Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • KMC1012
    KMC1012 Posts: 20
    I hate people telling me that Vegan diet isn't healthy. That I'll be weak and sickly. My ex Thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail on a Vegan diet. I don't call that weak and sickly.

    I get this all the time, usually from people who I can out run and lift more than.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Unwanted advice. Or people who want to do it with you and then back out on you....some weight loss buddies. Or people who diet for a week or two lose a few pounds get all braggy then go back to old ways gain all the weight then some back and blame the diet. That annoys me. They have no commitment and gave up but suddenly its the diet that failed. Weight loss pills/wraps/shakes/prepackaged diet food. You might lose some weight...but as soon as you stop them you gain it all back and then some. And these company's that are getting rich off these people who don't know better(or are to lazy to try it the right way) .
  • aworkoutroutine
    aworkoutroutine Posts: 195 Member
    The fact that most people who aren't losing excess fat are eating too many calories above their basal metabolic rate.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    OMG I have SO many peeves but I would have to say the one that irks me to no end are the friends I have who, when they see me, start with the "oh how did you lose the weight?" "what do you suggest I do?" "can you help me do what you did?" "Oh what gym do you go to so that I can workout with you?" then you tell them and they don't follow through and just go about their pathetic lives munching on chicken fingers and loaded fries sucking down beers!!! and then they post on their FB walls about woe is me's and how fat they are and how they need to get to a gym and need to get healther but they don't!!!
    I would say THIS has got to be the worst!!!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    A few of my top pet peeves

    1. People making losing weight more difficult than it is, eat less move more pretty basic.

    2. The need some have to punish themselves by over restricting, making them and everyone near them miserable

    3. Demonizing food groups - learn portion control and moderation (helps with not being so miserable)

    4. Dr Oz and all the fad pills, diets etc... keep your money and eat at a deficit.. but if you really want to throw away your money you can send it to me

    5. People that ask for help, you give advice, they get mad.... well you know how that plays out
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!

    I am guilty of posting my new weight on my weigh in days. Or if I did really good that day I might post something like " stayed under my calorie goal/reached my calorie burned goal" but I have a few cousins doing it and my best friend too and I have people I know asking me once in a while how I'm doing. So I find it easier to post it on facebook then text/ call/ message every one lol. But that's no where near all I post about(honestly its about 90% about my toddler...yeah I'm one of those moms lol) the post of peoples meals does annoy me. No one really cares lol. I think if its only once in a while its cool. But people who do it daily....they just want attention lol

    The meals are never cool, I ment the updates on your goals reached or that kinda thing. Maybe I'm biased because that's what I do. But as I said that's not close to all I post lol
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    People saying "You lost a lot of weight. Were you trying?" No I lost 50 lbs by total accident. It's such a weird thing to say! I don't get it.
  • FreeSpirit1992
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    Oh, how my fiancé would disagree with you on this one.
    I also hate when women say they don't want to do strength training because they don't want to be "muscular." What a huge misconception! Women don't have the testosterone needed to bulk up like men. On a similar note, I hate that age-old logic that you do heavy weights, low reps to bulk up and light weight, high reps to "tone." Not true. Men who lift heavy bulk up; women who lift heavy "tone up."

    And my triceps disagree with you here.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Coworkers and friends who are constantly trying to lose weight or "eating healthy" but clearing 1000 calories just for lunch and rewarding themselves with several chocolates or cokes a week. "Oh but I had a salad!" ...A half punchbowl sized salad with fried chicken strips, creamy dressing, cheddar cheese and nuts. "I don't understand why you're losing weight and I'm not, I eat healthy, too!"

    "Clean eating"

    People here who assume I don't weigh my solids because I don't have time to search for the absolutely perfect-est looking perfect entry that matches my food. If the calories and macros match the apple I weighed, that's the entry I use. I've had people pipe up and tell me I'm eating more than I think in threads where I didn't ask for advice. I have lost on average 1.6 lbs per week for the past 12 weeks. I think I know what I'm doing. I understand that a lot of people who aren't losing weight are incorrectly logging, and that it has to be brought up to them, but this happens to me when I didn't ask for advice.

