Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • tryskinni
    tryskinni Posts: 50 Member
    -Opposite to what most of you said, it drives me crazy when people jump down my throat about the word diet. Whatever you call it is semantics. What you do is try to lose weight and no matter what word is describing that, it's hard work, planning, patience, and effort.

    -People who say to me "why are you eating healthy? you're a runner; you can eat whatever you want!"

    -Everything about the HCG diet. Every detail of it drives me flippin batty and makes me want to strangle anyone who buys into it.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I have so many pet peeves it would take a year to list them all but by far the biggest one would have to be "well meaning" people who immediately tell others that the only way to lose weight/get fit/get healthy is the way that they're doing it. Everyone is different and there are many ways to skin a cat so live and let live peeps.

    Oh, and those people who obviously have nothing better to do than troll threads about clean eating, paleo, low carb or whatever and post juvenile gifs of dancing hamburgers. Puleeeze! Grow up!

    And finally - people (mainly body building types) who complain that they need to eat extra 1000 calories that day but can't because they are sooooo full or brag about being able to lose weight by eating 3000 calories of ice-cream and donuts every day then rag out on those of us more unfortunate people who struggle to maintain on 1300. Good for you if you can eat whatever you want, but not everyone has the same metabolism you do. Yes, I'm jealous but it does piss me right off.
  • mailroomclerk
    *Pet Peeves*

    Nutrition - People who live off a Keto diet

    Weight Loss - People with still act like they are fat, not humble, have a chip on their shoulder

    Fitness - People who preach Crossfit too much (or one method if you want to be general about it)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    - The Starvation Mode Myth (as it's commonly understood)

    - The perpetuation of the myth that calling it a "lifestyle change" means you magically have a greater chance of keeping weight off than people who call it a "diet". No matter what vocabulary you use, long term success has abysmal odds for all weight loss methods. Best deal with the reality and drop the semantic fairytales.

    - People who can't tell the difference between excess skin and just plain old fat.

    - Any talk about "needing" to eat meals at a specific time, or a specific number per day.

    - Folks who get mad because you didn't lose weight their special way.

    - People who seriously don't think nutrition matters as long as they're losing weight.

    - The people who just don't seem to comprehend that some people actually, gasp, enjoy vegetables and other big, bad "healthy" food.

    - The extreme ends of the Fat Acceptance movement.

    - Slow losers who scold, reprimand, and lecture those who chose to lose at a faster rate.

    - People who can't grasp that their relationship with food isn't a universal relationship with food.

    - The villainization and ignorance surrounding the entire concept of fasting.

    - When fat people make endless excuses as to why they're fat. I didn't when I was morbidly obese, and I can't abide that tendency in others. I'll have endless respect all day long for anybody who owns their own s**t.

    - Anybody who has dozens of pounds to lose claiming "HELP!!!! I can't eat 1,200 calories!!!". Really? Since when?

    - Moralizing food choices. Shame, guilt, despair, none of these emotions should be associated with food. Ever. I played that game for years, and it was one of the worst mistakes I ever made. Made a choice that didn't necessarily support your goals? Fine. Move on. You aren't a "bad" person for polishing off a half gallon of ice cream. That was your choice, own it, enjoy it, move forward.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    -Low carb
    -Dr. Oz

    Edited to add:

    -Clean eating

    I hate eating low carb, but I have PCOS and am insulin resistant (and formerly prediabetic, but reversed it by ... eating low carb) so it's the only way I can lose weight.
    Having PCOS is my pet peeve. :p

    Beyond that ... all my pet peeves have been covered.
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    They aren't used to eating healthy, filling foods, so when they initially go on a 1200 calorie diet it is a shock. They are used to eating empty calories and that's how they got to be overweight. 1200 calories is filling for a while, but once their body gets used to the fullness of the fiber and protein, they get hungrier and want more calories.
  • emelia_
    emelia_ Posts: 91
    My biggest pet peeve is how little people think I am capable of because of my "skinny" appearance. I am in the gym everyday and working hard and am by no means weak.
  • fourthirty
    fourthirty Posts: 6 Member
    - people who feel the need to post every fitness/weight loss related thing to every social media account they have. I congratulate you for wanting to get healthy, but I don't need to see your "5 lbs lost!" weight watchers app screen shot every week. You can go to the gym without telling the world, I promise!

