This is not something that some people don't like to hear and we are hearing it again and again. For the large percentage of people who do like to hear it, here it is from HARVARD HEALTH.

LESS ABOUT QUANTITY... more about quality.


Joanne Moniz
The Skinny on Obesity


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Why start another thread? Why not just join the 20 other threads having a pointless argument?
  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    Yay!!! It's Friday!!! Time to play with my trol.... I mean dolls.....
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Did you read your article?

    "Researchers did not discount the importance of calories, instead suggesting that choosing high-quality foods (and decreasing consumption of lower-quality foods) is an important factor in helping individuals consume fewer calories. (23)"
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So in for this one...so lets get going

    did you read the article...this is in the first lines...

    The strongest evidence to date shows that calories matter, but focusing on food quality is an equally important part of preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss.
    •Focus on eating high-quality foods[] in appropriately sized portions.[/b]

    and then the 2nd paragraphs
    “A calorie is a calorie” is an oft-repeated dietary slogan, and not overeating is indeed an important health measure. Rather than focusing on calories alone, however, emerging research shows that quality is also key in determining what we should eat and what we should avoid in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Rather than choosing foods based only on caloric value, think instead about choosing high-quality, healthy foods, and minimizing low-quality foods.

    And then
    •Researchers did not discount the importance of calories, instead suggesting that choosing high-quality foods (and decreasing consumption of lower-quality foods) is an important factor in helping individuals consume fewer calories

    and last but not least
    The results from these three studies suggest that there may be some benefits to a macronutrient-based dietary approach, but research also shows that while a particular diet may result in weight loss for one person, it may not be effective for another person due to individual differences in genes and lifestyle. For those seeking the “perfect” one-size-fits-all diet, then, there isn’t one! The great news is that everyone can follow The Healthy Eating Plate guidelines and choose healthy, flavorful foods to create a diet that works best for you.

    Thanks Joanne for once again proving calories do matter for weight loss and that macros are important for health...

    I know that wasn't the intent but eh it works...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I think you ought to read the articles you link, The very opening pinned bullets reads:

    * Dietary guidelines have changed over the years as research becomes more accurate in determining what we should eat to attain optimal health and weight. The strongest evidence to date shows that calories matter, but focusing on food quality is an equally important part of preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss.

    * Focus on eating high-quality foods in appropriately sized portions.

    and this:

    “ A calorie is a calorie” is an oft-repeated dietary slogan, and not overeating is indeed an important health measure. Rather than focusing on calories alone, however, emerging research shows that quality is also key in determining what we should eat and what we should avoid in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Rather than choosing foods based only on caloric value, think instead about choosing high-quality, healthy foods, and minimizing low-quality foods.

    Just quoting this again: The strongest evidence shows that "CALORIES MATTER", and I don't think you will find to many other successful people on this site that won't disagree that Macro's are important in the overall equation for optimal success.

    Nice try though...... Best of Luck
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,991 Member
    My DUCATI is not a DUCATI
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Why do people keep making this same thread instead of just doing a search? Of course no one wants to hear it. We've heard it a zillion times already.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Why do people keep making this same thread instead of just doing a search? Of course no one wants to hear it. We've heard it a zillion times already.

    Because they believe that their way is the only way.

    You have to understand this OP believes that sugar is the devil and you should eliminate all sugars from your diet along with any prepackaged processed foods.

    Someone who "believes" that the only way to lose weight is to eat "whole" foods, "clean" foods...

    And will argue over and over again to prove her point...

    A right fighter...

    who isn't right she just hasn't realized it yet.

    If she lost weight her way great but that doesn't mean all others "have" to follow her path...and most wont...some may fall into it for a bit but then they realize they don't have to "punish" themselves and give up foods they love.

    ETA: I liken it to a form of self punishment...giving up foods you love as some sort of punishment for gaining weight...not on a conscious level but more of a subconscious thing...
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    For weight loss: calories in < calories out

    For body composition: get enough protein and lift heavy

    For overall health: get enough micronutrients

    For your sanity: don't eliminate a whole group of foods for no medical reason
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I just don't understand these threads.
    A calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1° C.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    OP has previously advised noobs on here NOT to count calories because "calorie counting doesn't work".

    i thought that was rather curious advice to give someone on a calorie counting website. :huh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Money is not Money. It's how you spend it that counts . . .
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Why do people keep making this same thread instead of just doing a search? Of course no one wants to hear it. We've heard it a zillion times already.

    Because they believe that their way is the only way.

    You have to understand this OP believes that sugar is the devil and you should eliminate all sugars from your diet along with any prepackaged processed foods.

    Someone who "believes" that the only way to lose weight is to eat "whole" foods, "clean" foods...

    And will argue over and over again to prove her point...

    A right fighter...

    who isn't right she just hasn't realized it yet.

    If she lost weight her way great but that doesn't mean all others "have" to follow her path...and most wont...some may fall into it for a bit but then they realize they don't have to "punish" themselves and give up foods they love.

    ETA: I liken it to a form of self punishment...giving up foods you love as some sort of punishment for gaining weight...not on a conscious level but more of a subconscious thing...

    Every time someone asks me to share "my secret" on how I am losing weight when they still see me eating pizza, burgers or the occasional dessert, they refuse to accept my answer and proceed to follow a series of frustrating fad diets. To each his or her own, but why ask me in the first place? I know what you mean.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member


    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    I just don't understand these threads.
    A calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1° C.

    Yeah, in this universe. But in the Zog universe, physics might be different. Pressures could change like the sun rises in our little section of this universe. And then the calorie could indeed vary. And I did that with only minimal mind-altering drugs. Yeah, me!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Why do people keep making this same thread instead of just doing a search? Of course no one wants to hear it. We've heard it a zillion times already.

    Because they believe that their way is the only way.

    You have to understand this OP believes that sugar is the devil and you should eliminate all sugars from your diet along with any prepackaged processed foods.

    Someone who "believes" that the only way to lose weight is to eat "whole" foods, "clean" foods...

    And will argue over and over again to prove her point...

    A right fighter...

    who isn't right she just hasn't realized it yet.

    If she lost weight her way great but that doesn't mean all others "have" to follow her path...and most wont...some may fall into it for a bit but then they realize they don't have to "punish" themselves and give up foods they love.

    ETA: I liken it to a form of self punishment...giving up foods you love as some sort of punishment for gaining weight...not on a conscious level but more of a subconscious thing...

    it's zealotry.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Why do people keep making this same thread instead of just doing a search? Of course no one wants to hear it. We've heard it a zillion times already.

    Because they believe that their way is the only way.

    You have to understand this OP believes that sugar is the devil and you should eliminate all sugars from your diet along with any prepackaged processed foods.

    Someone who "believes" that the only way to lose weight is to eat "whole" foods, "clean" foods...

    And will argue over and over again to prove her point...

    A right fighter...

    who isn't right she just hasn't realized it yet.

    If she lost weight her way great but that doesn't mean all others "have" to follow her path...and most wont...some may fall into it for a bit but then they realize they don't have to "punish" themselves and give up foods they love.

    ETA: I liken it to a form of self punishment...giving up foods you love as some sort of punishment for gaining weight...not on a conscious level but more of a subconscious thing...