    Mentioned before, but: First post: "I need to loose weight. How long will it take me to loose 50 lbs???" A long time. The answer is much a longer period of time than you want to hear. Just keep logging food. Be patient, and learn spelling.

    Starvation mode, specifically people telling others to eat more when they aren't losing weight.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member

    Starvation mode, specifically people telling others to eat more when they aren't losing weight.

    Yes! People had me so terrified of starvation mode! I ended up looking it up. I no its not good but there has been a busy day or two that I've only eaten once and it was just hardly enough calories. I basically forced myself to eat more because I thought I HAD to. Normaly I take in my 1600-1800 calories with in the course of my 18 hour days. But once in a while **** happens ya know? Now that I understand what it really is I don't feel so freaked out lol
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    "I don't sugar coat *kitten*'s not all unicorns farting rainbows/fairy dust." Etc.

    There are dozens, no hundreds, of experienced MFPers capable of giving out sound, science based, compassionate, educated advice without being obnoxious, rude, critical or judgemental. But when some are, in fact, obnoxious, rude, critical, judgemental and sometimes downright offensive, they wheel out this tired, overused excuse. Being "blunt" and "telling it like it is" is fine if you never learnt/can't be ar$ed to adopt the art of diplomacy or develop the gift of empathy, but don't defend it by using that smug, pre-school unicorn analogy. If you really don't care about how others interpret or react to what you have to say, why bother to justify it at all? Why do you even need to roll out the unicorn????

    Other than that, my gears don't often grind. Just the farting unicorn thing.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'd rather people BE blunt and tell it like it is. The "Oh poor baby" and " You walked1 block? Wow, amazing, way to go" approach is useless and patronizing. IMHO.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    When the banner ad on MFP is for junk food.

    There's ads on MFP? I've never seen any. You do know there are ways to enjoy the internet ad free, don't you?

    Please enlighten us.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'd rather people BE blunt and tell it like it is. The "Oh poor baby" and " You walked1 block? Wow, amazing, way to go" approach is useless and patronizing. IMHO.

    I agree 99.9%...the other 0.01% it can be hard not to get snarky...I mean down right in your face snarky.

    I have at times went to reply to a post, where someone has been imo blatantly rude to me when all I am offering is what I hope is helpful advice (or another poster in the thread has been rude) , and I type it out and don't hit post. So that snark can be avoided if you so choose.

    The only time I hit post is if the thread has gone so far down the rabbit hole that it's too far gone and then it's typically a gif...
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Some of my pet peeves have already been mentioned in the thread already but I'm going to repeat them just because they are so bloody annoying.

    I hate:

    - When someone criticises anyone else's body size or shape (either current or ideal). That includes crap like "fit is the new skinny", which is just another way of telling women they can never be good enough.

    - When people body shame under the guise of being "concerned". Not your body? Not your business.

    - Anyone who thinks that fat people being happy with who they are is "glorifying obesity".

    - When someone thinks anorexic = skinny. Or that skinny = anorexic.

    - When people get into arguments about whether or not a thread is too argumentative.

    - When people make grossly simplistic comments that add nothing and don't provide helpful information. That includes repeating the mantra "calories in versus calories out". Yes, we know that is what it all boils down to. The difficulty is putting that into practice.

    - When people vastly overestimate their exercise burns.

    - When people use buzz-phrases like "this is a lifestyle not a diet",

    - People who advocate excluding whole food groups for non-medical reasons. Or deamonising particular food groups.

    - Mostly everything associated with raw veganism.

    - Anyone using the words "detox", "cleanse" or "toxins".

    - Following fad diets like paleo, low carb, gluten free, clean eating, etc.

    - When people misuse the word "bullying".

    - The belief that weight loss is equivalent to increased health (and vice versa).