    - when a friend asks "how did you do it?" and I offer my advice and they come back a week later bragging about how they lost 7 lbs this week from eating 1000 calories. A) I don't want to seem non supportive by saying "it's most likely water weight" and B) No where did I say you need to starve yourself.

    - wraps, # day fix/challenge, pills, shakes... STOP! I will just never understand paying $140/mo to lose weight on something that, IMO, isn't sustainable. Going along with this, people who buy into this stuff make losing weight not seem like as great of a feat as it is/makes it look too easy.

    Reading this post made me feel better knowing I'm not alone with these thoughts!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    This is an incredibly silly one, but it drives me batty when people say they allow themselves to eat "treats" sometimes. "Treats" are what I give my dog and just can't think about human food using that term.

    Another one are those magazine articles that say "You can lose ten pounds by switching to diet soda and parking at the end of the lot!" I can count on one hand the number of real sodas I've had in my entire adult life and I'd rather get a root canal than drive around looking for a closer space. Clearly I have been eating too much of something to gain weight, but that kind of low hanging fruit isn't the be-all-end-all for everyone with a weight problem. It's like they think the fat has eaten a chunk of our brain cells.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'd rather people BE blunt and tell it like it is. The "Oh poor baby" and " You walked1 block? Wow, amazing, way to go" approach is useless and patronizing. IMHO.

    Doesn't mean that you can't be constructive with the feedbackl. Being obnoxious about it is unlikely to elicit a particularly receptive response. As you highlight, bland cotton wool responses don't add value, equally intentionally putting up barriers to communication doesn't add value either. Just makes the contributor feel better about themselves and their superiority.

    Which leads me to a further peeve, over the two I posted last night; one word responses and abbreviations without context. Given the nature of many of the questions that drive these the alphabet soup really isn't going to help the originator of a question actually move forward. Essentially, read the question and answer it in kind.
  • Kelly845
    Kelly845 Posts: 37 Member
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    I agree with all of your post except that part. Looks are preference. What's sexy to you, may not be sexy to the next. Jessica Alba is 100% sexy :) And thigh gap is hot. Keep Calm and Chive on!

    I agree with u for 100%.
    And I get bulky when I lift w/o any steroids. I don't care if people don't believe me. It's the fact and I'm not going to prove it to anyone.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    People who judge me for not eating/ training like they are. If eating organic, non GMO, vegan, low carb, low fat, paleo, grass-fed, 1800 calories, no-MSG, dairy-free, no grain... etc works for you, then all power to you! It shouldn't be shocking that not everyone makes the same choices. I've lost weight and I'm healthy eating the opposite of all of the above, going under 1200 calories on occasion when I don't feel like eating, going over 2500 calories when I feel like eating, exercising the way that fits me, and basically just doing whatever I want - only in moderation and with greater control.

    It may be different for others, but occasional under-eating did not put me in "starvation mode", occasional splurging did not "ruin my diet", and enjoying good old brisk walking over the latest fitness trends does not make me inferior. We probably have different fitness goals, have you considered that possibility?

    TLDNR: Do what works for you and I will do what works for me.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    #1 Being cold all the time.
    #2 Frustrated that healthier food is more expensive than crap (my husband comlains about how much heathy food costs all the time).
    #3 Trying to stay within my calorie goal, but being hungry all the time. My TDEE is 2366 and my calorie goal is 1560. I would like to loose 30lbs and or be under 200lbs. Maybe I need to raise my calorie goal? I always eat back my exercise calories.
    #4 Knowing everything in moderation, but feeling like I am depriving myself. Feeling like I can't eat what my kids want to eat. ( I understand I could eat it, just smaller portions, but that just leaves me hungry).
    #5 I exercise 6-7/wk. at least 1/2hr. but having unrealistic expectations about how quickly the weight can come off.
    #6 Having to measure my food. There used to be a time when I didn't worry about staying within my calories, or only having 15 crackers because that is the serving size. I know I was larger and more unhealthy, but I was maybe a little happier.
    #7 I appoligize for the rant, but not comfortable talking about this to family.
  • twilatillman
    twilatillman Posts: 16 Member
    Articles on weight loss. One article will tell you this food is good for you and then the next day an article says do not eat these foods. It is very confusing.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    weight loss journey.... i always think of a journey as having a final destination, i have no final destination, so do i refer to it as a magical mystery tour

