A few things no one would guess by your appearance



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    that I am terrified the world will look at me the same way I do

    Oh sweetie. Guees I was the same and still am a little bit but you must believe in how beautiful you really are. We all are other than those jerks that belong in prison. It took my husband a while for me to realise I had to stop feeling that way and accept the positives. If I can change anyone can. Listen to the people you know that really love you........they aren't lying. The others.. we can't be sure about them lol.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    No one ever guesses my age correctly.
    I'm not really very reserved.
    I have a dark sense of humor.
    I also have a dark past.
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    Most people are surprised that I play violin,my back, ribcage and both thighs are fully tattooed, and I have a crippling phobia of wind turbines.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    - that I'm 8 years married (since 21y/o) and that that there was no baby involved.
    - that I play several musical instruments and people say my singing is decent (though I don't like to perform much)
  • serialifter
    serialifter Posts: 791 Member
    That i have Moobs
  • BigBadDougs
    BigBadDougs Posts: 155
    I love classical music and frequent the opera.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    That I have 9 cats and think animals have more to offer than most humans

    New best friend! :drinker:

    My sister and I have plans to convert our parents' property to an animal rescue sanctuary when they pass away. Combined it's 70+ acres...so we have our work cut out for us!
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Many wonder why i am not a model....yes i get that ALOT lately lol

    I am a huge nerd....Anime, Manga, Video Games, Dress Up Conventions,etc

    I was SUPER skinny growing up and ate food like Goku and wouldnt gain a single pound.

    It took some serious dental work to get achieve this smile :-P

    - James
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    These are very fun to read! Lots of surprises.

    I was a straight-A student, spelling bee winner, and in the "gifted" program through grade 8.

    Then I skipped so much school I was almost kicked out, and had a C/D average because I didn't do anything I was supposed to do, except take tests.

    In college I went back to good grades and working hard...even though I didn't attend most of my classes and read MAYBE 10% of the assigned reading in my English classes...as an English/writing major...yep.

    Also, I was 5'6" and 130 lb at age 10. As an adult I'm "only" 5'8" and some of my former elementary teachers see me and say "WOW you are not as tall as I expected". In grade 4 I was taller than most teachers.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I was a straight-A student, spelling bee winner, and in the "gifted" program through grade 8.

    Then I skipped so much school I was almost kicked out, and had a C/D average because I didn't do anything I was supposed to do, except take tests.

    I somehow remained a B student in high school literally without doing anything, though. The feces only hit the fan halfway through undergrad when I nearly got kicked out because of my D average and near-zero attendance (which included skipping a few tests).

    The look on my dad's face when his long-haired, unshaven son told him "Whatever dude, I'll just join the army or something" was truly memorable.
  • therealblackdahlia
    therealblackdahlia Posts: 3,110 Member
    No one would guess that I have two university degrees and a college diploma.
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    That I'm a true old school gentleman. I have tattoos, piercings (including my septum), I wear clothes with skulls, listen to metal (among other type of music), I'm sarcastic and kind of an a***ole at times, yet there's not a single time I wouldn't hold the door for a woman, pull the chair for her, walk on the street side, kind of put my arm around her while crossing the streets, open the car's door for her, and anything of that matters
    :heart: :love: :smooched:
  • aimeef12
    aimeef12 Posts: 70 Member
    im a book worm i love to read i get lost in books and spend most of my free time reading, im also a philanthropists my career is helping people for my township and i am also involved in numerous charity fundraising events and programs
  • HuggyBeahr
    HuggyBeahr Posts: 259
    -I do a lot of charity work
    -I read. A lot
    -I don't do drugs
    -I scored a 1510 on my sat's
    -I am absolutely terrified of spiders
    -I do not watch scary movies
    -I love disco music
    -I am often misunderstood

    ***Also, I have never handed in a homework assignment unless it was a book report, which I very much enjoyed doing.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was a straight-A student, spelling bee winner, and in the "gifted" program through grade 8.

    Then I skipped so much school I was almost kicked out, and had a C/D average because I didn't do anything I was supposed to do, except take tests.

    I somehow remained a B student in high school literally without doing anything, though. The feces only hit the fan halfway through undergrad when I nearly got kicked out because of my D average and near-zero attendance (which included skipping a few tests).

    The look on my dad's face when his long-haired, unshaven son told him "Whatever dude, I'll just join the army or something" was truly memorable.

    My high school average was C/D but my grades were more like A, D, A-, B+, D, D...it varied by class. If there was something of interest to me or the grade was based off tests, I was golden. Otherwise nope! hehe
  • FckUrExcuses
    That i'm actually really into gaming! Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls comes out today btw :) lol
  • DustyMarie506
    - I seem sweet and innocent, but in the right company, I have a mouth like a sailor and a dirty mind to match.
    - I am a serious wanna-be dancer, though I have never had a single lesson.
    - Most people (family included) see me as a quiet teacher/librarian type, but I am a passionate singer/songwriter with superstar dreams.
    - When previously mentioned superstar dreams come true, I have a mental list of people (my haters and people I generally have a severe dislike for) whose lives I plan to make insanely miserable.
  • bloozen
    bloozen Posts: 131
    There's always a 3DS in one of my pockets

    Most of the time my headphones are in I'm actually just listening to a podcast

    I'm currently reading A Feast for Crows

    I'm anticipating the last episode of Kill la Kill
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    I was born in Ecuador, but I am 100% Swedish. I was the tallest student in my entire Jr High school (all 3 years!).

    Some days I like my dogs more than my kids.

    My best friend in the whole world (the guy in my avatar pic) died on the autobahn when we were 25 and I still miss him everyday.