    - Recommended portion sizes on packaging. Two crackers is a portion?! You've got to be *kitten* kidding me!

    - When someone complains they "can't possibly force themselves" to eat more than 800-1100 calories per day because they are "so full" and "positively stuffed". Unless you're recovering from a restrictive ED it is actually not possible to be "full" from such a small amount of food. And if you do genuinely feel "full" you might wanna start ignoring your hunger cues and overriding them with some damn common sense.

    - People who write loose instead of lose. Think about it this way. When you lose weight you are getting rid of something. GET RID OF THE SECOND O. When your pants becomes loose they have extra space. EXTRA SPACE TO ADD A SECOND O.

    - Anyone thinking it is appropriate to comment on someone else's body size, weight loss, weight gain or food consumption.

    There are probably others, but that's enough venting for the time being :-)

    and this is why you are awesome :flowerforyou:
  • laura00218
    People saying, "But you don't NEED to workout!" when you're already in shape. Um.... how the hell do you think I GOT in shape?? It wasn't magic, it was HARD WORK! I wake up at 4:30 every morning and bust my *kitten*. And just because I say "no" to pizza and soda doesn't mean I think I'm fat! It means I'm trying to eat healthy and it's not yet my cheat day. Stop being judgmental and be supportive of my lifestyle. This is the exact reason I have never once mentioned anything about fitness on FB. I'd rather not deal with the ridiculous comments.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    People telling me that I have to cut out carbs to lose weight...NO, I DON'T
    I need to do whatever diet I can stick with even after I'm done. If you can live your entire life on just fats or just protein and veggies, that's fine, I can't. I would literally vomit if I did the Ketogenic diet, and I would be starving if I tried Paleo. I don't want to cut any carbs because I *know* that I will not stick to it, leave me alone!! XD
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    "I don't sugar coat *kitten*'s not all unicorns farting rainbows/fairy dust." Etc.

    There are dozens, no hundreds, of experienced MFPers capable of giving out sound, science based, compassionate, educated advice without being obnoxious, rude, critical or judgemental. But when some are, in fact, obnoxious, rude, critical, judgemental and sometimes downright offensive, they wheel out this tired, overused excuse. Being "blunt" and "telling it like it is" is fine if you never learnt/can't be ar$ed to adopt the art of diplomacy or develop the gift of empathy, but don't defend it by using that smug, pre-school unicorn analogy. If you really don't care about how others interpret or react to what you have to say, why bother to justify it at all? Why do you even need to roll out the unicorn????

    Other than that, my gears don't often grind. Just the farting unicorn thing.

    Exactly! All that smart mouth, rude tongue is unnecessary and disrespectful and I think a lot of people hide behind "Im blunt" and "telling it like it is" crap!

    You can "tell it like it is" without being a total A** or B***CH!

    I respond better to people who come at me with some respect. I do not respond well to smart mouthed rude people and all that does is aggravate me and not take anything they say into consideration.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    Fat acceptance. (Don't google it and look at images, I'm warning you.) These people are putting people down for caring about their bodies. It's one thing when you don't care about your weight and look, that's totally fine and acceptable. I don't judge anyone. But where the problem lies is when you start shaming people that are actually trying to be healthy and lose weight.
    Totally this! I just wrote about this very topic on my FB. I get body positive but not fat acceptance. go figure.
  • 1daylate1dollarshort
    People know I've been trying to lose weight. They found out last week. Next time they see me "OH WOW! YOU LOOK GREAT! Have you lost weight?"

    WTF? You did not notice that 1lb I dropped since the last time I saw you. Just stop.

    Sometimes I'm mean and say "No, sadly I've gained five pounds somehow." Hopefully this stops them. Wish I never told anyone.

    People literally begging me to go eat a bunch of food with them. "oh, come on! It's just one day! Have a burger! You're only eating THAT? What's wrong with you?" <---That sucks too. I didn't know that it was going to be personally offensive to some people that I'd want to change the way I eat. Or NOT eat 1500 calories in one sitting all the time.