    fat binders...... why? just why? i really don't get this at all, you eat whatever you want, pop a pill, it magically transforms all your fatty food into god knows what (gel covered poop as far as i'm aware) you spend a few hours sitting on the toilet, and then repeat for your next meal, after magically losing x amount of weight, stop buying the pills and hey presto the weight comes back

    weight loss advice from new dieters...... a few of my friends are guilty of this, they lose a couple of pounds and then lecture me on how best to diet, 1, they have been on a diet for at the most a month, 2, they are usually promoting the latest fad, 3, i have been at this for over 3 years now, have lost 90+ lbs, am clearly doing something right, so why do need advice

    slimsipation and slimazing just really get on my nerves

    the new facebook diet (terriann 123 diet) while i appreciate that it is working for lots of people, it doesn't work for everybody, i admit i tried it for 10 days, and was that miserable i ended up crying, if you post a message saying it's just not working for you, you instantly get told your doing it wrong, not drinking enough water, and basically end up feeling stupid! you also get your facebook feed flooded with pics and weight loss reports ok i get it, you've lost 14lbsand 12 inches in 10 days, but declaring that this diet is the best thing ever, and the 14lbs is gone and not coming back after 10 days is unrealistic, start eating normally again and the weight will come back

    telling me i've lost enough and should stop now..... i get this a lot from my "best friend" you look ill, if you lose anymore you will look ill, you should stop now etc etc, i look at beyonce (unfair comparison i no) shes approximately the same height as me, looks (imho) absolutely stunning, i'd literally sell my soul to the devil to look like that and think i'd got a bargain, but...... she weighs around 40lbs less than i currently do, she doesn't look sickly or ill, so why would i, who is still classed as overweight, look ill if i lose a few more pounds, my weight loss goal is the highest i can weigh and still be in the healthy weight range, if she knew my ultimate goal i think her head would explode lol, and i do realise that it does come from her being jealous that i've been successful and she's still very overweight, but still hurts when i get these comments

    dogs like bones, real men prefer curves, so i'm presuming that all the slim/skinny women are dating robots or aliens

    by far my biggest pet peeve though is exercise......people who think they can tone fat into muscle, people who think toning beds are a real workout, people who say i'm doing far to much exercise i'm lucky if i manage 50 mins 5 days, and actually phone my mum to complain about it (i'm 37, haven't lived at home for 16 years and my mum would tell me herself if she thought i was overdoing it) people who tell me i'm mad for doing what i do, i only do jillian michaels, walking, static bike, and occasional running and not all at the same time lol
  • rachaelfisher1
    Clean eaters, and people who post about training/exercising, instead of going out and doing it.

    I don't mind seeing progress photos and videos, but I honestly do no care about people's plan. Do it, and then post about it - not the other way around.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    My biggest pet peeve, like you said, is eating at 1200 calories. Some women eat even less and hang around 900-1100 per day! Very few people actually need to eat 1200 per day to lose 1 lb per week, unless its a little old lady who doesn't move much, or a very short, skinny woman. And even the short, skinny woman probably doesn't even need to lose weight anyway, and should be eating around 1700-1800 per day to maintain.

    I'm a short, petite woman ( but not the shortest ). I'm 113 lbs and 5'3.5". I am still losing on 1500 per day. I do not have much more to lose.
  • sandysophianickels
    sandysophianickels Posts: 3 Member
    I agree one hundred percent. It isn't about being skinny it's about being healthy. We all come in different shapes and sizes. I have a somewhat hour glass figure. God blessed me with child bearing hips so there is nothing I could do about that even if I wanted to. I look like a woman. No matter what your body shape is be happy with it. Eat healthy and the rest will take care of itself. I eat healthy most of the time but if I want a Wendy's burger or something sweet I have it. I know I'm not going to go the rest of my life without having those things. I made the mistake of depriving myself and yes I lost weight but guess what I'm back losing some of it again. I've done this over and over again this time I'm taking my time not punishing myself for not being perfect. If it takes a year to take off this last 11 pounds it takes a year. Be happy with yourself that's the most important thing. Do this for you not because someone has told you to. We can do this!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    People who insist on making weightloss so complicated and try and make it some mystical thing. It's not you need a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight. That's it nothing more
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The cost. Fruits and vegetables and fresh meat are expensive. Junk is cheap. Before anyone tries to tell me otherwise, calculate it calorie for calorie and explain to me why a box of Little Debbie has the caloric equivalent of several steaks, all for $1.15.