coffee or what ever. Friday nights we have been playing raquet ball we leave our kids at the ymca babysitting for an hour. That is our "date night" right now, romantic I know lol. The time I have free I am serving others with different groups. I lead a "growth group" at church. I know its ironic but I also lead a few "support" type groups. now I need a support group lol. but seriously those times really get my blood pumping and really center me on the important things.
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    Wow...great discusion here.

    Again, thanks for your service to our country. Also, kudos -- from what you've said you sound like a great husband and great father.

    I'm also a self-diagosed stress eater. I don't have kids, my commute from work and home is 30 minutes each way and I'm not in the middle of any remodeling projects right now. But I have a semi-stressful job and have outside personal/family commitments that make for days where I'm away from home at least 14 hours a day most weekdays. When a fire pops up either at home or work, I turn to food for that quick fix. The saltier/swetter/more decadent, the better. It doesn't help that I work somewhere with dozens of vending machines and multiple food venues, all within a five minute walk from my office.

    It's so easy for you or anyone to say, "I need to make time to ______". But we also need to own up to the choices we make (which you've done in your postings) in the time we already have. Food-wise, in terms of snacks at home or work, what do you have more of: junk food or nuts/veggies? Do you only wait until you're hungry to put some food in your mouth? How about a lite mid-morning/mid-afternoon snack?

    I'm still a stress eater and I still make poor choices every now and then. But given my issues with my weight over the last year or so, I find myself thinking of my waistline and my wallet before I turn to that much desired "quick fix".

    Good luck!
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Wow...great discusion here.

    Again, thanks for your service to our country. Also, kudos -- from what you've said you sound like a great husband and great father.

    I'm also a self-diagosed stress eater. I don't have kids, my commute from work and home is 30 minutes each way and I'm not in the middle of any remodeling projects right now. But I have a semi-stressful job and have outside personal/family commitments that make for days where I'm away from home at least 14 hours a day most weekdays. When a fire pops up either at home or work, I turn to food for that quick fix. The saltier/swetter/more decadent, the better. It doesn't help that I work somewhere with dozens of vending machines and multiple food venues, all within a five minute walk from my office.

    It's so easy for you or anyone to say, "I need to make time to ______". But we also need to own up to the choices we make (which you've done in your postings) in the time we already have. Food-wise, in terms of snacks at home or work, what do you have more of: junk food or nuts/veggies? Do you only wait until you're hungry to put some food in your mouth? How about a lite mid-morning/mid-afternoon snack?

    I'm still a stress eater and I still make poor choices every now and then. But given my issues with my weight over the last year or so, I find myself thinking of my waistline and my wallet before I turn to that much desired "quick fix".

    Good luck!

    Thank you for the compliments, I am not much of a snacker I am more of a I am stressed I am going to have this bad thing for dinner or lunch as a "reward" for my hard work. The ice cream is really my only dessert that I like I am not much of sweets person. The going out for ice cream is less of an occurrence than eating a really bad meal. I find myself going out for lunch wasting money when I have a perfectly good lunch in the fridge at work.

    I feel your pain with the vending machine thing though those are tough.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    You need to stop using your kids as excuses.

    You are their father. If you need 30 minutes to do your work out, you set boundaries that they are to entertain themselves and not bother you while you have your time.

    If you get up early and the kids get up too, take them for a bike ride, to the park and play soccer or tag with them.

    Treats do not have to be food. If you feel you 'deserve' a reward for a tough day, you could reward yourself and your wife with mutual massages, a little grown up play time, a hot bath.... so many options.
  • Wow! Now that is some great advice... No more smacking yourself for falling off. At least you realize you are an emotional/stress eater and admission is half the battle. Doing something about it is the other half. Its like being in an abusive marriage; you know you are being abused but you make a choice to stay or get out. Same with this food battle; we know we are eating because we are emotional or bored or stressed. We can choose to eat to relieve the stress or get out AND WALK! We wont always be successful but we can certainly put forth a concerted effort! Thanks for the good words of wisdom!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I'm definitely a stress eater; what has helped me enormously is my stationary bike! At night, when my usual urge to binge occurs, I put the bike in front of my computer (I don't have a TV), and watch concerts, because the music gets me going, and I can do 25 miles before I even realize it's happened. I didn't even think I'd like the stationary bike, but using it this way has been fantastic. I make a deal with myself; I give myself permission to splurge on some goodies, but when I decide to do that, I commit to riding the bike in the evening. It always burns more than enough calories to justify my little binge.
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member

    All good advice. I try to make sure my wife gets out on her own every so often just to get a cup of coffee or what ever. Friday nights we have been playing raquet ball we leave our kids at the ymca babysitting for an hour. That is our "date night" right now, romantic I know lol. The time I have free I am serving others with different groups. I lead a "growth group" at church. I know its ironic but I also lead a few "support" type groups. now I need a support group lol. but seriously those times really get my blood pumping and really center me on the important things.

    The raquetball sounds great. And it sounds like you're doing a lot more than just work and raise kids, which is a daunting challenge just with that.

    Just make sure you are doing some things for yourself, too. You need to take care of YOU too. Your family needs you. :)
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks for the advice all. BTW anyone can feel free to friend request me just add a little note when you do. You can help keep me on track as I start my new exercise program. I will be posting daily activity.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    If you stress eat, try to choose food that aren't as high in calories - instead of a milk shake choose Chocolate soy milk or Vanilla almond milk and make a smoothie - It may not give you that kick of refined sugar but it will satisfy you and it wont cause you to go overboard in calories !

    When you come home at night, hug and squeeze each one of your kids when you come in the door -( in your work clothes) - give them a 'sand timer' and tell them that when all the sand is gone (whether that's 3 or 5 minutes) you will be there to play with them.

    You NEED a few minutes to change and settle in right ;) and your kids NEED to respect that, as excited as they are that you are home. This will help de-stress after the long drive... also, I know I feel stressed on a long drive (especially after work if I am hungry), its good to have munchies in the car! IE> Carrot sticks, protein bar, grapes, healthy foods such as these will help make sure that no stress Is coming from being hungry coming through the door and it will keep dinner from being the only thought when you get home.

    Its great that you and your wife spend a bit of time together each night... what are you doing on the weekends??> I would suggest a date night every weekend if you can manage that - Also, how much are you exercising? As crazy busy as you are, if you can fit a half hour for exercise in SOMEWHERE each day, it will be so beneficial!

    Even if you only have a half hour lunch break but you can take 15 minutes of that to walk, it will help.

    Congrats on your weight loss, I hope some of these suggestions will work for you